
Bardzo aktywny
16 Czerwiec 2010
GoodSync (Dec 09, 2016 )
* Store Job List and Job Tree widths independently of each other.
* Lob List: Allow reordering of Job List columns, save column coordinates upon reordering.
* Job Tree: the only Name column fills up the entire tab now.
* More and better icons for Job Run States.
* Separate icons for Special Operations (Cleanup/Delete GsData and such) run states.
* Menus: Add 'All' menu item to menu bar, keep command for All Jobs in there.
* Job menu: reorder menu items, raise more often used items higher.
* Box.com: save new refresh_token, different from original refresh_token, when we get access_token.
* Stop/Clear button: show proper caption based on Jon run status.
* Options: Fix Pressing enter during filter editing quits dialogue box.
* Enterprise Runner: report OS, elapsed time, speed, bytes processed to Control Center.
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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013

OneDrive Office365: fix 'Unsupported security token' error.
GSTP Forwarder + Receiver: fix file corruption that may happen when conveyor is enabled.
Fix icon appearance in High DPI and Scaling situations.
Job List: Fix 1st column (status icon) may corrupted on displays with high resolution.
Taskbar Menu: make double-click call up Full Window again.
Fix Sync direction of tree node cannot be changed after Spec-Op such as Compare Files was run.
Job Tree: memorize expanded/collapsed state of all groups between GoodSync runs.
Browse Dialog: improve user interface.

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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013

Runner Service: fix creation of GS Runner Service, it has wrong argument.
Runner Service Setup: fix using wrong user when different Domains have the same User.
Installing RF2Go: fix Access Denied error.
Enterprise Runner: Fix formatting error that caused mis-reporting of job status.
Browse Dialog: better localization, sort Accounts by alphabet.
Account Manager in Browse dialog: Add Delete and Rename buttons, to manage saved Accounts.
Browse Dialog: Remove Refresh button, always use Go button instead.
Browse Dialog: When going back from Server or Tree to Credentials, do not cleanup credentials.
Job List: allow context menu for multi jobs when user selects several jobs in Job List on the Right.
GUI: more high DPI icon and picture fixes.
Fix Wrong context menu item for Exclude/Include by ext.

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Bardzo aktywny
20 Wrzesień 2015
GoodSync 10.3.0

* BackBlaze: Add new BackBlaze file system for
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* Google Drive: Fix JSON parsing error.
* Azure: increase x-ms-version header value to latest API, so that servers like us.
* Amazon CD: fix downloads redirecting to pre-authenticated server and we add our header.
* Encrypted FS: Allow for up to 3 names not to decrypt, before returning error.
* On File Change File Monitoring: Fix 8.3 paths were not properly converted to full paths.
* On File Change Jobs: run Analyze after Sync as a separate transaction, not in sync txn.
* TIC: Store Jobs, Groups, Bookmarks, Accounts in new file jobs-groups-opts.tic.
* TIC: Existing files jobs.tic and account.tic are migrated into jobs-groups-opts.tic.
* TIC: Store a copy of Accounts and Bookmarks in file accounts-bmks.tic as it may be updated by FS.
* TIX: Change export-import long format, so that one export file includes all Jobs, Groups, Bookmarks, Accounts.
* Bookmarks now use Account Manager too, so they fully partake in account info propagation.
* Side Options: Folder Options (Job Side) (such as Encryption) are now stored in Account Manager.
* Side Options: So if Folder Options change in one Job, they are propagated to another Job.
* Program Options: make GUI-related options local only: View Filters, View Logs.
* Save/Load Jobs: Remove option to save/load jobs to/from registry, not used.
* gsync: Read stored Program Options only in non-temp job commands.
* Browse Dialog: Add New Account button, needed for OAuth2 systems to browse to new account.
* Browse Dialog: When Account is selected, show it in Windows Title.
* Browse Dlg: Fix Enter did not result in navigation.
* Explorer: Add Rename command for Bookmarks.
* Explorer: Now can Copy/Paste files to Encrypted file system.
* Open Left/Right Folder + Explorer: Show Encrypted folder in decrypted form.
* Explorer: Fix New Folder not working from context menu.
* GUI High DPI: Fix icon sizing for High DPI displays.
* Browse dialog: fix memorizing/restoring size for High DPI.
* Add job filters pane on main form, toggled by View->Filters, like in GS 9.
* Program Options: Replace Filters pane with a better one.
* Disable Auto and Options buttons on Toolbar only when Job is running.
* Toolbar: better updating, so that buttons are enabled/disabled properly.

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Bardzo aktywny
20 Wrzesień 2015
GoodSync Version 10.3.3 Feb 10, 2017

* Fix Jobs Lost if GoodSync starts GsServer or GsRunner and GoodSync.exe is already elevated.
* Runner Service: Fix Runner was not reading Program Options such as SMTP server.
* Browse Dialog: fixed several UI bugs.
* On Folder Connect: Do not report Terminal Error when GS starts and OFC job has one of folders missing.
* Added context menu for Left/Right Browse buttons: Open Folder, Side Options.
* Open Left/Right File: implement actual open of remote files in GS Explorer.
* Open Left/Right File/Folder: fix open does not work in some cases.
* Add import from TIX file produced by GoodSync ver <= 10.2.6.
* Export: Fix groups not exported, only its jobs, when group is selected.
* Backblaze B2: Cache uploaded file metadata to accelerate GetInfo() after upload.
* Google Drive: Google has error, whereby it sends us listing with missing items.
* Enterprise: Make policies work only with Enterprise license.
* Enterprise: refresh list of policies for new file systems, make sure all policies work.
* Enterprise: Re-add file goodsync.adm to installation, it was missing.
* Enterprise: Re-add reading jobs from registry.
* Improve reporting of Left/Right file system UserID and file system properties.
* UI: New Tables-based Message Boxes that scale well on High DPI.
* Allow Rename of Jobs and Groups where new name differs only by case.

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Bardzo aktywny
20 Wrzesień 2015
GoodSync Version 10.3.4 Feb 10, 2017

* Browse Dialog: Fixed Secure flag was not properly changing URL from http:// to https://
* Browse Dialog: Fixed wrong root in multi-folder when home folder is not root.
* Browse Dialog: When user goes back from Foilders to Account List, select Account and Folder used.
* Browse Dialog: Fixed race condition in New Folder that could lead to errors.
* Browse Dialog: Show Account Name or Key in Help field when it is set.
* Browse Dialog: GSTP: Show only Server Name in Servers, without UserId. or .goodsync.
* Account Manager: always save accounts-bookmarks.tic, nto to miss any automated token changes.
* GoodSync Server Web UI: Do not reveal existing system user password via HTML.
* GUI: Fix crash when AutoLogoff message box is shown before Main GUI is shown.

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Bardzo aktywny
20 Wrzesień 2015
GoodSync Version 10.3.5 Feb 24, 2017

* Dropbox: Switch Dropbox code to new API V2, as API v1 is now deprecated.
* Fix crash when user changes Program Options in pre-elevated GoodSync.
* GSTP Client: do not rearrange connection during session, not to drop good Forwarders.
* GSTP Mediator: fix some bottlenecks that lead to slowdowns in processing.
* GSTP transport: Compress large transaction bodies using GZIP.
* GSTP transport: Add and check Content-MD5 header to all transactions, to ensure integrity.
* GSTP Forwarder: Faster Pipe Forwarder, fix slow connects via Forwarder.
* GSTP Forwarder: Fix possible file corruption when downloading via Pipe Forwarder.
* gsync: add /uN and /kN command line options, to use Account Manager.
* Control Center: initial integration with Account Manager, single Run and Stop commands.

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Bardzo aktywny
16 Czerwiec 2010
GoodSync 10.3.6 (Mar 03, 2017)
* Proxy + Gs-Server: Fix setting Proxy in GS GUI does not propagate to gs-server.
* Azure, GSTP: Fix Content-MD5 errors, use header x-sib-content-md5 for GSTP purposes.
* SFTP: Fix crash when download stops abruptly, as in due to errors on destination.
* Backblaze B2: Use better upload method with SHA-1 checksum at the end.
* Backblaze B2: Fix authorization bug that prevented user from changing Application Key.
* Export Selected Jobs: Add full Accounts from Account Manager to exported TIX file.
* Auto-Install: Do not Install GoodSync if GS GUI is running and this is not a 3AM-5AM local time.
* Auto-Install: Fix sometimes GS desktop shortcuts appear even when this option is turned off.
* UPNP: Force the same External Port on all devices, so that multiple devices do not confuse us.
* UPNP: Handle multiple UPNP devices on the same Local Network.
* UPNP: Change cache file format and name, do full discovery once a day.
* Control Center: Add Run and Stop commands for Job, on a list of Computers.
* Control Center: Add ability to use Account Manager, specify Account by Name or Key.
* Account Manager, Command Line: Introduce Lookup by Account Name in gsync command line.

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Bardzo aktywny
20 Wrzesień 2015
GoodSync 10.3.7 Mar 10, 2017

* Case Rename Folder + Copy ACL: fix folder state not properly copied.
* Interrupted Sync: fix Conflict after interrupted (no state file saved) sync with ACD.
* On File Change + Copy ACL: Make On File Change detect ACL changes on Windows.
* Copy ACL + Delayed Sync: make Copy ACL work correctly, when change was detected on prev sync.
* Azure: Upload files shorter than 8 Mb in one take, using Put Blob transaction.
* Azure: Fix Content-Type was not set in upload.
* Explorer: Fix crash when user goes to Job Bookmark in OneFile file system.
* Explorer: Fix not sorting Connectoids into User Bookmarks and Job Bookmarks.
* Gs-Server: fix rare crashes in UPNP discovery and Web UI.

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Ostatnia edycja:


Bardzo aktywny
16 Czerwiec 2010


Bardzo aktywny
16 Czerwiec 2010
GoodSync 10.3.9 (Mar 20, 2017)
* On File Change: exclude Hidden and System files from changes, if requested by option.
* Windows Azure: use server-side MD5 checksums supplied by server.
* Copy ACL: Copy SACL (including Inherited/Protected), in addition to copying DACL.
* Remove Job Advanced options Compare ACL and Compare ExtAttr, they are implied by Copy options.
* Copy Attributes: change of Attributes is now detected in Analyze.
* Attributes and State file: fix reading attributes form state file, results in fewer CopyState.
* Same Job Sides: do not produce this error for same URLs that belong to different accounts.
* Mirror Folders: use Distinct URL in computing them, it includes Server Account.
* Recycle DB: Add more locking, to fix rare crashes.
* Move Mode + Compare MD5 Checksums: make it work, remove unneeded check.
* Log Viewer: load Server Accounts, so that it can work for OAuth2 file systems.
* Control Center Runner: improve logging of job changes sent it from the server.
* Browse Dialog: remove Servers tab, all Servers are now shown in Folders as 1st level.
* Browse / Explorer + GSTP: Show Server names without .username.goodsync suffix.
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Bardzo aktywny
16 Czerwiec 2010
GoodSync 10.4.0 (Mar 23, 2017)
* Add Compare Attributes option to Advanced Job options, Off by default.
* Restore Compare ACL and Compare ExtAttr options that were removed in 10.3.9.
* Fix Sync Folders are the same error, by correcting Distinct URL computation.
* File Monitoring + Compare Attrs/ACL: Separate these flags in monitoring, as Windows can do them separately.
* Folder Options: move all Local FS options (Compress, FAT-like) from Connection options to Folder options.
* Browse Dialog + Multi-Select: fix problems in Go/Refresh.
* Browse Dialog: Fix auto-switch to Folders from Account for smb:// and gstp:// does not show Folder tree.
* Message Boxes: Make them wider, to 550 pixels.
* Account Manager: Fix Connectoid options do not stick, when changed.
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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
  • Do not Compute MD5 CheckSum to resolve conflicts, as it slows down Analyze too much.
  • Copy Owner: Remove Copy Owner option on Windows, as Copy ACL and Owner covers it.
  • File Owner on Windows: Get/Set it as 'DomainUser Name', not just 'User Name'.
  • Copy Owner, Compare Owner: Add these options on Mac only.
  • File/Folder Properties: Show all properties, including ACL, Owner, ExtAttrHash.
  • When setting CopyTime operation, add comment to sync tree node on what caused it.
  • Fix bugs that prevented correct Attributes Copy on Windows.
  • WebDAV: Add Exponential Backoff on HTTP error 429, which is now returned by some sites.
  • Google Drive: Increase Cache Timeout from 128 to 600 sec, as some cache reads may be slow.
  • Google Drive: Fix rare MIME-type mismatch on small file overwrite uploads.
  • Office365/SharePoint: Fix listing of files/folder with ' in their name.
  • FTP: Increase max parallel thread from 20 to 50, some users want that.
  • Help Hints on mouse-over: show them until mouse-out, not just for 5 sec.
  • Translations: update Polish and Arabic.
  • Control Center: add ServerAccounts table, so that user can his Accounts.
  • Account Manager: Make server map case-insensitive for Account Key.
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Bardzo aktywny
16 Czerwiec 2010
GoodSync 10.4.2 (Apr 21, 2017)
* Google Drive: Switch to new Google Drive Ver 3 API, works faster, better quota management.
* Google Drive: On File Change (File Monitoring) now works for Google Drive side too.
* Change buffer size for most Remote file systems to 5 Mb, thus enabling Dropbox to OneDrive sync.
* Add more checksum types used by servers: MD5, SHA, SHA-1, SHA-256, QuickXorHash, Version GUID.
* BackBlaze B2: Implement large file uploads, do not use checksums, they are not available for large files.
* GSTP Forwarder: speed up reconnects in case of connection errors.
* Options Advanced: Compare Attrs/Owner/ACL: move these to Left/Right side options, from Advanced.
* Options Advanced: Copy Owner, Copy ACL: separate them, as they indeed may be done separately.
* Compare CheckSums side option: compare checksums only when size is the same, but file mod time differs.
* Options Advanced: add option Compare CheckSums of All Files, this compare is done for all files.
* Options Advanced: remove Retry Sync If File Changes options, as retries are already done in On File Change.
* Options Auto: Have only Sync option for all Auto options, no Analyze option.
* GetFileOwner: If we cannot translate SID to Domain\UserName then return SID text form as Owner.
* Time Shifts: do not auto-resolve Left-Right time shifts, do it only for Old-New time shifts.
* SyncLib: Remove operations CopyState_LtoR and CopyState_RtoL, use only symmetric CopyState operation.
* Explorer: Speed up Download and Upload of Files in GSTP, use conveyerization.
* Explorer: now listed as Ver 10, was Ver 9 previously.
* On File Change, File Monitoring: Fix reported crash.
* Unattended Runner: Clear Sync Tree to save memory, when we finish non-On File Change job.
* Analyze Checks: Change Sym Links option to Ignore, if one of file systems does not support links.
* Analyze Checks: turn off Copy Attributes, Copy ACL, Copy Owner, if one of file systems does not support it.
* Upload to Control Center: add Company Admin credentials to Program Options -> Auto.
* Upload to Control Center: add encryption of uploaded accounts option.
* Updated RU, UA, PL localizations.
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