
Bardzo aktywny
20 Wrzesień 2015
GoodSync 10.6.1 Sept 29, 2017
* Azure Files: Add Windows Azure Files API file system, was Azure Blobs only.
* Fix handling of must-drill-down OneDrive files/folders (appear in Windows 10 Fall 2017 Update).
* Auto Jobs: Fix on a rare oaccasion Job in Auto Mode not start when required by external event.
* GSTP forwarders: Add SSL certs to all Official and Default forwarders.
* FTP + On Folder Connect: Fix OFC was not detecting Connect/Disconnect.
* Exploer: fix navigation when clicking bookmark in bookmark list for file system.
* Explorer: Disable all Commands when tree node is being expanded.
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23 Wrzesień 2016
  • Runner: Fix worker thread closing sequence, it could cause rare crashes.
  • On Schedule: When Hour=NN is specified and Minute=0 is not specified, add Minute=0 automatically.
  • On File Change + Stop: When User stops an OFC job, do not stop File Monitoring.
  • Auto Jobs + Stop: Stop of one AutoRun job now does not reset Waiting To Run Status for all jobs.
  • gs-server settings: save changed file upon generation of Device ID, even if original file was not present.
  • OneDrive of MS: Fix SiteRoot uploads of files with ' in filename was not working.
  • Gs-Server: Add One Time Passowrd support in Web UI Setup for NAS.
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Bardzo aktywny
20 Wrzesień 2015
GoodSync 10.6.3 Oct 12, 2017
* OpenSSL: Add no-asm option to x64 builds, that fixes crashes on some processors.
* Crash Catcher: add more catchers for crashes, to improve diagnostics of crashes.
* Better random number generator, with proper initialization of OpenSSL.
* Mediator: Fixed OTP was not sent by email, on initial OTP generation.
* Mediator Web Site: Add Password Change form, fix OTP usability issues and bugs.
* Web UI: Allow entering One Time Passwords (OTP) from Web UI, for multiple users.
* Web UI: Do not create New GoodSync Connect user in Web UI, use Mediator Web Site.
* Web UI: better display of Mediator registration status for the User.
* GoodSync Connect Setup: always show No-Mediator option, fix bugs and crashes.
* GSTP: Fix progress not reported in GsUploadFileBlock, in the tail part.
* CC Runner: Fixed Big Log chunks not accepted by CC, so submit large logs in smaller 16 Mb chunks.
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Bardzo aktywny
20 Wrzesień 2015
GoodSync 10.6.4 Oct 19, 2017
* MTP: re-add missing thread wrapper, it was causing CoInitialize not called (error 0x800401F0).
* MTP: make progress processing work correctly.
* Move/Rename: make it work for case-insensitive file systems, where only case of name is changed.
* On File Change: fix bugs and slowness, when change of one file/folder is received many times.
* On File Change + Incremental Analyze: fix bugs in folder processing.
* On File Change + Incremental Analyze + Filters: apply all filters, so that filtered items are ignored.
* On File Change + Progress: show progress of Incremental Analyze too.
* Runner + Gs-server Options: gs-server now applies Program Option on a command from Runner.
* Runner: If user with old jobs.tic never runs GS GUI, still convert jobs.tic to new format.
* S3 + Wasabi: Wasabi can do Upload in Parts, so allow multi-part upload.
* User Stopping Jobs: Fixed urgent job stop (two or more Stop clicks) was not always processed.
* On Schedule: fixed normalization of Schedules, it could fix DayOfWeek to 0 when not needed.
* Browse Dialog: fixed non-translated GSTP email can make it into Account Manager.
* Locks: Consider lock files that are older than 2 days abandoned and delete them as such.
* Move creation of _gsdata_ folders from Start of Sync to Start of Analyze.
* Explorer: When renaming file or folder, check that destination name does not already exist.
* gs-server: fix command line processing and diagnostics.
* NAS: Added support for Synology DS418j (Realtek 1296 platform).
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Bardzo aktywny
20 Wrzesień 2015
GoodSync 10.6.5 Oct 27, 2017
* Control Center Runner: Fixed job start and stop sequence, to improve reporting.
* Control Center: Fixed log lines sometimes glue together.
* Google Drive: make it work when changing existing empty UserId to new UserId from OAuth.
* Google Drive V2 and V3: change captions and help.
* FTP etc: When reading line, allow CR to be followed by non-CR/LF character.
* Windows FS: Use Backup Semantics for all CreateFile system calls, fixes Access Denied.
* Windows FS: Fixed MoveFile was giving up on Access Denied, now tries Copy + Delete.
* Browse Dlg: Fix Deleting Account used by Job is allowed, if bookmark inside Account is selected.
* gs-server: GetFileAcl: Fix error in returning GetFileAcl results.
* MTP: make progress processing work correctly.
* MTP: Fixed name-case renames of file and folders were not working in Explorer.
* ListServers: fixed copying credentials, fixes No Account error in Analyze after Browse.
* gs-server: /set-admin and /set-user options also set options in settings.tix.
* gsync command line: Left and Right folder of a Job: allow combining AM and Connectoid options.
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28 Październik 2017
GoodSynk to pierwsze oprogramowanie jakie stosowałem do wykonywania mało zaawansowanej kopii zapasowej. Sprawdzał się świetnie, a i lekki i intuicyjny był.
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Bardzo aktywny
20 Wrzesień 2015
GoodSync 10.6.8 Dec 01, 2017
* History Cleanup: Use History DB to speed up cleanup of _history_ files.
* Recycled and History and Log Cleanup: now do it after every sync, as it runs faster.
* Recycled and History Options: change their names and description, to better explain what they do.
* Recycled and History + Direct Destination (No Temp): Use MoveFile, not CopyFile, to run faster.
* Filters: Do not apply Size and Time filters to Folders.
* Filters: speed up and simplify Filters processing.
* CheckSums: Fixed sometimes CheckSums of different types were compared.
* CheckSums: Do not use CheckSums of wrong type from the state file.
* CheckSums: Fixed uploading of Office file changed by server could result in conflict.
* Analyze: Fixed ListDir could be called on Files as if they were Folders, resulting in slowdown.
* Links + Exclude: Fixed Ignore Links was not always excluding Links nodes.
* Links + Browse: Drill Down to Folder Links in Browse Dlg + MultiSelect, if SymLinks option is Drill Down.
* gsync command line: Fixed command line options description and manual, to latest changes.
* OneDrive/Office365: Backoff on 429 Too Many Requests and Conflict 409 error with EditConflict.
* SharePoint 2013: Fixed ListDir return error when path points to a file or not found.
* SharePoint 2013: Backoff on 429 Too Many Requests and Conflict 409 error with 'Save Conflict'.
* MTP: Fixed change file name case did not work properly.
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Bardzo aktywny
20 Wrzesień 2015
GoodSync 10.7.0 Dec 15, 2017
* GSTP Sharing: Enable Sharing of Folder on Mediator: now Folders can be shared with other GoodSync users.
* GSTP Sharing: For now Sharing of Folder is done only in GoodSync Connect account Web GUI.
* GSTP Mediator: Remove Talkback processing, as it is 2 years old, so only really GS versions use it.
* Passwords: Add option Save Connect Passwords Locally Encrypted, it makes them non-portable, more secure.
* Program Options: Added Security tab, for the option above and CC admin credentials.
* Account Manager + OAuth2: new scheme of storing tokens and getting auth via Browser.
* OAuth2: maintain Refresh and Access Token in a separate cache, not to change Accounts.
* Office365/SharePoint: increase initial backoff timeout to 15 sec, on error 429.
* TeamSites/SiteRoot/SharePoint: Forbid # % characters in paths as it causes error 400 on uploads.
* Browse Dlg + Multi-Select + Links: fix handling of Links in Drilled and CopyAsIs job modes.
* Import: Fixed Import of a single job could destroy unnamed bookmarks, thus damaging other jobs.
* Reading Accounts and Jobs: Fixed recovery of broken Jobs file (with no Accounts file) causing problems.
* Explorer: do not allow any file/folder actions while folder is being listed.
* CheckSums: store CheckSum type, as relying on CheckSum size for typing does not always work.
* Updated Polish localization.
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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
GoodSync 10.7.1 Dec 22, 2017
Version 10.7.1 Dec 22, 2017
* Amazon CD: Fixed GetMetadataEndPoint Unauthoirzed Error 401.
* OneDrive: Add retry on 503 Service Unavailable.
* Progress: fixed progress reporting in simple uploads such as to GSTP.
* Parallel Threads: S3 and Azure: Increase max parallel threads from 20 to 64.
* Control Center Runner: Fixed few finishing lines of Job Run were not submitted.
* Control Center Runner: Summarize/Compress update-job-run requests, to reduce server load.
* Gsync /runner and /enter-runner: Allow only one instance of each per User.
* Program Options + Command Line: Add processing of Global Filters and some newer options.
* Browse Dialog + Filters + Multi-Select: multiple fixes, improve usability.
* Update DE localization, by Jan Leitner.
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Bardzo aktywny
20 Wrzesień 2015
GoodSync 10.7.2 Dec 29, 2017
* Added new Google Team Drive file system to GoodSync and GoodSync Explorer.
* Automatically start GoodSync GUI, if silent install is On and GS GUI was running before silent install.
* Installer: Make de-elevation to happen by starting GoodSync via Windows Task Scheduler.
* Installer: When installer start GoodSync GUI, make sure it goes on top of Z-order.
* Filters in Program Options: Show Global Filters: Exclude System / Hidden / Empty.
* Fix adding of Filter flags for Empty folders, when uniting Global and Job Filter.
* Fixed Delete Recycled and History Files was not deleting History DB.
* Jobs in Registry: Fixed crash in ver 9 when loading Jobs from Registry.
* Remove GoodSync-v9.exe from GoodSync v10 distribution, use ver 9 distro instead.
* Parallel Thread limits: increase to 64 for SFTP, FTP, GSTP.
* FTP: Added option 'Require TLS session reuse on data connection', On by default.
* FTP: Turn off this option to resolve connectivity problem with broken servers.
* More localizations for Group Names, etc.
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Bardzo aktywny
20 Wrzesień 2015
GoodSync 10.7.3 Jan 19, 2018
* Job Options -> General: Added option to Shutdown Computer after Job is finished.
* Job Options -> General: Added option to limit Max Time To Run (minutes).
* Program Options: When Retain Days changes, start complete cleanup with the new value.
* Job and Program Options: trim string values such as UserId or Smtp Host.
* SyncLib: Added File Size to Copy New/Over log message, when syncing.
* Installer: Fixed GoodSync GUI can be randomly started by Scheduler, esp if Avast is installed.
* Installer: speed up installation of GoodSync, fixed some issues.
* Browse Dlg: Multi-Select: If Include List is empty, still show Implied Checked checkbox.
* gs-server: Added Limitation on Number of Users and Number of Unique Clients, based on License.
* File Server License for GSTP gs-server: added new License for gs-server-based File Server.
* Scripts and Email: Added variables: %TSTART% %TFINISH% %TELAPSED%
* Command Line: improved command line parse, to catch more errors in CL options.
* sib-socket + SSL: Turned off TLS session cache on client side, only FTPS uses it now.
* Command Line: Discontinue parsing Jobs and Program Options in GS GUI, we have gsync for that.
* Added/Fixed policies: DisableAzureFile, DisableGDrive2, DisableGTeamDrive, DisableSharepoint.
* gsync: Added 'auth' command that creates new accounts (OAuth, browser auth) from command line.
* CC Runner: Added new Control Center GUI Runner, with Taskbar icon, that shows status of jobs run by CC.
* CC Runner Installer may install CC Runner as a Taskbar GUI or as a Windows Service.
* CC Runner can automatically update itself to latest version, if CC specifies AutoInstall option.
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