
Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
FileRenamer to darmowe narzędzie do wsadowej zmiany nazw plików i jest dostępny dla systemów Windows, macOS, oraz Linux.

Dostępnych jest wiele opcji i ustawień dotyczących zmiany nazw, które można łatwo włączyć lub wyłączyć w programie. Na przykład możesz wyszukiwać i zamieniać nazwy plików, teksty można usuwać lub wstawiać do nazw plików, grupy znaków specjalnych można usuwać lub zamieniać, tekst można dodawać na początku lub na końcu nazwy, możesz wyciąć dowolną liczbę znaków z przodu lub z tyłu nazwy, możesz skrócić nazwę pliku do określonej długości, zapis (małe litery, wielkie litery itp.) można zmienić automatycznie, pliki można ponumerować, można zastosować maskę plików i wiele więcej. Większość ustawień można zastosować indywidualnie do nazwy i rozszerzenia pliku.


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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
FileRenamer 20.11.30
On this page, you can find the history of changes made to the program FileRenamer.

  • New Placeholders (2020-11-30): The new
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    %0num%, %00num%, %000num%, %0000num% and %00000num% allow you to use the file number with one to five leading zeros.
  • New Placeholders (2020-11-28): With the new placeholders %name,x,y% and %ext,x,y%, only parts of the old file name and the old file extension can be used as placeholders.
  • Delete Characters (2020-11-27): Options for deleting characters from the file name depending on an optional starting position and an optional ending position.
  • Delete Characters (2020-11-27): Options to delete double spaces, underscores and hyphens in the file name and the file extension.
  • User Interface (2020-11-03): Bug fix regarding the appearance of checkboxes under Windows 7 in Classic Mode (black bars).
  • Collapsible Area (2020-10-22): The area for the inclusion of files and folders can now be collapsed. This allows the program to be used better on smaller screens.
  • Number of selected Changes (2020-10-21): The number of changes set is now displayed behind the heading of the associated section (name, extension, attributes). This means that you can immediately see where changes are chosen, even if the corresponding area is collapsed.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
FileRenamer 21.03.21
  • Remove nonexistent Files and Folders (2021-03-21): New option in the pop-up menu of the file list, which can check whether the files and folders in the file list still exist or, for example, have been deleted or moved after being added.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
FileRenamer 21.06.14
New Placeholder (2021-06-13): The new
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%abs0num% stands for the position of the file within the file list with so many leading zeros that the resulting character length corresponds to the character length of the number of files (suitable for the placeholder %abs%).
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
FileRenamer 23.6.9

  • Size Storage (2023-06-06): Improved storage of the program window size, the column widths and the program layout under high DPI conditions.
  • Number Adjustment (2023-03-03): With the new function "Changes > Name / Extension > Number Adjustment", an existing numbering of files as well as any other numbers in file names or file extensions can be increased or decreased by an arbitrary value. You can learn more about this feature in the
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    in the section "Change existing Numbering of Files".
  • New Filter (2023-02-27): If you prefix the filter for the file extensions with a minus sign, only files with a different file extension than the specified one will be found. For example, the filter "-gif,bmp" in combination with the file type filter "Images" finds all images that have a format other than GIF or BMP.
  • New Function of the File List (2023-02-26): Via the context menu of the file list (right mouse button) and the new menu item "List Properties", a summary overview of all files in the file list broken down by their format can be displayed.
  • New Option for the File Numbering (2023-02-23): No increment of the
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    if there are files with the same name and/or the same root of the name in the file list one after the other.
  • New Function of the File List (2023-01-24): Copy file paths to the clipboard (so far it was only possible to copy files into the clipboard).
  • New Language (2023-01-19): Српски (Serbian).
  • New Placeholders (2023-01-05): The new
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    %name,wordX%, %name,wordexX%, %folderY,wordX% and %folderY,wordexX% make it possible to take only the Xth word from the file name respectively from the folder name of the folder number Y from the file path. With negative values for X or Y you can also count from above.
  • New Placeholders (2022-12-16): With the new
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    %folderX,Y,Z% and %folder-X,Y,Z% you can insert the characters Y to Z of the name of the Xth folder from the file path from below respectively from above.
  • New Option for the File Numbering (2022-11-22): Reset
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    with every new Folder.
  • New Filter (2022-11-02): With the new filter "File Type" you can now selectively add files of a specific file type to your file list for editing. Available are the file types audio files, videos, images, text files, documents, spreadsheets, websites, archives, executable files, source code files, fonts, playlists and other files that do not fit into one of the categories. A multiple selection is possible. To activate or deactivate all file types at once, you can open a corresponding context menu with the right mouse button. This can make a selection faster, since not every file type has to be clicked individually.
  • Display of the Number of active Filters (2022-10-30): If at least one filter is activated for adding the files and folders, the number of active filters is now displayed on the button "Filter". With this, it can now be seen at a glance whether filters are active without having to open the filter dialog.
  • Adjustments of the User Interface (2022-10-22): Adjustments of the program windows and dialogs for an improved display under high-dpi resolution conditions.
  • Undo Function (2022-09-30): New function to undo the renaming (CTRL + Z).
  • Sources (2022-09-03): With the help of the new function "Sources", you can, for example, write the lines of a text into the file names of a series of files or folders. You can find out more about this function in the
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  • Improved Help (2022-08-06): Actions with text fields in which
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    can be used are now provided with a reference to the placeholders.
  • System Integration (2022-07-31): Possibility to integrate the FileRenamer into the "Send to" context menu of the Windows Explorer in order to open files and folders in the program for renaming directly from the Explorer by right-click. You can find the option in the menu "Settings >
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  • Multiple Selection of Changes (2021-12-06): With a right-click on the heading of a section, all actions of this section can now be activated or deactivated at once.
  • Settings (2021-12-05): To reduce the size of the settings files, only those settings are stored, which deviate from the default settings.
  • New Keyboard Shortcuts (2021-07-27): CTRL+O (Add files), CTRL+D (Add files/folders from folder), CTRL+E (Export file list), CTRL+I (Import file list), Shift+CTRL+W (Remove all files and folders from the file list), Shift+CTRL+S (Rename all files and folders from the file list) and ESC (Quit program).
  • State Storage (2021-07-21): Storage of the state of the collapsible interface elements if the option "Save Window Size and Window Position" is enabled in the settings.

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