
Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
Scite 3.7.5


SciTE jest rozwijanym od kilkunastu lat edytorem tekstu i kodu źródłowego. Charakteryzuje się bardzo wysoką stabilnością oraz bogatym zestawem funkcji pomimo dość skromnego interfejsu zbudowanego z kilku pasków narzędzi.

SciTE oferuje wiele rozwiązań, które znacząco uprzyjemniają komfort pracy jak możliwość otwierania wielu dokumentów w wielu kartach jednocześnie czy kolorowanie składni w licznych językach programowania. Nie zabrakło również innych istotnych opcji w tym numerowania linii, zwijania bloków kodu, zaznaczenie kolumnowe, obsługa wyrażeń regularnych.

Gotowe projekty możemy eksportować do dokumentów w formatach HTML, RTF, PDF, XML, LaTeX. Obsługiwane są również formaty UTF-8 i UTF-16.

Inne ciekawe funkcje SciTE:
  • tryb pełnoekranowy,
  • obsługa interfejsu z linii poleceń,
  • możliwość korzystania ze skrótów klawiaturowych,
  • rozbudowany system wyszukiwania,
  • integracja z kompilatorami i debuggerami,
  • zapisywanie i przywracanie sesji,
  • wysoki stopień optymalizacji umożliwiający sprawne operowanie nawet na bardzo dużych plikach
Źródło: instalki.pl
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Po pobraniu spolszczenia należy ten plik umieścić w folderze z rozpakowanym archiwum programu i zmienić nazwę pliku spolszczenia z nazwy jaką ma po pobraniu, czyli "locale.pl.properties" na "locale.properties".


Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
SciTE 4.1.6
Release 4.1.6
  • Released 10 June 2019.
  • For Visual C++ 2019, /std:c++latest now includes some C++20 features so switch to /std:c++17.
  • SciTE supports editing files larger than 2 gigabytes when built as a 64-bit application.
  • Lexer added for X12.
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  • CMake folder folds function - endfunction.
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  • VB lexer adds support for VB2017 binary literal &B and digit separators 123_456.
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  • Improved performance of line folding code on large files when no folds are contracted. This improves the time taken to open or close large files.
  • Fix bug where changing identifier sets in lexers preserved previous identifiers.
  • Fixed bug where changing to Unicode would rediscover line end positions even if still sticking to ASCII (not Unicode NEL, LS, PS) line ends. Only noticeable on huge files with over 100,000 lines.
  • Changed behaviour of SCI_STYLESETCASE(*,SC_CASE_CAMEL) so that it only treats 'a-zA-Z' as word characters because this covers the feature's intended use (viewing case-insensitive ASCII-only keywords in a specified casing style) and simplifies the behaviour and code.
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  • In SciTE added Camel case option "case:c" for styles to show keywords with initial capital.
  • Full release history:
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
SciTE 4.2.0
Release 4.2.0
  • Released 5 July 2019.
  • Scintilla.iface adds line and pointer types, increases use of the position type, uses enumeration types in methods and properties, and adds enumeration aliases to produce better CamelCase identifiers.
  • Source of input (direct / IME composition / IME result) reported in SCN_CHARADDED so applications can treat temporary IME composition input differently.
  • Lexer added for DataFlex.
  • Matlab lexer now treats keywords as case-sensitive.
  • SQL lexer fixes single quoted strings where '" (quote, double quote) was seen as continuing the string.
  • Platform layers should use InsertCharacter method to perform keyboard and IME input, replacing AddCharUTF method.
  • Add CARETSTYLE_BLOCK_AFTER option to always display block caret after selection.
  • On Win32, limit text returned from WM_GETTEXT to the length specified in wParam. This could cause failures when using assistive technologies like NVDA.
  • Fix deletion of isolated invalid bytes.
  • Fix position of line caret when overstrike caret set to block.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
SciTE 4.2.2
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
SciTE 4.3.1
Version 4.3.1 released 4 March 2020.
  • Add default argument for StyleContext::GetRelative. Feature #1336.
  • Fix drag and drop between different encodings on Win32 by always providing CF_UNICODETEXT only. Bug #2151.
  • Automatically scroll while dragging text. Feature #497.
  • On Win32, the numeric keypad with Alt pressed can be used to enter characters by number. This can produce unexpected results in non-numlock mode when function keys are assigned. Potentially problematic keys like Alt+KeypadUp are now ignored. Bug #2152.
  • Crash fixed with Direct2D on Win32 when updating driver. Bug #2138.
  • For SciTE on Win32, fix crashes when Lua script closes application. Bug #2155.
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Ostatnia edycja:


Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Scite 4.4.2
What's new in Scite 4.4.2
June 2, 2020
  • On Cocoa using Xcode changed Lexilla.dylib install path to @rpath as would otherwise try /usr/lib which won't work for sandboxed applications.
  • On Cocoa using Xcode made work on old versions of macOS by specifying deployment target as 10.8 instead of 10.15.
  • On Win32 fix static linking of Lexilla by specifying calling convention in Lexilla.h.
  • SciTE now uses default shared library extension even when directory contains '.'.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Scite 5.0.0
Version 5.0.0 Released 5 March 2021
  • First version that separates Lexilla from Scintilla. Each of the 3 projects now has a separate history page but history before 5.0.0 remains combined.
  • Fix Alt+End (move to wrapped line end) for Japanese UTF-8 text..
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  • SciTE uses the "null" lexer when it doesn't have a lexer assigned to a file. This avoids activating a Lua script lexer if one is assigned.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
SciTE 5.1.4
Release 5.1.3

  • Released 29 September 2021.
  • Fix bug with SCI_STYLESETCHECKMONOSPACED on Cocoa that led to incorrect layout with overlapping text.
Release 5.1.2

  • Released 23 September 2021.
  • Add SCI_STYLESETCHECKMONOSPACED which can be used to optimize fonts that are monospaced over the ASCII graphics characters.
  • Add SC_ELEMENT_FOLD_LINE to set the colour of fold lines. Add SC_ELEMENT_HIDDEN_LINE to show where lines are hidden.
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  • Add SCI_SETCARETLINEHIGHLIGHTSUBLINE to highlight just the subline containing the caret instead of the whole document line.
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  • Allow SCI_HIDELINES to hide the first line or all lines which can be useful for filtered views.
  • Make negative settings for extra ascent and descent safer by ensuring calculated ascent and thus line height is at least 1 pixel.
  • Fix display of fold lines when wrapped so they are only drawn once per line, not on each subline.
  • Fix crash with too many subexpressions in regular expression search with SCFIND_CXX11REGEX.
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  • On GTK, fix the line spacing so that underscores and accents are visible for some fonts such as DejaVu Sans Mono 10.
  • On GTK, respond to changes in system font scaling by clearing any cached layout data.
  • On Cocoa, fix memory leak caused by circular references.
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  • On Cocoa, fix disabling horizontal scrollbar in non-wrapping mode.
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  • On Cocoa, ensure cursor and background images are loaded.
Release 5.1.1

  • Released 26 July 2021.
  • In DBCS encodings, treat valid DBCS lead byte followed by invalid trail byte as single byte.
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  • Searching was optimized for documents that contain mostly ASCII text and is often 2-3 times faster.
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  • Word searching behaves more consistently at start and end of document.
  • Add SCI_ALLOCATELINES to allocate indices to hold some number of lines. This can decrease reallocation overhead when the application can count or estimate the number of lines in huge files.
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  • Add SCI_AUTOCSETOPTIONS to allow choosing a non-resizeable autocompletion list on Win32.
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  • On Win32, when technology is changed, buffering is set to a reasonable value for the technology: on for GDI and off for Direct2D as Direct2D performs its own buffering.
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  • On Win32, implement WM_SETREDRAW to turn off scroll bar updates. This can be used to reduce overhead when making many changes.
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Release 5.1.0

  • Released 23 June 2021.
  • This is a stable release. Interfaces with lexers and between platform-independent code and platform layers should remain compatible through 5.x releases.
  • Add SciFnDirectStatus, a direct access function which also returns status. It can be retrieved with SCI_GETDIRECTSTATUSFUNCTION. This can avoid calling SCI_GETSTATUS after every API to determine failure so can improve performance.
  • Add more type-safe wrappers to the API. These are defined in include/ScintillaCall.h and implemented in call/ScintillaCall.cxx. ScintillaCall throws Scintilla::Failure exceptions when a call fails.
  • Add APIs for setting appearance (traditional blob or plain text) and colour of representations and support setting a representation for the "\r\n" line end sequence.
  • Add SCI_REPLACERECTANGULAR to insert text like a rectangular paste.
  • Fixed bug with SCI_GETLASTCHILD.
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  • Fixed gcc link-time-optimization (LTO) compilation.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
SciTE 5.2.4

Release 5.2.4

  • Released 10 July 2022.
  • Fix hiding selection when selection layer is SC_LAYER_UNDER_TEXT.
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  • Fix bad background colour for additional, secondary, and inactive selections when printing.
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  • Fix failures on GTK with non-UTF-8 text when multi-threading due to character set conversion code that was not thread-safe.
  • Fix crash when printing on Win32 in bidirectional mode with a non-empty selection.
Release 5.2.3
  • Released 22 May 2022.
  • Duplicate APIs to support 64-bit document positions on Win32: SCI_GETTEXTRANGEFULL, SCI_FINDTEXTFULL, and SCI_FORMATRANGEFULL. This adds new types to Scintilla.iface which may impact downstream projects. Applications should move to these APIs from their predecessors as they will be deprecated.
  • Improve performance of SCI_FOLDALL(SC_FOLDACTION_EXPAND) by not lexing whole document as it does not depend on folding structure.
  • Fix partial updates and non-responsive scroll bars on Xorg. This defers scroll bar changes to an idle task so could affect applications that depend on the scroll position being updated.
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  • Fix problem with horizontally inverted glyphs with buffered drawing and WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL set on Win32 GDI.
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  • Fix ARM64 builds with Visual C++ due to unsupported CETCOMPAT flag.
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  • On Cocoa, place autocompletion lists and calltips on a higher window level so they can be seen when invoked from a modal dialog.
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  • For Qt 6, fix "modified" signal when text is null but length non-0.
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  • Fix pink selection background when printing by making it completely transparent.
Release 5.2.2
  • Released 31 March 2022.
  • Add SCI_GETSTYLEINDEXAT API to return styles over 127 as positive integers.
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  • On GTK, scroll horizontally with shift + scroll wheel.
  • Fix crash with unexpected right-to-left text on GTK.
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  • Fix position of end-of-line annotation when fold display text is visible.
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  • On Direct2D, support per-monitor text rendering parameters.
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Release 5.2.1
Release 5.2.0
  • Released 9 February 2022.
  • Add multithreaded layout to significantly improve performance for very wide lines.
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  • Made compatible with Qt 6.
  • Fix potential issue with length of buffer for string returning APIs in ScintillaEdit on Qt.
  • Fix inaccurate scroll bar when there are annotations and wrapping of inserted or deleted text changes number of screen lines.
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  • Allow choice of object file directory with makefile by setting DIR_O.
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  • On GTK, use fractional positioning to help Chinese characters in monospaced fonts line up better with roman characters.
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  • On macOS allow Scintilla to run if built without cursor images.
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Release 5.1.5
  • Released 7 December 2021.
  • ScintillaEditPy, Python bindings for Qt using PySide, has been removed. Scintilla was never updated for PySide 2 which was released in 2018 and PySide 1 fell out of support making it difficult to use. Tests that use ScintillaEditPy were removed.
  • When calling SCI_GETTEXT, SCI_GETSELTEXT, and SCI_GETCURLINE with a NULL buffer argument to discover the length that should be allocated, do not include the terminating NUL in the returned value. The value returned is 1 less than previous versions of Scintilla. Applications should allocate a buffer 1 more than this to accommodate the NUL. The wParam (length) argument to SCI_GETTEXT and SCI_GETCURLINE also omits the NUL. This is more consistent with other APIs.
  • Fix assertion failure with autocompletion list when order is SC_ORDER_CUSTOM or SC_ORDER_PERFORMSORT and the list is empty.
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  • On Win32 prevent potential memory leaks for Korean language input.
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  • On Cocoa set active state correctly at creation.
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  • On macOS 12, fix bug where margin would not draw when scrolled.
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  • On Cocoa, fix crash when drag image empty.
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  • On GTK using Wayland, display autocompletion with window on a secondary monitor.
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Release 5.1.4
  • Released 8 November 2021.
  • Add DEL to standard set of space characters for word operations.
  • Add CARETSTYLE_CURSES to draw more than 1 caret on curses terminal.
  • On GTK, fix primary selection paste within same instance.
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  • On GTK, fix potential crash when closing Scintilla instances due to releasing global settings object.
  • On Win32, when window is wider than scroll width, use correct values when checking whether to change horizontal scroll bar so only update and notify dwell end when needed.
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  • GetLineEndTypesSupported returns LineEndType, not int.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Scite 5.3.5​

May 31, 2023
  • Released 31 May 2023.
  • On Win32, implement IME context sensitivity with IMR_DOCUMENTFEED. Feature #1310.
  • On Win32 remove dependence on MSIMG32.DLL by replacing AlphaBlend by GdiAlphaBlend. Bug #1923.
  • On Qt, stop movement of IME candidate box.
  • On Qt, report correct caret position within paragraph for IME retrieve surrounding text.
  • On Qt for Cocoa, fix crash in entry of multi-character strings with IME.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Scite 5.3.6​

July 26, 2023
  • Redraw calltip after showing as didn't update when size of new text exactly same as previous. Feature #1486.
  • On Win32 fix reverse arrow cursor when scaled. Bug #2382.
  • On Win32 hide cursor when typing if that system preference has been chosen. Bug #2333.
  • On Win32 and Qt, stop aligning IME candidate window to target. It is now always aligned to start of composition string. This undoes part of feature #1300. Feature #1488, Bug #2391, Feature #1300.
  • On Qt, for IMEs, update micro focus when selection changes. This may move the location of IME popups to align with the caret.
  • On Qt, implement replacement for IMEs which may help with actions like reconversion. This is similar to delete-surrounding on GTK.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
SciTE 5.3.8
  • Lexilla 5.2.7
  • Scintilla 5.3.7
  • For GTK on macOS, fix popup window behaviour by setting type hints.
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  • For GTK, fix assertion failure on some systems when an INDIC_SQUIGGLEPIXMAP drawn for a zero-width character.
  • For Qt, allow parent window to handle context menu events by setting as ignored.
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  • For Qt, fix potential crash when using IME with large amount of text selected.
  • For Windows, fix building with non-English environment.
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