
Bardzo aktywny
20 Wrzesień 2015
Air Explorer version 2.1.1
January 1, 2018
-Two factor auth support for
-Added hash synchronization support for Dropbox.
-Fixed max 500 items in folders.
-Hash synchronization option was not displayed correctly for saved tasks.
-Filter and custom synchronization options were not displayed correctly for saved tasks.
-Show the Air Explorer version in the logs.
-Reduced the chances of getting max requests limit on Box.
-Fixed uploading files to Mediafire.
-Fixed saving synchronizations with accounts with the same name for the same cloud but different alias.
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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Air Explorer version 2.2.0

March 14, 2018
-Added support for Google Team Drives.
-Don't trasnfer hidden files when folders are copied if view hidden files option is disabled.
-Show progress after changing synchronization options.
-Retry delete operations in synchronizations.
-Retry create folder operations in sychronizations.
-Log information in cloud delete operations in synchronizations.
-Log information in local delete operations in synchronizations.
-Shows more information when a create folder operation failed in Box.
-Show error information in the logs when a local foder can not be accessed.
-Retry when there is a 502 error on Box.
-Retry when there is a timeout error on Box.
-Show detailed file properties for Box.
-Force refresh token if 401 received on Box.
-Reduced memory usage on Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Mega.
-Descriptive errors for downloads and uploads on Box.
-Comparing folders for synchronization optimized in Box, now it is faster and uses less API calls.
-Pause and resume uploads for large files (>50 MB) in Box (Chunked upload).
-Fixed, when browsing a mounted network drive the address bar does not work.
-Shows more information when a create folder operation failed in OneDrive.
-Show file details properties for
-Show file details properties for Baidu.
-Copy/paste paths to the local computer address bar.
-Show error information on failed delete operations.
-Show error information on failed rename operations.
-Show error information on failed move operations.
-Reorder accounts in the Accounts Window with drag and drop.
-Do not refresh the accounts list when moving accounts up or down in the Accouns Window.
-Updated Japanese translation (thanks to Tilt).
-Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation (thanks to Igor).
-Updated Rusian translation (thanks to Timofey).
-Updated Korean translation (thanks to JaeHyung).
-Updated Chinese translation (thanks to GT Wang)

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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Air Explorer version 2.3.0
Air Explorer version 2.3.0
April 27, 2018
-Added Naver Cloud (네이버 클라우드).
-Updated HiDrive.
-Updated OneDrive for Business.
-Reduced memory usage in synchronizations.
-New command line command to run a synchronization without saving it first, example:
startsync local "C:\MyLocalFolder" MyBoxAccount "Folder1\SubFolder" Mirror /enablehash
Run AirExplorerCmd.exe startsync for more help.
-New command line parameter to send the output to a file: /logfile=
It can include the macro {DATE} to include the current date in the log file name, for example: /logfile="C:\MyLogFolder\MyLogFile-{DATE}.txt"
-Scheduled tasks can now have the macro {DATE} in the log file name, in this way one log file per day with the date in YYYYMMDD format will be created.
-New option to start the synchronization automatically when the comparison finishes.
-Scheduled tasks and command line commands only output the log to their log files, never to the default Air Explorer log file.
-Fixed close synchronization window while comparing did not stop the comparison if done using the the X button.
-To save memory only the latest 10000 log lines are kept in memory and shown in the log Window. To have the full log check the log file
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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Air Explorer version 2.3.1
Air Explorer version 2.3.1
May 5, 2018
-Updated dropbox.
-Updated Russian translation (thanks to Timofey).
-Updated Chinese translation (thanks to ILI GPU).
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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Air Explorer version 2.3.2
Air Explorer version 2.3.2
June 8, 2018
-Auto-refresh folders always before synchronizing.
-Fixed problem with OneDrive for Business accounts.
-Some Google Team Drives were not displayed.
-Fixed, in certain cases although all the sync tasks were done correctly Air Explorer reported that some tasks failed.
-Shared Box folders are shown now in grey or blue like in the Box web.
-Shared folders for Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive and OneDrive for Business now have a different icon.
-Added Share folder support for DropBox.
-Added Share folder support for Google Drive.
-Added Share folder support for OneDrive for Business.
-Collaborators support for Box.
-Box Metadata support.
-File lock function for Box.
-Command line client: Fixed, some log lines could be written in the command line output instead of in the log file.
-Command line client: Fixed error closing the log file.
-Command line client: now the console output (stdout) supports UTF-8 encoding, anyway the parameter /logfile is still recommended over stdout redirector.
-Fixed rare error refreshing a folder.
-Updated Box icon.
-Fixed network computers browsing.
-Support for long paths in Windows 10. Long paths must be enabled in Windows.
-Option to enable or disable chunked uploads in Box.
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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Air Explorer version 2.3.3
Air Explorer version 2.3.3
July 19, 2018
-Fixed Mega.
-Added versions history support for Google Drive.
-Added versions history support for Dropbox.
-Added versions history support for Box.
-Added versions history support for OneDrive for Business.
-Export Goolge docs files to Box.
-Added /filter parameter for the startsync command to exclude some files in the synchronizations.
-Option to delete the local files permanently instead of sending them to the recycle bin.
-Updated Japanese translation (Thanks to Tilt).
-Updated Korean translation (Thanks to JaeHyung).
-Updated Russian translation (thanks to Timofey).
-Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation (Thanks to Igor).
-Updated Polish translation (Thanks to Janusz)- Updated Czech translation (Thanks to Tobiczech).
-Updated Chinese translation (thanks to ILI GPU).
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Air Explorer version 2.3.4
version 2.3.4 august 6, 2018

-Fixed Naver.
-Improved stability.
-Updated Korean translation (Thanks to JaeHyung).
-Updated Polish translation (Thanks to Janusz).
-Updated Lituanian translation (Thanks to Hobis).
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Bardzo aktywny
20 Wrzesień 2015
Air Explorer version 2.3.5
-Updated Mega.
-Updated Naver.
-Added an option in the View menu to mount cloud drives as local drives in Windows using the
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-Keep file dates when uploading files to OneDrive for Business.
-Updated Hungarian translation (thanks to SEDATIVE).
-Updated Russian translation (thanks to Timofey).
-Updated Chinese translation (thanks to GT Wang).
-Updated Dutch translation (Thanks to Jan)


Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Air Explorer version 2.4.0
Air Explorer version 2.4.0
October 9, 2018
-Added hash comparison support for OneDrive.
-Added files history support for OneDrive.
-Added Sharing folder support for OneDrive.
-Added upload files to shared OneDrive folders (you will need to remove and add the OneDrive account again to use this feature).
-Improved OneDrive speed.
-OneDrive migrated to new API.
-View shared with me drives in OneDrive for Business.
-Memory optimizations for OneDrive for business.
-Now it is possible to schedule the copy of local files or folders to a local folder (or local network folders).
-Added new entry menu to open a Box file with the Web Browser.
-Show file hash value in the file properties window main tab.
-New context menu in the file properties window to copy the file properties.
-Now after each synchronization an html report containing stats and errors can be created. This report can also be created in the sync scheduled tasks and in synchronizations started from the command line (with the parameter /reportfile= ).
-Synchronization scheduled tasks now have an option to save a synchronization report in a file.
-Command line scheduled tasks now have an option to save a synchronization report in a file: /reportfile=.
-Now the command line commands return an exit code. Exit codes:
0 Command executed without issues.
1 Command executed well but some files were ignored (some the files were already synchronized or, for copy operations, the overwrite option was not selected and some file(s) already exist.
2 Command executed well but no files were copied (all the files were already synchronized or, for copy operations, the overwrite option was not selected and the file(s) already exist.
4 Error. Check command output or logs for the error details.
8 Partial error. Some files were compied well but other files failed. Check command output or logs for the error details.
-Fixed show free space on
-Fixed, showing folder properties could take a lot of time in some cases.
-Updated Chinese translation (thanks to GT Wang).
-Updated Japanese translation (Thanks to Tilt).
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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Air Explorer version 2.5.0
Air Explorer version 2.5.0
November 7, 2018
-Now it is possible to transfer from Mega to other clouds.
-Fixed, some Mega accounts could not login.
-Fixed, some Naver accounts could not login.
-Fixed, some pCloud accounts could not login.
-Option to download big files in parallel chunks to get a much better download speed in high speed Internet connections. This option is only for Pro users. The server supporting this feature are Dropbox, Box, OneDrive and pCloud.
-Increased upload speeds for Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive.
-New setting for Box accounts to specify the number of chunks that will be uploaded in parallel.
-Fixed issue comparing file names. It could cause a conflict upload error on Box.
-Fixed error connecting to SFTP server using not the default port.
-Fixed downloading files from a folder in with a dot at the end of the name.
-New macro {DATETIME} to include the date and the time in the command line logs file name or synchronization reports, until now only {DATE} was available.
-Fixed uploading 0 bytes size files to pCloud.
-Updated Italian translation (thanks to Alex).
-Updated Chinese translation (thanks to GT Wang).
-Updated Polish translation (Thanks to Janusz).
-Updated Hungarian translation (thanks to SEDATIVE).
-Updated Russian translation (thanks to Timofey).
-Updated Japanese translation (Thanks to Tilt).
-Updated Korean translation (Thanks to JaeHyung).
-Updated Malay translation (Thanks to Molok
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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Air Explorer version 2.5.1
Air Explorer version 2.5.1
November 15, 2018
-Fixed, in some computers it was not possible to add Dropbox accounts.
-Fixed downloading files from a folder in if its name contains #.
-Updated Russian translation (thanks to Timofey).
-Updated Chinese translation (thanks to GT Wang).
-Updated Korean translation (Thanks to JaeHyung).
-Updated Japanese translation (Thanks to Tilt).
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Bardzo aktywny
20 Wrzesień 2015
Air Explorer version 2.5.3
-Uploads of a large number of files are now faster and more reliable in Box.
-Added 2 factor authentication for Mega.
-New option in synchronizations to compare only files newer than a period.
-Added a bandwidth scheduler, now it is possible to schedule the upload and download bandwidth limits depending on the day and hour.
-Fixed Mega can not login in some accounts.
-Pause and resume syncrhonizations.
-Fixed uploading some files to Box did not work.
-Added an option to execute a command or connect a network drive before a scheduled task is executed.
-Fixed, the duration value in the synchronization report was sometimes wrong.
-Exponential backoff retry control for Box.
-Reduced the number of API requests in Google Drive.
-Reduced the number of API requests in Box.
-Reduced the number of API requests in Dropbox.
-Reduced the number of API requests in OneDrive.
-Better handling of 403 errors on Google Drive.
-Folder structures are created faster on Google Drive.
-Use less API requests when uploading a large number of files on Box.
-Better handling of uploading a large number of small files to Dropbox.
-Synchronization filter now supports many more rules.
-Better error reporting of uploads and downloads.
-Updated Hungarian translation (thanks to SEDATIVE).
-Updated Chinese translation (thanks to GT Wang).
-Updated Japanese translation (Thanks to Tilt).
-Updated Brazilian Portuguese translation (Thanks to Igor).
-Updated Russian translation (thanks to Timofey).
-Updated Polish translation (Thanks to Janusz).
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