
Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
SideSlide 4.0.00


SideSlide to rozszerzenie pulpitu, posiadające łatwo dostępny obszar roboczy, do którego możemy dodawać skróty aplikacji, katalogów, linki, kanały RSS, komendy systemowe, notatki, przypomnienia i obrazy. Program pozwala na grupowanie powyższych elementów w specjalnych pojemnikach. Można dowolnie zarządzać oknem SideSlide, kontenerami oraz ich zawartością poprzez dokowanie, przenoszenie, zwijanie itp.

Najważniejsze cechy aplikacji:

• łatwo dostępna przestrzeń robocza, auto-ukrywający się panel, wyświetlany zarówno na pulpicie jak i na oknach przeglądarek lub dowolnych aplikacji, obszar panelu można skalować według potrzeb, dostępne jest również blokowanie jego położenia i rozmiarów.
• dodawanie do panelu skrótów aplikacji, katalogów, linków internetowych, kanałów RSS, komend systemowych, notatek, przypomnień i obrazów,
• kontenery, w których można umieszczać wspomniane wyżej elementy, pojemniki te można zwijać i rozwijać, przemieszczać (także umieścić je poza panelem w dowolnym miejscu ekranu) i blokować ich pozycję.
• skróty folderów prowadzą do bezpośrednich lokacji na dysku użytkownika, dzięki tym skrótom otwierane jest okno Eksploratora Windows,
• otwieranie lokacji i plików i innych elementów poprzez funkcję Keyboard Launcher, wystarczy wpisać w panelu nazwę (lub jej część) wybranego składnika dodanego do SideSlide,
• wsparcie dla wyświetlania kanałów RSS w pojemnikach,
• pokazy slajdów grafiki umieszczonej w wybranych kontenerach,
• wiele sposobów na otwieranie rozmaitych skrótów pojedynczym kliknięciem, zaznaczanie dowolnej liczby elementów i wykonywanie na nich różnych operacji,
• skróty plików i katalogów, tekst, linki oraz obrazy mogą być przenoszone z Eksploratora Windows do okna SideSlide metodą przeciągnij i upuść, program pozwala również na ich wklejanie,
• ciągle rozbudowywana biblioteka online, z interesującymi pojemnikami skrótów i kanałami RSS,
• rozmaite ustawienia i style wyglądu, które możemy zastosować do niemal każdego elementu wyświetlanego w SideSlide (np. tagowanie, aranżowanie układu, kopiowanie skrótów, dodawanie ich do Pulpitu Windows, uruchamianie jako Administrator, otwieranie lokacji, powiększanie i zmniejszanie ikon, zmiana kolorów nazw, tła, wybieranie rodzaju czcionek i wiele innych),
• pływający pasek narzędzi, pozwalający szybko dodawać skróty, pojemniki, skorzystać z ustawień programu itp., pasek wywołujemy dwukrotnym kliknięciem lewego przyciska myszki na panelu głównym,
• obsługa kilku funkcji za pomocą ikony w obszarze powiadomień Windows - łatwe wyświetlanie odłączonych od panelu kontenerów, ukrywanie panelu lub wyśrodkowanie go na ekranie,
• kilka ciekawych efektów graficznych, które nie wpływają na szybkość działania komputera,
• szereg skórek i tapet, dzięki którym dopasujemy wygląd interfejsu do własnych preferencji, można także zmieniać ustawienia poszczególnych motywów,
• instalacja pozwalająca na korzystanie z wersji portable, nie pozostawiającej śladów w rejestrze, możliwej do uruchomienia również z pendriva, np. w podróży.

Szata graficzna SideSlide została wykonana z dużym wyczuciem elegancji, korzystanie z programu jest przyjemne dla oka. Interfejs cechuje się wysoką konfigurowalnością, zarówno pod względem graficznym jak i funkcjonalnym. Obsługa aplikacji nie powinna stanowić wyzwania dla mało zaawansowanych informatycznie użytkowników. W razie problemów, na stronie producenta dostępny jest dość szczegółowy samouczek. To co przyjemnie zaskakuje w aplikacji, to szybkość jej działania. Przy korzystaniu ze SlideSide, nawet na słabszym komputerze nie powinniśmy doświadczyć żadnych spowolnień w funkcjonowaniu systemu czy programów. Niekiedy może denerwować automatycznie blokowanie przenoszenia kontenerów i innych elementów, błędem jest także brak uregulowanego pozycjonowania skrótów i pojemników - dość trudno ułożyć je w równej linii. By wywołać malutki pasek narzędzi dla danego skrótu, należy objąć ów element zaznaczeniem przy pomocy myszki, tak jak robimy to w wypadku plików i folderów w Windows, skrót nie może być jednak w tym czasie zablokowany.

SideSlide to interesujące rozszerzenie, mogące służyć jednocześnie jako menu start, pulpit i pasek szybkiego uruchamiania, czy nawet czytnik kanałów RSS. Mnogość funkcji programu, jego wydajność i estetyczny, modyfikowalny interfejs, powinny zadowolić każdego użytkownika, któremu nie wystarczają typowe rozwiązania Windows, spełniające te same funkcje w nieco bardziej ograniczony sposób.

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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
SideSlide 4.0.23
v4.0.23 - January 2, 2018

  • New and Changes

  • Undo/Redo:

    • - The Undo (Ctrl+Z) functionality has been extended and now also works with shortcuts in addition to containers.
      - The option to Redo (Ctrl+Y) has been added.
      - Move shortcuts/containers around the workspace and undo/redo the last move (up to 50).
      - Undo/Redo commands added to the workspace right-click menu under "Arrange" (in addition to the keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+Z/Ctrl+Y).
      - Added "Clear Undo/Redo Buffer" command to the "Arrange" menu.

    - New "Start in Background" command added to the shortcut right-click menu. This new option allows you to launch selected shortcut(s) while keeping SideSlide in focus (the workspace will not automatically collapse).
    - The setting: "Containers >> Show Tooltips" does no longer affects reminders' tooltips.
v4.0.10 - November 24, 2017

  • New and Changes

  • - Added the ability to open files from Windows (Desktop, etc) by dragging and dropping them on top of shortcuts in the workspace. The file you want to open with a program that is already in SideSlide does no longer have to be in the workspace as well. Example: Add a shortcut to the workspace to Notepad++ and drag a text file from the desktop to the Notepad++ shortcut within SideSlide.
    Reminder: This can also be done when both file and program are in the workspace by dragging a shortcut icon and dropping it on top of another shortcut name label (also works when dragging multiple shortcuts).
    - Added the ability to use the number keys (0-9) with the Global Hotkey. Example: You can now select [Alt]+[1] (and many others) to be used as the Global Hotkey to show and hide the workspace using they keyboard.
    - Added information to the "Open with..." confirmation that it can be disabled from the Settings dialog.
    - Changed tooltip when dragging a shortcut to start with another in case multiple shortcuts are selected.
    - Other misc. minor changes.
  • Fixes

  • - Some changes to the way the workspace indicates when it's in focus or not for keyboard input.
    - Duplicate tags could sometimes be listed in the Edit Tags dialog.
v4.0.01 - October 31, 2017

- Fix for a bug introduced in SideSlide v4 related to displaying pictures in the workspace.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
SideSlide 4.2.00
v4.2.00 - February 20, 2018

  • New and Changes:

  • Enhanced keyboard functionality:

    • - New KB Launcher command: Quick Reminder. Enter "r " followed by a value (minute) from 0 to 99 and then the reminder text. Example: "r 10 feed Charlie" (set a 10 minute reminder).
      - Added the ability to, both, select shortcuts using [Shift] + [Arrow Keys] and move them across the workspace or within a container by holding down the [Ctrl] key. This new feature is especially useful to make small adjustments that are harder to do with the mouse.
      - Ctrl+Enter: Run the selected shortcut as administrator.
      - Ctrl+Number Speed Launch now also works to launch a shortcut when the Keyboard Launcher is visible.

    - New option under the Shortcut Properties dialog: Prompt for Parameters. Selecting this option will always prompt for parameters before launching the selected shortcut. Any parameters already selected for the shortcut will appear in the message prompt and you can also ignore them altogether.
    - Reminders: Added the ability to choose a custom background color for the reminder from within the Add Reminder dialog. Reminder: You can always change a reminder's colors by right-clicking it.
    - Adding a new RSS feed does no longer check the validity of the URL using the built-in Windows function (if it fails, it fails) so you can now, for example, add Twitter feeds using TwitRSS.me
    - New 'Web Search' command added to the shortcut's right-click menu to open the selected search engine and search the shortcut's name.
    - Faster startup speed: Removed a Windows native function that that determines if a file exists before the shortcut's icon is drawn. This should slightly improve the loading speed when most of the files in the workspace exist on the local disk. It's best to place shortcuts to network files/folders in a container and not the workspace to improve startup speed.
    - When using the Keyboard Launcher, shortcuts in network locations will now be displayed using a generic icon to improve speed.
    - Undo/Redo buffer increased to 100.
    - Added user's Desktop and Start Menu Programs shortcuts to new installations.
    - New title-bar button theme:
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    - For black background.
    - New 'missing shortcut' icons.
    - Changed default font for new installation to "Segoe UI".
    - Misc. minor GUI adjustments and other small changes.
  • Fixes:

  • - When the screen resolution or orientation is changed, the workspace will now center and dock again.
    - Creating new objects from the Keyboard Launcher (a new note or a reminder) or using a hotkeys (Ctrl+T, Ctrl+E, Ctrl+R, Ctrl+P; when undocking the workspace using the Global Hotkey) could have positioned them outside the visible workspace.
    - Crash when deleting reminders from the reminder popup window after clearing the workspace.
    - Wasn't working in a few of the last versions: When a single shortcut is selected, its name will now appear in the titlebar.
    - Menu key/Shift+F10 now correctly shows the menu for the workspace or selected shortcuts.
    - The shortcut Mini-toolbar is now closed when using the arrow keys to select shortcuts.
    - Other misc. minor fixes.
v4.1.00 - February 8, 2018

  • New and Changes

  • - Quick expression calculator Improvements:

    • - Continue the calculation after the result is shown.
      - Improved calculation function and bug fixes.
      - Added the ability to calculate powers (^).
      - You can use a comma (,) instead of a dot in the expression.

    - New setting "Speed Launch" under the General section in the Settings dialog: Select (default) to use the number keys to speed launch selected shortcuts; Deselect to use the number keys to start the expression calculator, in addition to entering the equal sign ('='). Use Ctrl+Number for Speed Launch when this setting is unselected.
    - Tags listed under the Tags Menu and the Edit Tags dialog are now sorted alphabetically.
    - The message asking whether to apply style settings or not when multiple shortcuts are selected has been replaced by a checkbox in the Shortcut Properties dialog.
    - Added "Shortcut Properties" item to the 'Select Color' menu (in the shortcut mini-toolbar) that allows you to quickly open the Shortcut Properties dialog.
    - New theme:
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    - Other misc. minor changes.
  • Fixes:

  • - Problems preventing automatic selection of files/folders right after adding them to the workspace from the right-click menu (New >> File/Folder Shortcut).
    - Wrongly positioning shortcuts with small icons after drag & drop.
    - Problem that prevented the workspace from undocking when the mouse was over the docking border (when Normal and Small sizes were used).
    - Trying to move around detached containers with the mouse could sometimes fail.
    - Picture Preview and Slideshow didn't work with shortcuts with ".jpeg" extension (as opposed to ".jpg").
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Bardzo aktywny
12 Maj 2011
SideSlide 4.3.60

  • New and Changes

  • - Added Alt+O keyboard shortcut to open shortcuts' file location (target path). This keyboard shortcut is useful to open the path of shortcuts when using the Keyboard Launcher.
    - Add Reminder dialog: The +/- buttons to add/subtract minutes to/from the time now change the reminder's time by 5 minutes (previously it was 10).
    - You can now open multiple files from the Windows Explorer (Desktop, etc) with a shortcut within SideSlide by dragging the files from Explorer over the shortcut in the workspace.

  • Fixes

  • - Random program crash when expanding shrunken containers.
    - Dragging a shortcut by its icon and dropping it on its own label moved the shortcut even when the workspace was locked for editing.
    - Command line arguments help screen (running: "sideslide.exe /?") was incorrectly formated.
    - Fixed "losing" the workspace (or, workspace becomes transparent) when changing resolution, screen orientation, moving the taskbar across the screen or connecting/disconnecting an external monitor (when Dock >> Size >> Normal is used). The workspace will now be centered so you can easily reposition it.

v4.3.00 - September 10, 2018

  • New and Changes

  • - Completely redesigned
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    . It's now much easier to review and change the program's settings by selecting the desired section from the list on the left-hand side of the dialog and then the options on the right-hand side.
    - Refresh RSS using Shift + Left Click on the container title or icon (when the container is shrunk).

v4.2.90 - August 23, 2018

  • New and Changes

  • - Multiple changes to containers' tooltip making this feature much more useful:

    • What it is: Container tooltips show up when the mouse hovers over the container icon when shrunk or title when folded to see information about items within the container (shortcuts, RSS headlines, notes, etc).

      - The mouse handling tips on how to control the container with the mouse (expand, shrink, move, etc) have been moved to the bottom of the tooltip, and can now be completely hidden from the new drop down list on the right of the Tooltip check box in the Settings dialog.
      - Switch to "Info" from the drop down list once you are familiar with the various ways of controlling containers with the mouse.
      - Other misc. minor changes to the way the tips are displayed.

  • - New Themes:
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    (including wallpapers, title-bar buttons and colors).
    - New Color theme/buttons:
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    - Removed legacy option/check-box "Expand to Center" from the Settings dialog for shrunken containers. Expand to Center is now the default.
    - Other misc. minor dialog design changes and others.

  • Fixes

  • - Double clicking a non-existing picture shortcut to open the Shortcut Properties dialog could have crashed the program.
    - "Auto Expand: Long" (delay before the container expands on mouse move) did not work properly plus some other fixes to the auto-expand functionality.
    - Adding a new URL (New >> Web URL) could have positioned the web shortcut in the wrong place on the workspace/container.
    - Display change (changing resolution/starting a game) made the workspace visible even when it was supposed to remain hidden (Hide Workspace selected from the System Tray icon).
    - Hide Workspace didn't work when docking border size Normal and Small were selected.
    - Other misc. minor fixes.

v4.2.80 - August 06, 2018

  • New and Changes

  • - Added a new right-click menu to the Lock/Unlock Workspace for Editing button (top right corner of the workspace, next to the Dock button). You can now select between locking the movement of all objects in the workspace or only shortcuts.
    - Added setting "Start Web Search on Spacebar" under the Keyboard Navigation/Web Search section in the Settings dialog. Selecting this option will cause any input in the Keyboard Launcher that includes a space character to start a web search, as opposed to entering 's ' + search query. Omitting the space will look for workspace shortcuts instead.
    - When a single shortcut is selected and it's inside a container, the container's name will be shown in square brackets (in the workspace title-bar). This is useful when using the Keyboard Launcher to find shortcuts that are inside shrunken containers.
    - Added a new command to the shortcuts' right-click menu: "Command Prompt" below the "Open File Location" menu item. This will open the command prompt in the location of the shortcut's root folder.
    - Added "Keyboard Launcher" menu item to the main workspace menu to show the keyboard launcher using the mouse.
    - Added "What's New" link to the Container library dialog (performs the same action when leaving the search field empty and pressing enter/clicking the Go button)
    - RSS News Feeds Subject Tracker: When a subject is found and an headline is highlighted, the RSS News Feed container small RSS icon (the icon drawn on top of the container icon to indicate it's an RSS container)
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    , to indicate that subjects you are tracking were found, in case the container is shrunk when refreshed.
    - RSS Viewer toolbar buttons are now at the top of the window and the RSS selector is the first item from the left (replacing the refresh button).
    - Other misc. minor changes.

  • Fixes

  • - Launching shortcuts at startup from the #STARTUP container caused the workspace to collapse to a Large docking border size when Normal or Small were selected.
    - The Target Path ("Start in") was ignored when adding shortcuts from the Windows Explorer (Desktop, etc) to the workspace.
    - RSS Subject Tracker >> Add (to add a new subject to track) and other input dialogs didn't always accept all input.

v4.2.50 - March 13, 2018

  • New and Changes

  • Enhanced reminders functionality:

    • - New setting "Repeat Reminder" under the Settings dialog. Select this option to keep the reminder alert going for 10 times every 3 seconds, unless you snooze or mark it as complete.
      - Quickly create red (important) reminders by including ** (two asterisks) in the reminder's text.
      - The reminder notification dialog is now bigger and easier to dismiss/change with the mouse or touch.
      - Reminder options "Edit" and "Delete" renamed as "Open" and "Complete".
      - A tooltip has been added to the reminder notification title in case the reminder name is too long to be fully visible.
      - An additional alarm sound can be downloaded from
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  • - Pretty small but significant UI change: New setting: Expand to Center (selected by default). Shrunk containers in the center of the workspace will expand to the center instead of to the right-hand side, as long as they remain fully visible once expanded. Deselect this option to revert to the previous behavior.
    Remember: You can shrink containers back by double-clicking an empty space between the shortcuts or headlines (in RSS containers). RSS containers can also be shrunk back using the right mouse button.

  • Fixes

  • - Shrinking containers by double-clicking on an empty space inside could have caused a container or a shortcut below to move.

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Bardzo aktywny
12 Maj 2011
v4.4.00 - June 26, 2019
  • New and Changes

  • - You can now set the docking bar position relative to the workspace. The docking bar can now be placed left or right when the workspace is docked to the top or bottom of the screen, or top or bottom, when its docked to the sides. See Settings > Dock > Relative Position.
    - Renamed "Folder Container" as "Folder Connector" to better describe the functionality.
    - A message box will no longer appear when an updated version is available to download when starting the program (or keeping it open for a couple of days). Instead, a much less intrusive "Update Available" link will be displayed in the title bar. Remember that you can completely disable the update check from within the Settings dialog.
    - Added Command-line Options overview to the Help menu.
    - Rearranged Help Menu items.
  • Fixes

  • - Reminder Dialog: The wrong year was selected when the dialog was opened.
    - When the option Draw to Create was selected to create containers by drawing them on the workspace, the info tip did not appear in the title bar when the Time and Date were displayed.

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Bardzo aktywny
12 Maj 2011
v4.44 - November 26, 2019

  • New and Changes

  • - New setting: "Backup on Save": Create a zip file backup in SideSlide's settings folder when using F8 to save the workspace.
    - Use the Esc key to shrink an expanded container and to fold an unfolded one (when unfolded using double-click on its name label).
    - The right-click menu option 'Copy Path' (to copy the shortcut's full path to the clipboard) now changes to "Copy Command" when right-clicking System Command shortcuts, and will copy the command instead of the path to Cmd.exe. In addition, it now changes into 'Copy URL' when right-clicking URL shortcuts.
    - Copy Path/Command/URL menu command is now hidden when multiple shortcuts are selected.
    - 'Open File Location' and 'Command Prompt' right-click menu commands now work with multiple selected shortcuts.
    - Downgraded Setup program (Inno Setup) to generate smaller installation file, while also restoring the ability to install SideSlide on Windows XP.
  • Fixes

  • - Program crashed clicking the workspace when maximized on higher resolution monitors.
    - Paste to container menu option (paste copied shortcut into a new container) could have placed the shortcut outside the visible area in the new container.
    - Moving shortcuts with the keyboard (Ctrl+Arrow keys) would have launch the top most shortcut when using single click to start shortcuts.
    - Disabled the option to drag System Command shortcuts to other shortcuts and vice versa.
    - The Send To menu is now hidden when right-clicking System Command shortcuts.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

SideSlide 5.33

v5.33 - June 24, 2022

  • Improvements and fixes

  • - The RSS menu (accessible via the top leftmost button) has been expanded to show the normal workspace context menu in addition to the RSS related items.
    - Updated buttons in various theme files to correspond to the title-bar button change.
    - Main workspace menu has been reorganized and simplified. Sporadically used functions are now under the Extra sub-menu.
    - Fixed an issue that caused the workspace title-bar to remain inactive when using the Global Hotkey to show the workspace.
    - Other misc. minor fixes.

v5.30 - June 1, 2022

  • Improvements and fixes

  • - When using Speed Launch to start shortcuts (Keys 1-9), the shortcut's name is now briefly shown within a popup window or in the title-bar following a blast effect (depending on whether the workspace is docked or not). Tip: Select a Speed Launch number for 9 important shortcuts from the
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    - Minor changes to the Speed Launch dialog.
    - New reminder sound (alarm.wav).
    - Addressed an issue that caused the container gradient to reappear when trying to move folded containers while the workspace was locked for editing (when containers' gradient fill setting is disabled).

v5.28.1 - March 30, 2022

  • Improvements and fixes

  • - Fixed system tray ("Taskbar corner") icon missing bug.

v5.28 - March 26, 2022

  • Improvements and fixes

  • - Fixed a bug affecting version 5 onward that caused SideSlide to crash on startup running under Windows 7 when using custom text size (DPI).
    - Includes all the new features and fixes introduced in the previous beta versions.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

SideSlide 5.51

v5.51 - September 7, 2022

  • Improvements and fixes

  • - Release version.
    - Includes all the changes and fixes from the previous beta version adding a new feature and multiple bug fixes:
    - Keyboard Launcher: Entering a name of a shortcut which has the "Tag Start" setting selected now also displays the shortcut's tags. Any other shortcut that shares any of the tags shown will be launched as well when launching the selected shortcut.
    - Note font size was not saved for notes written inside RSS containers.
    - The container RSS refresh button and Folder Connector path label remained slightly visible when the container was shrunk and Shrink Size "Tiny" was selected.
    - Reminder container was not created correctly to show the entire date and time.
    - Moving shortcuts between containers or containers and the workspace could have caused the shortcuts to appear as if they were not selected anymore, depending on the background colors and gradients used.
    - Shortcuts and containers remained selected when clicking inside RSS containers. This could have caused to resizing selected shortcuts instead of news feed headlines.
    - Picture comments had unnecessary spaces.
    - The title-bar didn't reset after dragging files from the Windows Explorer to open them with workspace based shortcuts.
    - Initializing default settings will no longer reset the container and workspace color gradient setting.
    - The container resize symbol (at the bottom right) wasn't displayed for non-gradient background containers after moving shortcuts in and out of the container.
    - Known issue: Encryption isn't available for RSS containers notes.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

SideSlide 5.77

  • Improvements and fixes

  • - New! Windows Environment Variables (%temp%, %path%, %anything_else%) are now expanded and processed when used as parameters for shortcuts. These variables can also be entered or modified by using the "Prompt for Parameters" option (Select a shortcut → Shortcut Properties → Prompt for Parameters).
    - New! Added support for the 24-hour clock format for reminders and when Date/Time is shown in the title-bar. This can be configured via the "24-hour" option within the Reminder dialog.
    - New! Introduced the ability to define a custom title for the workspace. This feature is particularly useful when managing multiple workspaces concurrently (using multiple portable versions. See the Tour page for more). The custom title can be set under "Settings → General → Title Bar → Custom"
    - Enhancement: When dragging shortcuts across the workspace using the shortcut's name label, holding the [Alt] key will display the shortcut's x/y coordinates in the title bar.
    - Enhancement: Recent menu entries for shortcuts now indicate the container they belong to, providing clearer context.
    - Bug Fix: Resolved an issue within the Keyboard Launcher where the last found shortcut remained visible even when the entered text didn't match the shortcut's name.
    - Misc: Various minor fixes and improvements to enhance the overall user experience.
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