ReNamer wersje stabilne


super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Potrzebujesz zmienić dużą liczbę nazw plików zrobisz to bez problemu z tym narzędziem . W zasadzie można zmienić nim wszystko od całkowitej nazwy plików po numerowanie , przedrostki , przyrostki , usuwać przerwy , zmieniać rozszerzenia plików , rozpoznaje etykiety meta , zmienia również nazwy folderów i czego tylko dusza zapragnie :D i jest za FREE :klawik.

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Rewritten file version information extraction code to be Unicode capable;
· VersionInfo_Version meta tag was split into two separate VersionInfo_FileVersion and VersionInfo_ProductVersion tags;
· Changed how "Always on top" option is applied, it now requires a restart;
· Replaced use of DragAcceptFiles with WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES on main form;
· Analyze dialog got its own place on the taskbar and can now be minimized independently of the main window;
· If natural sort thinks items are the same, perform a normal text sort, so names like "01" and "1" will always appear in a consistent order;
· Reworked functions for processing special folders to better handle errors;
· Translation field in the About dialog became more apparent;
· Built-in registration facility and Terms of Use dialog;
· Fixed a problem with partially shown main window in the command line mode, which was caused by usage of "remember last position and size" option;
· Added GetCurrentMarkedFileIndex and GetTotalNumberOfMarkedFiles functions to PascalScript;
· Added 3 new functions to PascalScript: GetCurrentFileIndex, GetTotalNumberOfFiles, WideGetTempPath;
· Added "Fix conflicting new names on preview" option in the Settings;
· A more detailed warning message for the real-time preview option;
· Right click on the white header of the About dialog will place application's version information in to the clipboard;
· Upgraded Virtual Treeview component to v5.1.0;
· Changed versioning pattern from "5.60+ Beta 22" to "5.60.22 Beta";
· Added release date to the About dialog;
· Fixed issue with natural sorting algorithm: next immediate character after a numeric value was skipped (jumped over) in comparison;
· Added "Extension always upper case" option to the Case rule;
· Fixed issue with shortcuts from the main window being kept active when showing modal dialogs in the command line mode;
· No flickering of the main window when performing command line renaming;
· Added option to export files to a batch renaming file;
· Fixed export/import of CSV files to correctly handle quoted strings, including appearance of commas within the values;
· Importing from M3U/PLS playlists now works on Unicode filenames;
· Importing/exporting from/to CSV/TAB files now works on Unicode filenames;
· Fixed file extracting issue when importing from PLS playlist;
· Added "Go To" button on the Browse dialog;
· Checkboxes in rules configuration will be automatically selected when user modifies the associated input field;
· Added preliminary file signature for WebM video files;
· Added file signatures to detect MP4 video files;
· Included PDF version of the User Manual compiled from the Wiki pages;
· Previous update of Virtual Treeview to v4.8.7 caused the drag & drop feature of the files table to stop working; As a workaround, SimpleDrawSelection flag had to be disabled and now drawing a selection with the mouse will work only on if the State column is in the drawn rectangle;
· Failed loading of the compiled code in Pascal Script will raise an error instead of the whole rule being skipped silently;
· Added 3 new functions to Pascal Script: WideJoinStrings, GetApplicationPath, GetApplicationParams;
· Added MSI|PUB as alternative extensions to the file signature associated with DOC|PPT|XLS file formats;
· Added helper menu with examples of regular expressions;
· Fixed problem with not updated files counter when files are deleted in to the recycling bin via shell menu option;
· Main toolbar items are resized according to the ratios based on the original widths in the form definition, as opposed to hard-coded ratios, enabling adjustment of the width of the main toolbar items by translators;
· Meta tag description is made translatable;
· Spacebar will work as the Insert key does on the files table, inverting the marked state for all selected items;
· Fixed problem with the new window positioning method which restored position with an offset if there were taskbars anchored to the left or top side of the desktop


super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
ReNamer 5.71

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* Special unicode combining characters (e.g. COMBINING TILDE U+0303) are handled correctly within Case rule when performing capitalization of words;
* Added "Capitalize AND Preserve" option to the Case rule, which acts like "Capitalize Every Word" but it does not initialize everything to lower case before capitalizing, hence, preserving most of the original case;
* White spaces are stripped from the registration code to prevent issues;
* Native string comparison function replaced with binary comparison for highlighting changed names and clearing not changed files so to work around the Windows API behavior that treats German "sharp s" and "ss" as equal;
* Handle errors of all functions that use SHGetFileInfo API;
* Fixed issue with retrieving common documents folder on some versions of Windows XP by replacing use of SHGetSpecialFolderLocation API with SHGetSpecialFolderPath;
* Updated VirtualTreeView component to v5.1.3
* License file on Windows 9x/NT is stored in application folder without vendor subdirectories;
* Rules statements converted to resource strings for translation;
* Added ID3_AlbumArtist meta tag;


super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013


super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013


super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
ReNamer 5.76

Added thousand separator to the count of files in the status bar;
Updated messages in several confirmation dialogs;
Added TB file size abbreviation;
File size abbreviations are now localizable;
Added horizontal scrollbar to the UserInput rule input;
Added F1 key shortcut and appropriate hint to all online help buttons;
GUI changes to show selection rectangle around checkboxes and radio buttons;
Added option for specifying color used for highlighting changed names;
Added Spanish translit alphabet;
Fixed not working table sorting by "Error" and "Old Path" columns;
Converted "Translit Alphabet" speed button into a tab-accessible button;
Accept drag and drop files in the UserInput rule configuration;
Use "MS Shell Dlg 2" font instead of "MS Shell Dlg" on Windows 2000 and later versions; This system font substitute maps to "Tahoma" which better handles ambiguity between letter "I" and digit "1";
Increased font size of most text fields from 8 to 10 points;
Added horizontal scrollbar to the PascalScript code window;
Updated cursor position description in the Analyze dialog;
Added Ctrl+L shortcut for opening the Scripts menu in PascalScript rule;
Always start programs via ExecConsoleApp function in hidden mode (replaced use of DETACHED_PROCESS flag with SW_HIDE flag);
Added ExecuteProgramShow function, similar to ExecuteProgram but it also allows to control how the window is to be shown;
Add binary file signatures for EPUB and DOCX/XLSX/PPTX file formats;
Display a warning message when trying to load a non-existent preset file;
Cancel command line renaming mode when preset file does not exist, instead of silently using the default preset;

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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013

Converted application project from Delphi 7 to Lazarus/FPC;
Added multilingual support using PO files in Languages folder;
Added built-in version information, moving to x.x.x.x versioning;
Updated icons from BMP to PNG with alpha-blending;
Converted mini buttons above rules and files tables into toolbars with automatic resizing to better fit localized text;
Error column is now visible by default;
Replaced PascalScript package (from SVN dated 11 November 2008) with an updated version from component library in Lazarus;
EXIF, IPTC, HTML meta tags can now handle Unicode filenames;
Added toolbar button for accessing context menu of files table columns;
UserInput rule can now read content from Unicode filenames;
Advanced Pascal Script editor with syntax highlighting, code folding, etc;
Correctly restore negative window position on multi-monitor setups;
Pascal Script code can contain Unicode characters (internally stored as UTF8 encoded string);
Display icon in the context menu for "Add to ReNamer" option;
Items added via /enqueue parameter are sent in a group instead of individually, to prevent auto preview and validation per sent item

ReNamer 6.1.0

Added DayOfMonth, DayOfYear, WeekOfMonth, WeekOfYear functions to PascalScript;
DayOfWeek fuction in PascalScript now returns 1=Monday to 7=Sunday, instead of 1=Sunday to 7=Saturday;
Added meta tags for extracting sent date from emails in UTC and original time zones, in addition to default local time zone;
Fixed incorrect timezone adjustment for Email_DateSent and Outlook_DateHeader meta tags, causing dates to be UTC instead of local timezone in some cases;
Included high resolution application icon 256x256;
Added new functions to PascalScript: WideTrimChars, WideTrimCharsLeft, WideTrimCharsRight, WideCopyRight, WideDeleteRight;
Common component library dialog messages and buttons are now translated;
Updated Japanese language file;
Store all user data in user profile directory for Installer version;
Automatic migration of data from VirtualStore;
Use Settings.ini instead of <Application>.ini naming for settings;
Unicode support for names of scripts, translits, presets;
Added "Case sensitive" option to the Strip rule;
Added scope options to the Strip rule: Everywhere, Leading, Trailing;
List of languages is sorted alphabetically instead of file system order;
Added native language names to language titles;
Language details and list of translators are stored in PO file headers;
List of translators is displayed upon selecting a different language;
Display popup menus for Alphabet and Scripts buttons below the button;
Added hints to the main window status bar;
Resized components on Terms Of Use form to fit captions;
Added menu accelerators to all context menus;
Added WideCaseSentence function to PascalScript rule;
Added Languages menu;

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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013

Added Indonesian language PO file;
Updated Japanese and Russian language PO files;
Split filter settings into default and session settings; Any modifications to filters now apply to session settings, with an option to use them as defaults;
Extract MP3_TrackNo, MP3_DiskNo, WMA_TrackNo, WMA_DiskNo from numeric track and disk tags, in addition to standard "X/Y" format;
Added WMA_TrackTotal meta tag;
Deprecated MP3_PartOfSet and WMA_PartOfSet tags in favor of respective MP3_DiskNo/MP3_DiskTotal and WMA_DiskNo/WMA_DiskTotal tags;
Trim new lines at the end of system formatted renaming errors;
Renamed ID3_meta tags to MP3_(ID3_will remain as hidden aliases);
Internal cleanup of handling of MP3_meta tags;
Do not pad with zeros MP3_TrackNo and WMA_TrackNo meta tags;
Handle Unicode data in FLAC_meta tags;
Added Portuguese translit alphabet;
Added FLAC_AlbumArtist, FLAC_TrackTotal, FLAC_DiscNo, FLAC_DiscTotal meta tags;
Added MP3_TrackTotal, MP3_DiskNo, MP3_DiskTotal meta tags;
Added WMA_AlbumArtist, WMA_DiskNo, WMA_DiskTotal, WMA_PartOfSet meta tags;
Fixed non-string tag handling issues in WMA files;
Broader range of supported WMA files (no limits on SampleRate, ByteRate, etc);
Converted WMA_TrackNo meta tag from 0-based to 1-based;
Fixed limitation of FLAC library which prevented processing of files containing artwork/picture;
Fixed encoding conversion issue with the renaming error message;
Updated Chinese Simplified (zh_CN) translation file;
Updated Russian (ru) translation file;
Fixed issue with cut off last character in meta tags from FLAC files;
Added uninstaller icon;
Improved registration handling;
Provide more information regarding invalid licenses;
Implemented measures to prevent reverse engineering;
Fixed issue with always centering non-main forms;
Added "CamelCase" note to the "Insert a space in front of capitalized letters" option;
Changed full language title from "Title (Native)" to "Title - Native";
Added Portuguese (Brazil) translation file;
More spacious Settings window, better fit localized text;
Store BeepOnPreview and BeepOnRename variables in settings file;
Added Chinese Simplified translation;
Renamed default language title from "Default" to "Original (English)";
Suppress language icon loading exceptions and handle Unicode icon paths;
Fixed localization issues in auxiliary message dialogs: Go to Folder, Mark by Mask, Select by Mask, Select by Extension, Select by Filename Length, Confirm overwrite with new name, Could not open the following file;
Unicode support for remembered values of: Add Files, Add Folders, Filter Masks, Mark by Mask, Select by Mask, Select by Extension;
Better positioning of components in Browse dialog for localization;
Fixed loading of localized description of meta tags;
Fixed encoding mix-up in registration data handling and messages;
Updated Japanese language file;

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Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
ReNamer 6.6.0


Changes for v6.5 -
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  • * Added a new "Padding" rule, used for adding and removing zero padding in number sequences.
  • * Increased height of the Add Rule dialog to fit an extra rule.
  • * Added "Export paths to clipboard" option.
  • * Fixed incorrect replacement of consecutive "Find" parts. Regression introduced in v6.3.0.3.
  • * Other small improvements.
  • * Handle included files with full paths in PascalScript.
  • * Improved error message when an include file is not found in PascalScript.
  • * Changed shortcut in PascalScript editor for deleting the current word from Ctrl+T to Ctrl+W, to avoid collision with the shortcut for "Try to Compile" button.
  • * Added an example script to demonstrate the use of {$INCLUDE} directive in PascalScript.
  • * Added Czech translation file. Thanks to Lukas Kucera.
  • * Updated Russian language file.
  • * Implemented an include directive in PascalScript, i.e. "{$I filename.pas}".
  • * Fixed incorrect display of local Unicode thousand separator.

Changes for v6.2 -
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  • * Updated Serbian language file.
  • * Internal PascalScript code optimizations.
  • * Fixed incorrectly displayed declaration for overloaded functions, e.g. Length.
  • * Changed default size of PascalScript auto-completion window (20x600 to 16x400).
  • * Added new PascalScript functions: StrToIntDef, StrToInt64Def, TryStrToInt, RandomFloat, RandomBoolean, MinInt, MinInt64, MinFloat, MaxInt, MaxInt64, MaxFloat.
  • * Added function name completion (Ctrl+Space) in PascalScript code window.
  • * Updated Russian (ru) translation file.
  • * Updated Japanese translation file.
  • * Added Torrent file meta tags: Torrent_Name, Torrent_Hash, Torrent_Announce, Torrent_Comment, Torrent_Publisher, Torrent_CreationDateUTC, Torrent_CreationDateLocal, Torrent_CountFiles, Torrent_TotalSizeBytes, Torrent_TotalSizeKB, Torrent_TotalSizeMB, Torrent_TotalSizeGB.
  • * Fixed missing time component in files table for midnight (00:00:00).
  • * Added more date/time functions to PascalScript: SecondSpan, EncodeDateTime, DecodeDateTime, TryEncodeDateTime, ComposeDateTime.
  • * Minor code optimizations.
  • * Fixed broken "Stay on top" option (used to be called "Always on top"), and it no longer requires a restart.
  • * Added meta tags filter box, populated with existing meta tag categories.
  • * Added "Delete current name" option to Delete rule.
  • * Added "Replace current name" option to Insert rule.
  • * Repositioned components in Rearrange rule to better fit localized text.
  • * Updated Russian (ru) translation file.
  • * Updated Chinese Simplified (zh_CN) translation file.
  • * Set application BidiMode (right-to-left) according to the selected language, instead of by system locale.
  • * Added BiDiCode setting in INI file for overiding application BidiMode, possible values: AUTO, LTR, RTL.
  • * Improvements to the registration procedure.
  • * Added Exclude filter masks in addition to existing Include masks.
  • * Filter masks now support Unicode characters.
  • * Updated Brazilian language PO file.

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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
ReNamer 6.7.0
  • Strip surrounding white space characters from EXIF Make, Model and Description tags.
  • Display fractional part in "Size KB" and "Size MB" columns in the files table.
  • Format file size and torrent size meta tags using locale symbols and 2 fractional digits.
  • Added "Torrent_TotalSize", "File_Size" and "File_SizeGB" meta tags.
  • Improved routines for number formatting based on locale settings.
  • Added an option to skip renaming of unchanged files.
  • Fixed an incorrect DST offset applied to file dates outside of current DST period.
  • Replaced internal use of TStringsArray with TWideStringArray in Pascal Script.
  • Added FileReadText function to Pascal Script.
  • Added "/silent" switch to ignore warnings and errors during command line renaming.
  • Set non-zero exit code when command line renaming fails in silent mode.
  • Refactored command line parsing mechanism.
  • Added colored arrow icons to import/export options to improve visual identification.
  • Use the first day of the current year to substitute missing components in parsed dates in the Reformat Date rule.
  • Fixed ignoring of trailing digits in short date pattern components (M, D, H, N, S, Z) in the Reformat Date rule.
  • Rearranged the display order of rules: Reformat Date and Padding rules moved up in the list.
  • Minor re-alignment of checkboxes in the Padding rule configuration window.
  • Added Randomize rule for inserting random sequences into filenames.
  • Random serialization option in the Serialize rule has been deprecated.
  • Added option to replace the current name in Serialize and Randomize rules.
  • Added an option to disable automatic case adjustments performed by the Translit rule.
  • Disabled word-wrap, enabled horizontal scrollbar and improved resizing of components in the Translit rule configuration window.
  • Reformat Date rule: Correctly handle repeated time format components.
  • Reformat Date rule: Allow partial date and time format parsing, e.g. "YYYY", "DD MMM", "NN:SS".
  • Reformat Date rule: Case insensitive matching of Unicode month names.
  • Added functions to PascalScript: OemToAnsi, OemToWide, AnsiToOem, WideToOem.
  • Fixed potential output buffer corruption in ExecConsoleApp function.
  • ExecConsoleApp function no longer applies OEM to ANSI conversion to the console output.
  • Made "Insert Meta Tags" button in the Insert rule more prominent.
  • Reimplemented Outlook MSG file parser used for Outlook_* meta tags.
  • Reimplemented email headers parsing used for Email_* and Outlook_* meta tags.
  • Email_* meta tags can handle Unicode file names.
  • Added more Email_* meta tags: MessageID, SenderName, SenderEmail, Recipients, Recipient, RecipientName, RecipientEmail.
  • Added more Outlook_* meta tags: SenderName, SenderEmail, Recipients, Recipient, RecipientName, RecipientEmail.
  • Renamed Outlook_ID meta tag to Outlook_MessageID for consistency.
  • Changed English rule names from CamelCase to spaced capitalization.
  • Added WideTextPosEx, IsWideWordBoundaryLeft and IsWideWordBoundaryRight functions to Pascal Script.
  • Updated bundled User Manual (PDF file).
  • Updated Japanese language file.
  • Updated French language file.
  • Updated Chinese Simplified language file.
  • Updated Serbian language file.
  • Updated Russian language file.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Full list of changes:

* Optimized files table clearing operation. Clearing all files is significantly faster now.
* Refactored files table import operation.
* Include directories with a system attribute when scanning for presets.
* Show presets directory structure limitation message in Save Preset and Presets Manager.
* Reapply presets limitations after a preset was deleted in Presets Manager.
* Localized filter title in the dialog for importing presets.
* Ignore file extension when sorting presets.
* Sort the list of translit alphabets.
* Meta tags: Decoded escape sequences when extracting complete mailbox specifications.
* Meta tags: Handle tab char (#9) as a fold char in email headers.
* Meta tags: Handle folded (wrapped/multiline) email headers.
* Meta tags: Handle escape sequences in mailbox specification.
* Meta tags: Decode multiple contained MIME encoded words in email headers.
* Meta tags: Decode MIME encoded email subject line and addressee names.
* Meta tags: Extract unquoted name from a mailbox addressee specification.
* A more user-friendly error message when the application of renaming rules on text fails.
* Rearranged Z-order of options to avoid covering up of the radio button in the User Input rule, due to increased system font size.
* Changed the order of options in the Serialize rule for a more natural flow.
* Display separate counters for skipped unmarked files and skipped unchanged files.
* Added new functions to Pascal Script: WideMatchesMask, WideMatchesMaskList, WideSameFileName, WideReverseString, RandomString.
* Refactored registration of custom types and functions in Pascal Script.
* Support directory structures for presets (Pro version).
* Do not show "preset not found" warning in silent command line mode.
* Apply license restrictions to the creation of preset links.
* Show message with the number of successfully created preset links.
* Save Preset dialog is now resizable.
* Allow ampersand sign "&" to be used in preset names.
* Forbid saving a preset with an empty name.
* Added a selection of numeral systems to the Serialize rule: Decimal digits (0..9), English letters (a..z), Roman numerals (I,II,III,IV,...), Simplified Chinese, Custom alphabetic and Custom numeric.
* Avoid a crash when Randomize rule is misconfigured with an empty character set.
* Refactored UTF8 code point splitting routines.
* Added "Reset if file name changes" option to the Serialize rule.
* Added FileReadTextLines function to Pascal Script.
* Added UsePlusAsSpace parameter to URLDecode function.
* Modified import/export icons to minimize ambiguity of color and direction of arrows.
* Added "New Instance" option for opening a new application instance.
* Option "Create Links" can now handle Unicode preset names.
* Option to add a link to "Send To" folder is now Unicode capable.
* Updated Japanese language file. Thanks to Tilt.
* Updated Chinese Simplified language file. Thanks to Max Wander.
* Updated Italian language file. Thanks to Vittorio Ierardi.
* Updated Russian language file.
* Other internal changes.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
What's new in ReNamer Lite 6.9 July 2nd, 2018
  • Implemented rule comments, editable via rules context menu.
  • Enhanced storage path resolution with new path tags and handling of multiple path tags.
  • Major code refactoring to improve automation and unit testing capabilities.
  • Decoupled renaming rules from the visual components.
  • Refactored renaming rule structures and management operations.
  • Refactored file signature structures and management operations.
  • Added a dialog for manually entering file paths for renaming.
  • Added various unit tests, including unit tests for some renaming rules.
  • Remove all files more efficiently than one-by-one when all files match the clearing criteria.
  • Efficiency improvements for files table clearing operations.
  • Efficiency improvements for performing shell actions on files.
  • Added "How to translate" link to the Languages menu.
  • Find application language file independently of the executable file name.
  • Perform a fast clearing of files tables when closing the application.
  • Converted action buttons in the Pascal Script window to a toolbar. Better handling of long localized text.
  • Changed the Z-order of controls in the Delete rule window. Avoid awkward overlapping with long localized text.
  • Forbid the use of empty folder when creating preset links. Avoid an error.
  • Added Dutch language file.
  • Added Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) language file.
  • Updated French language file.
  • Updated Chinese Simplified language file.
  • Updated German language file.
  • Updated Serbian language file.
  • Updated Russian language file.
  • Internal refactoring.
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