
super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Multi Commander

UPDATE- Some Language packs are updated.
FIXED - Some default config values was loaded in a wrong way.
ADDED - New MultiScript engine function : StrReplaceChars(...)
ADDED - New MultiScript engine function : StrReplaceCharsPairs(...)
FIXED - 2 stability issue reported by crash report system

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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Multi Commander 7.0.0 Build 2340
  • 250+ Changes, Major new addition are:
  • CustomContext Menu that allows for custom and internal command in context menu,
  • And Language Pack can now be downloaded when new updates for them are available.
  • Also many more quick rename options, Many new MultiScript functions
  • And lots of fixes
  • ADDED - CustomContextMenu - Internal and custom commands can now be shown in the context popup menu. (right click)
  • ADDED - Can now disable the Windows Shell and only show the custom context menu
  • ADDED - Added so updated language packs can be download when updated. (Check for when new version check is done)
  • ADDED - MultiScript function min/max (also supports array support) , return min or max value of all provided
  • ADDED - MultiScript function IsAllTrue/IsAnyTrue (also supports array support) - return 1/0 if all provided value are true and any of them are true
  • ADDED - MultiScript function mod( x, y) - Math function modulo
  • ADDED - MultiScript function GetRandomValue(min , max) - return a random value between min and max
  • ADDED - MultiScript function FormatDateTime/GetTimeInfo - Format datetime, and return time value as an array of its parts
  • ADDED - MultiScript function GetFSLinkType(..), GetLinkTarget(..), GetShortcutTarget(..) will return paths of filesystem links
  • CHANGE- MultiScript change, Compare of two string using == will now return a boolean ( 1 or 0 ), not a diff values.
  • ADDED - QuickLaunchBar now has a "Run as Admin" options.
  • ADDED - If Rename hotkey is pressed in Inline rename, It will toggle the selection part of filename/extension
  • ADDED - Added many more rename option to the Rename submenu in menubar and context menu
  • ADDED - Hotkey for the start of MultiRename can now be customized
  • ADDED - Minor change to allow MultiCommander SE to pass windows store certification
  • FIXED - Store Edition did not show thumbnails
  • FIXED - Store Edition did not launch MCAdmin helper process correct
  • FIXED - MultiScript debugger sometimes caused a crash if closed before script was stopped
  • FIXED - Fixed an issue with the "Find and Replace" and when doing ignoring case on 32bit builds
  • FIXED - Some default settings was wrong on fresh install
  • FIXED - "Replace all older" when moving on same volume works again
  • FIXED - "Retry as admin" option was sometimes shown even if option of this was disabled
  • ADDED - Renaming read only files using MultiRename, the confirm dialog about that now have a "Do this for all read only files" checkbox
  • FIXED - When resizing thumbnail size using mouse wheel, The scrollbar was not updated correct.
  • FIXED - Recent history path was in some situation corrupted.
  • CHANGE- Calculate folder size background thread will now run even if other background thread are running
  • CHANGE- Background thread that extract extra data can now be aborted easier.
  • FIXED - 4 stability issue reported by crash report system
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Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
Multi Commander 7.1.0 Build 2347
  • ADDED - Name generate for quick copy will now keep file extension intact and only change name part
  • ADDED - Name shown in CopyTo dialog duing quick copy will now have the generated name part selected for easy changing
  • FIXED - Switching between advanced and simple mode, The Simple part sometimes used the wrong text for the matching part.
  • ADDED - Added Command that canbe assigned to hotkeys that will move active tab back/forward position in the same panel
  • ADDED - The new Rename command are now added to the menu shown when right clicking on rename button on toolbar
  • ADDED - CustomCommand "MC.Explorer.Makedir" now support the quick create folder tags in the FOLDERNAME parameter
  • ADDED - MultiScript -= operator now works
  • ADDED - MultiScript accessing array value as right part of an operator now works ( eg: @var $x = $a + $b[$idx]; )
  • ADDED - MultiScript Adding array item with a value to the right now works ( eg: @var $x = $b[$idx] + $val; )
  • CHANGE- MultiScript Debugger window will now replace none breaking space with normal space (Can happen if you copy/paste script from some web browser)
  • CHANGE- MultiScript Debugger window, The Tab size is now half. Looks better
  • FIXED - Copy single file and selecting ".." in the CopyTo Dialog to pick folder will now keep the filename in the dialog
FIXED - Volume specific ContextMenu item was not shown for virtual devices like REG:
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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Multi Commander 7.3 (Build 2360)
No new major feature. But lots of fixes and minor improvements.


  • Tab Sessions can be auto loaded at startup
  • Device toolbars and dropdown can be configured to only show some devices
  • Backup/Restore now handles the userdata correct (FTP Bookmarks, MultiRename profiles and more)
  • Fixed issue with natural sorting and number with 14digits and more
  • Fixed some column sizing issues.
  • SDK Updated and samples updated
  • Lots of fixes
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Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
Multi Commander 7.5.0 Build 2381
Release v7.5 (Build 2381) ( 14-Aug-2017 )

90+ Changes

ADDED - Language Aware sorting (Slower, but some language will get a more correct sorting)
ADDED - Checksum tool now support SHA256/512
ADDED - Settings for Device Dropdown if it should remember last used path or not
ADDED - FolderTree will now show folder with the same colors rules as the normal list view. (Can be turned off)
ADDED - Holding CTRL while confirming an option in the custom create folder popup (Ctrl+Shift+F7), It will now enter that folder after creating it
ADDED - MultiDataViewer will now toggle WordWrap with Ctrl+W
ADDED - CommandLine parameter /Instance=NAME , Will load/save config/userdata/log under its own instance name so you can run Multiple instances with separate config
ADDED - ToClipboard > FileContentAsText menu option is now enabled and works
ADDED - Fixed issue with MultiScript function "SetClipboardText" Can now set clipboard data that are larger
ADDED - Wheelzoom to change Thumbnail size now support larger sizes
ADDED - When folder sizing is completed a resort is done if sort column is size
FIXED - Issue with corrupted columnsets
FIXED - Tweaked column autosizing when new tab is show the first time.
FIXED - MultiDataViewer will now format hyper links with https: as clickable links
FIXED - FSFTP caused a crash if the server return incorrect information from a PASV/PORT call
FIXED - Settings might be saved if external program closes MultiCommander while being minimized to tray
FIXED - Fixed rare crash issue with MultiRename
FIXED - Sometimes when clicking on a item in Multi Commander window when focus was another app and filesystem slow, the wrong item was set as focus
FIXED - Some OneDrive sync ondemand issues. (Only on Windows Insider edition) (Some still left)
FIXED - Fixed issues when Windows returned an invalid icon overlay ( Insider Preview Windows 10 (Fall Creator Update) )
FIXED - Overwrite all issue when unpacking 7zip archives
CHANGE- Major internal change to avoid conflict with new FileSystem changes in Insider Preview Windows 10 (Fall Creator Update)
FIXED - 4 stability issue reported by crash report system
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SHA1 : 468FACAE5C40F591E6D34D38C7F487FFE8AE8A6A
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SHA1 : 5CABD66807E983F2B0CDAC31EFB88DAE706AA156

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SHA1 : 6625006F1077049356579843EEECE52A8A025F94
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Multi Commander 7.7.0 Build 2404
Changes in Multi Commander 7.7.0 Build 2404:
  • ADDED – New AlreadyExistsDialog that shows thumbnails are more options and new layout
  • ADDED – New overwrite option “Overwrite if size differs”, “Overwrite if larger”, “Overwrite if smaller”
  • ADDED – Added so copy path to clipboard can convert mounted path UNC path
  • ADDED – Rename Dialog for Replace text in name, will now remember last 20 used texts
  • ADDED – Create link dialog will now remember last used option
  • ADDED – Improved logging in some places
  • ADDED – API to Add/Remove column to current view
  • ADDED – Added workaround for issue that if network mounted device got unmounted and remounted it got the same name since Windows Cached it.
  • ADDED – Settings if FocusItem should be saved on exit or not
  • ADDED – MultiDataFileViewer got more default setups (thanks to pncdaspropagandas )
  • CHANGE- Lots of internal changes and code cleanup
  • FIXED – Fixed issue in FTP and 7Zip that made Keep DateTime not work in some situations
  • FIXED – Fixed crash issue with range selection
  • FIXED – Issue with range selection in WinExplorer setup
  • FIXED – Issue with tab stealing focus when MultiRename window closes
  • FIXED – 7 Stability issue reported by crash report system
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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Multi Commander8.0.0 Build 2450

  • Fixed many minor issues with the New File Already Exists window
  • FolderTree Rename
  • FolderTree Smart Expand Boxes
  • MultiScript function for working with tabs
  • Start MultiCommander minimzied
  • Option to Skip empty folder when doing copy or move
  • Lots of stability fixes
  • Lots of other fixes

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Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Release v8.1 Build 2452 5-May-2018
Changes v8.1
  • Fixed many minor issues with the New File Already Exists window
  • FolderTree Rename
  • FolderTree Smart Expand Boxes
  • MultiScript function for working with tabs
  • Start MultiCommander minimzied
  • Option to Skip empty folder when doing copy or move
  • Lots of stability fixes
  • Lots of other fixes
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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Multi Commander 8.3 ( Build 2469 )
Changes (v8.1 and v8.3)
  • You can now have more then 300 UserDefinedCommands, New limit is 600
  • Now possible to click SkipAll on error that Source and Target location is same
  • Invert selection now works better in Windows Explorer mode
  • Fixed crash when image engine tried to parse PSD file
  • Running Bat generated User defined command from commnadline field, Now support paramters
  • 3 stability fixes
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Multi Commander 9.0.0
Release v9.0 (Build 2532) ( 28-Jul-2019 - ms )

30+ Changes

ADDED - Redesign of how progress windows are show to get around Windows 10 bug
ADDED - FileSearch is using the new VirtualDevice for search result
ADDED - Google Drive is now detected and show in dropdown and device toolbar
ADDED - Session Tab limit now 70
ADDED - Added option to enable workaround for 7Zip drag and drop issue
ADDED - Search can now have a result limit. So it stops when limit is reached.
FIXED - Fixed issue when selected overwrite if newer when doing move operation in same disk
FIXED - Fixed crash when aborting file copy during prepare phase
FIXED - Many stability issues fixed
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Bardzo aktywny
19 Wrzesień 2018
On a Bike!
Multi Commander 9.5.3 Build 2578
Changes in Multi Commander 9.5.3 Build 2578 (January 14, 2020):

  • Video properties in columns
  • Customize Tab font and width
  • New Languge. Ukrainian. Created by Bohdan Kalynyak
  • New MultiScript function ArrayToString(..)
  • Fixed Icons issue
  • 5 Stability issues fixed and some other fixes

Size: 7.13 MB
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