
Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Here is a new v4.0 (pre-release) test11:
Zaloguj lub Zarejestruj się aby zobaczyć!

*** Please do not share the download link, we will delete it when we'll release the official v4 ***

So far this is what's new compared to the previous pre-release:

+ Rename "Copy Selected Rule" on Rules tab to "Copy/Duplicate Selected Rule"
+ Added new signers to Trusted Vendors list
+ Added "Search Signer on Google" on popup-menu of "Trusted Vendors"
+ Added "Load Signers from File" on popup-menu of "Trusted Vendors"
+ Added "Export List to File" on popup-menu of "Trusted Vendors"
+ Added "Extract Vendor from File" on popup-menu of "Trusted Vendors"
+ Added "Search Signer on Google" on popup-menu of "Trusted Vendors"
+ Added "Search Signer on Google" on popup-menu of "Trusted Vendors"
+ Fixed count of Rules when Exporting them
+ Increased the pagination on Rules tab to 100 items per page
+ Function to add/update Trusted Vendors silently rejects any vendor that matches *Microsoft*
+ Fixed List of internal Vulnerable Processes are only automatically created when ERPv4 is "FirstRun"
+ Fixed List of internal Trusted Vendors are only automatically created when ERPv4 is "FirstRun"
+ Added manual popup menu under Rules Manager (Rules Listview) so internal list of Vulnerable Processes can be manually added back
+ Improved allowing of safe process behaviors
+ Minor fixes and optimizations

To install it, first uninstall the previous build, then reboot (not really needed but may help), and install the new build.


Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Here is a new v4.0 (pre-release) test12:
Zaloguj lub Zarejestruj się aby zobaczyć!

*** Please do not share the download link, we will delete it when we'll release the official v4 ***

So far this is what's new compared to the previous pre-release:

+ Added new signers to Trusted Vendors list
+ Sort the "Trusted Vendors" list alphabetically
+ On "Trusted Vendors" renamed "Use Default Vendors" to "Add Default Vendors" (Default Vendors are added and existing signers are not deleted)
+ Support for the ESC-key in certain dialogs (ESC closes the dialog).
+ If the user has selected more than one Event in the "Events"-tab and is doing a right-click + "Show Event Details", the Event Details of all selected Events are shown in the "Event Details"-window.
+ Suggestion/improvement for "Password Protect Power Options" - Dialog "Enter Old Password"
+ Suggestion/improvement for "Password Protect Power Options" - Dialog "Enter New Password"

To install it, first uninstall the previous build, then reboot (not really needed but may help), and install the new build.


Marszałek Forum
Członek Załogi
22 Lipiec 2012
Somewhere over the rainbow.
Here is a new v4.0 (pre-release) test13:
Zaloguj lub Zarejestruj się aby zobaczyć!

*** Please do not share the download link, we will delete it when we'll release the official v4 ***

So far this is what's new compared to the previous pre-release:

+ Added new signers to Trusted Vendors list
+ Fixed If you sort columns in Rules, they get auto-resized. And column-size in Events should be saved even after restart of the ERP GUI.
+ On Rules tab, renamed "Copy Selected Rule to Clipboard" to "Copy Selected Rule(s) to Clipboard" and it now supports multiple selected rules (copying them to clipboard)
+ Support ESC to close the dialog also on "Export Rules", "Event Details", "Excluded Processes" windows
+ Added "Support for Drag & Drop" of files for rule creation (just drag & drop a .exe file on the Rules tab and "Expression Builder" will open with pre-filled file details)
+ Removed the orange button "NoVirusThanks" on the top-left of the GUI window
+ On Rules tab, renamed "Create Internal List of Vulnerable Processes Rules" to "Re-create Vulnerable Processes Rules"
+ Added msra.exe and mstsc.exe to Vulnerable Processes rules (you need to right-click the Rules tab listview and click on "Re-create Vulnerable Process rules"
+ Minor fixes and optimizations

To install it, first uninstall the previous build, then reboot (not really needed but may help), and install the new build.


Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Here is a new v4.0 (pre-release) test14:
Zaloguj lub Zarejestruj się aby zobaczyć!

*** Please do not share the download link, we will delete it when we'll release the official v4 ***

So far this is what's new compared to the previous pre-release:

+ Add Trusted vendors no longer replaces them but adds the internal list instead
+ Improved internal whitelist rules

To install it, first uninstall the previous build, then reboot (not really needed but may help), and install the new build.


Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
  1. Here is a new v4.0 (pre-release) test15:
    Zaloguj lub Zarejestruj się aby zobaczyć!

    *** Please do not share the download link, we will delete it when we'll release the official v4 ***

    So far this is what's new compared to the previous pre-release:

    + On "Expression Builder" form, renamed "Process" to "Child Process"
    + User is able to highlight/select "more than one" Trusted Vendor and after clicking on "Delete Vendor" all highlighted/selected Vendors are deleted

    To install it, first uninstall the previous build, then reboot (not really needed but may help), and install the new build.


Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Here is a new v4.0 (pre-release) test16:
Zaloguj lub Zarejestruj się aby zobaczyć!

*** Please do not share the download link, we will delete it when we'll release the official v4 ***

So far this is what's new compared to the previous pre-release:

+ Fixed The Alert Dialog sometimes goes behind other program's windows
+ Fixed The "Running Time" on the program's window Home page could be expanded to show: xx Days, xx Hours, etc.
+ Fixed Importing of rules suggestion: "99 rules have been imported, 1 rule was ignored" / "Some rules couldn't be imported" or something similar
+ Fixed Column-size in Events are not saved (if resized to 0px to hide them)
+ Fixed When on Learning Mode some duplicate rules are added
+ Fixed The notification dialog (when a process is blocked) should "stay" on top even after clicking into a different window
+ Fixed Remember the last opened folder for each OpenDialog separately
+ New popup option in Rules -> "Remove ALL Rules" -> This will remove all rules
+ On the main program window, when we press the ESC key we can "Hide Main Window"
+ Minor fixes and optimizations

To install it, first uninstall the previous build, then reboot (not really needed but may help), and install the new build.


Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Here is a new v4.0 (pre-release) test17:
Zaloguj lub Zarejestruj się aby zobaczyć!

*** Please do not share the download link, we will delete it when we'll release the official v4 ***

So far this is what's new compared to the previous pre-release:

+ Fixed resizing of columns to 0px
+ Fixed unicode issue w/ signers in Trusted Vendors List and Rules tab
+ Added a Passive Mode (always allowed after ERP denies a process in any form) -> Right-click on system tray icon
+ Allow-action replaced by Exclude-action in Learning Mode
+ Fixed Re-Create Vulnerable Process Rules menu item functionality

To install it, first uninstall the previous build, then reboot (not really needed but may help), and install the new build.


Bardzo aktywny
21 Czerwiec 2012
Here is a new v4.0 (pre-release) test19:
Zaloguj lub Zarejestruj się aby zobaczyć!

*** Please do not share the download link, we will delete it when we'll release the official v4 ***

So far this is what's new compared to the previous pre-release:

+ Added "Install Mode" (on the "Alert Dialog") -> It will allow the execution and all child processes will be auto-allowed until the main PID is active
+ Edit Rule from Event now automatically populates the expression builder fields with the appropriate fields from the event
+ Improved "Allow Known Safe Process Behaviors"
+ Improved "Learning Mode" auto-created rules
+ Minor fixes and optimizations

To install it, first uninstall the previous build, then reboot (not really needed but may help), and install the new build.

* Before installing this new version, you should delete these files:

C:\ProgramData\NoVirusThanks\EXE Radar Pro\*

* This will be done automatically on next build from the installer file.


19 Sierpień 2010
Is there a guide how to use ver4? I am confused how to set it unlike the old beta....:(


Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Here is a new v4.0 (pre-release) test20:
Zaloguj lub Zarejestruj się aby zobaczyć!

*** Please do not share the download link, we will delete it when we'll release the official v4 ***

So far this is what's new compared to the previous pre-release:

+ While "Process Blocked" notification window is active, I cannot edit/do things on the main GUI
+ Added a button "Close All" on the left of "Close" button, in the "Process Blocked" notification window to close all active "Process Blocked" notifications
+ If I enable the option "Settings" -> "Password Protect Power Options" and then I right-click on the tray icon -> "Enable Passive Mode" I am not asked for the password
+ Support explicitly appended \ to process Path rule field, example:
C:\Program Files*\Internet Explorer
C:\Program Files*\Internet Explorer\
C:\Program Files*\Internet Explorer\*
C:\Program Files*\Internet Explorer*\*
+ Improved "Allow Known Safe Process Behaviors"
+ Minor fixes and optimizations

To install it, first uninstall the previous build, then reboot (not really needed but may help), and install the new build.


Bardzo aktywny
21 Czerwiec 2012
Here is a new v4.0 (pre-release) test24:
Zaloguj lub Zarejestruj się aby zobaczyć!

*** Please do not share the download link, we will delete it when we'll release the official v4 ***

So far this is what's new compared to the previous pre-release:

+ Allow to disable protection temporarily for 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour via Tray Icon right-click menu
+ Added check for damaged/corrupt settings conf file (in which case default settings are re-applied)
+ Fixed When turning on Learning Mode, after a reboot it's set to Alert Mode, I would expect it to stay on Learning Mode
+ Fixed Saving of settings to conf file in particular situations
+ Minor fixes and optimizations

To install it, first uninstall the previous build, then reboot (not really needed but may help), and install the new build.
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