
Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
USB Raptor (Cherry)


USB Raptor to program pozwalający na blokowanie komputera w sytuacji, kiedy zostanie z niego odłączona konkretna pamięć przenośna interfejsu USB. Cechuje się ciekawą koncepcją interfejsu, który domyślnie jest wyjątkowo uproszczony i daje dostęp do zaledwie kilku funkcji, jednak po naciśnięciu przycisku aktywującego zaawansowane opcje, zyskujemy dostęp do wszystkich możliwości konfiguracyjnych programu, których jest całkiem sporo.

Ponieważ program działa stosunkowo stabilnie, a przede wszystkim szybko, pierwsze użycie nie powinno być czasochłonne. Wystarczy uruchomić program i w pierwszym wyświetlonym oknie uzupełnić hasło zabezpieczające, wybrać jedną z podłączonych pamięci USB, a następnie aktywować działanie automatu. Dostępne są również wspomniane zaawansowanie ustawienia, które pozwalają zarządzać między innymi opóźnieniami blokowania (przydatne rozwiązanie, które zapobiegnie blokowaniu komputera na wypadek wypięcia pendrive'a tylko na kilka sekund), opcjami notyfikacji czy konkretnymi parametrami związanymi z zabezpieczaniem komputera. Po aktywacji program sygnalizuje swoją pracę ikoną w systemowym zasobniku, z poziomu której możemy szybko włączyć lub wyłączyć działanie blokowania w programie.

Do działania USB Raptor wykorzystuje bezpieczne rozwiązanie bazujące na porównywaniu numerów seryjnych pamięci przenośnych, co wykorzystywane jest przy blokowaniu komputera, kiedy oddali się od niego użytkownik, odłączając pamięć przenośną. W programie istnieje możliwość ustawienia sposobu dostępu do komputera bez użycia wybranego pendrive'a (np. poprzez wpisanie odpowiedniego hasła).
Źródło: programosy.pl

  • Fixed: Major bug which caused respond delays on program.
  • Fixed: Indication or lock screen for wrong key used.
  • Removed: "RC" indication from main window.
  • Fixed: Some other minor bugs.
First public release.
Most functions were already here.

Fixed: Minor bugs.
Improved: Network receiver functionality.
Added: Donation links.

Added: Tool-tips.

Encrypt button removed (Not needed).
Added: Function to prohibit password change when program is armed.
Improved: Encryption text box locked from user changes.
Changed: Default value for unlock by entering password to enabled.
Changed: Network respond functionality.

Fixed: Crash on start-up when USB Raptor always starts armed is enabled.
Fixed: Dead-end when looking for serial number when starting armed.

Added: Simple configuration panel.
Added: Function to display IP address on lock screen.
Added: Lock screen customization options on more_settings.ini
Minor bug fixes.

Improved: Password is stored in encrypted format.
Added: ption to suppress warning messages on more_settings.ini
Fixed: Network receiver bug.

Added: New tab on options window.
Fixed: Crash under about screen (come on... on about screen?).
Some other cosmetic changes.

Fixed: Bug on lock screen scrolling messages.
Fixed: Bug on unlock for triple screen systems.
Added: Basic security/activity log functionality.
Added: About key on tray menu.
Fixed: Serial number bug which appeared on previous version.

Changed: Log file name. Now logs saved as %ComputerName%_USB_Raptor_activity.log
Added: Option to accept only keys created on current system only.
Added: Remote Lockdown function.
Improved: Unlock.k3y file attributes changed to hidden and read only.
Fixed: Minor window positioning bug.
Fixed: Minor network commands bug.

Removed: Encrypted data preview pane (It was useless).
Added: Network receiver disable option.
Fixed: Bug on lock windows position for multi-screen systems.
Added: Option to disable remote lockdown.
Removed: Refresh drives command link because auto refresh works just fine.
More interface changes.

v. (Avocado)
Added: Network lock sync tab.
Added: Network lockdown sync (Beta function).
Fixed: Bug on program log.
Added: Ability to change custom messages remotely.

v. (Olive)
Fixed: Minor bug on lock window color.
Fixed: Bug crashing when starting armed and in slave mode.
Added: Check for updates link under about screen.
Improved: Program accepts external lockdown trigger.
Added: Language indicator under lock screen (useful for multi-language systems)
Special screen saver created to integrate lock when system is idle.

v. (Tomato)
Fixed: Bug on password display under simplified mode.
Added: Option to write informational file to USB drive.
Improved: Tooltips.

v0.0.1.45 (Kiwi)
Added: Option to change custom message size and scrolling speed.
Added: Lock screen customization panel under Lock Features > Lock screen options > Customize
Improved: Some minor other interface elements.

v0.0.1.46 (Kiwi)
Added: Network detector and network responder.

v0.0.2.47 (Kiwi)
Added: Volume rename function.
Changed: Executable running priority to high.

v0.0.2.48 (Carrot)
Added: Serial lock support (beta stage - requires "USB Raptor Serial Bridge" utility).
Changed: Lock delay can be selected between 1 and 20 seconds.
Added: Option to select auto arm pop up location.
Fixed: Bug on computer tailored file. Now it can be checked only when USB Raptor is disabled.
Changed: Tray menu items are re-arranged.
Fixed: Bug on beta controls option.
More changes on program icons.

v0.0.3.49 (Carrot)
Added: Tooltips on Lock Screen Customization window.
Improved: Special keywords are accepted for lock screen message.
Improved: Large optimization on source code.
Improved: Serial lock operation optimization (USB Raptor Serial Bridge is still required). First Arduino based key sketch written.
More tooltips corrections.

v0.0.4.50 (Corn)
Added: New serial number pairing option available. Old checking kept in place as well.
Added: Some warning messages when enabling specific options.
Fixed: Bug on displaying warning messages during program start.
Fixed: Minor bug on USB drive selection.

v0.0.4.51 (Corn)
Added: Option to display network ID on lock screen.
Added: Disclaimer screen.
Fixed: Resize bug on lock screen customization panel.

v0.0.4.52 (Corn)
Added: Option to turn off monitor when locking.

v0.0.4.53 (Corn)
Added: Option to change lock screen logos with custom ones.
Fixed: Bug on lock screen keywords function.
Added: Tool to reset all settings to default (including ini settings).

v0.0.4.54 (Corn)
Fixed: Bug when program crashed under drive removed.

v0.0.5.55 (Watermelon)
Fixed: Bug on custom logos folder detection duriing program startup.
Removed: Unused source files.

v0.0.6.56 (Apricot)
Changed: Master key encoding/decoding.

v0.0.7.57 (Pomegranate)
Added: Controls to help on customization with custom logos.
Improved: New task manager blockage adopted.
Added: Function to report status to "Raptor’s Nest".
Added: Function to report status to dweet.io

v0.0.7.58 (Green Plum)
Added: Function to display the popup message when configuring its position.
Added: Banner to lock screen in order to indicate wrong key or password used while the system locked.
Added: "Insomnia" function to prevent system from going to sleep or run screen saver once is locked.

v0.0.7.59 (Green Plum)
Fixed: Bug on triple monitor systems causing program crash.
Fixed: Bug on locking procedure appeard in some systems due limited rights.

v0.0.7.60 (Green Plum)
Improved: X button (close) on main window sends program to system tray.
Added: Close button on main program widnow.

v0.0.8.61 (Green Plum)
Added: A bunch of new keywords available for dynamic text on the lock screen.
Fixed: Bug on log functionality. No more log files when the log is disabled.

v0.8.62 (Green Plum)
Improved: Master key functionality.
Fixed: Network messaging bug.

v0.9.63 (Cherry)
Added: Option to hide splash screen (available to donors or long term users).
Removed: Unused source files (for another time).

v0.9.64 (Cherry)
Fixed: Lock screens misbehavior.

v0.9.65 (Cherry)
Fixed: Major bug which caused respond delays on program.
Fixed: Indication or lock screen for wrong key used.
Removed: "RC" indication from main window.
Fixed: Some other minor bugs.
Wreszcie normalna wersja bo do tej pory były chyba same bety i wersje kandydujące.

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Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
USB Raptor (Pepper)
v0.10.66 (Pepper)
Fixed: Crash when system diagnostics are corrupted in some systems.
Added: Steady color selection for lock screens.
Added: "Color preview" window to help users select color.
Fixed: Bug causing interface freezing.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
USB Raptor (Eggplant)
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Fixed: Crash when system performance counters are corrupt.
Changed: Color selection method for lock window.
Improved: Text color on lock screen changed dynamically.
Added: Integration option to execute third party files on lock or unlock.

Added: Option to sound on unlock.
Added: Controls to create, edit and delete info text for lock screens.
Added: Report to LCD Smartie. Now the status can be displayed on external LCD Screen.
Fixed: Bug on Raptor's Nest reporting.
Added: "Agitated field" effect on wrong PIN validation.
Fixed: Bug causing unhandled error under empty PIN validation.
Changed: Tray icon color to indicate disabled program.
Improved: Color preview window.
Removed: Startup warning about changed master key.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
USB Raptor (Okra)
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Changes v0.13.73 (Okra)

Fixed: Bug on network lock synchronization.
Added: Warning message for user who have selected windows lock type.
Added: RUID file unlock for USB Raptor interface.
Fixed: Minor interface changes.
Improved: Program startup options saving.
Added: Password reveal option on password dialog form.
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Ostatnia edycja:


Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
USB Raptor 0.13.74 (Okra)
Version 0.13.74 (Okra)

Fixed: Donation links issue.
Improved: Custom lock screen images management.
Added: Warning message when user enables interface lock.
Impoved: Agitate effect on password window.
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Ostatnia edycja:


Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
USB Raptor
Version 0.18.84 (Pear)
Update: Translation files.
Fixed: Label sizes to display text correctly under any language.
Fixed: Bug caused windows shutdown blockage in some systems.
Fixed: TLS connection issue on update engine.
Change: Target framework is set to 4.7.2
Fixed: Language reference on source code.
Added: Function to add autorun infomation on USB media.

Version 0.17.83 (Papaya)
Fixed: Bug caused crash under unstable network connection.
Impoved: Screen support. Up to 6 screens are supported.
Changed: Program credits.
Added: Hungarian language.
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