PDF-XChange Editor


Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
PDF-XChange Editor jest rozwiązaniem, dzięki któremu można przeglądać, edytować, modyfikować i korzystać z technologii OCR w pliku PDF, który jest obrazem. Dużo funkcji oferowanych jest bezpłatnie, co czyni go bardzo popularnym produktem w ofercie firmy Tracker Software. Co więcej, PDF-XChange Editor jest mniejszy, szybszy i posiada więcej możliwości niż każdy inny darmowy program tego typu, dzięki czemu jest on poważnym konkurentem także dla Adobe Reader.


Jednakże, PDF-XChange Editor posiada także płatne, zaawansowane funkcje (oznaczone w menu głównym programu jako PRO), związane są z tworzeniem plików PDF. Dzięki nim możliwe jest tworzenie ze skanowanych dokumentów czy obrazów plików PDF, konwertowanie plików .txt czy .rtf. do plików PDF, a nawet zbudowanie pliku PDF od podstaw.

Funkcje programu:
-dodawanie niestandardowych pieczęci
-dodawanie numeracji Bates’a
-dodawanie informacji o dokumencie/metadanych/XP metadanych
-dodawanie obrazu/podpisu do stron/plików PDF
-dodawanie kształtów lub obiektów do pliku PDF
-dodawanie znaków wodnych (tekst i obrazy)
-dodawanie, edycja i modyfikacja zakładek
-zaawansowane zarządzanie pamięcią
-dołączanie i wstawianie nowych stron do istniejącego pliku PDF
-dołączanie i wstawianie stron z jednego pliku PDF do innego pliku PDF
-opcje automatycznego wysyłania e-maili przez SMTP/MS MAPI
-integracja z przeglądarkami (IE, Firefox itp.)
-łączenie plików PDF zarówno otwartych jak i zamkniętych
-wypełnianie i zapisywanie formularzy danych w plikach PDF
-konwertowanie obrazów do plików PDF – formaty rastrowe i metapliki
-konwertowanie obrazów lub tekstu bezpośrednio do plików PDF (bez konieczności stosowania zewnętrznych aplikacji)
-konwertowanie plików PDF do obrazów (tylko formaty rastrowe – BMP, JPEG, TIFF itp.)
-usuwanie, obracanie i przycinanie stron plików PDF
-obsługa podpisu cyfrowego
-edytowanie treści w tekstowych plikach PDF
-wsparcie dla osadzonych multimediów
-opcje szyfrowania/zabezpieczeń
-eksportowanie danych formularzy w plikach PDF (do. fdf)
-wyodrębnianie treści z pliku PDF do formatów tekstowych, obrazowych lub innych plików PDF
-wyodrębnianie treści tekstowych ze strony lub pliku PDF do pliku tekstowego (bez możliwości użycia technologii OCR)
-wyodrębnianie stron plików PDF do nowych plików PDF
-operacje grupowe z adnotacjami
-zaawansowane opcje tworzenia nagłówków i stopek
-wyróżnianie, przekreślanie i podkreślanie tekstu w plikach PDF
-opcje kompresji obrazów i tekstu przy konwertowaniu do PDF (JBIG2, JPEG, JPEG2000 Runlength, ZIP, LZW CCIT3/4)
-uwzględnianie klikalnych łączy URL dosłownych (np.
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-integracja z narzędziami do tłumaczenia takimi jak ABBYY Lingvo 12, Translate It!, itp.
-obsługa specyfikacji ISO PDF/A 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2u – tylko podgląd
-wysłuchiwanie i dodawanie komentarzy audio
-manipulacja i modyfikacja istniejących plików PDF
-adjustacja, dodawanie różnych typów komentarzy do plików PDF
-łączenie plików PDF
-obsługa lustrzanego wydruku
-narzędzia takie jak „Nawigacja” i „Lupa”
-opcje drukowania stron np. nUp, broszura
-zastosowanie technologii OCR dla plików PDF będących obrazami i umożliwienie przeszukiwania i selekcji tekstu (bez możliwości edycji)
-kontrola optymalizacji i kompresji
-obsługa uprawnień dla dokumentów PDF
-szyfrowanie plików PDF i opcje zabezpieczeń włączając szyfrowanie 40/128 RC4 i 128/256 AES
-ponowna numeracja stron/plików (nagłówek i stopka)
-obsługa interfejsu użytkownika w wielu językach
-zmiana kolejności stron poprzez przeciąganie i opuszczanie w widoku miniatur
-możliwość skanowania stron i utworzenia z nich nowego pliku PDF lub dodania do istniejącego pliku
-przeszukiwanie tekstu w pliku PDF (zaawansowane i proste)
-sprawdzanie pisowni w treści i adnotacjach
-kompatybilność z serwerem terminalowym/Citrix (bez wirtualizacji)
-przeglądanie stron i plików PDF.
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Około 85% funkcji nie wymaga licencji. Około 15% zaawansowanych funkcji, które są wyraźnie zidentyfikowane, umieści testowy znak wodny na wyjściu, jeśli będzie używany bez licencji.

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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
PDF-XChange Editor 7.0.324.3
version 7.0.324.3 release - 27-02-2018

- NEW: Enabled the 'Save As' feature in the Ribbon/File menu of the IE-Plugin.

- Fixed the issue that was causing the first file/folder to be skipped during root folder enumeration. This issue occurred in some cases when the 'Add Folder' feature was used.
- Fixed the issue with the enumeratiom of shared folders such as '\\share\sharedfolder\'. This issue occurred in some cases when the 'Add Folder' feature was used.
- Fixed the IE-Plugin issue with opening elements from the version history for documents from SharePoint Online.
- Fixed the issue that was present when the Alt key was used to minimize the Ribbon pane. The Ribbon now displays (after some delay). Note that Alt-based shortcuts can be used during this delay, even though the Ribbon UI is not visible.
- Fixed the size issue with the Ribbon/File menu that was present when a maximized window was minimized and then maximized again. This issue was present on only multimonitor-configurations.
- Fixed the issue with the auto-closing of the main window when the 'Close to System Tray' option is enabled. (T# 4256)
- SharePoint: fixed the issue with the 'Add Place' feature in the context of the IE-Plugin.
- SharePoint: fixed several issues with the 'Check Out' feature on specific servers.
- SharePoint: fixed the issue with support of special characters in names of files and folders for SharePoint Online and OneDrive.
- Fixed several issues with the simple ImageEditor in the context of the 'Images to PDF' feature.
- Resolved the issue with the handling of relative file names as URLs in URI actions. (T# 4211, 4252)
- Fixed an issue that was sometimes present when registering the Properties Handler.
- Fixed the issue with launching Editor under Windows XP in which the SharePoint and DropDox plugins were causing a break on start.
- Improved the handling of relative paths in Launch actions.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
PDF-XChange Editor 7.0.325.1
Version 7.0.325.1 release - 24-04-2018

- Fixed the crash that was present when the IE plugin was used inside a specical document-management system for previewing PDFs.
- Fixed the issues with the SharePoint plugin and the SharePoint category of the Preferences dialog box, which was not displaying in the IE plugin.
- Fixed some other minor issues.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
PDF-XChange Editor 7.0.326.1
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  • dssg_ver_e_added.png
    NEW Support for print job in PDF format (sent directly to the printer port)
  • dssg_ver_e_fixed.png
    Fixed an issue with date formatting that was introduced in build 326.0
  • dssg_ver_e_fixed.png
    Began using modern common cotrols for the IE plugin to workaround an issue with the drop-down calendar control.
  • dssg_ver_e_fixed.png
    Fixed an issue when saving a GoToE action.
  • dssg_ver_e_fixed.png
    Fixed a bug in the Read Out Loud plugin that causes issues with some symbols.
  • dssg_ver_e_fixed.png
    Fixed an issue with saving correct page sizes after inserting/removing pages that was only evident in very specific PDF files (T# 4401).
  • dssg_ver_e_fixed.png
    Fixed a very rare issue with rendering some specific paths (introduced in 326.0). (T# 4411)
  • dssg_ver_e_fixed.png
    Fixed an issue in TWAIN scan relating to incorrect scan area.
  • dssg_ver_e_fixed.png
    Fixed an issue with the background colour for tooltips on pages. (
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  • dssg_ver_e_fixed.png
    Fixed an issue with loading the layout of document panes when saved layout-data is corrupted (for example: partial registry-settings can be removed by 3rd-party apps such as RegCleaner). This issue was detected in the context of the IE-plugin with the following symptom: sometimes IE opens a blank gray tab instead of the normal document-view.
  • dssg_ver_e_fixed.png
    Fixed an issue with applying a custom comment-style to the selected TextBox-annotation(s) when the style is choosen from the dropdown-palette in the 'Format' tab.
  • dssg_ver_e_fixed.png
    SharePoint: fixed the error "Operation should be retried" sometimes encountered when saving files.
  • dssg_ver_e_fixed.png
    DropBox: fixed "Untitled" document name bug when saving a new document to certain DropBox locations.
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Bardzo aktywny
23 Luty 2016


Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
PDF-XChange Editor 8.0 Build 331.0
  • Zaloguj lub Zarejestruj się aby zobaczyć!
    • NEW
      Enhance Scans: added the possibility to avoid recompressing existing images when only Deskew is used.
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    • Fixed a possible crash in the Quick Launch control when long strings are used.

    • Fixed an issue with the "Measurment Info" window when non-English localization is used.

    • Added a workaround for issues with line widths in HP PCL6 drivers.

    • Fixed an issue with file dates in the Google Drive plugin.

    • Compatibility with the NetEase Youdao Dictionary.

    • Enhanced OCR: applied some fixes and improvements to recognized text positioning.

    • Default OCR: solved an issue detecting and fixing incorrect page rotation (90/180° CW/CCW). (T# 4733)

    • Fixed a potential crash related to using the Editor's ActiveX control in the context of MFC-apps.
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    Presenting Version 8

    PDF-XChange Editor and Tools Version 8: New Features

    • NEW
      Added commands to convert Line annotations to Distance, and Polyline annotations to Perimeter.(T# 4552)
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    • NEW
      Added the Crop Method "None" to the Crop Pages dialog to allow adjusting the page size to the crop box, without changing existing crop boxes.(T# 4321)
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    • NEW
      Added a "Move To Trash" feature that allows moving the open document to the Recycle Bin.
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    • NEW
      Added simplified content transformation functionality to the Arrange tab.
    • NEW
      Added CSVToPDF plugin that allows converting CSV file data to a PDF table.
    • NEW
      Added a "Resource Updater" feature for updating OCR Languages, Spell Check Dictionaries, and other resources.
    • NEW
      Added "overtype" mode for edits (activates with Insert key).
    • NEW
      Spell Check dictionaries update.
    • NEW
      Added a "Paste as Plain text" command for text edits.
    • NEW
      Added the ability to add/modify the Document Open Action to be different from the GoTo action. (T# 4629)
    • NEW
      Added a "Quick Launch" to the Editor's title bar which can be used to quickly find Editor's commands.
    • NEW
      Digital Signature Properties dialog now reports certificate compatibility to EU 2010/2014 regulations and whether a private key is located on QSCD. (T#4658)
    • NEW
      Added a new "Enhanced OCR" module that is much faster, provides better quality, recognizes text styles and tables, supports creating PDF files with editable text and images, and more.
    • NEW
      Added a new OCR feature "OCR Selected Region". Use it from the context menu for the selected area on a page which was made using the Snapshot or Crop tool(s).
    • NEW
      SharePoint: added options for a default version and comment used during automatic Check-In.
    • NEW
      SharePoint: added an option to auto-create all neccessary folders when saving file(s) to a non-existing path.
    • Fixed an issue with handling relative URLs when a document is opened in IE (T# 4592)
    • Improved handling corrupted JB2 streams.
    • Fixed an issue when setting a border width of 1pt on links.
    • Fixed a rendering issue in some specific cases. (T# 4669, 4641)
    • Fixed several issues with the Progress dialog: in some cases it had been displayed using the wrong Z-order (under the main window or above the modal dialog).
    • Fixed a problem with dragging control points by finger for selected objects.
    • Fixed hang of Open/Save File dialog for Sharepoint/DropBox when fails the navigation to the initial URL.
    • Fixed a SharePoint Plugin issue causing undesired login prompts.
    • SharePoint: fixed the conversion of file and folder creation, and update time, to/from the local time.
    • SharePoint: added an option to select a version for Check-In operations.
    • Improved Deskew filters in Enhance Scanned Pages plugin
    • Improved compression of monochrome images in Enhance Scanned Pages plugin
    • MS Office to PDF: various improvements and bug fixes for the Editor and PDF-Tools
    • Improved form calculation procedure(s). (T# 4627)
    • Improved JavaScript support.
    • Improved XFA forms support. (T# 4644, 4615, 4701, 4689, 4711, 4714, 4723, 4726, ...)
    • Improved rendering of PDF files when object's coordinates are too big. (T# 2975)
    • Improved the handling of Static XFA forms. (T# 3084, 2838, ...)
    • Password Security Policies are now stored in more secure way.
    • When opening FDF or XFDF files the Editor now checks permissions to open the corresponding PDF file. (T# 4680)
    • The appearance of check/radio-boxes has been updated to show the correct size on high-resolution monitors (previously it was too small on 4k monitors).
    • Added an option to customize the color of a group title by setting the 'group.title' color-item in the Theme.xml.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
PDF-XChange Editor 8.0 Build 334.0
Version 8.0 Build 334:
  • NEW - Added the ability to save/open session files with relative paths.
  • NEW - Added a 'Select Pages With' feature to the Thumbnails View that allows advanced page selection by given criteria.
  • NEW - Implemented an 'Annotation.attachment' property.
  • NEW - Added a new 'Contionuous Zoom' tool.
  • NEW - Added the ability to show/hide groups on the history panel.
  • NEW - Implemented the ability to simultaneously convert from PowerPoint to PDF in the Editor as well as multiple PDFX-Tools instances
  • NEW - Added a feature to show actual page number(s) right of 'Current Page' label on all dialogs that contain such a label.
  • NEW - Added a 'Find and Redact' feature that finds text with matching criteria and marks results for redaction or redacts them.
  • NEW - Added the ability to open files from SharePoint sharing links in browsers and the 'Open from URL' feature of the Editor.
  • Fixed an issue with printing via Print2RDP.
  • Fixed a potential vulnerability reported in CVE-2019-17497.
  • Fixed an issue with the 'Allow multi-line bookmark titles' behavior in the 'Generate Bookmarks from Text' feature.
  • Fixed an issue with 'Title Case' in the 'Generate Bookmarks from Text' feature.
  • Fixed an issue related to changing the visibility of form fields.
  • Fixed an issue when importing certain XFDF files.
  • Fixed an issue when exporting form data to XFDF.
  • Fixed our handling of incorrect ICC color profiles.
  • Fixed issues with printing documents that contain isolated and/or knockout XForms.
  • Fixed issues with printing documents that contain invalid clipping.
  • Fixed issues when creating links with "Open File" actions.
  • Fixed an issue with showing 'signer certificate' instead of 'Time Stamp Authority certificate' on the signature properties dialog.
  • Fixed issues encountered when forcing 'Read Out Loud' to use English.
  • Fixed a possible memory corruption that could occur after performing a settings import.
  • Implemented a fix a crash that was caused by a changed GDI DC (Device Context).
  • Implemented a fix to better fit font size(s) in formfields.
  • Fixed some crashes related to Enhanced OCR.
  • Fixed an issue with the 'CloseActiveTab' option.
  • Fixed issues with the use of the 'NoTabBarGripperBtn' and 'ShowSortedTabsBtn' styles.
  • Fixed issues when using Enhanced OCR in the 'Images2PDF' and 'Scan2PDF' features (related to a problem with handling 1bpp images).
  • Fixed an issue with the position of the Sytem Tray context menu.
  • Fixed an issue with Active Directory (AD) Template settings for JavaScript (i.e. the JavaScript.Enabled property wasn't handled properly).
  • Fixed possible slow starts in rare cases that were caused by using the Preferences/Identity/GetUserInfoFromActiveDirectory option.
  • Multiple items can now be moved up and down in the 'New Document from Images/RTF dialogs' lists.
  • Line spacing can now be controlled when generating a Table of Content via the Bookmarks Plugin.
  • The 'Generate Bookmarks from Text' feature can now replace existing (duplicate) bookmarks.
  • Fixed an issue when setting the 'Sort' property to 'True', it now correctly sorts the defined combo/list box items.
  • Measurements created via the 'Calibrate Tool' now use regional settings for decimal and thousands separators.
  • Improved XFA support.
  • Fixed an issue with the MS PowerPoint process hanging after converting PowerPoint files to PDF
  • Improved MS Office to PDF conversion in the Editor and PDF-Tools: bug fixes, performance optimizations, and a smoother user experience.
  • Shift+Del is now a default shortcut to "cut" a selection when editing all content types.
  • Refactored text caret in the edit function(s) such that the caret will now be placed at the edges of a selection.
  • No more gradient selection in text edit.
  • Improved both performance and quality when scrolling pages. Removed an annoying flickering effect in the space between pages.
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