Microsoft Looks Ready to Launch Windows 11


Bardzo aktywny
14 Czerwiec 2020
The Verge: Microsoft looks ready to launch Windows 11 - By Tom Warren - June 3, 2021


Microsoft has been teasing a “next generation” of Windows for months now, but new hints suggest the company isn’t just preparing an update to its existing Windows 10 software, but a new, numbered version of the operating system: Windows 11.

The software giant announced a new Windows event for June 24th yesterday, promising to show “what’s next for Windows.” The event invite included an image of what looks like a new Windows logo, with light shining through the window in only two vertical bars, creating an outline that looks very much like the number 11. Microsoft followed up with an animated version of this image, making it clear the company intentionally ignored the horizontal bars.

Microsoft’s Windows event also starts at 11AM ET, not the usual start time for typical Windows and Surface events. Following the event invite, Microsoft exec Yusuf Mehdi said he hasn’t “been this excited for a new version of Windows since Windows 95!” It’s the first time we’ve heard Microsoft specifically mention a “new version” of Windows is on the way.

The event invite also comes just a week after Nadella teased a “next generation of Windows” announcement. Nadella promised that Microsoft would soon share “one of the most significant updates to Windows of the past decade.” Microsoft’s chief product officer, Panos Panay, also teased a “next generation” of Windows earlier this year.

If Microsoft is truly readying to move beyond Windows 10 and towards Windows 11, we’re expecting to see big visual changes to reflect that. Microsoft has been working on something codenamed Sun Valley, which the company has referred to as a “sweeping visual rejuvenation of Windows.”

A lot of these visual changes will come from the work Microsoft completed on Windows 10X, a lightweight version of Windows intended to rival Chrome OS, before it was scrapped. That includes a new Start menu, new system icons, File Explorer improvements, and the end of Windows 95-era icons that drag Windows users back to the past in dialog boxes. Rounded corners and updates to the built-in Windows apps are also planned.

Significant changes are also on the way for Windows beyond the user interface. Microsoft appears to be ready to address a lot of lingering problems, with fixes planned for a rearranging apps issue on multiple monitors, an upcoming Xbox Auto HDR feature, and improvements to Bluetooth audio support...

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Bardzo aktywny
14 Czerwiec 2020
Bleeping Computer: “Not Windows 11? New Windows 10 Name Scheme Hinted in Microsoft Docs” - By Lawrence Abrams - June 9, 2021


Microsoft may have mistakenly leaked that the upcoming next generation of Windows 10 will move away from its current naming scheme and switch to a macOS scheme using geographic locations or development names.

When Microsoft releases new major versions of Windows, it has historically changed the number associated with the version. For example, Windows 7 > Windows 8 > Windows 8.1 > Windows 10.

Last week, Microsoft announced a press event on June 24 where they will "unveil the next generation of Windows."

Microsoft's Panos Panay tweeted a teaser video with this announcement showing what appeared to be sunlight streaming through a Windows logo to show a number 11.

Due to this, many thought that Microsoft might be dropping hints that the next version is Windows 11.

Regardless of the name, we know that the next major version of Windows 10 is currently codenamed 'Sun Valley .' Unlike the past few feature updates, it is a massive release with new modern features and an updated user interface.

Leaked metadata may point to a new naming scheme

When Microsoft updates their website documentation, they publish the changes on their GitHub repository.

As first reported by Windows Latest, Microsoft recently changed the HTML meta description for the public 'Windows application management' page to use the following description:

"Learn about managing applications in Windows 10 and Windows Sun Valley."


Source: Windows Latest

After realizing they mistakenly added 'Windows Sun Valley' to the page's metadata, they quickly changed the meta description to "Learn about managing applications in Windows 10."


Source: BleepingComputer

This leak is Microsoft's first public reference to the Windows 10 Sun Valley update. However, the way it was written also indicates that Microsoft considers Windows 10 and Windows Sun Valley to be significantly different, rather than just an update to Windows 10.

It may also indicate that Microsoft is moving to a new naming scheme for the Windows operating system similar to macOS. For example, macOS Catalina > macOS Big Sur > macOS Monterey...

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Bardzo aktywny
25 Maj 2019
First Preview Of Windows 11
Silicon Valley: Experts keeping a close eye on Microsoft Corporation say that the first glimpse of Microsoft’s next and most advanced operating system “Windows 11” has been released, which has been hidden in a video.

This video, which was published by Microsoft on YouTube on June 10, 2021, is exactly eleven (11) minutes long, in which the music of the launch of various Windows operating systems can be heard in a very “slow-motion”.

In this video, at 10:33 (33rd second of the tenth minute) the Windows 10 logo appears with its shadow falling on the floor.

It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post, but Microsoft has suggested that it may be renamed to “Windows 11”.

This is also being said because, regarding Windows, Microsoft has announced that its event will be held on June 24, at 11 pm US time.

Not only that, but in this video, the image on the floor from the window (Windows 10 logo) looks like “11”, which is probably a hint of Windows 11.

Regardless of the name, it is said that some features of the “Sun Valley” operating system project at Microsoft will also be part of this new operating system.

Rumors are circulating that in addition to the user interface and system fonts, the next Windows operating system will undergo a number of external and internal changes.

It may also have a battery usage feature that will tell you which application is using how much battery. This feature has been present in smartphones for years, but so far it has not been included in Windows operating systems.

The new operating system will be (expected) enabled to be used on desktops/laptops as well as tablets and smartphones with equal ease.

The website Digital Trends has even speculated that the new Windows will also have Android apps available that can be downloaded from the Microsoft Store.

It is also being said that users who have Windows 10 installed on their computers will have to pay some extra cost to upgrade their system and install Windows 11.

When will Windows 11 be available? It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. It is expected to be available to the public in the last quarter of this year.

It should be noted that so far all these things are only in the form of speculations and estimates made by people with special expertise in this field.

The exact situation will be known on June 24, the day that Microsoft will hold a special event on Windows.

Source :
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Bardzo aktywny
14 Czerwiec 2020
Beebom: Download the New Windows 11 Wallpapers Right Now! - By Anmol Sachdeva - June 16, 2021

We have installed the leaked Windows 11 build and extracted all the new wallpapers in Microsoft’s next-gen desktop OS. While there are two primary wallpapers (shown in the header image and left image below), the new OS brings several other new wallpapers in tow.

The new wallpapers are divided into multiple categories like Glow, Flow, Sunrise, and Windows. We have included a couple of wallpapers here to give you an idea of what to expect. The download link for the complete set of Windows 11 wallpapers can be found below...
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Will it be Windows 11 for sure? I'm curious about it.

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Bardzo aktywny
14 Czerwiec 2020
@Grandalf: The video was interesting. If this is true, many users will be disappointed. I was expecting something else. I will present my comments in points.

First, Microsoft said: “There is no Windows 11 yet & I doubt that there ever will be one.Can you believe them. We know the answer on June 24, 2021.

Second, Windows 10 is unpatched. Probably Windows 11 will be based on the architecture of Windows 10. Will the problems with the update disappear?

Third, The changes shown in Windows 11 are cosmetic for me. The screenshots show a completely new desktop, but layout similar to macOS. In turn, the changes to the Start Menu and Taskbar are inspired by Linux.

Fourth, In my opinion all these changes should be made as part of the Windows 10 update.

Fifth, Microsoft still hasn't made Windows 11 official channels available, even in Beta. I think the new system is unfinished and unstable.

Sixth, Microsoft recently confirmed that it will support Windows 10 until October 14, 2025. This system is more advanced than Windows 11. Why should I switch to the new one?

Seventh, What will telemetry look like in Windows 11? Is it more extensive?

Eighth, Will computational data be processed faster in Windows 11?

Ninth, Will the upgrade to Windows 11 be free or paid?

That's all for now.
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Bardzo aktywny
11 Styczeń 2014
To tu to tam....
No dobrze, wprowadzmy troche chaosu. Wymagania sprztowe:
1. Procesory iCore od generacji 8. Albo nizszej, MS podobno na to patrzy. Ja tez. Patrzac na rozne firmy, firemki, osoby prywatne: jesli nie obniza progu to moze sie okazac ze w 2025 pojawi sie gora smieci elektronicznych wysokosci Mount Everestu. Pomijam tu fakt ze pentium czy inny celeron jest kompatybilny z Win 11, a iCore 7 extreme 6tej generacji - ni chu...chu.
2. TPM 2.0. Pomijam fakt ze wiele systemow klienckich po prostu tego nie ma. Pomijam fakt ze w przypadku desktopow MOZE sie da wrzucic na poklad chip, ale w lapkach unlikely. Pomijam fakt ze wiele starszych plyt glownych do ktorych BIOS sie juz nie aktualizuje nie ma wsparcia emulacji, oraz pomijam pytanie czy tak emulowany TPM bedzie rozpoznany przez W 11. Zastanawia mnie co MS zrobi z rynkiem rosyjskim i chinskim, dla ktorych istnieje oraniczenie eksportowe i zgodnie z prawem nie da sie tam dostarczyc sprzetu z TPM 2.0 na pokladzie?

Jak dla mnie... 2025 jest daleko, owszem. Ale sie zbliza. Zbliza sie ten dzien na ktory Linux czekal od zarania dziejow. IMHO W 11 ma szanse byc systemem ktory bedzie najwolniej wprowadzanym systemem od MS w historii.


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Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Zastanawia mnie co MS zrobi z rynkiem rosyjskim i chinskim, dla ktorych istnieje oraniczenie eksportowe i zgodnie z prawem nie da sie tam dostarczyc sprzetu z TPM 2.0 na pokladzie?
Tam gdzie do zarobienia jest odpowiednia kasa, tam można pójść na ustępstwa :sarkazm
Cytat MS:
"Upon approval from Microsoft, OEM systems for special purpose commercial systems, custom order, and customer systems with a custom image are not required to ship with a TPM support enabled." - Microsoft
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Bardzo aktywny
25 Maj 2019
Microsoft’s Blue Screen of Death is changing to black in Windows 11
Microsoft is changing its famous Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) to black in Windows 11. The software giant started testing its
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earlier this week, but the Black Screen of Death isn’t fully enabled yet. The Verge understands Microsoft will be switching to a Black Screen of Death for Windows 11, matching the new black logon and shutdown screens.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Microsoft’s Blue Screen of Death is changing to black in Windows 11

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To enable the Black Screen of Death, you can follow these steps:

- Launch the Registry Editor and navigate to the HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CrashControl Registry key.


- In the right pane, you will see a value named DisplayPreRelaseColor. Double-click on this value and set it to 0, as shown below.
- Exit the Registry editor.

To see the new Black Screen of Death screen, you will need to trigger a crash, which can be done by entering the following command in an Elevated Command Prompt or a PowerShell (Admin) prompt:
taskkill /f /im svchost.exe
Of course, you should make sure that all of your data is saved before performing this test.
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