Falkon (QupZilla) - wersje stabilne



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QupZilla to lekka, przyjazna w obsłudze przeglądarka internetowa. Aplikacja jest zbudowana na bazie popularnego silnika WebKit oraz biblioteki Qt. Udostępnia użytkownikowi interfejs zbliżony do innych przeglądarek oraz całkiem niezłą funkcjonalność. Przeglądarka QupZilla wprowadza funkcje standardowo niedostępne w bardziej znanych programach tego typu. Program jest także przystosowany do początkujących użytkowników komputera - polska wersja interfejsu, otwieranie stron na kartach oraz prostota zmiany wyglądu potwierdzają tą tezę.

Główne funkcje przeglądarki:
- wbudowany czytnik kanałów RSS,
- import zakładek z pliku lub ustawień innych przeglądarek internetowych (Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera),
- tryb prywatny,
- dosyć rozbudowany menadżer ciasteczek,
- możliwość podglądu podstawowych informacji o stronie (dane multimedialne, rozmiar, meta tagi, zabezpieczenia, bazy danych),
- szybkie czyszczenie historii przeglądania,
- wsparcie różnych systemów kodowania znaków,
- wbudowany prosty menadżer pobierania plików,
- powiadomienia OSD,
- możliwość tworzenia profili użytkowników,
- obsługa serwerów proxy,
- możliwość zarządzania rozmiarem i innymi ustawieniami pamięci podręcznej,
- dodatki dla webmasterów (analiza: struktury strony, czasu ładowania poszczególnych elementów, działania skryptów, wykonywanych instrukcji),
- menadżer haseł,
- integracja z paskiem zadań (wyświetlanie skrótów do stron internetowych i najczęściej używanych opcji).

Warto wspomnieć o funkcjach, które czynią przeglądarkę bardziej użyteczną. Uwagę zwraca przede wszystkim integracja z dodatkiem AdBlock - pozwala on na skuteczne blokowanie reklam i innych treści na stronach internetowych. Program oferuje również szereg wygodnych pod względem nawigacji rozwiązań. Użytkownik może wykorzystać zalety strony Speed Dial, gromadzącej odnośniki do ulubionych stron. Przydatne będą również gesty myszy, obsługa mechanizmu Drag&Drop i przyjazne skróty klawiaturowe.

Istotną cechą narzędzia jest współdziałanie ze wszystkimi liczącymi się platformami systemowymi - wśród nich znajdują się: Microsoft Windows, Haiku OS oraz różne dystrybucje GNU/Linux (Fedora, Ubuntu, Mandriva, Debian, openSUSE). Producent udostępnia również kod źródłowy.
Źródło: programosy.pl



Slawektor-masz dobrze obcykaną ta przeglądarkę ? Jeśli tak to :

Czy w tej domyślnej szukajce kaczce-można włączyć podpowiedzi wpisywanego tekstu ?
Jak do zrobić w google ? (tradycyjna zmiana ustawień nie przynosi żadnego skutku) jak nie było tak nie ma :dziwak
Z jakiego flasha ona korzysta ?
Czy jest do niej jakiś dodatek w stylu : WOT,BitDefender TrafficLight czy G Data CloudSecurity ?

BTW.Trzeba przyznać,że jest bardzo szybka :ok


Żadnego doświadczenia. Poznaję dopiero.
Zainstalowałem wersję portable. Że DuckDuckGo istnieje dowiedziałem się dopiero od zainstalowania przeglądarki :zawsty temat wygląda ciekawie:

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Też szukam więcej info, bo wygląda jak stary lisek,choć nie tylko, i ma sporo możliwości. Np ta wersja adbloka którą ma w sobie jest leciutka, nie spowalnia przeglądarki. Duże możliwości prywatności.



super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
QupZilla 1.6.0

added support for Proxy Auto-Config (PAC)
added option to open another private window from private window
added option to detach tabs from window
added delete action in edit context menu on page
added possibility to remove EasyList from AdBlock
added inline domain completion to urlbar
added KWallet password backend plugin
added Gnome-Keyring password backend plugin
added StatusBar Icons plugin that adds extra icons to statusbar
added support for POST method in search engines manager
added context menu for translating webpage
added possibility to export bookmarks to html file
great performance improvement for matching basic rules in AdBlock
themes can now be loaded from profile directories
pagescreen can now save output into number of formats, including PDF
proxy exceptions now supports wildcards (*, ?)
cancel upload when trying to upload non-readable files
select previous / next engines with ctrl+up/down in websearchbar
ask user first before closing all but the current tab from tabbar
last 2 sessions are now backuped in profile directory
always show tab previews after a small delay
GreaseMonkey: added icon in statusbar
GreaseMonkey: added support for GM_Settings
GreaseMonkey: fixed userscripts when first loading plugin
GreaseMonkey: run userscripts in all frames on page
oxygen: set rounded corners for tooltips
oxygen: workaround for transparent background of tooltips
X11: Set correct WM_CLASS property to windows
fixed: size of preferences dialog on low-res screens
fixed: loading plugins with relative paths in portable build
fixed: displaying a lot of RSS feeds in RSS widget in locationbar
fixed: enabling disabled rules in AdBlock now works everytime
fixed: parsing OpenSearch files with XML declaration
fixed: don't show urls multiple times in url completer
fixed: drag & drop moving folders under bookmarks toolbar
fixed: files with relative paths can now be opened from command line
fixed: issues with overflowing tabs, it is now possible scroll through all tabs

QupZilla 1.6.1

added option to disable inline completion in locationbar
added option to always switch tabs with mouse wheel
added option to toggle fullscreen with commandline option
added undo/redo context menu actions in editable web elements
speedup loading rules from subscriptions in AdBlock dialog
fixed speed dial with disabled javascript
fixed showing tooltips on tabs when tab previews are disabled
fixed search shortcuts longer than one character in locationbar
fixed building issues on OS X and OS/2
fixed disabling tab previews from preferences
fixed building new Gnome/KDE keyring passwords
fixed building StatusBarIcons plugin on Windows
win: add new jumplist option to open private window

QupZilla 1.6.2

workaround for servers not understanding TLSv1 handshake
tabs on top are now enabled by default
restore session after launch is now enabled by default
don't load tabs until selected is now enabled by default
tab previews are now disabled by default
reworked scrolling with wheel in tabbar
Ctrl+W shortcut no longer closes a pinned tab
fixed: setting DuckDuckGo as default search provider
fixed: issues detected by scan.coverity.com
fixed: showing more default search engines with same name
fixed: incorrect exception rules handling in AdBlock
fixed: flickering when removing tabs from tabbar
fixed: flickering when (un)pinning tabs
fixed: flickering when opening new tabs with sites that loads instantly
fixed: drawing correct mouseouver state for tabs
fixed: drawing tabbar correctly with Oxygen style
fixed: drawing list items with Qt5 Fusion style
fixed: tooltips disappearing on (un)pinning tabs
fixed: incorrectly changing current index when closing tabs in inactive tabbar
fixed: incorrectly showing url in locationbar when load request was not accepted
fixed: always add slash '/' between path and filename when downloading files
fixed: cursor jumping at the start in locationbar
mac: fixed toggle fullscreen action in menu
windows: save application data in %LOCALAPPDATA%

QupZilla 1.6.3

addded new Spanish (Mexico) translation
option to change list of SslV3 forced sites in settings.ini
show error message when downloading AdBlock subscriptions fails

QupZilla 1.6.4

enabled sending DoNotTrack header by default
updated ca-bundle certificates
use same session files with both Qt4 and Qt5
fixed: Click2Flash playing videos on YouTube with Qt5
fixed: hiding close button on current tab when dragging it with Qt5
fixed: double clicking on scroll buttons in tabbar with Qt5
fixed: text visibility in speeddial inputs with dark themes
fixed: getting tab index with rtl layout
fixed: ctrl+up shortcut in websearchbar correctly select first item
fixed: correctly loading translations of all plugins

Windows builds are now using OpenSSL 1.0.1g with fix for Heartbleed Bug.

QupZilla 1.6.5

fixed build issues on Mac
fixed error handling when downloading CA certificates bundle
fixed error handling when downloading AdBlock subscriptions
fixed loading KWalletPasswords plugin

Source tarballs are now compressed using xz.

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QupZilla 1.6.6

added new AutoScroll plugin
added new F12 shortcut for Web Inspector
fixed: correctly switching between tabbars when closing tabs
fixed: draw tabbar base even when there are no tabs in main tabbar
fixed: position of add tab button when there are no tabs in main tabbar
mac: define application category in Info.plist
windows: load font.ttf (if exists) and use it as app font
linux: fixed setting correct paths for portable mode

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Najszybsza przeglądarka jaką w życiu używałem,ma pewne problemy z płynnością i wyświetlaniem ale coś za coś.
Ten zaimpletowany w niej AdBlock...działa obłędnie :yes master ...testowałem na porno stronkach :szydera .


super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
QupZilla 1.6.6

added new AutoScroll plugin
added new F12 shortcut for Web Inspector
fixed: correctly switching between tabbars when closing tabs
fixed: draw tabbar base even when there are no tabs in main tabbar
fixed: position of add tab button when there are no tabs in main tabbar
windows: load font.ttf (if exists) and use it as app font

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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
QupZilla 1.8.0

added support for window.beforeunload event
added support for external.AddSearchProvider js function
added undo/redo actions to context menu in forms
added new theme Breathe
added new commandline option to toggle fullscreen
added new commandline option to enable portable mode
added new context menu action to open links in private window
added new smooth and fully transparent loading animation
added option to disable weak ciphers in SSL Manager
added support for shadow builds with Qt Creator
completely rewritten bookmarks (including multi-level folders support)
location bar completer is now running in separate thread
menus are not closed when opening links with middle mouse button
ctrl+w shortcut no longer closes pinned tab
pinned tabs are now restored everytime, not only when restoring session
enable sending DoNotTrack header by default
full support for search engines that use POST method
Oxygen icon theme is now default fallback icon theme
Qt translations are now loaded from system directories where available
correctly load one-word hosts (eg. localhost or anything other in /etc/hosts)
search engines manager can now be opened from preferences
various tweaks in SpeedDial theme including lower minimal size for dials
various tweaks in Linux theme including support for big fonts in location bar
various fixes for Qt5 including bugs in tab bar
various fixes for RTL languages including rendering of location bar completer
AdBlock: support for exception css rules
AdBlock: improved performance of loading rules
MouseGestures: option to set mouse button for gestures
MouseGestures: support for rocker navigation to go back/forward in history
GreaseMonkey: correctly load scripts in frames
GreaseMonkey: fix rare issue that userscripts won't load on some sites
KWalletPasswords: support for KF5 KWallet
windows: load font.ttf (from current dir, if exists) and set it as default app font

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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
QupZilla 1.8.2

reverted setting DNT header by default
fixed: autofill not working for some frames
fixed: saving speed dial in case of crash
fixed: open file in download option
fixed: Internet Explorer bookmarks importer

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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
QupZilla 1.8.3

fixed: crash when passing messages to running instance
fixed: keyboard text navigation in some custom html code editors
fixed: string for filter third party cookies + changed default to allow
fixed: coloring CSS exception rules in AdBlock subscription tree
fixed: auto-loading saved plugins on startup in portable mode
fixed: text edit shortcuts not working with non-latin keyboard layout
fixed: building on Linux with Qt 4.7
fixed: crash when unloading AutoScroll plugin on Windows

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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
QupZilla 1.8.4

added possibility to build against system QtFtp module
CSS exceptions in AdBlock now works for rules from different subscrictions
fixed: correctly saving some settings in preferences
fixed: preference action on Mac
fixed: loading plugins on Windows

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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
QupZilla 1.8.5

save geometry of Preferences window
enable HighDPI pixmaps with Qt 5
add option to completely disable SSLv3
fix url for China AdBlock list
fix issue with opening modal dialogs being hidden by active window
fix loading dictionaries in spellcheck
fix behavior of delete key in locationbar
MouseGestures: add new gesture for duplication of current tab
Linux: fix go-icon not available in themes other than oxygen

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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
QupZilla 1.8.6

added TabManager and FlashCookieManager plugins
added CTRL+L shortcut to clear download list in download manager
allow closing Download Manager and Browsing Library with Ctrl+W
revert option to disable SSLv3, it is now correctly handled by Qt
fix issue with tabs with empty url were removed from session
fix zoom shortcuts with +/-/0 on numeric block
fix hiding iframes that have completely blocked contents in AdBlock
fix showing navigation bar when typing into locationbar in fullscreen
fix visual issues with FTP listing with RTL layouts
fix removing profiles from preferences
fix crash when moving bookmarks on FreeBSD

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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
QupZilla 1.8.7

save pinned tabs per-window when set to restore session
Shift+Left click on links now opens link in new window
show web inspector action now toggles inspector
add button to create new userscript in GreaseMonkey
add "Anti-Adblock Killer" AdBlock subscription
add Ctrl+G and Ctrl+Shift+G shortcuts in search toolbar
fix enabling select all and find actions in menu
fix searching for strings with special whitespaces from locationbar
fix build with KF5 KWallet
fix crash when blocking popup window with AdBlock
fix icon animation when blocking popup window with AdBlock
fix build with Qt 5.5 and gcc 4.9
fix incorrectly accepting some cookies
fix creating new config directory
fix saving settings without changing pages in SpeedDial
fix center dials option in SpeedDial
fix not escaping characters for (file, ftp) dir listings
fix not showing restore page when opening new url from cli
fix adding search engine from form on page with Qt 5
fix saving homepage/new tab urls from preferences

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QupZilla 1.8.8 released!

Eightht bugfix version is now available.

added interface for extensions to show action in Tools menu
add option to use TabManager as main tabbar replacement
fix build with Qt 5.5.1
fix crash when unloading plugin with visible sidebar
fix possible crash when accessing last active window
fix sometimes incorrectly loading background non-restored tab
fix showing speed dials in bookmarks icon
fix showing messages in statusbar in RTL mode
fix crash when application style is externally changed
fix labels color in access keys navigation with dark style
fix position of autoscroll indicator with site notification visible
Windows: fix setting as default browser
Windows: better toolbar background for Windows 10

Windows builds are now using Qt 5 (5.5.1). It brings a lot of fixes for bugs and crashes and also support for HTML5 Audio/Video (only Windows Vista+).
Because of different libraries, I recommend you to first uninstall old version of QupZilla and only then install this new version. You won't lose your profile data with uninstallation.

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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
QupZilla 1.8.9

new QupZilla logo
add button to open spellcheck settings in preferences
remove gradient in toolbar of browsing library
fix showing authors page in about dialog
fix showing current tab in tabbar after restoring session
fix searching for invalid one-word url strings from locationbar
fix switch to tab from locationbar completer when it is the only tab in window

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