
Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
ShellBagsView 1.20


Za każdym razem, gdy otwierasz folder w Eksploratorze, system Windows automatycznie zapisuje ustawienia tego folderu w rejestrze. To narzędzie wyświetla listę wszystkich ustawień folderów zapisanych przez system Windows.

Wymagania systemowe
Program działa w systemach Windows XP, Windows Server 2003/2008, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.x i Windows 10. Poprzednie wersje systemu Windows nie są obsługiwane.

Klucze rejestru
System Windows używa następujących kluczy Rejestru do zapisania informacji o folderach:
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell (Tylko w systemie Windows Vista)
ShellBagsView nie wymaga procesu instalacji ani dodatkowych plików DLL. Aby rozpocząć korzystanie z programu, po prostu uruchom plik wykonywalny - ShellBagsView.exe
Po uruchomieniu go w głównym oknie ShellBagsView będzie widoczna lista wszystkich pozycji folderów w systemie.

  • Version 1.20:
    • Added option to read the information from external Registry hives (ntuser.dat and UsrClass.dat) - In 'Advanced Options' window (F7).
    • Added 'Run As Administrator' option (Ctrl+F11), which allows you to easily run ShellBagsView as administrator on Windows Vista/7/8/2008/10 (Needed for the external Registry hive feature).
  • Version 1.16:
    • Fixed to show the folder path properly on Windows 8.1
  • Version 1.15:
    • The 'Last Modified Time' columns now takes the date/time from the BagMRU key (instead of the slot key), which displays more accurately represents the time that the folder was opened. The date/time of the slot key is displayed under the new 'Slot Modified Time' column.
    • Fixed issue: The properties and the other windows opened in the wrong monitor, on multi-monitors system.
  • Version 1.09:
    • Fixed bug: ShellBagsView crashed if there is a very deep folder hierarchy with 20 subfolders or more.
  • Version 1.08:
    • Fixed bug: ShellBagsView failed to read the folders information if the NodeSlots value was very large.
  • Version 1.07:
    • Fixed to work properly with the Registry keys of Windows 7.
  • Version 1.06:
    • Added command-line options for sorting.
  • Version 1.05:
    • Added 'Slot Key' column.
    • Added 'Open Slot Key In RegEdit' option.
    • Added 'Reset Selected Items' option (Reset the folders settings to the default of Windows)
    • Added 'Open Selected Folder' option.
  • Version 1.00 - First release.

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Spolszczenie (bardzo stare od wersji 1.0):
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
ShellBagsView 1.30
Version 1.30
  • Added option to connect a remote computer on your network. You can view the Explorer folders of the users currently logged on on the remote machine, as well as modify their view mode (Tiles, Details, Content, List, Small Icons, Medium Icons, Large Icons)
  • In order to connect a remote computer, simply go to the 'Advanced Options' window (F7), choose 'Remote Computer' as data source, type the name or IP address of the remote computer, and press the OK button.
  • Added 'User Name' column, which displays the user name when connecting a remote computer.
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