
Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
BeeBEEP to oparty na licencji open source (otwarte oprogramowanie), opracowany przez
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, komunikator wykorzystujący sieć
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(Peer-to-peer). Program pozwala na swobodne przesyłanie plików pomiędzy użytkownikami znajdującymi się w zasięgu sieci lokalnej LAN (biuro, dom, kafejka internetowa). Nie trzeba serwera, wystarczy pobrać aplikację BeeBEEP, rozpakować i uruchomić ją. Jest łatwy w użyciu, a działanie jest proste, szybkie i bezpieczne, bo program oferuje szyfrowanie oparte na algorytmie Rijndael (AES).

Komunikator pozwala rozmawiać, w tym samym czasie, ze wszystkimi w grupach (możemy stworzyć swoją ulubioną grupę) lub z pojedynczym użytkownikiem, a także wysyłać i udostępniać pliki i foldery. Obsługuje metodę “przeciągnij i upuść”. Tworzy historię wiadomości, w której wszystkie komunikaty będą zapisane. Okno profilu pozwala każdemu użytkownikowi dodawać dane o sobie, takie jak pełne nazwisko, data urodzenia i adres e-mail. Możemy w programie dostosować czcionkę (typ, rozmiar, styl i kolor), a także dodać i wybierać dźwięki alarmu.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015


Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
BeeBEEP 5.2.0
BeeBEEP 5.2.0

- Added "Create message" window to send one time message to many
- Added default multicast group address
- Added option "Use default multicast group address"
- Added option "Show users on connection"
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
BeeBEEP 5.4.0
BeeBEEP 5.4.0

- Patched Qt 5.9.6: window state are not restored (save only geometry option added)
- Prevent "user collision" from same IP address
- Fixed "slow connection bug" at startup
- Added option "Always open chat on new message"
- Added option to remove members from group
- Added option "AllowAddMembersToGroup" in beebeep.rc
- Added option "AllowRemoveMembersFromGroup" in beebeep.rc
- Added option "Reset geometry of all windows"
- Fixed some GUI bugs
- On new message the BeeBEEP main icon also blinks
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
BeeBEEP 5.4.1
version 5.4.1

- Fixed bug: "Transfer completed" message is not showed in chat
- File sharing window now save its geometry on close
- Create message window now save its geometry on close
- Added option "Enable maximize button"
- Groups can be created also with just one member (and you)
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
BeeBEEP 5.4.2
version 5.4.2

- Removed option "On close minimize on tray" for MacOSX
- Added more debug messages on user recognition
- Added "Autoresponder" when user send messages in group where he is not member
- Fixed bug: duplicate first message on chat window
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
BeeBEEP 5.6.1
BeeBEEP 5.6.1

- Updated to Qt 5.9.8 (Windows)
- Fixed an error in group notification when new message arrives
- Windows installer now creates a rule in firewall for BeeBEEP
- Added "ShowChatsOnConnection" option to show the chat list at startup
- Added "HideEmptyChatsInList" option to hide empty chats in list

BeeBEEP 5.6.0
- Now the Avatar icon border in the chat right panel will be yellow if the messages have not yet been
displayed in the user's chat.
- If option "Always open chat on new message" is enabled and "Raise previously opened
chat on new message" is disabled, the window is now opened minimized to show icon
blinking on taskbar.
- Added "AllowEditNickname" option in beebeep.rc
- Fixed a bug on saving option "Recognize user by"
- Added "DisableCreateMessage" option in beebeep.rc
- Added "ActiveWindowOpacityLevel" and "InactiveWindowOpacityLevel" option for chat window
- Added "BackgroundColor", "DefaultTextColor" and "SystemTextColor" option for chat window
- Added "EnableDefaultChatNotifications" option
- Added "Regenerate HASH code" button in Edit Profile window (to easily avoid "same HASH errors")
- Added notification a few days before user's birthday event (birthday is now saved with user data)
- Added flag "Important!!" to chat message in "create message" window (raise the receiver chat window on top)
- Added "DisableMenuSettings" option in beebeep.rc
- Added "UseMessageTimestampWithAP" option (timestamp can be showed with am/pm suffix)
- Added "BroadcastToOfflineUsers" option
- Added "IP Multicast TTL" option
- Added "Use the dark theme" option (beta)
- Added "RaiseOnNewFileTransfer" option
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015


Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
BeeBEEP 5.6.8
BeeBEEP 5.6.8

- "ChatSaveFileTransfers" and "ChatSaveSystemMessages" options added in Settings - Chat menu:
if enabled history saves also these messages
- Disabled High DPI icons in windows (can be enabled with qt.conf file)
- Added new option in Settings - Chat - "Save maximum lines in chat":
you can choose how many lines to save for every chat
- Added "Clear cache items after X days" option: default is 96 days
- Added new option in Settings - Chat - "Show only # messages" to avoid performance issue
- Added "Always download files into the folder with the user's name" option in menu Settings - File Transfer
- The names of users and chats that contain the characters < > will now be correctly displayed (do not abuse)
- Improved search for predefined folders in Unix environment
- First release of a debian package for amd64 systems (beta)
- Compiled with large file support in Linux
- Reorganization of the "Settings" menu:
- "Sound", "System tray" and "on new message event" options are now grouped into the menu Settings - Notifications
- "Workgroups" -> "Your workgroups" in "Network" menu
- "Set your status to away automatically" is now in "User status" menu in the toolbar
- added new Menu "Interface"
- Added "Show users in their workgroups" option in user list settings
- Added "Time left" column in File Transfer window
- Added "Add up to # files to the transfer queue" option in Settings - File Transfer menu

BeeBEEP 5.6.4

- For security reasons the file (saved unsent messages) are now linked to the beebeep.ini file
via an authorization code. In case of different code the file will not be loaded.
- Fixed a bug in MacOSX: custom resource folder path will be the same of data folder
- Unsent messages are now saved in file when BeeBEEP is closed (option can be disabled)
- Fixed system tray icon size (default is 24px) in Linux Desktop Environment
- Updated HUNSPELL library to 1.7.0
- File beebeep.rc can be placed also in /etc folder in Unix like systems (Linux and MacOSX)
- User and chat tooltips show also unsent messages
- New feature: you can test your network connections in menu "Main" - "Test your network"
- File share: file icons are now selected from file mimetype in Linux.
- Fixed a minor bug on new message notification
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
BeeBEEP 5.8.2
Version 5.8.2 released on Nov 6th, 2019

- New feature: voice messages (you can record your message and send it as file)
- New feature: file transfer pause/resume
- New feature: data compression with zlib
- Voice messages can be also sent to offline users like text messages
- Added "Quote selected text" option to context menu (right click) of the chat
- Added "CheckUserConnectedFromDatagramIp" option in beebeep.rc (to prevent multiple connections from the same user but different ip addresses)
- Added "Clear system messages" option in context menu (right click) of activity and chat windows
- Added "SkipLocalHardwareAddresses" in beebeep.rc to skip unesuful network interfaces
- The option "AllowMultipleInstances" can be disabled also in Terminal Server because it checks also user account
- The avatar icon size is also applied in member icons of the chat windows
- Added "On sending message" option in Settings - Chat menu for "one-time" message:
- Do nothing (default)
- Minimize chat window
- Close chat window
- Added "DisableDesktopSharing" option in beebeep.rc
- Added "DisableBeepInUserStatusBusy" option in beebeep.ini
- Added "EnableBeepInActiveWindow" option in beebeep.ini
- Added "UseUserFullName" option in beebeep.rc to show (if exists) user's full name instead of nickname
- Added "DisableEncryptedConnections" option in beebeep.rc
- Added "AllowNotEncryptedConnections" option in beebeep.rc (used with "DisableEncryptedConnections")
- Added "AllowEncryptedConnectionsAlso" option in beebeep.rc (used with "DisableEncryptedConnections")
- Added "BroadcastToLocalSubnet" option to send or not send the HELLO message to the local subnet twice when multicasting is active
- User first and last names, email and phone number are now saved to use it also if the user is offline
- Added "AppendHostNameToUserName" option in beebeep.rc
- Added "DisableConnectionSocketDataCompression" option in beebeep.rc

BeeBEEP 5.6.8
- "ChatSaveFileTransfers" and "ChatSaveSystemMessages" options added in Settings - Chat menu:
if enabled history saves also these messages
- Disabled High DPI icons in windows (can be enabled with qt.conf file)
- Added new option in Settings - Chat - "Save maximum lines in chat":
you can choose how many lines to save for every chat
- Added "Clear cache items after X days" option: default is 96 days
- Added new option in Settings - Chat - "Show only # messages" to avoid performance issue
- Added "Always download files into the folder with the user's name" option in menu Settings - File Transfer
- The names of users and chats that contain the characters < > will now be correctly displayed (do not abuse)
- Improved search for predefined folders in Unix environment
- First release of a debian package for amd64 systems (beta)
- Compiled with large file support in Linux
- Reorganization of the "Settings" menu:
- "Sound", "System tray" and "on new message event" options are now grouped into the menu Settings - Notifications
- "Workgroups" -> "Your workgroups" in "Network" menu
- "Set your status to away automatically" is now in "User status" menu in the toolbar
- added new Menu "Interface"
- Added "Show users in their workgroups" option in user list settings
- Added "Time left" column in File Transfer window
- Added "Add up to # files to the transfer queue" option in Settings - File Transfer menu

BeeBEEP 5.6.4
- For security reasons the file (saved unsent messages) are now linked to the beebeep.ini file
via an authorization code. In case of different code the file will not be loaded.
- Fixed a bug in MacOSX: custom resource folder path will be the same of data folder
- Unsent messages are now saved in file when BeeBEEP is closed (option can be disabled)
- Fixed system tray icon size (default is 24px) in Linux Desktop Environment
- Updated HUNSPELL library to 1.7.0
- File beebeep.rc can be placed also in /etc folder in Unix like systems (Linux and MacOSX)
- User and chat tooltips show also unsent messages
- New feature: you can test your network connections in menu "Main" - "Test your network"
- File share: file icons are now selected from file mimetype in Linux.
- Fixed a minor bug on new message notification
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
BeeBEEP 5.8.4
Version 5.8.4 released Jan 7th, 2021

- New feature: almost all the options of file beebeep.ini can be used in file beebeep.rc also
- New feature: added "Use high resolution emoticons" option
- New feature: added ECDH key exchange to encryption protocol
- New feature: added "Auto save interval" for chat messages to prevent data loss
- New feature: added "Favored emoticons" as tab in emoticon list
- New feature: added Voice Message Player interface
- New dark theme added in the interface
- User icons in chat window can be clicked also if the user is offline
- Disabled by default the option to search users by a multicast datagram
- Suspend/sleep mode is now managed also in Linux systems.
- File paths will be recognized and made clickable in chat (it must be a single message).
- Added "KeepModificationDateOnFileTransferred" option in beebeep.ini (it is always enabled in BeeBOX)
- Added "AllowedFileExtensionsInFileTransfer" option in beebeep.rc
- Added "AllowOnlyHostAddressesFromHostsIni" option in file beebeep.rc
- Added "Clear recent emoticons" in menu option of the chat bar
- Added "ConnectionKeyExchangeMethod" option in beebeep.rc
- Added "AddNicknameToDataFolder" option in beebeep.rc
- Fixed known issue: BeeBEEP prevents the CTRL+ALT+B (or CMD+ALT+B on MacOSX) key sequence in other applications from working
- Fixed a bug in options "Disable create message" and "Disable edit groups"
- Fixed a visualization bug if you open an user VCARD near the side of your desktop
- Fixed a bug on Download folder when you copy BeeBEEP from a computer to another one
- Fixed security issue with command line argument -platformpluginpath
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