
Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Pale Moon 27.4.0
27.4.0 (2017-07-12)
This is a major update to straighten out most of the media streaming issues, as well as adding the necessary enhancements, bugfixes and security fixes to the browser.

  • Completely re-worked the Media Source Extensions code to make it spec compliant, and asynchronous as per specification for MSE with MP4. This should fix playback problems on YouTube, Twitch, Vimeo and other sites that previously had some issues. A massive thank you to Travis for his tireless work on making this happen!
    Please note that MSE+WebM (disabled by default) is not using this new code yet (planned for the next release), and as such there is a temporary set of things to keep in mind if you don't use default settings:
    • If you have previously enabled MSE+WebM, this setting will be reset when you update to avoid conflicting settings with the updated MSE code.
    • We've added an extra setting in Options to disable the updated MSE code (asynchronous use) in case you need to use WebM or are otherwise having issues with the updated code (please let us know in that case).
    • Once again, the MSE+WebM and Asynchronous MSE use are currently mutually exclusive. You can have one or the other, not both, until we sort out the code for WebM. To enable MSE+WebM you will first have to disable Asynchronouse MSE in settings (otherwise the WebM setting will be greyed out and disabled).
  • Added a control in options/preferences for HSTS and HPKP usage.
  • Changed HTML bookmark exports to write CRLF line endings to the file on Windows.
  • Leveraged multi-core rendering for libVPX (VP8/VP9 WebM decoding).
  • Fixed some issues accessing DeviantArt (useragent-sniffing).
  • Aligned CSS text-align with the spec.
  • Added a recovery module for browser initialization issues (e.g. when using a wrong language pack).
  • Fixed spurious console errors for XHR requests with certain http response codes.
  • Enabled v-sync aligned refresh for a smoother scrolling experience.
  • Removed support for CSS XP-theme media queries.
  • Improved console error reporting.
  • Fixed resetting toolbars and controls from the safe mode dialog.
  • Fixed bookmark recovery option from the safe mode dialog.
  • Fixed innerText getters for display:none elements.
  • Fixed a GL buffer crash that might occur with certain combinations of drivers and hardware.
  • Added some more details to about:support.
  • Fixed a potential crash when the last audio device is removed during playback.
  • Fixed a crash on about:support when windowless browsers are created.
  • Updated <select> elements to blank if the actively set value doesn't match any of the options.
  • Updated the interpretation of 2-digit years in date formats to match other browsers:
    0-49 = 2000-2049, 50-99 = 1950-1999.
  • Added "q" units to CSS (quarter of a millimeter).
  • Added .origin property to blobs.
  • Fixed several minor layout issues.
  • Fixed disabled HTML elements not producing the proper JS events.
  • Implemented web content handler blacklist according to the spec, allowing more than feeds to be registered.
  • Fixed a spec compliance issue with execCommand() on HTML elements.
  • Fixed a problem with table borders being drawn uneven or being omitted when zooming the page.
  • Added devtools "filter URLs" option in the network panel.
  • Added visual sorting options to the Network inspector.
  • Added importing of login data from Chrome profiles on Windows (Chrome has to be closed first).
  • Added importing of tags from bookmark export files (HTML format).
  • Updated usage of SourceMap headers with the updated spec (SourceMap header, keeping X-SourceMap as a fallback).
  • Fixed several cases of wrongly-used negations in JS modules.
  • Added the auxclick mouse event.
  • Added a control to not autoplay video unless it is in view (media.block-play-until-visible).
  • Updated the Graphite font library to 1.3.10.
  • Updated how image and media elements respond to window size changes (responsive design).
  • Added parsing and use of rotation meta data in video.
  • Fixed several crashes in a number of modules.
  • Fixed performance regression for scaling large vector images (e.g. MSIE Chalkboard test) \o/
  • Fixed some issues with notification icons.
  • Fixed some internal errors with live bookmarks.
  • Updated SQLite to 3.19.3.
  • Fixed several reported issues with devtools (cli-cookies, cli help, copying cURL, inspecting SVGs, element size calculations, etc.)
  • Fixed an issue where a server response was allowed to override add-ons' specified version ranges even for add-ons that have strict compatibility (e.g. themes, language packs).
Security fixes:
  • Removed preloading of HPKP hosts and enabled HPKP header enforcement.
  • Added support for TLS 1.3, the up-next secure connection protocol.
  • Fixed an issue with TLS 1.3 not supporting renegotiation by design.
  • Relaxed some restrictions for CSP to temporarily work around web compatibility issues with the CSP-3 deprecated `child-src` directive.
  • Updated NSS to to address some security issues.
  • Updated the installer selfextractor module to address unsafe loading of libraries.
  • Changed the way certain resources are included to reduce effectiveness of some common fingerprinting techniques. (e.g.
  • Fixed a regression in the display of security information in the page info dialog for insecure content.
  • Fixed two potential issues with allocating memory for video. DiD
  • Fixed a potential issue with the network prediction algorithm. DiD
  • Restricted the use of Aspirational scripts in IDNs to prevent domain spoofing, in anticipation of the UAX#31 update making this official.
  • Prevented a Mac font specific issue that could be abused for domain spoofing (CVE-2017-7763)
  • Fixed several potentially exploitable crashes. (CVE-2017-7751) (CVE-2017-7757) and some that do not have a CVE designation.
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Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
SeaMonkey 2.48
SeaMonkey 2.48
For SeaMonkey 2.48, the following extensions are removed and are not included in the distribution (due to repack issues).

Unless stated otherwise they can be obtained from
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These release notes describe system requirements, installation instructions, and known issues for SeaMonkey 2.48 up to/including SeaMonkey 2.48 Beta 1. These notes are updated when we receive feedback, so please check back for new information.

What's New in SeaMonkey 2.48
SeaMonkey 2.48 contains (among other changes) the following major changes relative to
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SeaMonkey 2.48 uses the same backend as Firefox and contains the listed
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SeaMonkey-specific changes
  • The bug which prevented you to set the default search engine in SeaMonkey 2.46 has been fixed. If you see any problems with this please report it in
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  • The Errror Console is now a part of SeaMonkey. It was replaced by the Developer Tools Web and Browser Console in Firefox which both are also available in SeaMonkey. If you use css to style the console please note that it is now located in "chrome://communicator/content/console/console.xul/".
  • The Help Viewer is now a part of SeaMonkey and has been deleted from Mozilla Gecko.
  • SeaMonkey now uses the HTTP cache v2. For technical details please check
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  • Troubleshooting Information in "about:support" is displayed in a better readable layout.
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Bardzo aktywny
25 Grudnia 2012
Quantum Flow to najnowszy projekt Mozilli, którego głównym celem jest zwiększenie responsywności
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, a co za tym idzie, przyspieszenie jego działania.
To obecnie główne zadanie programistów Mozilli. Efekty są jednak widoczne gołym okiem. Przeglądarka znacząco przyspieszyła w porównaniu do poprzednich wersji.
Swoje spostrzeżenia na ten temat opublikował Dietrich Ayala, jeden z pracowników Mozilli. Deweloper przeprowadził testy uruchamiania przeglądarki przy 1691 włączonych kartach.
Warto dodać, że pomiar odbywał się przy wyłączonym Wi-Fi. Nie chodziło bowiem o test szybkości sieci czy też renderowania stron internetowych. Sprawdzona miała być szybkość uruchamiania Firefoksa z ogromną ilością pustych kart.
Ayala posłużył się kilkoma wersjami przeglądarki, począwszy od przestarzałej, oznaczonej numerem 20, aż po najnowszą 56. W przypadku Firefoxa 20 uruchomienie 1691 kart zajęło około 1,5 minuty. Dla porównania znacznie nowszy Firefox 51 ten sam proces wykonywał prawie 8 minut, a Firefox 54 nieco ponad 4 minuty.

Przełom nastąpił wraz z Firefoxem 55, który znajduje się obecnie w kanale beta. Dzięki zastosowaniu Quantum Flow uruchomienie 1691 pustych kart zajęło zaledwie 15 sekund. Różnica jest zatem ogromna.

Mniejsze zużycie pamięci
Przy okazji deweloperom udało się zminimalizować zużycie pamięci RAM. Wcześniejsze wersje Firefoxa przy 1691 niezaładowanych kartach zużywały około 2 GB RAM-u. Wraz z Firefoxem 55 liczba ta spadła do 0,5 GB.


Zużycie RAM-u przy 1691 otwartych kartach

Ayala wyjaśnia, że Firefox jeszcze nigdy nie był tak szybki jak obecnie. Deweloper chwali się, że pracuje w Mozilli od ponad dekady, więc wie, co mówi.
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Należy przy tym zauważyć, iż samo przywrócenie sesji nie oznacza w przypadku Firefoksa gotowości stron do wyświetlenia (witryny ładowane są do pamięci później, wraz z odwiedzaniem kart), (...)
Testujący dodaje również, iż przedstawione rezultaty to efekt jego prywatnych testów na Macbooku i zdaje sobie sprawę, że wyniki w innych przypadkach, nawet różniących się tylko jedną otwieraną kartą, mogą być zgoła odmienne. Warto także dodać, iż podczas tego testu komputer nie był podłączony do Internetu, aby przetestować wyłącznie wydajność samej aplikacji.
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No jak się to potwierdzi w stabilnych wydaniach, to może znów powrócę do FF. :)


Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Pale Moon 27.4.1
27.4.1 (2017-08-03)
This is a small update to address some media and web compatibility issues.

  • Fixed an issue where media playback would not use hardware acceleration properly when using MSE.
    This would cause high CPU usage and/or choppy playback for HD video on e.g. YouTube.
  • Fixed ES6 iterator chains to be spec-compliant.
  • Fixed ES6 vector append calls and some related memory leaks.
  • Added a workaround to reduce the likelihood of a potential rare (timing-critical) crash.
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Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
Mozilla przełącza się na 64-bitowego Firefoxa w Windowsie

Mozilla poinformowała na swoim blogu, że użytkownicy korzystający z Windowsów w wersji 64-bitowej domyślnie będą pobierać 64-bitową edycję Firefoxa.

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Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
Waterfox 55.0.2
What’s new in Waterfox 55.0.2?
  • Fixed an issue with missing label in about:dialog for language packs.
  • Reverted Yahoo partner URL until better solution found.
  • Note: If you are using Linux, you will need version 3.4.22 of libstdc++.
  • Windows builds are now available!
  • Updated to Firefox 55.0.2 (Release Notes)
Wszystkie wersje (Windows, Linux, MacOS):
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Pale Moon 27.4.2
27.4.2 (2017-08-22)
This is a small update to address some security and stability issues.

  • Fixed a number of crashes.
  • Enabled the opt-in debugging feature to log SSL keys to a file in all builds.
  • Added a fix for TLS 1.3 handshakes causing a browser hangup.
    Handshakes should be considerably faster now and no longer stall in the wrong circumstances.
Security fixes:
  • Updated NSPR to 4.15.
  • Updated NSS to 3.31.1.
  • Fixed a DoS issue using overly long Username in URL scheme (CVE-2017-7783)
  • Fixed an issue where (cross domain) iframes could break scope (CVE-2017-7787)
  • Fixed an issue in WindowsDllDetourPatcher (CVE-2017-7804)
  • Fixed an issue with elliptic curve addition in mixed Jacobian-affine coordinates (CVE-2017-7781)
  • Fixed a UAF in nsImageLoadingContent (CVE-2017-7784)
  • Fixed a UAF in WebSockets (CVE-2017-7800)
  • Fixed a heap-UAF in RelocateARIAOwnedIfNeeded (CVE-2017-7809) DiD (accessibility is disabled)
DiD This means that the fix is "Defense-in-Depth": It is a fix that does not apply to a (potentially) actively exploitable vulnerability in Pale Moon, but prevents future vulnerabilities caused by the same code when surrounding code changes, exposing the problem.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Mozilla Firefox 55.0.3
Version 55.0.3, first offered to Release channel users on August 25, 2017
  • Fix file uploads to some websites, including YouTube (bug 1383518)

  • Fix an issue with addons when using a path containing non-ascii characters (bug 1389160)
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Pale Moon (2017-08-28)
This is an out-of-band update for the portable version of the browser only (Windows).
This fixes a few issues in the portable shell regarding backups and settings.

To update, please follow the recommended update procedure listed on the
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