
Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
The GodFather 0.89


Rozbudowany, darmowy program do katalogowania plików muzycznych. Szybko wyszukuje wszystkie posiadane pliki i umożliwia uzyskanie o nich informacji z baz internetowych.

The GodFather daje możliwość pojedyńczej lub seryjnej zmiany tzw. TAGów tj. szczegółowych informacji o danym utworze (obsługiwane standardy to: ID3v1, ID3v2, APEv2 oraz komentarze Ogg Vorbis). Opisane pliki mogą zostać skatalogowane wg wielu różnych kryteriów. Program umożliwia też tworzenie playlist, eksport listy posiadanych zasobów do plików XLS lub HTML, a także posiada wbudowany odtwarzacz.

Obsługuje pliki w wielu popularnych formatach np. MP3, OGG, MPC, APE, FLAC, AAC, APL, MP4, niestety z wyjątkiem WMA.

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Źródło: dobreprogramy.pl

*New right click command, 'Open file in explorer'
*New columns: encoding/tag type/path/directory/file date/file time
*Added support for Bad ID3v2.3 tags using ID3v2.2 frames
*Library added fields compilation,content group,conductor, media type
*Library small UI changes
*Support for the Initial Key field
*Option to use the current folder for Open/Save file dialogs
*Added miscellaneous options for the grid appearance
*Restructure: 'Remove empty folders' option added
*Restructure: Added support for presets
*Restructure: 'Other files' can now include entire folders (e.g *.m3u;\covers )
*Drag n Drop allowed for template image
*Library: improved list parsing for tones/styles and added situation,composer,genre
*Library: listings used on tree
*Library: Added artist rating
*Workflow recap
*Presets dialog enhanced
*All controls that accept %variables have a context menu attached
*Option for ID3v2 language descriptor added
*Grid column presets remember row height, header height, word wrap
*Internal optimizations
*Updated compiler, support for high DPI screens
*Option to keep original track padding

*Rename: Preview will no longer produce an empty result under some circumstances
*Rename: Illegal character removal is executed after the work flow
*Minor script engine corrections
*%!u<ulpfs>% case variables corrected
*Library, Unicode temporary playlist is used for play and enqueue operations
*Web queries containing certain Unicode characters work correctly
*Presets dialog smaller fixes
*Library track sorting fixed
*some regex functionality restored
*%R% variable padding fix for mp4 files
*Small Online script updates +++
*Minor Restructure fix for illegal folder names
*Command line decoding with flac.exe always uses the -F switch (skip decoding errors)
*Illegal folder names ending with '.' fixed during restructure
*Organize/restructure script combo will refresh correctly
*Full tag edit: deleting pictures always refreshes the display correctly
*Library: minor UI fixes
*Library random record generator fixes

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