
Registry First Aid to jeden z najlepszych programów do czyszczenia oraz optymalizacji rejestru w systemach Windows.Program jest płatny.

Registry First Aid 9.0.0.
New in version 9.0.0

+ many interface changes;
+ Windows 8 compatibility;
+ new error category "Invalid Uninstall records";
* registry scan is now much faster;
+ some basic adaptation to touchscreens;
+ support of multi-monitor configurations;
* fast "open in RegEdit" functions;
+ close filter and legend forms on Escape key press;
+ new "Item Menu" button near the "Filter" button to access mouse pop-up menu items on touchscreens;
* button caption changed from "Back" to "Reset Results" after registry search to avoid confusion;
+ show paths to scan for corrections before registry scan, show "Configure" button to open the Settings dialog;
+ Registry Manage: refresh the lists on F5 key press;
+ Registry Compress: show summary sizes of used and saved registry files;
- Advanced Settings: color example interface errors are fixed;
+ Advanced Settings: option to hide statistics at the Home screen is added;
+ Advanced Settings: multiselection is added to the excluded strings, paths to scan for corrections and excluded paths lists;
* help file is updated;
* home screen adoptations for displays with large fonts;
* setup: ask to delete settings and user exclusions on uninstall;
- bugfix: full backup creation could not be canceled;
+ some language files updated;
- known bugs are fixed;

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Bardzo aktywny
27 Maj 2010
mac napisał:
Próbował ktoś przeprowadzić aktualizacje z promocyjnej wersji 8.3 do nowej 9?

To jest dobre pytanie , też jestem ciekawy czy się zaktualizuje :scratch


Bardzo aktywny
21 Wrzesień 2010
próbowalem aktualizowac i nic z tego musi byc nowy kod.


Bardzo aktywny
27 Maj 2010
jerzy601 napisał:
próbowalem aktualizowac i nic z tego musi byc nowy kod.

Hm szkoda , dzięki za info :dziękuję


super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Registry First Aid 9.1.0 Build 2157

support of Windows 2008;
do not show help message if automatic scan was started;
language files were updated;
create restore point only once per day, not in every session run;
show total size of registry hives available for Full Backup;
bugfix: last full backup date was not loaded and cleared on exit if the program started with parameter "/autoscan";
bugfix: incorrect sorting registry hives to defragment by clicking on column caption;
bugfix: size of total registry bytes saved from last defragment was not remembered;

Registry First Aid 9.2.0 Build 2188

Windows 8.1 compatibility;
RFA Registry Search: replace function is added: option to replace found strings with user entered values;
"create_bugreport.bat" file is added into the program folder to simplify manual bug-report creation;
some language updates;
default value of "Show Scanned Path in Status Bar" is changed to OFF - this increases disk scan speed on SSD drives;
Full Backup Restore screen: synchronize setting check marks with backup selection;
do not add icon to Start Menu group folder;
Filter dialog now have option to change it's transparency;
command line parameter "/fullscreen" to open the program at full screen;
restore maximized/normal window state on starting;
on first error appearance show a message to reproduce the error in order to create a full bug-report, on next exception show "open bug-report?" dialog;
Registry Snapshots: avoid errors on clicking buttons when saving long undo/redo .reg files;
error handling for loading/saving colors from settings; no error on loading colors from read-only files;
bug with casual deleting registration information from settings if it was entered on a first program start;

Registry First Aid 9.3.0 Build 2207

improvements in checking scanned registry keys for exclusions;
smart "Add Excluded Registry Key" dialog: detect root key and cut it from path, replace with it any root key chosen from dialog;
count scanned keys/dirs and show the number on statusbar - it helps to see if the program still working while the progressbar is not moving;
verify modified registry keys and detect those that were not corrected, option to save them in a text file;
Restore From .Reg Backup Files: expand contents of .reg files to second level;
Restore From .Reg Backup Files: now it is possible to switch view between "plain" and "full" tree view;
Restore From .Reg Backup Files: show selected key path in status bar;
Restore From .Reg Backup Files: new pop-up menu commands: "View as full tree"; "Copy key path to clipboard";
bug: incorrect string length was shown in entries with invalid data size;
bug: it was possible to make filter dialog completely invisible using transparent value option;
bug: it was possible to ocassionally hide the "backup" panel by moving splitter to the bottom;
bug: the "results" panel may be hidden if the "backup" panel is at max height and the program window is resized to min;

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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013


Bardzo aktywny
12 Maj 2011
New in version 10.0.0

+ new registry error categories:
+ Obsolete Firewall Settings,
+ Invalid TypeLib references,
* detect more errors in legacy error categories;
* speed improvements in the registry scanning engine;
+ filter templates for list of found errors with option to load/save;
+ search templates with option to load/save;
* interface changes;
* Registry Manage: "AutoStart" plugin is now compatible with Windows 8 Task Manager;
* Invalid Run Entries category: detect and fix invalid entries in Windows XP/Vista/7 MSConfig and Windows 8 Task Manager settings;
- bug fixed: it was possible to scan and fix registry errors after registry compression or registry restore ignoring reboot;

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Supported Operating Systems
Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000, 2003 and 2008
32-bit and 64-bit


super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Registry First Aid 11.0.0 Build 2394

new interface, new icons;
new splash and install pictures;
Manage Registry: new plugin: "Pop-up Menu Commands" that allows to add/remove items in the right mouse click pop-up menu for "Desktop", "My Computer", "Directory", "Drive", "Compressed Folder", Any file (*) and any file types registered by it's extension;
new grouping added: by correction type; refresh on F5 if some corrections were changed by user;
pop-up menu is added to the left-side groups listview; it allows to make mass selections of entries in a group - in a category, in a safety level, filtered group, etc.;
the "Home" screen now shows numbers of found and corrected entries in a recent session, not just in a last scan. Session may include several cycles: scan->fix->back->scan->fix->back in one run of RFA;
Office 365 keys are moved from high risk list to the default excluded list;
Invalid Uninstall Records category: unknown keys and unknown non-empty values are marked as of medium safety (risk) level;
InvalidActiveX/COM References category: detect keys that do not have any of required values and have no subkeys;
Invalid File Associations category: detect invalid entries that may prevent from running executable files such as .exe, .bat, .cmd;
Invalid File Associations category: now more registry entries are scanned;
Invalid Uninstall Records category: improved scanning that detects keys without required values; unused subkeys; invalid value types;
setup now will not ask for Start Menu group where to save shortcuts;
on uninstall it now will not ask user if to delete backup folder: it will just open backup folder in file explorer and suggest to review files and delete them manually;
always set selection checkbox for an entry if it's correction was changed manually, regardless of risk level;
Registry Restore from .reg Files: save and read dates of .reg backup file creation/restore in digital format that is not depending on user locale settings, old human-readable format for previously created backups is still supported when reading files;
Registry Restore from .reg Files: search in .reg files now works in "full tree" mode also;
Invalid ActiveXCOM category: wow6432 nodes are added: SoftwareWow6432NodeClassesCLSID and SoftwareClassesWow6432NodeCLSID; that nodes may contain not only just a copy of SoftwareClassesCLSID;
a notification about finishing any long operation is shown at the taskbar notification area if the application is not active;
bugfix: selection checkbox was not set when user manually set the same correction that was already selected (except "leave as is");
bugfix: an error may appear in the Settings dialog on editing an excluded registry key;
bugfix: if the program was started with the "/autoscan" command line parameter and from simple user account, then the "Restart as Administrator" dialog will not appear;
bugfix in Auto-Start Programs category: file references without path and extension like "MsiExec /I{00010419-78E1-11D2-B60F-006097C998E7}" may appear incorrectly found as invalid;
a small bug fixed in checking correction results for entries - sometimes some entries may be successfuly corrected but reported as "failed to modify";
bugfix: in representing file sizes a comma was used as thousands separator, not user locale settings;
bugfix: progress indicator was not shown at the program taskbar button;
bugfix: on resize or after cancelling maximize window the treeview controls may became invisible;
bugfix: Registry Snapshots: access violation on reading snapshots without comment (comment was left empty in the dialog);
bugfix: the Settings dialog initial position was at the first system screen, now the initial position is at the same monitor as the main program window;
bugfix: custom pop-up dialogs interrupted user's work with other applications while the program is running at the background. - some minor bugs fixed;

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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Registry First Aid 11.0.1. build 2433

What's new:

Legend: (+) a feature is added
(*) a feature is improved/changed
(-) a bug is fixed
New in version 11.0.1

* if automatic Restore Point creation is failed then the "System Protection" Control Panel applet is opened so user can check if the system restore service is enabled; a manual restore point may be created from there;
+ if a Restore Point creation is failed then a system reported error message is shown in the "warning" message and in the status line;
* a default text editor assigned in the system for .reg files is used to view .reg backup files, if it is not assigned then then notepad.exe is used;
* many language files updated;
- bugfix: sometimes a "Range Check Error" may appear on failed creating restore point;
- bugfix: system and full backup selected options were not remembered if a scan was not started;
- bugfix: label "Creating restore point" was not removed from the main window if restore point was failed or not needed;
- bugfix: the progress was incorrecly counted when registry scan was started not using multiple threads;
- bugfix: progress-bar state was returned to incorrect status after the Warning Dialog on reaching registry errors limit;
- some minor bugs fixed;

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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Registry First Aid 11.0.2
New in version 11.0.2

+ help file updates;
- fix: sometimes registry scan&fix may make Cortana for Windows 10 not working by deleteing invalid paths from Microsoft Speech registry entries;
- minor bugfixes;
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Registry First Aid 11.2.0
New in version 11.2.0 (8/4/2018)
  • - bugfix: on a hi-DPI screen the program remembered incorrect width and height;
  • * on loading, the program now checks it's window coordinates to do not exceed screen top and left, width and height (summary of all monitors);
  • - bugfix: last compression date was not remembered;
  • + Registry Search screen now contains scrolling and splitter to resize the options frame (needed if big fonts selected for the screens);
  • * some visual imnprovements;
New in version 11.1.1
  • * DPI-awareness improved (for high resolution screens);
  • - bugfix: left "groups" panel did not remember it's width;
  • - bugfix: RFA Agent infinitely showed "an update is found";
  • - bugfix: "out of memory" error on 32-bit systems while downloading update;
  • - some minor bugfixes;
  • * some language files updated;
New in version 11.1.0
  • + new Group View: Available Corrections: items can be grouped by correction type possible for each item.
    Now it has six views: Category, Safety Level, Filter, Selected Correction, Available Correction and, of course, plain view "All in One List";
  • * improvements in finding best corrections for registry references to moved files/folders;
  • + online update for default excluded registry keys that are dangerous to modify;
  • + some more NVidia keys are excluded from registry scan;
  • + new registry pop-up menu command: Copy selected entries to clipboard;
  • + show a mark on the currently selected correction in the list of available corrections.
  • * some images updated and new added for menus;
  • - bugfix: Full Backup: Warning message "There is not enough free space on the drive." was incorrectly encoded.
  • - bugfix: error on deleting search or filter templates from the Template Dialog;
  • - bugfix: sometimes the message "Some registry entries were not modified" appeared after a fix while all registry entries were actually changed;
  • - Registry Manage: some bugfixes in Pop-up Menu Commands plugin;
  • * Registry Manage: do not reload plugin entries after menu commands that do not change registry, like "Jump to", "Open Folder" etc.;
  • - bugfix: if computer was not rebooted for a long time RFA agent may not remember last registry scan date;
  • * updates in help file;
  • - minor bugfixes;
  • - some language files updated;
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Ostatnia edycja:


Bardzo aktywny
21 Wrzesień 2010
program jest dobry kiedyś go uzywalem ,ale jest platny trzeba klucz miec a z tym jest problem.


Bardzo aktywny
21 Wrzesień 2010
I know the description of the program and know what this soft one is for.
the problem is that it is a paid program and a key is needed for it, and that's the problem.
the company of this software very rarely organizes promotions on this soft.
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