
Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
WinSCP 5.9.5


Co to jest WinSCP
WinSCP to graficzny klient SFTP i FTP dla systemu Windows. Protokół SCP, popularny dawniej, również jest obsługiwany. Program służy przede wszystkim do bezpiecznego przesyłania plików pomiędzy lokalnym a zdalnym komputerem.

Program WinSCP jest już przetłumaczony na język polski. Wystarczy zainstalować najnowszą wersję WinSCP i program automatycznie ustawi język polski.

Możliwości programu
Operacje na plikach
WinSCP umożliwia wszystkie podstawowe operacje na plikach. Najważniejszymi są
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. Ponadto pozwala na
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plików i folderów,
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Jeden z dwóch interfejsów graficznych pozwala nawet na modyfikowanie plików na twoim komputerze.

Połączenie ze zdalnym komputerem
Z pomocą WinSCP można połączyć się z serwerem
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(Secure Shell) za pomocą protokołu
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(SSH File Transfer Protocol) lub
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(Secure Copy Protocol)]] albo z serwerem
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(File Transfer Protocol).

SFTP jest standardową częścią pakietu SSH-2. SCP jest standardową częścią pakietu SSH-1. Oba protokoły mogą również działać na późniejszej wersji SSH. WinSCP obsługuje SSH-1 i SSH-2.

Dla FTP obsługiwany jest podstawowy tryb FTP, jak również
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. Natomiast nie są obsługiwane skompresowane transfery (zlib).

Interfejs programu
Można wybrać i skonfigurować jeden z dwóch interfejsów programu.

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będziesz mógł wybrać preferowany interfejs użytkownika. Później możesz
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Jeśli używasz WinSCP po raz pierwszy, być może zechcesz wybrać
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, jako interfejs bardziej znajomy dla użytkownika Windows. Jeśli jednak przyzwyczajony jesteś do koncepcji Norton Commandera, wykorzystywanej przez wiele obecnych menedżerów plików (Total Commander, FAR, Altap Salamander), wybierz ten rodzaj.
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skupia się przede wszystkim na łatwej obsłudze za pomocą klawiatury. Możesz go z powodzeniem używać bez myszy. Ci, którzy go używają, mogą wykonywać operacje znacznie szybciej.
źródło: strona programu

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Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
WinSCP 5.11.7715
  • Translation completed: Norwegian.
  • Not closing an application when initial Login dialog is closed without opening session and Keep main window open when the last session is closed is on.
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5.10.4 RC
  • Translations completed: Catalan, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional Chinese and Turkish.
  • XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.3.
  • Preference option Roll log files after reaching renamed to Rotate log files after reaching.
  • Bug fix: Hang when showing overwrite confirmation prompt if GUI font has zero-width tab character.
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5.10.3 beta
  • SSH core and private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to
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    . It brings the following change:
  • XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.2.
  • Hidden configuration option for SSH bug Replies to requests on closed channels.
  • Do not display error message on start when user documents folder cannot be resolved.
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  • Bug fix: SSH bug Replies to requests on closed channels was always enabled.
  • Bug fix: Clicking root folder in path label opens home folder instead of root folder.
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  • Bug fix: Unchecking Update subdirectories for Keep remote directory up to date function was not fully working.
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5.10.2 beta
  • Host keys can be imported from OpenSSH known_hosts file.
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  • Cached host keys are unconditionally imported with PuTTY and FileZilla sites.
  • Cached host keys can be imported from PuTTY/FileZilla even when using INI file as configuration storage.
  • Better error reporting when winscp.com fails to execute winscp.exe.
  • XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.1.
  • Avoiding a short hang of GUI, when waiting for edited file to be saved.
  • On VMS servers, do not use absolute paths with FTP DELE command.
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  • Bug fix: Site lists stops working when import source is changed on Windows XP.
  • Bug fix: Generated code uses TransferOptions.Speed instead of TransferOptions.SpeedLimit.
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  • Bug fix: Editor font too large on high DPI screens.
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  • Bug fix: Uploads of saved edited files can rarely stop working.
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5.10.1 beta
  • Official extension Generate HTTP URL displays a generated URL in a message box.
  • Supporting Migrated datasets in IBM z/OS MVS FTP server.
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  • Bug fix: Copying extension command with ShowResultsInMsgBox flag to clipboard was not working.
  • Bug fix: Last download target folder in Explorer interface is not remembered when transferring on background.
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  • Bug fix: Failure when using parallel background transfers.
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5.10 beta
  • Background transfer operations can use multiple connections.
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  • Provisional implementation of per-monitor DPI awareness.
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  • Find dialog is not modal when search finishes and its Focus button does not close the window.
  • Found files can be downloaded and deleted on the Find dialog.
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  • Support Microsoft Passport authentication to allow WebDAV access to Microsoft OneDrive.
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  • Configurable path to INI file configuration storage.
  • Changes to translations:
    • Translations are installed to Translations subfolder.
    • Unless user customizes language, automatically using the best language match each run.
    • Including all translation (30% at least) in installation, but automatically using only those that are complete (80% at least).
    • Marking the default, incomplete and invalid languages in Preferences dialog.
  • Improvements to custom commands/extensions:
    • Extension output can be displayed in a message box.
    • Local custom console command output can be copied to clipboard.
    • Uploading back files modified by local custom command applied to a folder.
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    • The official extensions can be translated.
    • Consistency in handling errors executing local custom command.
    • Holding down Ctrl and Shift keys while running a remote custom command copies the command to clipboard instead of executing it.
  • Improvements and changes to .NET assembly:
  • SSH core and private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to
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    . It brings the following change:
    • WinSCP should work with MIT Kerberos again, after DLL hijacking defences broke it.
  • TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2l.
  • Session log file rotation.
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  • It is possible to skip file actually being transferred.
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  • Not indefinitely retrying transfer with FTP protocol when opening transfer channel is failing.
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  • Handling dav:// URL.
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  • SSH password change.
  • Duplication is supported with WebDAV protocol.
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  • Improved connection time for fast connections.
  • Open filter dialog when clicking the current filter in the path display.
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  • The path display shows temporarily an implicit *.* filter when hovering a mouse over it.
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  • Importing proxy configuration from FileZilla.
  • Do not terminate path with slash in CWD FTP command for better compatibility with VMS systems.
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  • If there is only a single private key configured in FileZilla, import it with session.
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  • Added New > File command to the toolbar.
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  • Cancelling calculation or errors while calculating size of files to upload does not abort the the actual transfer.
  • Supporting user/group names in MLSD/MLST responses.
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  • Allowed downloading file using URL even when listing its source directory is not possible.
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  • Button to open Edit file mask dialog on Select and Filters dialogs.
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  • Sending Content-Type header with WebDAV uploads.
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  • When handling WebDAV file URL, use a display name for target local file.
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  • Not aborting “Keep remote directory up to date” when Continue on error (or option batch continue) is enabled and reading a local directory fails, because it was deleted.
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  • Not verifying that final path after CWD FTP command matches requested path to allow better compatibility with atypical FTP servers .
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  • DLL hijacking protection.
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  • Poll edited file timestamps instead of using change notifications.
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  • Using WinSCP site name for PuTTY window title.
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  • Allow using 64-bit version of PuTTY (and its tools), when available.
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  • Option to open downloaded file on operation completion confirmation when transferring file from command-line/URL.
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  • Hidden options for Preference order for GSSAPI libraries and User-supplied GSSAPI library path.
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  • Ctrl+Backspace in path edit boxes deletes the word before cursor.
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  • Activating panel, when using file selection commands.
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  • Displaying tunnel host name on Authentication dialog.
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  • The SFTP server and Shell edit boxes on the Advanced Site settings dialog use path-style word-breaking.
  • Not adding -load switch to PuTTY arguments, if it is configured already.
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  • Drop down lists on the Open Directory and Location Profile dialogs are up to 16 entries long.
  • Progress window appears on top of Editor window when reloading an edited file.
  • Not popping up Authentication window when reconnecting while the application is minimized.
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  • Hidden session settings for “Logical name of remote host”.
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  • Prevent slow startup when there are some special folders.
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  • More readable usage statistics display.
  • Update dialog can be displayed by clicking update notification even when the Login dialog is opened.
  • Scaling Color button image on Advanced Site Settings dialog.
  • While downloading, when an SFTP SSH_FXP_FSTAT response does not include timestamps, using known timestamps from directory listing for a local file.
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  • Improved file transfer logging, including new progress logging.
  • Change: Failing on invalid size constraint.
  • When opening secondary shell session fails, the main session is not closed.
  • Change: When executing script file or script commands provided on command-line, default reconnect time is set to 120 seconds, if not limited yet by configuration.
  • Bug fix: The /refresh command-line switch was not described in /?.
  • Bug fix: Digits-only file mask constraint was interpreted as time constraint instead of size constraint.
  • Bug fix: Sudden disconnect errors during authentication are randomly ignored.
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  • Bug fix: Queue status was not shown on task bar button, when WinSCP was minimized by clicking on the task bar button.
  • Bug fix: Pending background transfers were not considered for progress bar on task bar button.
  • Bug fix: Configuring a PuTTY path with unclosed quotes prevents WinSCP from starting.
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  • Bug fix: Never implemented -continueonerror switch was present in keepuptodate help
  • Bug fix: Failure while reloading directory tree after a system colors had changed while the tree was not showing.
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  • Bug fix: Clean up application data dialog was showing on wrong monitor.
  • Bug fix: Resuming file upload in active FTP mode does not work on some servers.
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  • Bug fix: Failure when INI file cannot be opened.
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  • Bug fix: Windows logo key is not working in toolbar input boxes.
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  • Bug fix: Toolbar icons were broken with Windows high contrast themes.
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  • Bug fix: SFTP transfer stalls when error is received at the same time write buffer needs to be dispatched.
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  • Bug fix: SFTP upload errors are silently ignored for small files.
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  • Bug fix: Scripting open command without arguments issued irrelevant warning about use of stored site.

5.9.7 (not released yet)
  • Icelandic translation updated.
  • Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.10.3 beta release:
    • SSH core and private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to
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      . It brings the following change:
    • XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.3.
    • Hidden configuration option for SSH bug Replies to requests on closed channels.
    • Bug fix: SSH bug Replies to requests on closed channels was always enabled.

5.9.6 (hotfix)
  • German translation updated.
  • Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.10-5.10.2 beta releases:
    • SSH core and private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to
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      . It brings the following change:
      • WinSCP should work with MIT Kerberos again, after DLL hijacking defences broke it.
    • TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2l.
    • Allow using 64-bit version of PuTTY (and its tools), when available.
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    • XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.1.
    • Bug fix: Scripting open command without arguments issued irrelevant warning about use of stored site.
    • Bug fix: Generated code uses TransferOptions.Speed instead of TransferOptions.SpeedLimit.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
WinSCP 5.11.3
WinSCP 5.11 is a major application update. New features and enhancements include:

  • Improved performance of large queued batch transfers by using multiple connections even for a single transfer
  • Support for multiple monitors with different DPI/resolutions
  • Support for Microsoft OneDrive
  • Better support for sharing WinSCP configuration between computers using cloud
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
WinSCP 5.13.2
5.13.2 2018-05-11 New features and enhancements include:
  • Workaround for a bug in Windows 10 version 1803 (April 2018 Update), causing drag & drop downloads to Windows Explorer end in a wrong folder (computer restart required).
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  • Translations completed: Croatian, Farsi and Russian; and updated: Dutch, French, German and Polish.
  • Bug fix: ssh:// URL is handled once for every opened instance of WinSCP too much.
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  • Bug fix: Icons for local files do not show on some systems.
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  • Bug fix: Failure when binary file is attempted to be opened in an internal editor on system with multibyte legacy encoding.
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  • Bug fix: Login dialog opens slowly, when there is a lot of stored sites with a color.
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  • Bug fix: Extensions were not loaded when configuration is empty.
  • Bug fix: Starts slowly on some systems.
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  • Bug fix: Failure when uploading a file larger than 2GB using S3 protocol.
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  • Translations completed: Kabyle, Traditional Chinese and Ukrainian; and updated: Bahasa Indonesia.
  • TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2o.
  • Treating a star as an unset permission for compatibility with Win32-OpenSSH.
  • Bug fix: /refresh parameter with sftp:// URL was not working for SFTP sessions with enabled fallback to SCPprotocol.
  • Bug fix: Simple input boxes (like “Edit File” dialog) are broken on multi monitor systems with different DPI.
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  • Bug fix: HTTP proxy responses for FTP protocol are logged char by char.
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  • Bug fix: Port number box was visible for S3 protocol, even though its value has no effect.
  • Bug fix: Hang when opening a menu with any Paste command, while clipboard contains a large amount of text.
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  • Bug fix: Slashes in SHA-256 fingerprints are not encoded in generated URLs.
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  • Bug fix: Failure when closing a session with a local proxy command.
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  • Bug fix: Failure when closing Find window while finding files.
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  • Translations completed: Catalan, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.
  • Better error message when trying to upload a file to virtual S3 root “folder”.
  • Displaying server name in network drive label.
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  • When using session name as a part of a path to a temporary directory, replace a slash separating a session folder from a session name with a dash instead of %2F.
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  • Configurable path to XML log file for the .NET assembly.
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  • Bug fix: Failure when opening context menu of edit boxes on Login dialog.
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  • Bug fix: Failure when processing FileTransferProgress event.
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  • Bug fix: It was not possible to open workspace with special characters from a desktop shortcut.
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  • Bug fix: Failure when focused panel is changed, while double-clicking a file to edit it.
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5.12.2 RC
  • Multiple levels of directories can be created, while synchronizing browsing to a non existing directory.
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  • Setting Content Type of files uploaded to S3.
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  • Configurable mapping from file extension to Content-Type (using hidden setting).
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  • Bug fix: Local directory tree cannot be controlled using keyboard.
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  • Bug fix: Alt+Enter keyboard shortcut executed/opened selected file, instead of opening Properties dialog.
  • Bug fix: Session hangs when QueryReceived is set while session is already opened.
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  • Bug fix: QueryReceivedEventArgs.Message is empty.
  • Bug fix: Parallel background connections are never started, when queue processing is disabled.
  • Bug fix: Panel column context menus were working incorrectly when panel was horizontally scrolled.
  • Bug fix: Failure when processing results of upload during synchronization in .NET assembly when a directory was created with explicitly set permissions as the first operation.
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  • Improvements and changes to .NET assembly and scripting:
    • Custom error handling instead of default abort can be optionally implemented for batch operations in .NET assembly.
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    • Change: .NET assembly instance methods Session.EscapeFileMask, Session.CombinePaths, Session.TranslateLocalPathToRemote, Session.TranslateRemotePathToLocal, Session.AddDirectorySeparator, Session.GetDirectoryName, and Session.GetFileName replaced by static methods of the same name in class RemotePath.
    • Change: Session.ScanFingerprint has a new mandatory algorithm parameter.
    • Bug fix: .NET assembly methods GetFileName and GetDirectoryName did not behave correctly when provided a filename without any path.
    • Bug fix: Backtick (`) and dollar ($) signs are not escaped in generated PowerShell code.
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  • Displaying both SHA-256 and MD5 fingerprint of SSH host key on Server and protocol information dialog.
  • Choosing right color for background of “selectable” labels.
  • All read-only edit boxes/selectable labels have user friendly context menu for copying contents.
  • Bug fix: Setting hidden raw session setting for “Configurable priority of host key types” overrides host key.
  • Bug fix: Failure when error occurs while another error is already being handled.
  • Bug fix: When connection is lost while deleting source remote file during “Download and Delete” operation, downloaded file may be deleted once connection is resumed.
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  • Bug fix: Hidden session settings S3DefaultRegion to create an S3 bucket in a non-default region was not working.
  • Bug fix: It was not possible to work with S3 buckets with a dot in their name.
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  • Bug fix: S3 temporary redirect was not handled (consequently it was not possible to work with newly created S3buckets)
  • Bug fix: HTTP error was displayed instead of a more specific S3 error message in some situations.
  • Bug fix: When viewing stored S3 site with a non-default hostname, the default Amazon S3 hostname was shown instead.
  • Bug fix: Failure when updating jumplist.
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5.12 beta
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  • Bug fix: Stalled connection attempts can be canceled promptly.
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  • SHA-256 host key fingerprints are used.
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  • Improvements and changes to .NET assembly and scripting:
    • Remote file duplication in scripting, .NET assembly and XML log.
    • Support for PackageReference package management in NuGet package.
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    • Help for script commands specifies unit for -speed switch.
    • A SecureString can be used provide a private key passphrase in .NET assembly via property SessionOptions.SecurePrivateKeyPassphrase.
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    • Added methods Session.GetDirectoryName, Session.GetFileName and Session.AddDirectorySeparatormethods to .NET assembly.
    • Publishing beta releases of NuGet package.
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    • Extensions metadata can span multiple lines.
    • Change: XML log tags <modification> and <permisssions> are absent, if their values are not known. Previously they would have value of 1899-12-30T01:00:00.000Z and --------- respectively. Consequently the .NET assembly RemoteFileInfo.LastWriteTime and RemoteFileInfo.FilePermissions have values DateTime.MinValue and null, respectively.
    • File owner and group, if available, are recorded in <stat> tag of XML log and consequently .NET assembly Session.GetFileInfo method is able to retrieve them.
    • .NET assembly timeout for waiting for WinSCP response is always at least as long as session timeout.
    • Scripting command mv and .NET assembly function Session.MoveFile report, when the server does not support file renaming/moving.
    • Masking out passwords in raw settings (proxy and tunnel) when logging command-line.
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    • Change: Scripting command mv and .NET assembly function Session.MoveFile tests, if a source file exists, before trying to rename. Consequently, an error message reported has changed significantly, if the source file does not exist.
    • Putting WinSCPnet.dll to net framework subfolder of NuGet package.
  • SSH host key can be verified by pasting the expected key or its fingerprint from the clipboard.
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  • Option to turn off Natural order numerical sorting.
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  • Wider range of Unicode characters is supported in internal editor.
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  • XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.5.
  • Skipping loading of files icons when it takes too long.
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  • Hidden option to configure priority of host key types.
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  • Ctrl-number custom keyboard shortcuts work on numeric keypad too.
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  • Allowing download from MVS server using fully qualified dataset name.
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  • Optionally displaying authentication banner in a monospaced font.
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  • Bug fix: Per-session default encoding configuration for internal editor.
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  • Log more information about loading a custom GSSAPI library.
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  • Commands to copy hostkey/certificate fingerprint to clipboard has a form of a link, instead of a message button.
  • Changed appearance of background confirmation options link.
  • Logging a complete SSH host key only on Debug log level.
  • Change: Last access time of downloaded files is no longer preserved.
  • Bug fix: Command-line is disabled even for a local panel, if no session is connected or the connected session does support executing remote commands.
  • Bug fix: SSH hostkey/TLS certificate verification prompt in scripting in interactive mode was showing zero timeout.
  • Bug fix: Leaving a folder with a large amount of files takes long.
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  • Bug fix: Timeout of auxiliary requests for Microsoft Passport authentication was not set correctly.
  • Bug fix: Operation symbol column on Synchronization checklist does not scale with font size/DPI.
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  • Bug fix: Cannot enter subfolders of local drive mapped to WebDAV folder.
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Ostatnia edycja:


Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
WinSCP 5.13.3
5.13.3 2018-06-18
  • Generated session URL for opened FTP/WebDAV session over TLS/SSL with invalid certificate includes its fingerprint.
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  • Generated session URL has colons in TLS/SSL fingerprint unnecessarily URL-encoded.
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  • Bug fix: It is not possible to delete symlink pointing to a directory with “Follow symbolic links to directories” session settings being on.
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  • Bug fix: Scripting command ln does silently nothing when the server does not support creating symlinks, instead of reporting that.
  • Bug fix: Error when downloading file to a temporary filename with a long path with SFTP protocol.
  • Bug fix: Keywords that link to help page are underlined in generated code on Windows 10 version 1803.
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  • Bug fix: Start of file drag from remote panel stalls on some systems with floppy drive.
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  • Bug fix: Path argument in lcd command in generated script has to end with backslash, if it points to a root folder.
  • Kabyle translation removed.
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8 Wrzesień 2010
WinSCP 5.13.9
5.13.9 (hotfix)

5.13.8 (hotfix)

  • Back-propagated fixes from 5.14 beta – 5.14.5 RC releases:
    • TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2r.
    • Bug fix: Prevent SCP server sending files that were not requested.
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    • Bug fix: Local directories with path long between 248 and 259 characters could not be created.
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5.13.7 (hotfix)

  • Translation updated: Simplified Chinese.
  • Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.14 – 5.14.3 beta releases:
    • Suspending workaround
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      for a bug in Windows 10 version 1803 (April 2018 update), fixed in version 1809 (October 2018 update), that caused drag&drop downloads to Windows Explorer end in a wrong folder.
    • Use remembered private key passphrase in generated script/code.
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    • Bug fix: Remembered private key passphrase is not passed to PuTTY.
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    • Bug fix: Failure when canceling connection attempt started from command-line.
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    • Bug fix: The last file transfer before creating a remote directory during synchronization is not reported with .NET assembly.
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    • Bug fix: Failure when starting GUI.
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5.13.6 (hotfix)

  • Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.14.2 beta release:
5.13.5 (hotfix)

  • Translations updated: Dutch, Hungarian, Kabyle, Korean, Polish and Spanish.
  • Back-propagated some improvements and fixes from 5.14 – 5.14.2 beta releases:
    • TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2q.
    • XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.6.
    • Bug fix: Using /ini=nul in GUI shows an error.
    • Bug fix: Sort arrow is not shown on start up.
    • Bug fix: When dragging files to other session tabs, drag cursor could change to “Move”, although only “Copy” is possible.
    • Bug fix: Remembered passphrase is used as a password in generated script/code.
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    • Bug fix: Failure when canceling session reconnect.
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    • Bug fix: GUI freezes while executing an extension with ShowResultsInMsgBox or CopyResults flags.
    • Bug fix: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+? keyboard shortcuts for custom commands and extensions were not working.
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    • Bug fix: User name edit box on Login dialog in some cases does not include modification commands (like Paste).
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    • Bug fix: Opening context menu of a file in a local panel locks a parent folder of the file.
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  • Passing private key to PuTTY when installed from Microsoft Store.
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    Passing also other options that PuTTY can accept on its command-line, like “Attempt authentication using Pageant”, “Allow agent forwarding”, “Enable compression”, “SSH protocol version”, “Logical name of remote host” and “Internal protocol version”.
  • WinSCP installed from Microsoft Store can be executed from command-line.
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  • Translation updated: Icelandic.
  • With logging level 1 and higher, printing scripting exit debug information on an output too.
  • Hidden configuration option to disable running shell operations on a separate thread.
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  • TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2p.
  • Bug fix: When system theme changes, path labels lose their background color.
  • Bug fix: File mask is not considered when calculating total file transfer size when deleting original files.
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  • Bug fix: When canceling connection, mouse cursor sometimes stay “busy”.
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  • Bug fix: Relative long paths are not handled correctly.
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  • Bug fix: Error when closing edited/opened files with “Keep temporary copies of remote files in deterministic paths” option enabled.
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  • Bug fix: It is not possible to open S3 folder from command-line/URL or in scripting when path ends with slash.
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  • Bug fix: File panel columns do not have a width constraints.
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  • Bug fix: Update information window layout is broken in some situations.
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  • Bug fix: Timezone autodetection failed if timestamp of file cannot be retrieved.
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  • Bug fix: Wrong error message when attempting to rename an S3 folder.
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Pobieramy na stronie:
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
WinSCP 5.15.4
Version 5.15.4 2019-09-16
  • TLS/SSL core upgraded to OpenSSL 1.0.2t.
  • XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.8.
  • Official extension Batch rename prints more information about its progress.
  • Small improvements of layout for longer translations.
  • Translation updated: Italian.
  • Bug fix: Cannot switch back to English after changing language on non-US English system.
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  • Bug fix: Deleting temporary local copy of remote file caused errors and invalid attempts to upload the nonexisting file.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
WinSCP 5.15.5 Final
Version 5.15.5 Hotfix 2019-10-16
  • Back-propagated fixes and changes from 5.16–5.16.1 releases:
    • Security fix from
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      : On Windows, other applications were able to bind to the same TCP port as a WinSCP local port forwarding.
    • XML parser upgraded to Expat 2.2.9.
    • Bug fix: Error when reopening a remote file whose local temporary copy has been deleted.
    • Bug fix: Edited path was hidden behind a browsing button on file/directory path selection boxes.
    • Bug fix: Start menu and Task bar icons are too small when installed from Microsoft Store.
  • SSH private key tools (PuTTYgen and Pageant) upgraded to PuTTY 0.73.
  • Installer translations updated: Czech, Dutch, German, Italian, Polish, Slovak and Turkish.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
WinSCP 5.15.7
Version 5.15.7 Hotfix 2019-11-27
  • Translation completed: Russian.
  • New DigiCert code signing certificate used for signing binaries valid until February 2023.
  • Back-propagated fixes and changes from 5.16.1–5.16.2 releases:
    • Toggling between light and dark interface theme is faster.
    • Bug fix: .NET assembly does not have a digital signature.
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    • Bug fix: Corrected some help links.
    • Bug fix: Occasional hang when loading file icons.
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    • Bug fix: Failure while closing application and suspending computer after operation completion.
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    • Bug fix: Failure when switching between light and dark interface themes.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015


Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
WinSCP 5.17
Version 5.17 - 2020-02-18
  • Improvements to sessions and workspace management, so that WinSCP can now easily restore tabs that were open when it was last closed.
  • Hardware-accelerated AES.
  • Extension Archive and Download to archive remote files and download the archive.
  • Improvements to Synchronization checklist window.
  • Allowed sorting of find results.
  • SSH core upgraded to PuTTY 0.73.
  • The binaries are signed with new EV certificate valid until February 2023.
  • Optionally using Ctrl+F4 to close session tab
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