Narzędzia Sociazer za darmo (Analyze and track your social media accounts)


Bardzo aktywny
28 Luty 2018

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is a social media analyzing tool where you can track all your social channels with ease using a single platform. It helps you understand what you were doing right when you were getting followers and growing engagement and how you can grow over time.

With competitor tracking, full social media audit, reports, and statistics, Sociazer gives you deep insights into how to improve your social strategy. It gives you weekly email reports so you can see your progress as well as future projections based on audited data. Simply enter your account's URL and you'll get the data that you need.

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Terms of The Offer:
License info:
1-computer lifetime license
Update policy: free updates
Tech support policy: free tech support
Re-install policy: can be registered after promo ends
Supported OS and other system requirements: Any browser


Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Przeczytanie "Privacy Policy" nie napawa optymizmem. Parę cytatów:
We may collect personal information and non-personal information about you from third parties who we have a business relationship with.
In addition to the information listed above, we may automatically collect non-personal information from you using a variety of technologies. Examples include IP address, interaction with the Website, usage information, location, type of browser, operating system, your search terms or search queries, internet service providers, and device information. The purpose of collecting non-personal information is to better how you use our Website and its functionalities and how we can improve your browsing experience on our Website.
We share your information with some third-party agents, affiliates, and service providers perform functions on our behalf, including but not limited to: content management, hosting, marketing, analytics, customer service, fraud protection, content syndication, and technical integration.

These companies may have access to the personal information we collect if needed to perform their function. In the event that such access is required, these third parties will be contractually obligated to maintain the confidentiality and security of that personal information. They are prohibited from selling, using, or distributing this data in any way other than to provide the requested services.
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Dla mnie to wygląda jak następna "Cambridge Analytica", tylko za własną zgodą. Ale co kto lubi :sarkazm
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