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26 Maj 2015
The RAD Video Tools to specyficzne narzędzie do konwersji wideo, które zintegrowane zostało z kodekami Bink i Smacker. Umożliwia ono nie tyle samą konwersję klipów do formatu BIK oraz SMK, co również ich oglądanie za pośrednictwem wbudowanego odtwarzacza. Co istotne, narzędzie pozwala także konwertować multimedia do postaci plików wykonywalnych EXE wraz z wbudowanym odtwarzaczem. Takie rozwiązanie umożliwi odtworzenie materiału na dowolnym komputerze, bez konieczności instalacji żadnych dodatkowych komponentów - kodeków, playera itp.

Wspomniane formaty wideo są mało popularne, jednak z racji zalet jakie ze sobą niosą często wykorzystuje się je do kodowania różnego rodzaju klipów, które spotkać można w grach komputerowych. Narzędzie obsługuje większość najpopularniejszych formatów wideo, dając możliwość konwertowania filmów do postaci plików BIK i SMK, jak również w przeciwnym kierunku do formatów AVI, WAV, FLC, BMP, GIF, JPEG, TGA, TIFF, PCX oraz PNG.

The RAD Video Tools oferuje wbudowany odtwarzacz audio-wideo oraz mikser ścieżki dźwiękowej. Mocną stroną narzędzia są duże możliwości konfiguracyjne, pozwalające dowolnie skalować i przycinać obraz, dostosowywać jego podstawowe parametry, usuwać wybrane klatki, ustalać poziom kompresji i wiele więcej.

Lista obsługiwanych formatów:
  2. wyjściowych: BIK, SMK, AVI, WAV, FLC, BMP, GIF, JPEG, TGA, TIFF, PCX, PNG;
Some Reasons Why Folks Love Bink:
  • Bink videos look amazing! Bink 2 videos look absolutely perfect - we use a sophisticated deblocking algorithm, so your videos will look great even at super low data rates. Bink will always make the best possible video for your data rate.
  • Bink runs on most game engine middleware natively. We supply pre-written plugins for both Unreal 4 and Unity for many platforms. For other platforms and engines, source to the Bink plugin can be used as a starting point.
  • Bink 2 has
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    built right in! Compress and playback high color-depth videos in your HDR game!
  • Bink comes with simple integrated tools for compressing and viewing your videos. We also now include an Adobe Premiere and Adobe Media Encoder plugin for direct Bink exporting!
  • Bink 2's SDK is simple and powerful. Your game is always in control - there are no callbacks or other difficult-to-debug constructs. Using Bink is like using a codec that you wrote yourself.
  • Bink 2 is completely self-contained - it needs no special system software, it needs no other audio codec, it needs no other surrounding architecture. Just one small library and you are good to go - there are no external installation or dependencies.
  • Bink 2 is super, super fast. In some cases, up to 10 times faster than other modern codecs. It's fast enough to use for in-game videos, as well as cut-scene videos. Bink 2 takes this speed to the next level - a video frame decode is 75% SIMD instructions, and we now have near perfect two core scaling for even more speed.
  • Using compute shaders on Windows, Linux, Sony PS4 and Xbox One, you can offload much of the Bink video decoding to the GPU! This is two to four times faster than CPU-only decode (and even more for 4K video). Decode 4K video frames in 2.3ms on PS4/Xbox One, and 1.4 ms on a PC!
  • Since it's so fast, Bink 2 can play 4K video (3840x2160) on PCs, Sony PS4 and Xbox One - using 4 cores, it can decode a 4K frame in 4 ms on PC, and 11 ms on PS4 or Xbox! Using compute shaders on the GPU, it can do 4K frames in 1.4 ms on PC, and 2.3 ms on PS4! Crazy fast!
  • Bink 2 is built for multi-core. By default, it slices the screen in half and decompresses each on a separate core. But you can also compress using 3 or 4 slices for more speed on consoles with a lot of cores, or when you are playing high resolution video (like 4K video)!
  • Bink uses as little memory as possible. In some cases, up to 16 MB to 120 MB less than other codecs! You don't have to worry about a simple video codec hogging all your memory. Bink 2 uses the same total amount of memory as Bink 1 (except when doing GPU-based decoding which does use more memory).
  • Bink runs on every platform. You can use the same API and data files on 16 different platforms.
  • Bink 2 has powerful
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    for video sprites and compositing.
  • Bink 2 now uses a full range colorspace (from 0 to 255, instead of the more common 16 to 235). This makes a huge difference in gradients if you use RGB input files (make sure you don't use input files that already use a crushed Y range colorspace)!
  • Bink has a VBR psycho-acoustic based audio codec capable up to 15:1 compression built-in. You don't need to license another codec for your audio.
  • Bink can play many audio tracks at once - this allows the playback of 5.1 and 7.1 sound tracks (on supported platforms) as well as optional language tracks where you can turn on and off a language based on the system setting.
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    and is customized to take advantage of each one. It uses SPUs on PS3, VMX on Xbox360, SSE 2 on x86, compute shader where available, massive assembly optimizations, etc.
  • Bink includes sound support for every platform it supports. We have 16 different modules for sound playback on the various platforms.
  • Bink is super robust. The fact that it ships in so many games makes it better and better - it just doesn't crash. Bink can also handle bad input data - it just keeps chugging along until the input data gets better again.
  • Game Developers love Bink so much that they voted it into the
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    ! Joins the Miles Sound System!
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password: RAD
SHA1: 29DB4916073994A738618AD9396AD1C93DD4361C
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