
Bardzo aktywny
14 Czerwiec 2020
A Walk in the Park is a free for limited time on Ends June 1, 2022 at 1:59 AM.

A Walk in the Park


Take a walk in the park today. Whom will you meet? What will you find? There are people to talk to, stories to discover and challenges to overcome.

When you're finished, catch the bus home and see your score. Play time can take a few minutes or a few hours, depending on how high you want to score.

Reading, thinking, and old school adventure/rpg skills will all help you do better. Can you get ten out of ten?

There are fantasy elements in the story, death is a (minor) concept, and a small amount of blood is used to show injuries in simple 2D graphics.


Use arrow keys or a controller with two buttons for action and cancel commands. You can use the mouse for everything, but it works best just for hovering over words in the English help system, if you're using it.

Extra information for teachers and students:
The whole game is written to be understandable to ESL students (around pre-intermediate, A2/B1, 4-ish IELTS) and children. An inbuilt system gives help with difficult vocabulary, which can be turned off if not needed. Spelling is British style.

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