Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2010
TinyWall to narzędzie do zarządzania zaporą sieciową wbudowaną w system Windows w wersjach Vista/7/8 i 10. Aplikacja udostępnia użytkownikowi szeroki zestaw funkcji, które umożliwiają wygodną i bezpieczną administrację regułami firewalla. Progam jest również odpowiedzialny za automatyczne blokowanie wszystkich niezaufanych połączeń (tj. nie znajdujących się na "białej liście"). TinyWall zapewnia tym samym podstawową, niezbyt inwazyjną formę ochrony przed zagrożeniami i atakami sieciowymi - ilość wyświetlanych komunikatów została ograniczona do niezbędnego minimum.

Jednymi z najważniejszych zalet aplikacji są prosta obsługi i łatwość w adaptacji do potrzeb użytkownika. Program w trakcie pracy minimalizuje się do obszaru powiadomień, a po otworzeniu menu w zasobniku systemowym uzyskujemy dostęp do kilku ciekawych funkcji. Główne cechy programu TinyWall to:
- obsługa stref związanych z dostępem do sieci (dom, firma, szkoła itd.),
- kilka predefiniowanych poziomów bezpieczeństwa (normalny, blokuj wszystko, blokuj połączenia wychodzące, firewall nieaktywny, nauka),
- wyświetlanie informacji o transferze wchodzącym/wychodzącym,
- tworzenie białej listy na podstawie plików wykonywalnych, procesów i okien,
- czarna lista bazująca na niebezpiecznych portach i domenach,
- blokowanie ruchu w sieci LAN,
- możliwość korzystania z tymczasowych wyjątków (o określonym limicie czasowym),
- zabezpieczanie pliku hosts przed modyfikacjami,
- tryb automatycznej nauki,
- wyświetlanie informacji o aktualnie nawiązanych połączeniach sieciowych wraz z możliwością wyszukiwania szczegółowych informacji w sieci oraz zabijania/blokowania powiązanych procesów,
- ochrona konfiguracji za pomocą hasła,
- wbudowane mechanizmy chroniące zaporę sieciową przed próbami modyfikacji jej ustawień,
- pełne wsparcie IPv6,
- import/eksport ustawień.

TinyWall jest rozpowszechniany bezpłatnie na zasadach licencji freeware. Jeśli narzędzie przypadło nam do gustu, warto rozważyć donację na rzecz autora i rozwoju podobnego oprogramowania.

Program do poprawnego funkcjonowania wymaga pakietu .NET Framework w wersji 3.5 SP1 lub wyższej.
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TinyWall 1.0.
First I show you the changelog, than I go on ranting...
- Add support for FTPS protocol (tcp990/989)
- Fix: Google Chrome is not detected because wrong folders are searched (possibly affects other applications too)
- Fix: App detection window after setup is not always visible
- New/updated application profiles
- Import/export support for the configuration
- Custom port exceptions
- "Until Reboot" timer option
- Improved performance when adding exceptions
- Start the Manage window at the last used tab
- Remove the restriction that each exception must have at least one associated profile
- UI behavioral change, as discussed earlier in

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Bardzo aktywny
28 Maj 2010
oooo to jest ciekawa rzecz, do tego lekki av + hips i gitarka


Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2010
- Improved startup performance
- Fix: Active tab should only be restored upon load in Manage window
- Fix: Timed exceptions get removed too early
- Fix: Cancelling a process- or service-selection window may cause crash
- Add context menu to terminate a process in the Connections window
- When adding a new exception, always tell the user if the app was recognized in the bubble notification
- Option to click the bubble notification to edit any freshly added exception
- Slightly reduced binary size
- Installer fixes
- Include offline FAQ in the installer
- Updated application profiles
Wersja 1.1 wydana

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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2010
TinyWall 1.0.2:
- Fix: False merge of firewalls rule upon new exception, leading to loss of connectivity
- Fix: Adding a new rule might not show up in the Manage window, even though it is applied correctly

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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2010
TinyWall 1.0.3
- Fix: Controller crash when bubble-editing new exception in GUI multiple times in a row
- Fix: Controller crash after exception modification in Manage window, when Modify is clicked again
- Fix: Possible controller crash when populating list in Connections form
- Fix: Firewall rules may overwrite each other
- Fix: Some DNS responses are blocked, leading to possibly slower DNS resolution
- Fix: Wrong filtering of ICMPv6 traffic
- Fix: GUI is not updated when timed rules are removed
- Fix: Generalize Steam profile for all Steam games
- Tell user that admin rights are missing instead of disabling Uninstall button
- New and updated application profiles
- Updated FAQ (please read it)

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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2010
TinyWall v2
But first, a few notes about this release:

This is a testing release, intended to find bugs and collect feedback. Even though I tried to make it a very reasonable release, please be prepared to meet some rough edges. Also, please report them back.
The documentation has not been updated yet, so the FAQ's and the website's content still apply only to version 1 of TinyWall. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in this forum and I'll answer with the best of my knowledge.
This testing release installs a "DevelTool" icon in the Start Menu. Please disregard it unless I tell you not to.
If you have any applications that you would like to be included in TinyWall's autorecognition database, feel free to make a request and I'll do my best. You will find instructions in a later post about how you can help to include new software. (For example, I am explicitly looking forward to include MS Outlook, so if you have one, any version, let me know.)
Until the final v2 is released, there is no guarantee that you will be able to keep your settings between upcoming releases.

So, I guess it is time for the release notes ... Drums-dadadada-da-da-dadadada... (Oh, and I'll make some further comments on the way )

Offer user to whitelist additional files that belong to the same application
Okay, this is a feature that required rewriting Intimidatingly Large Amounts of Code (ILAC). But it was totally worth it. Previously, TinyWall only knew about executables, but it could not tell if two executables were related (if one needed the other to work properly). Version 2 of TinyWall also knows about "applications", not just executables. Each application is a collection of executables in the eyes of TinyWall, and TinyWall will tell and offer you to automatically whitelist other executables if needed.
Here is an example: In version 1, users whitelisted (only) firefox.exe and wondered, why they still can't play videos from the web. What they didn't know is that Firefox executes its plugins in a separate executable, plugin-container.exe. So to play online media, they also needed to whitelist this file. Of course if you didn't know this, you were out of luck and blamed TinyWall (or used the autodetection feature which has found both files).
TinyWall v2 is much better at this. If you try to whitelist firefox.exe, TinyWall will tell you that it is not enough, and will even offer to automatically unblock all the other needed files for you! Now isn't that cool?
Domain blocklist support
Implemented by installing a custom hosts file, this feature will keep you safe from many malicious websites and increase your browsing speed by blocking trackers and ads. This feature is disabled by default, needs to be turned on explicitly. It can be easily switched on and off from the tray menu. TinyWall will keep the hosts file updated to ensure you always get the latest protection. (Currently the MVPS hosts file is used.)
Hosts file protection
A common web-related attack by malicious code is redirecting the user to fake sites to phish data or install further bad code. TinyWall will lock the hosts file to ensure its protection and prevent malicious redirection using the hosts file. (Needs to be turned on manually, but turns on automatically with the domain blocklist feature.)
Mouse picking of windows with higher privileges
In v1 when TinyWall's controller was not running elevated, it was impossible to whitelist another application that is running with Admin rights by mouse picking (by window). You either needed to use a different method or you needed to elevate TinyWall too. TinyWall v2 allows you to whitelist by window such applications without having to elevate TinyWall itself.
Saving of settings without breaking existing connections
This was an odd issue with TinyWall v1. I was actually surprised that no one reported it, even though I knew about it from day one. Unfortunately, this was more than just a bug, it was a real "design defect" that required rewriting ILAC (Intimidatingly Large Amounts of Code, remember?) to fix. The phenomenon was that when clicking Apply in the Manage window, TinyWall would break all existing TCP connections on the local computer. Interrupted downloads and whatnot were the results in other software. Anyway, this is all past now, since it is properly solved.
New updater system
This might sound less exciting than it actually is, but don't be mistaken. The new system will download compressed updates so they are faster, and it also allows TinyWall to update not just the installation as a whole, but also data components separately. For example, there is no need anymore to bump TinyWall's version and release a new installer just to update the database of applications. This also means you will get painless, nagless and installess updates in many cases. As already explained, it also allows the hosts file to be updated separately, you won't even notice.
Traffic rate monitor
This is a slick little feature in the form of a tray menu entry that will always tell you current total download and upload rate of your computer.
Connections window shows blocked applications
This is something that many of you have been asking for. The Connections window will now optionally show you what the firewall has blocked recently, and a right-click menu allows you to either unblock or close processes. Even multiple at once. The only trick is that the Connections window has to be open to record blocked applications (it won't show you blocked apps from before opening the window). This might sound a bit quirky and I easily could have gotten rid of this requirement, but unfortunately I have a (IMHO) very good reason to do things this way. If you're interested why, I can explain it in a post after this one (it's out of scope for a changelog).
Lightning-fast search for some recognized applications
TinyWall now has a way to rapidly detect some installed applications without having to search through the hard drive. When the installer ends with the "Automatically unblock applications" checkbox selected, you will notice that the application finder window won't pop up like in v1. Is it broken? No! TinyWall simply loads and you will find many applications already whitelisted! It just happens so fast that I decided there is no need to show a progress window, because you won't notice it anyway. You can still launch the old application finder from Manage, and it will find some additional apps for you: Unfortunately the rapid finder is not able to find every single app TinyWall knows about, but it is still very good.
Increased startup performance
I've gone to great lengths to decrease the startup times of both the service and of the GUI application. I've done crazy things like separating CPU-bound tasks from IO-bound tasks and executing them in parallel. I have a fast machine, but compared to the old version, even I can tell the difference.
Better support for Windows Networking, Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance
This is the only feature that I regret I cannot do better. The focus is on the word "Better". It is now at least possible to use these Windows features with TinyWall, but after each start Windows might ask you to redo some of its settings. In my own defence, it really is not my fault but some freaky Microsoft design decision. It is again out of scope but ask and I'll tell you more.
Remember the last used firewall mode
This is small-ish change, but nevertheless handy. TinyWall now saves the firewall mode between reboots (with the exception of the Disabled mode, which will not be remembered).
Binaries are signed by a digital certificate
I spent some money to buy a digital certificate usable for code-signing. (The previous donations helped a lot, but I still needed to throw in some money of my own because they weren't quite enough.) As a result, Windows will no longer tell you that TinyWall comes from an "unknown publisher". A digital certificate will assure users that my person has been checked, that I exist and it will identify all software releases coming from me. It means that as long as Windows is telling you that TinyWall has been published by "Károly Pados", you can be sure that 1) the TinyWall you have downloaded really is from me and is not some scam and 2) that it has not been modified by others, not been infected with a virus after its release, not been compromised and so on. I have long asked you people to trust my good intentions, in the sense that I am not making some trojan here, and the acquired digital certificate is to show that I really mean it.
TinyWall v2 can be localized into other languages than English. All the UI and messages shown by the controller (except profile names) can be translated into other languages and TinyWall will pick the right language based on the current Windows version. I am not yet releasing the resource files for translators because this is only a beta and some text will likely change, but as soon as v2 reaches maturity I'll be ready, because TinyWall already supports it.

Wow! That was a lot of new features! There are also some fixes worth mentioning:

Fix: Controller issues with password lock
Fix: Don't lose settings in a virtual machine anymore
Fix: Custom ports were not applied to services
... and some other things I've forgot to take notes of

The testing version TinyWall v2 can be downloaded from TinyWall's own website (see the bottom of the download page). Looking forward for everyone's feedback.

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Nowa beta TinyWall v2
Hi everybody!

I've incorporated all your feedback and here is the next test release. There are new features as well as bug fixes, and this is also a feature-complete version, meaning that no new major features will be introduced to v2.0 after this one. The focus from now on is on fixing issues.

- New: Quick filter for exceptions list (Manage window)
- New: Windows Network Discovery support
- New: Connections window supports initiating search on VirusTotal, ProcessLibrary and Google (and remote address to clipboard)
- New: Learning mode
- New: Connections window shows direction of blocked actions
- Enhancement: Better Connections form performance
- Enhancement: Exceptions list now supports sorting
- Enhancement: UI text improvements
- Fix: Getting the executable path from admin processes might crash
- Fix: Tooltips were hidden where they should not have been
- Fix: UI text and icons not updating when mode is changed
- Fix: Disable standard Windows rules by default and hide its option
- Fix: Crash on Vista when using port ranges
- Fix: Implement service-to-controller notifications (avoids multiple issues)
- Fix: Web browser profile conflicts with HTTP(s) client profile

As you can see, I have fixed all issues reported on the forum, had many additional fixes and also some new features and minor improvements.

Very notable is the new "Autolearn" feature, another way to easily whitelisting applications, though risky if your computer is already infected. Also notable are the various improvements in the Connections window, some of which are hidden in the contetx menu of the list items.

To fully enable/unleash Network Discovery, all three of Network Discovery, the Windows DNS Client and File and Printer Sharing must be enabled (only the last one is disabled by default).

Some basic profiles have changed internally, for that reason an automatic upgrade procedure is not supported. To install this new beta, you must manually uninstall the old one and install this. The link to download the latets beta can be found on th ebottom of the official download page.

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TinyWall 2.0 Stable

Easier first-time setup. The search for most recognized applications has become blazing-fast and TinyWall will automatically whitelist known and trusted applications when starting for the first time.
Added new learning mode. In this mode TinyWall will observe what applications use the internet and how, and remember them in normal mode. Setting up complex applications or a freshly installed system becomes a piece of cake. Just start learning mode, use the applications, then switch back to normal mode.
A greatly rewritten firewall exception dialog. No more confusing profiles, only a streamlined and simpler interface and a direct possibility to manually specify ports.
The ability to restrict applications, one by one separately, to the local network.
TinyWall 2.0 installs and uninstalls like any other application. By common request it can now be removed from the Control Panel.
Better support for built-in Windows features. TinyWall 2.0 can now be expected to work well and be compatible with Windows Networking, Remote Desktop, Remote Assistance and other network-related Windows features.
Easier whitelisting of complex applications by recognizing related files. If an executable needs additional files whitelisted to work correctly, TinyWall will automatically notify and offer you to whitelist those files when you try to unblock it.
Domain blocklist support. Implemented by installing a custom hosts file, this feature will keep you safe from many malicious websites and increase your browsing speed by blocking trackers and ads. This feature is disabled by default and needs to be turned on explicitly. TinyWall will keep the hosts file updated to ensure you always get the latest protection. (Currently the MVPS hosts file is used.)
Hosts file protection. A common web-related attack by malicious code is redirecting the user to fake sites to phish data or install further bad code. TinyWall will lock the hosts file to ensure its protection and prevent malicious redirection using the hosts file.
Mouse picking of windows with higher privileges. In v1 when TinyWall's controller was not running elevated, it was impossible to whitelist another application that is running with admin rights by mouse picking (by window). You either needed to use a different method or you needed to elevate TinyWall too. TinyWall 2.0 allows you to whitelist most admin applications by window without having to elevate TinyWall itself.
Saving of settings without breaking existing connections. TinyWall will no longer break existing TCP connections when applying firewall settings.
New updater system. The updater now supports updating not only the application, but also the data components separately. It will naglessly keep your hosts file (if enabled) and the recognition database up-to-date without you having to install new versions of TinyWall.
Traffic rate monitor. This is a feature in the form of a tray menu entry that will always tell you the current total download and upload rate of your computer.
Connections window shows blocked applications. The Connections window will now optionally show you what the firewall has blocked recently, and a right-click menu allows you to either unblock or close processes. Even multiple at once.
Increased performance. Reorganized code and a parallelized load process make TinyWall 2.0 start much faster than earlier versions and firewall settings take less time to apply.
Remember the last used firewall mode. TinyWall 2.0 saves the firewall mode between reboots (with the exception of the Disabled and Learning modes, which will not be remembered).
Digitally signed applications executables. All binaries shipped by TinyWall are signed using a recognized digital certificate. A digital certificate assures users that the author is no fictional person and it will identify all software releases coming from me. It means that as long as Windows is telling you that TinyWall has been published by "Károly Pados" and that it is valid certificate, you can be sure that the TinyWall you have downloaded really is from me and that it has not been compromised by others since its release.
Localizability. The interface in 2.0 can be translated to other languages, as of 2.0 a French translation is included in the distribution.
Improved support for accessability, keyboard navigation and screen readers.
Support for running in a virtualized environment.
Support for quickly filtering the list of application exceptions. Makes it a breeze to search for something in a long list.
From the Connections window, you can easily initiate searches for processes on VirusTotal, ProcessLibrary and Google.
Support for Windows 8 (tested on CTP) and .Net Framework 4.

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Bardzo aktywny
21 Czerwiec 2012
TinyWall 2.1.0
- Proper and official Windows 8 support
- Add ability to disable global hotkeys
- Properly validate binary certificate of whitelisted applications
- Remove network zone support, it mainly caused confusion
- Don't show half-constructed Manage window while loading it
- Make list in Processes and Services windows sortable
- Allow batch Remove of application exceptions in GUI
- Fix: Add Firewall Exception window now allows rules for "System" to be saved
- Fix: If cannot add a firewall rule, log details and keep service running instead of crashing
- Fix: Crash when trying to merge rules where at least one is not fully specified
- Fix: Crash when Modifying exception that has "No restrictions" set
- Fix: Connections window for open/listening ports might miss entries
- Fix: Unable to whitelist some services due to bad parsing of ImagePath property
- Fix: Wrong installation of Portuguese localization
- Fix: Failed to get file path of privileged window due to inverted condition
- Fix: Avoid double-shutdown of service on machine shutdown
- Fix: Unable to add rule in service due to short path notation
- Add Dutch, German, Hungarian, Spanish and Russian translations. Update Portuguese.
- Reduce disk space used by localizations by appr. 41%, for icons by 30%
- Controller app and Connections window load faster
- Improve security of communication between service and controller
- More robust communication between service and controller
- Show timestamps in Connections dialog
- Support for multiple controller instances
- All binaries are now cryptographically timestamped
- Precision traffic meter
- Updated application database

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TinyWall 2.1.5

Changes in 2.1.5:
Support for Window Update in Windows 8.1
Add support for whitelisting executables on remote network shares
Increase service robustness by dry-run testing new rules before save
Allow selecting multiple processes when initiated over tray menu
Add uninstallation protection
Fix: Service crashes if backup of hosts cannot be found
Fix: If local network traffic is allowed, local broadcasts are still blocked
Fix: Connections window crashes if endpoint IP cannot be determined
Fix: Under some circumstances, controller commits new settings even if rejected by service
Fix: Wrong error message is shown if user tries to change mode while locked
Fix: Tray shows out-of-date lock status after service locks due to timeout
Fix: Tray GUI needs restart after service locks due to timeout
Fix: Service crash after merging a wildcard and a non-wildcard port rule
Fix: Hosts file not automatically updating
Preliminary Italian translation and other localization updates
Updated application database

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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
TinyWall 2.1.6

Windows 10 (TP) compatibility
Add color-coding to Application Exceptions list
Faster loading of Manage and Processes windows
Fix: GUI crashes when process list is cancelled
Fix: Printer sharing doesn't create rule for spoolsv.exe
Fix: Two rules can get incorrectly merged
Fix: TinyWall loses its settings under specific circumstances
Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation
Add Chinese translation

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Bardzo aktywny
21 Czerwiec 2012
TinyWall 2.1.7
2.1.7 - Maintenance release (04.01.2016.)
- Fix: GUI freezes if Application Finder is closed while scan is running
- Added DPI-awareness (fixes blurry GUI in desktop scaling)
- Add Polish and Turkish localizations
- Updates to Spanish, French, and Brazilian Portuguese translations
- Application database updates

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Bardzo aktywny
21 Czerwiec 2012
TinyWall 2.1.8
2.1.8 - Maintenance release (10.03.2016.)
- Fix: Potential GUI crash when whitelisting by window
- Fix: GUI crash if copying to clipboard which is in use by another app
- Fix: Connections form GUI scaling issue in German localization
- Workaround for performance issue in Windows 10
- Atomic file updates to reduce chance of lost settings in case of file system corruptions
- Handle some more possible errors on uninstallation
- Add Czech localization, and Spanish update

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