
Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Desktop Info to mała aplikacja wyświetla informacje o systemie na pulpicie. Wygląda jak tapeta, ale pozostaje w pamięci i aktualizuje się w czasie rzeczywistym. Idealny do szybkiej identyfikacji i monitorowania farm produkcyjnych serwerów testowych lub dowolnego komputera, za który jesteś odpowiedzialny. Zużywa bardzo mało pamięci i prawie zero procesorów. Wszystko można dostosować, w tym język.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Desktop Info 2.6.0
Change 1: Fixed introduced bug where the display would fail to update if nothing was displayed on
the initial refresh.
Change 2: Added remote monitoring option. This provides a mechanism for Desktop Info to
retrieve raw data collected by another instance of Desktop Info. See the Options section to switch
on the server and the DTI item for retrieving remote data. Also, a detailed discussion here.
Change 3: Trimmed get-windows-updates.ps1 to a single query. It was taking a long time.
Change 4: Changed default button color.
Change 5: Added About box to context menu. It shows the current version and checks the web site
to see what the latest version is. This can be hidden by setting it’s text to blank.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Desktop Info 2.6.1
This release specifically addresses issues with the IF and CONTROL/CONTROL2 items and how they behave and interact.
Change 1: The IF item will now evaluate every cycle. Therefore the interval option is redundant.
Change 2: The relationship between CONTROL and CONTROL2 is more complete and robust. I discovered a fatal flaw in the config loading code causing pointers to wander off into fairy land.
Change 3: The IF item now correctly sets CONTROL item visibility where appropriate. See the IF item for an example. Also, because of the strong parent/child relationship between CONTROL and CONTROL2, when you set the visibility of a CONTROL item, the child CONTROL2 items will follow. Also, you can’t use an IF item on a CONTROL2 item, it will be applied to the next non-CONTROL2 item.
Change 4: The CONTROL options, button-color and uri now correctly parse user variables on the fly.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Desktop Info 2.7.0
What's new in Desktop Info 2.7.0
July 6, 2020
  • Added an Export tool to the context menu. This exports all active, non-hidden items to a file using the selected template file. The menu is populated with files found in the templates directory. You can hide it by setting menu-export in the [text] section to blank. The resulting file is automatically opened in the default viewer for the file type. From there you can print it or save it to your preferred name and location. Remember that initially not all items have data, you might need to scroll through the pages once before doing an export. It does not export charts.
  • Resolved problem with hyperlink forcing underline on it’s accompanying text. Now the default is no styling on the text and underline on the hyperlink. The style option will be applied to both the text and the hyperlink and additionally, the actual hyperlink will always be underlined.
  • Updated language strings.
  • Found a few more functions that needed to be updated for multi-byte.
  • Fixed bug in WMI date/time field processing that was mangling any WMI query with a date/time field.
  • Expanded the options for specifying a chart series. A series can now be specified using the traditional item return value number, a “%” style number, a WMI return value field name, a user variable and an expression. See Charts for details.
  • Added procedure run time and item id to debug output.
  • Added alternative cpu count return value, %2, to CPUCOUNT. This may or may not return the same or different value.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Desktop Info
What's new in Desktop Info 2.8.0
August 18, 2020
  • Added ignore-setting-change option. This will suppress some redraws by ignoring Windows WM_SETTINGCHANGE messages triggered by events such as desktop background color changes and remote desktop session connects.
  • Added control-style option to hyperlink controls.
  • You can now place additional text after the bar chart %chart% place holder in the item display option. The bar chart width will shrink accordingly.
  • In negative bar charts, the colors are no longer hard coded. The color is now calculated from the data value and the bar-colors option and could be anywhere on the gradient.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Desktop Info 2.9.0
What's new in Desktop Info 2.9.0
October 1, 2020
  • The main focus of this version is the new improved charts. The old charts are still supported for the time being but will eventually go away so you should change over to the new charts as soon as you can. The [pages] section and the active item option will eventually be removed in favour of the PAGE and PAGE-TITLE keys entered throughout the [items] section. You should update your ini files now to avoid disappointment later on.
  • Sometimes I miss something in the manual that should have been updated to reflect changes to the application so if you see any out of date information, please let me know so I can bring it up to date.
  • Change 1: Added the ‘unknown’ text string for situations where item results are incomplete such as LOGICAL_DRIVES file system and volume name.
  • Change 2: Added bar2 and line2 charts. These are more flexible and overcome a lot of the limitations of the old charts. Both can chart every data row of a result set. Bar charts can display two series and line charts can display three series. Remember, multi-row line charts require the row-id option. See the new Charts section for details. The old charts are still available but are deprecated and will eventually go away. See Legacy Charts. For a quick overview on moving from old charts to new charts, see the Moving To The New Charts section.
  • Change 3: The sample ini files have been updated to the new charts.
  • Change 4: If the %chart% placeholder is not present in an item display template, it will be added to the end with a line feed so the chart will occupy it’s own display row after the item data. However, you can place it anywhere in the display template. If you’re using an older ini file this may result in a blank line before the chart. Just remove the extra line feed pipe from the end of the display template.
  • Change 5: If a chart is displaying a metric that is alarming then the chart frame will change color as well.
  • Change 6: Extended the item set option to allow setting multiple variables from the raw data. See the Item Set Option section for more details.
  • Change 7: Added more flexible ways to define values in the threshold item option such as user variables, expressions, percent style return value numbers and wmi style return value names.
  • Change 8: Added a last resort attempt to convert the CMD output to a number so it can be charted. That is to say, the CMD output is expected to be a string for display but it might return a single numeric value that can be charted.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Desktop Info 2.10.2
April 1, 2021
  • Added environment variables to the FILE item. Change
  • Added user variables to REGISTRY item. Change
  • Added multi SET processing to WMI items. Change
  • Fixed series percent bug in bar chart. Change
  • Added new option ALIGN at both the global and item level and altered TEXT-ALIGN to override ...

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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Desktop Info 2.11.0
June 7, 2021
  • Change 1: Fixed bug in CMD when the result is exactly 200 bytes.
  • Change 2: In CMD, don’t trim the result if read-as-csv is specified.
  • Change 3: The FILE item has been converted to a regular item. It kind of always was but there was some old code in there that ran in a thread that is unnecessary. I haven’t included the “first line of text” option. Does anyone use that? The return values have changed, check your config.
  • Change 4: Added alternative syntax to the SET item. You can now use the more conventional SET key=value syntax.
  • Change 5: Added user variables to interval and background-interval options. These are only parsed once.
  • Change 6: Added Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection calls to the CONTROL and CMD items to disable file system redirection from System32 to SysWOW64 and the like.
  • Change 7: Added the offset option to the DATETIME item to display times in other time zones.
  • Change 8: Added a buffer to the ini file reader to reduce disk operations and allow the following.
  • Change 9: Added the INCLUDE key word to the ini file.

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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Desktop Info 3.1.0
Version v3.1.0
August 2021
The major overhaul continues, nothing is safe! Still converting the code to the new tools, strings and high precision numbers and boldly going where no-one has gone for some time.
If you find your context menu options have gone missing, copy and paste the section from one of the sample ini files.
Change 1: HTTPGET fixed to correctly return UTF-8 content. Added http connection/read timeout.
Change 2: Fixed the broken screen saver. Even got the preview working properly.
Change 3: Converted the DTI item to new internet code. Now defaults to port 80 if not given. Added the name field to the DTI item XML so that you can now reference the WMI columns by name. Other fine tuning.
Change 4: Added some CORETEMP fields.
Change 5: Fixed LOGICALDRIVES diskio floating point precision. Also, when the performance data is not collected or not available, set the data to zero to avoid expression parser errors.
Change 6: Added environment expansion to the log file name so you can add %appdata% to the log file path. This allows you to install it in Program Files without it needing to write the log in that path. See the discussion from a user on secure installation.
Change 7: No longer recreating the data collector thread or the remote server thread when the configuration is reloaded.
Change 8: I’ve implemented a simple way for developers to provide data to Desktop Info by writing external collectors. Use the COLLECTOR item to display external collector data within Desktop Info.
Change 9: Export to RTF is now correctly encoding Unicode characters.
Change 10: Removed the limitation on the number of pages.
Change 11: Changed the way item ids work. The old lid option is gone. The existing id option is now automatically assigned a unique value for every item. For example, wmi, wmi1, wmi2, wmi3 etc. You may override this by adding the id option to the item, it is now up to you to ensure that the id is unique. This id is used in a number of places such as DTI.
Change 12: I have removed the language overlays. It was all rather awkward and not really useful. If you want to translate Desktop Info just modify the configuration file directly. Please send me your translated configurations so that we can share with others.
Change 13: Added automatic scaling for high dpi devices and Windows scaling. Added the scale option to [options] to enable or disable automatic scaling. It is on by default.
Change 14: Added log file to context menu.
Change 15: The context menu will now split into columns when there are too many entries.
Change 16: I’ve changed the way the configurable menu options work. If a given entry exists in the section then the menu item will appear. Therefore to remove the menu item, remove the entry by deleting it or commenting it out. Also, for the log menu item to appear, both the log entry and it’s entry must be configured. If there are no templates found, the export menu is not displayed. If your context menu is missing entries, your ini file is probably missing the entries, just grab them from the sample-config\desktopinfo-sample.ini file.
Change 17: FONT-FACE and FONT-SIZE may now include user variables. There are now five KEY WORDS that respond to user variables.
Change 18: Adjusted FONT-SIZE so that when it’s scaled up or down using percents, it is always relative to the last absolute value given. This way when FONT-SIZE=100% is given, it will correctly return to the base value. Previously, scaling using percents would accumulate.
Change 19: Removed DISPLAYCONTROLLER item. Look at desktopinfo-advanced.ini for a better alternative.
Change 20: Fine tuned the remote monitor server settings. See Remote Monitoring for details.
Change 21: Added the BEGIN-ONLOAD / END-ONLOAD key words for evaluating items during configuration load up and added WIDTH key word.
Change 22: Added the /o command line option.
Change 23: Added new functionality to the IF item. It can now set a user variable depending on the comparison outcome.
Change 24: Added the LOG item. Added the user option to both the application logging and the Windows Application Event Log so that the new LOG item can write to either or both.
Change 25: Added the MONITOR item to show metrics about the current monitor.
Change 26: Added user variables and expression parsing to the SET item. Removed the recursion so that a SET item variable can reference itself ( eg. set xx={{%xx%+1}} ).

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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Desktop Info 3.2.0
September 1, 2021
  • Change 1: In the process of cleaning up the data processing code, I’ve removed the display format definition from inside expressions and functions and placed it after the closing curly braces so that it more closely follows the convention used elsewhere. This has been bugging me for a while and I decided that while I’m on a rampage, that’s as good a time as any. So now the sole function of anything inside the double curly braces is to calculate a value, either by explicit expression or by calling a function. Once this is done and the expression or function has been fully evaluated, any following display format definition will format it for display. See Functions Section and Expressions and Functions. This should make things easier to fathom. *** You will need to change your configuration file to move the display format definitions out of the expressions.
  • Change 2: Completed the SSL implementation on the remote monitor, DTI and HTTPGET. I’ve had some questions about the extra DLL files in the distribution zip. These are the OpenSSL files used to provide encryption on secure connections. See
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    . They integrate nicely with the Indy components used to provide network connections.
  • Change 3: Changed the behaviour of Desktop Info when the transparency option is set to zero. Now, the main display form becomes a non-layered window. This allows 32-bit partially transparent (ie with an alpha channel) images to display correctly, albeit on a plain colored background. As far as I can tell it is not possible to display such images correctly on a layered/transparent window.
  • Change 4: The collector thread will try to throttle itself when there is nothing else going on and it looks like Desktop Info is the highest cpu user. This requires a TOPPROCESSCPU item to be active, visible or hidden.
  • Change 5: Overhauled the EVENTLOG item. Added the maxrows option to allow more than one recent event. Added the filter option to provide filtering on the source field. Now supports multi-byte.
  • Change 6: Added the secret command line option.
  • Change 7: Added the topmost option.
  • Change 8: Added a new alarms option to the items. This new option is much more powerful than the thresholds. Not only does it allow a variety of ways to compare the data for potential alarms but it also allows you to compare the current data against the previous dataset so it can detect changes in data. It will also compare any two values and/or expressions whether or not they come from the current dataset. Thresholds are deprecated.
  • Change 9: Added a new ALARMS item to display a list of recent alarms generated by the aforementioned alarms option in each item.
  • Change 10: A lot more work on scaling, hopefully I’ve fixed the various issues. Changing the Windows magnification on the fly and dragging between monitors of differing dpi still don’t work correctly. The scale option is removed.
  • Change 11: Added the Not Null Expression option to the item display template. I couldn’t think of a better name for it.
  • Change 12: Added the ‘s’ format to help in creating a table. See the sample-configdesktopinfo-linux.ini configuration file for an example.
  • Change 13: Added VIRTUALDESKTOP to show the current Windows virtual desktop and VIRTUALDESKTOPS to show all Windows virtual desktops.
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