
Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
  • SharePoint 2013: new file system, added to sync with legacy SharePoint 2013 servers.
  • Google Drive: Cache bootstrap and changes pull: start over on backend errors.
  • Limit Changes option: Make it work for 1-way jobs too, but set default value to 100 pct.
  • GSTP speed: increase it a lot, by turning off compression and optimizing code.
  • Upload to Control Center: upload folder list too, other major fixes.
  • Account Manager: fix URL of the root folder of the server may be wrong, affects CC Runner.
  • Folder Options in Server Account: make lookup case-insensitive by folder URL.
  • Control Center Runner: do not detect fake changes, produced by synclib turning options off.
  • Control Center Runner: Make received Program Options effective, for Proxy and SMTP.
  • Fix Cleanup of History could delete non-empty folder, because its creation time was Null.
  • Cleanup of Local Temp Files: make it faster and more accurate.
  • Add latest changes in options to global command line switches.
  • Update PL localization and JP license.


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16 Czerwiec 2010
GoodSync 10.4.4 (May 05, 2017)
* Google Drive V3: speedup moves/renames, misc bug fixes.
* Browse Dialog: Display messages logged by file systems in Browse dialog.
* Browse Dialog: fix changed UserID from Browse dialog may not make it into Connect FS.
* Job Options: Replace Up and Down Speed Limits in job with one File Copy Speed Limit.
* Explorer + Job Bookmarks: Allow deletion of Job Bookmarks that are not used in any job.
* Allow CopyACL comparison only when both file systems have the same type of ACL.
* Control Center: Change from logging log lines into database to writing them into log files.
* Generation Cleanup in Analyze: fix it, make it cleanup old generations again.
* If Copy Links option is Drill Down then do not turn it Off in Analyze Checks.
* Add Vietnamese localization, update Ukrainian localization.
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23 Wrzesień 2016
Version 10.4.5 May 18, 2017
Version News for Windows
Version 10.4.5 May 18, 2017
* BackBlaze B2: Implement parallel upload of large files in chunks, other bug fixes.
* BackBlaze B2: Increase chunk size from 5 Mb to 40 Mb.
* SFTP: Allow longer packets, as some server send very packets of 360Kb and more.
* SFTP: add error catcher on Close Download, some connections errors were missed.
* Box.com and WebDAV SSL: Add SNI to Box.com and WebDAV, as their servers may use it.
* Fix SetFileOwner that was broken, due to GS trying to parse SID as PSD.
* On File Change: Check deleted files against filters, so that they do not trigger Analyze.
* Unattended Runner: fix rare crashes on job finish.
* Browse Tasks and OAuth2: make them start and stop more correctly.
* CC Runner: Submit log lines in a separate thread, so that log line submission does not delay sync.
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Version News for Mac
Version 10.4.7 May 18, 2017
* Fix Open Logs from context menu did not work for remote file systems.
* Browse: better field captions, like on Windows.
* Browse: Fix change root dir warning was shown when Cancel button was pressed.
* Job Options: several fixes, especially in options change post processing.
* Job Options: Fix side-encryption password confirmation compare not working.
* Improve Job/Group menu switching in the main menu.
* Fix Local network connect errors on OS X 10.7.
* Reduce memory usage for Sync Tree view.
* Reduce number of sync-tree view redraws on Item change events.
* Speed up and improve progress reporting for file syncing.
* All appropriate changes from GS Windows ver 10.4.5.
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20 Wrzesień 2015
GoodSync 10.4.7 June 01, 2017
* Forwarder: fix idempotency was not enforced by Server Pipe Receiver, could cause file corruption.
* gs-server: Increase number of stored responses to 20, to make idempotency always work.
* Sockets: send really long buffer in smaller 512 Kb chunks, to report sending progress.
* GSTP: Add x-sib-content-md5 header to all transactions we submit, and check it on server.
* Filters: Consider 'path /folder' to be absolute, for purposes of Include filter.
* Filters: Use the same fnmatch code in Windows, MacOS and Linux -- for consistent results.
* Filters: Time: Add relative hours and minutes: +Nh / -Nh, +Nm / -Nm.
* SyncLib: Syncing: fix UpdateStateMergeGens operation losing New Generation on the Right side.
* SyncLib: Syncing: Get ACL/Owner/ExtAttr after Sync on the destination side.
* SyncLib: Syncing: Do not remove analyze time error when we start to sync conflict.
* SyncLib: Analyzing: When reading state file, do not allow more than 100 levels in sync tree.
* Account Manager: If /jobs-file=/folder/file.tix is used then read Account only from this TIX file.
* Copy Ext Attr: Turn it On by default only for MacOS, keep it Off for Windows.
* Folder Monitoring: React to change of Folder Owner, if Compare Owner option is on for this side.
* Google Drive V3: reduce memory usage when building cache.
* Add checking of System Disk Free Space and reporting of low free space.
* Azure: remove its claim to always providing Content-MD5, as it does not always do it.
* Backblaze B2: more fixes, to improve speed and error processing.

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20 Wrzesień 2015
GoodSync 10.4.9 June 09, 2017

* Discovery + UPNP: fix checking cached entries, so that when Local IP changes, rediscovery is done.
* Receiver of Forwarder: Idempotency: several fixes that make it work on network reconnect.
* Sockets: improve error reporting on reconnects.
* Filters: Fix parsing of +-N[d|m|h], it was always assuming d.
* WebDAV: Fix GetInfo() of folder gets rejected on redirect, if folder is submitted without tail '/'.
* Sym Links + Copy Attr: Do not Copy Attributes when copying Sym Links.
* Sym Links + SFTP: Allow setting file mod time of sym links in SFTP.
* Sym Links + SFTP: make Sym Link Drill option work correctly.
* GUI: Sync Tree: Center (horizontally) central column where O is residing.
* GUI: Sync Tree: Column widths: Use single setting for all jobs, fix its loading and saving.
* GUI: Directions and Filters buttons: show explanation when use click with no node selected.
* GUI: Add Clear Tree button, next to Filters and Directions buttons.
* GUI: Accessibility: Allow Browse toolbar buttons to be focused on, add descriptions.
* GUI: Job List Columns: If user downsizes them to zero, do not set them to default width.
* GUI: Filters: Add support for multi-selection, implement Copy and Paste operations.
* CC Runner: Check for shutdown variable once every 3 sec, not every 60 sec.
* Installer: Wait for gsync.exe and gscp.exe to close, in addition to GUI programs.

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Bardzo aktywny
20 Wrzesień 2015
GoodSync 10.5.0 June 16, 2017

* Licenses: Fix on OK_REACT license info was not written, which could result in need to re-activate.
* SharePoint 2013: Added support for root TeamSite, under RootSite alias.
* TIX Export-Import: fix rare bugs related to \n in URL, do not try to import old TIX files.
* CC Runner: Add Special Operations, such as Delete Recycled Files, Cleanup Recycled.
* Corrupt State Files: When it happens, display checkbox: Delete Corrupt State Files when I click Analyze again.
* Forwarders: Allow Default and other official forwarders to run in Pipe Mode.
* GSTP Client + Pipe Forwarder: add retries, when it does not connect right away.
* Pipe Receiver of Forwarder: report failed connects to Mediator, better retries.
* Pickup Forwarder: fix not sending response via default forwarder.
* Update AR and PL and Catalan localizations.

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20 Wrzesień 2015
GoodSync 10.5.1 June 23, 2017

* Pipe Forwarder: fix socket leaks and connectivity issues, in more complex cases.
* Pipe Receiver: fix not deleting sesssion on Disconnect, other connectivity issues.
* SSL + SNI: Make SNI a default option in all SSL communication, as more and more sites use it.
* SyncLib: Fix 'GsMergeLRgenerations: both sides still have new gens' error in Sync time.
* Ignore Drill Down option for all folders inside Windows Users folder, to avoid cycling and duplication.
* Account Manager Cleanup: remove incorrect entries from Account Manager, when reading it.
* Explorer: Fix deleting of User Bookmark did not work.
* Explorer: Do not ask confirmation when removing unused Job bookmark.
* gsync command line: Fix not saving Account Manager when changing connections in job-update etc.
* gsync command line: Print command line options, unless global option /noprint is specified.

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20 Wrzesień 2015
GoodSync 10.5.2 July 07, 2017

* Exclusions + On File Change: fix bugs that prevented excluded files/folder from being reincluded.
* Copy Owner, ACL: Fix bugs that prevented Copy Owner from working correctly if Copy ACL is not specified.
* Scripts: Trim all script fields, when committing and when executring them.
* Crash Submitter and Reader: fix multi-part form format being submitted.
* GoodSync Ver 9 to Ver 10 update page consolidated:
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* Browse dialog: fix leaks and rare crashes.
* Account Manager: Fix crash when loading and deleting bad accounts.
* Reading SMTP password: If we cannot decrypt it, do not make it a terminal error.
* Google Drive, sib-http: allow incoming headers to be longer than 8 Kb.
* Explorer: Fixed Owner of file/folder did not show.

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20 Wrzesień 2015
GoodSync Version 10.5.3 July 28, 2017
* MTP: Fix 'Click Analyze again because another job has Synced and it invalidated analysis results of this job'.
* When Drill Down ignores folder links inside C:/Users to avoid cycling, ignore only Junctions but not Sym Links.
* FTP: use full socket close on data connection, to avoid error on control connection.
* FTPS with ProFTPD: enforce TLS session reuse (not just ask for it).
* FTP: fix RNFR-RNTO combo in situations when disconnect happens after RNFR.
* SSL sockets: Implement SSL session caching on Client side.
* gsync: Fix not all Folder options are parsed, upload command line help.
* CC Runner: fix Runner ignores change of left/right folder.
* CC Runner: restart GS-server when Program Options are updated.
* Control Center: Remove User Log Files older than 30 days, automatically.
* Groups: Increase number of allowed groups from 10 to 40.
* GUI: Fix strange GUI behavior on Right Mouse Button double click in Job Tree and List View.
* GUI: Fix toolbar button sizing bugs.
* Browse dialog: Do not allow to change Account options in Folders, allow it only in Accounts tab.
* Browse, SMB: fix Account Key, so that use can have many accounts in SMB.
* Browse dialog, OneFile: show file path before password.
* Browse button, OneFile: show target file path in URL too.
* Browse dialog: when going from Folders tab to Accounts tab, highlight selected folder.
* Browse dialog: show smaller folder icons for Folder bookmarks in Accounts.
* Browse dialog: Do not show low level (debug) progress messages, only important ones.
* Browse dialog: auto-close it when reinstalling GoodSync.
* Explorer/Browse dlg: do not show File Owner, to speed up browsing.
* Explorer: New Folder, Rename: Change from edit label to requesting new name in modal dialog.
* Explorer: Bump up size of small files for progress purposes to 4K.
* Explorer: avoid negative time remaining.
* Explorer: fix list of many files sometimes cannot be uploaded/downloaded.
* Update DE localization.
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20 Wrzesień 2015
GoodSync 10.5.5 Aug 04, 2017
* FTPS, Sockets: Fix Sockets SSL session reuse.
* Fixed observed crashes in CC Runner and Explorer.
* Browse Dialog: Fix Account names gstp://userid@ appearing, should be without @.
* Browse Dialog: Better Account Tree normalization, when GoodSync starts.
* Browse Dialog: Make Delete work properly on Folder Bookmarks.
* Browse Dialog: Do not allow Rename on Folder Bookmarks.
* Add 'Show Backup / Sync Jobs groups' Program Option, Off by default.
* Sync Tree file/folder properties: show it in a dialog.
* GUI: fix some drawing problem on High DPI displays.
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20 Wrzesień 2015
GoodSync 10.5.6 Aug 18, 2017
* OneDrive: Fixed 'Unsupported security token' error.
* Explorer: Fixed when clicking folder with ftps:// URL, it becomes ftp:// URL.
* Azure: Fixed sometimes assigning check-sums to a wrong file, due to parsing error.
* Browse Dlg: If two or more folders do not exist in Job side path, do not allow clicking them all.
* Control Center Upload: Fixed quote-screening issue that cause errors in names with quotes.
* Control Cneter Runner: Fix lockup of Runner after job was renamed in Control Center.
* Filters Pane: Sort filters lexicographically.
* Job Options/Program Options: Place Include filters above Exclude filters, to match order of execution.
* Job Tree Toolbar counters: rewrite to keep live counters correctly updated.
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20 Wrzesień 2015
GoodSync 10.5.7 Aug 20, 2017
* ACD: do reconnects, to fix 'Cannot Swtich to SSL' error cause by ACD serves malfunction.
* Fix file operations progress reporting jumpiness.
* Explorer: Fix Rename does not update display name.
* SynLib: Get destination file attribute after sync, needed if Compare Attr is used.
GoodSync 10.5.7
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Bardzo aktywny
20 Wrzesień 2015
GoodSync 10.5.8 Aug 23, 2017
* ACD: do reconnects, to fix 'Cannot Switch to SSL' error cause by ACD serves malfunction.
* Fix file operations progress reporting jumpiness, make it more smooth.
* CC Runner: Fix GsRunnerSubmitter thread was not shutting down properly.
* Explorer: Fix Rename does not update display name.
* SyncLib: Get destination file attribute after sync, needed if Compare Attr is used.
* Jobs from Registry: fix load and save of such jobs.
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Bardzo aktywny
20 Wrzesień 2015
GoodSync 10.6.0 Sept 20, 2017
* GSTP: Implemented One Time Passwords (OTP) and Client DeviceId.
* GSTP: You can turn on OTP in
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* GSTP: Prefer Emails as UserIds, they are also used in One Time Password auth.
* When OTP is On, you will receive Email with OTP every time you use a new Device.
GoodSync client will request One Time Password sent in Email.
* GSTP: OTP is requested when doing GoodSync Connect Setup and Browse dialog.
* GSTP: Each client/server now sends DeviceId, ComputerId, and Device Description.
* GSTP: Both email and old-style GS Connect UserId may be used to authenticate.
* GSTP: New Account Form: Add ReCaptcha to filter out robots.
* Official Forwarders: use Forwarder IP name, not IP address, to please security.
* Official Forwarders: use port 443, not 80 for SSL comms, to please security.
* Receiver: Fix incorrect reporting of connections to Official forwarders.
* OTP + gs-server: allow OTP in /set-admin=user_id:password[/otp-value]:sys_user:[sys_pass]
* OTP + gsync: allow OTP in new command line options /can-otpN=yes, /otpN=string.
* Cleanup Logs: Avoid recursive cycling via symlinks, by limiting number of folder levels to 50.
* GSTP progress: show progress when is being added to at the tail.
* Enterprise Policies: fix non-enforcement of NoAutoUpdate policy.
* Runner Setup: If Runner Service user and this Windows user differ, issue warning.
* Runner: Change gs-server settings on a cue from CC only if Runner is elevated.
* Azure: fix space and # encoding issues that could cause Not Found for files and folders.
* Google Drive: Fix Not Found error, that usually occurs on lock.gsl.
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