
Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
digiKam to bardzo zaawansowany program do zarządzania zdjęciami cyfrowymi wydany na licencji otwartego źródła (open source). Działa w większości znanych środowisk graficznych i menedżerów okien, o ile zainstalowane są wymagane biblioteki. Obsługuje wszystkie główne formaty plików graficznych, a także ponad 200 formatów RAW.

Stworzono go do importowania, porządkowania, polepszania, szukania i eksportowania cyfrowych obrazów z i na twój komputer. Program tworzy albumy, które są miejscem do przechowywania twoich plików i są tożsame z katalogami na twoim dysku twardym.

Możesz użyć funkcji importowania, aby łatwo przesyłać zdjęcia, pliki RAW i filmy bezpośrednio z aparatu i zewnętrznych urządzeń magazynujących (karty SD, dyski USB itp.). Aplikacja pozwala skonfigurować ustawienia i reguły importowania, które przetwarzają i organizują importowane elementy w locie.

Oprócz funkcji filtrowania, digiKam oferuje zaawansowane funkcje wyszukiwania, które pozwalają przeszukiwać bibliotekę zdjęć według szerokiego zakresu kryteriów. Możesz wyszukiwać zdjęcia według tagów, etykiet, ocen, danych, lokalizacji, a nawet konkretnych metadanych EXIF, IPTC lub XMP. Możesz także połączyć kilka kryteriów dla bardziej zaawansowanych wyszukiwań. digiKam polega na bibliotece
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, aby obsługiwać zawartość znaczników metadanych z plików w celu zapełnienia biblioteki zdjęć.

Aplikacja digiKam może obsługiwać pliki RAW, a używa do tego doskonałej biblioteki
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do ich dekodowania. Biblioteka jest aktywnie utrzymywana i regularnie aktualizowana w celu uwzględnienia obsługi najnowszych modeli kamer.

Zapewnia kompleksowy zestaw narzędzi do edycji. Obejmuje to podstawowe narzędzia do dostosowywania kolorów, przycinania i wyostrzania, a także zaawansowane narzędzia do dopasowywania krzywych, zdjęć panoramicznych i wiele więcej. Specjalne narzędzie oparte na bibliotece
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pozwala na automatyczne stosowanie korekt obiektywu na obrazach.

Rozszerzona funkcjonalność w digiKam jest realizowana za pomocą zestawu narzędzi do importowania i eksportowania treści do zdalnych serwisów internetowych.

Niektóre możliwości programu digiKam:
  • Obsługa aparatów wspieranych przez
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  • Organizowanie zdjęć w albumy i podalbumy.
  • Dodawanie komentarzy do zdjęć i albumów oraz kategoryzacja albumów (system znaczników).
  • Sortowanie albumów w porządku chronologicznym.
  • Wsparcie dla techniki “przeciągnij i upuść” wewnątrz Digikam jak i pomiędzy innymi aplikacjami
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  • Zastosowanie architektury Kipi w celu łatwego rozszerzania funkcjonalności programu za pomocą wtyczek.
  • Wykorzystanie
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  • Możliwość wyboru wielkości miniatur.
  • Odczyt i zapis metadanych
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    , MakerNote, geolokalizacja fotografii (
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  • Prosta i szybka (uruchamiana również skrótem klawiaturowym) edycja zdjęć obejmująca
    • korekcję
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    • korekcję jasności, kontrastu, poziomy, krzywe
    • wyostrzanie, rozmywanie, usuwanie szumu
    • balans kolorów,
    • normalizację,
    • dodawanie tekstu, nakładanie ramek
    • obrót i powiększenie zdjęć.
  • Automatyczne bezstratne obracanie zdjęć.
  • Łatwa archiwizacja z automatycznym tworzeniem galerii w postaci stron
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
digiKam 6.1.0

Changelog v6.1.0 - Release date: 2019-04-14


General : New plugins interface for digiKam and Showfoto named dplugins.
General : All export tools become generic plugins and are shared with Showfoto.
General : Update internal libpgf to last 07193.
General : Add compatiblity with OpenCV version 4.
General : MacOS and AppImage bundles are now published with Qt 5.11.3.
General : Add new optional configuration option to compile with Faces Engine Neural Network.
General : Add optional support to ImageMagick codecs to support extra image formats as XCF, FITS, HEIC, etc.
BQM : Add new advanced settings in resize tool.
BQM : All Batch Queue Manager tools become Bqm plugins.
Editor : All Image Editor tools become Editor plugins and are shared with Showfoto.
Item View : Add sort items by modification date.
DPlugin : New plugin to copy items to a local storage.
DPlugin : New plugin to set image as Linux desktop wallpaper.


001 ==> 279216 - "Resize image" feature is missing some useful options [patch].
002 ==> 368779 - Missing translations to Plugin Categories columns in setup page.
003 ==> 165852 - Google Youtube video uploader.
004 ==> 404578 - Links broken on downloadpage for 6.0.0.
005 ==> 402069 - FAQ link on Support page is broken.
006 ==> 404503 - There is a typo in support section of website.
007 ==> 404621 - I can not import the album Google Photo.
008 ==> 404642 - digiKam flatpak: Please include mysql driver (for using an external mysql db).
009 ==> 404690 - There is an unwanted bar in the left screen edge in full screen view.
010 ==> 404736 - Merging tags keeps popping up confirmation dialogs every second.
011 ==> 404737 - digiKam does not compile with opencv 3.4.1.
012 ==> 404735 - F2 should edit tag name when tag name has focus.
013 ==> 404748 - Default Album rename dialog should be larger (or save its size when changed).
014 ==> 304811 - Offer a "stretch histogram" functionality to automatically adjust brightness & gamma.
015 ==> 374464 - Can start print wizzard.
016 ==> 316687 - ImageMagick- could not be found.
017 ==> 305137 - wish for integrated(?) clip-generator.
018 ==> 404821 - Presentation offset from full screen when OpenGL transitions selected.
019 ==> 404894 - 6.0.0 x86-64 appimage startup complains about mssing ']' (startup bash script being called).
020 ==> 368262 - Google services tool does not use kaccounts.
021 ==> 376913 - Can't create a new album in picasa/googlephoto.
022 ==> 404896 - Vertical video are displayed horizontally.
023 ==> 404859 - Using Batch Queue Manager to make a JPG copy of the images on completion the "arw" images are no longer visible in the originating album.
024 ==> 404893 - Digikam::DigikamApp::slotSolidDeviceChanged: slotSolidDeviceChanged: messages referring to directory that digikam should not care about.
025 ==> 264296 - Lack of right-click delete of points in Curves [patch].
026 ==> 404954 - Places, Devices, and Removable Devices no longer show in "Select Target Location".
027 ==> 404962 - List of subfolders: incorrect encoding (spaces -> %20, accents).
028 ==> 402724 - digiKam Settings/Configuration: missing section "Plugins" in Windows/6.0.0B3.
029 ==> 404987 - Ability to select which import/export options are included in menu.
030 ==> 404999 - Inconsistency in facetag font size.
031 ==> 244259 - Last image is displayed twice when Advanced Slideshow with KenBurns effect is run more than once.
032 ==> 405043 - Add volume control to video playback.
033 ==> 401253 - Face detect crashes every time.
034 ==> 405042 - Ability to loop video playback.
035 ==> 405138 - Can not disable webservice plugin.
036 ==> 405137 - Original items visible in Thumbnails view.
037 ==> 400606 - Dead space above thumbnails.
038 ==> 380434 - 5.6.0-pre pkg does not detect filesystem changes.
039 ==> 405250 - Menus gone missing.
040 ==> 388198 - Menu Help -> What's this is not used.
041 ==> 392570 - Missing Option to display complete filename.
042 ==> 375474 - Renaming People Tag Causes Unpredictable Sort Order In People Menu.
043 ==> 398868 - Video upside down in Preview (Thumbnail ok).
044 ==> 380065 - "Open with" menu entry missing [patch].
045 ==> 405258 - Provide an OpenWith... function to get a specific ImageEditor.
046 ==> 402807 - Progress manager doesn't seem to be involved in the fingerprint scanning (v6.0 beta 3).
047 ==> 278935 - Please make XMP Sidecar filename configurable [patch].
048 ==> 405231 - Monitor Color Profile is not applied in "Presentation".
049 ==> 405347 - Selecting by aspect ratio: abs function in sqlite lowercase, in mariadb uppercase.
050 ==> 405327 - Position and size of faces display depends on configuration setting.
051 ==> 405234 - Refresh does no work.
052 ==> 403649 - Filesystem changes are not visible in album view [patch].
053 ==> 400768 - Many different trash cans hard & slow to use.
054 ==> 296864 - SETUP : Create interface for changing physical location or path of album.
055 ==> 397189 - digikam is crashing when adding this photo.
056 ==> 405378 - Missing libz.dll on launch.
057 ==> 401306 - digikam-git r41326 doesn't compile with OpenCV 4
058 ==> 379049 - IPTC and XMP metadata not always read when adding a new album.
059 ==> 404939 - AppImage package: integration with the OS with AppImageLauncher.
060 ==> 405514 - Configure Shortcuts : Shortcuts file contains space in assigned_tags.
061 ==> 405149 - The "File Name" in the thumbnail view is not visible.
062 ==> 405512 - Meta Key Not Useful For Key Modifier In Windows.
063 ==> 405513 - Configure Shortcuts : Defaults Button Does Not Apply To New Schemes.
064 ==> 388334 - Auto Filter In People Tag List Confused With Shortcut Keys.
065 ==> 405518 - digiKam can not be added to the Gnome Dash as favorite.
066 ==> 405342 - Increase slideshow caption font size and keyboard shortcut or button to display/hide it.
067 ==> 405636 - When importing picture not all people tags are present.
068 ==> 379916 - Some people tags are missing.
069 ==> 386967 - digiKam with Adobe Bridge keywords under Windows.
070 ==> 402433 - Google Maps Doesn't Zoom With Mouse Wheel.
071 ==> 396920 - EXIF info not written when files from some cameras (Pentax K3) are edited and saved.
072 ==> 375468 - Cannot turn on Menubar.
073 ==> 387253 - No more menu bar in the Gnome desktop environment.
074 ==> 397405 - Large empty space in Digikams main icon view since ~20180707 appimage.
075 ==> 399237 - Thumbnails view shows an empty dock for thumbnails.
076 ==> 393935 - Segmentation fault during face detection.
077 ==> 388533 - UpdateSchemaFromV7ToV9 fails.
078 ==> 281493 - digiKam fails to install on Windows XP.
079 ==> 405537 - Strange behavior with tag in attached file.
080 ==> 405233 - digikam: symbol lookup error: /tmp/.mount_digika5N9rGH/usr/lib/ undefined symbol: FT_Property_Set.
081 ==> 404853 - digikam-6.0.0 faces engine fails to compile on PowerPC.
082 ==> 405625 - digiKam 6.0.0 faces engine fails to compile on PowerPC with AltiVec enabled.
083 ==> 372340 - Tagged face areas on portait (vertical) oriented images are mispositioned.
084 ==> 405743 - Customise Tool tab in editor.
085 ==> 376014 - Moving grouped photos from one folder to another breaks the group.
086 ==> 377782 - Group is lost when moved to another album.
087 ==> 385147 - Moving grouped images into another album removes groups.
088 ==> 342017 - Reverse Geocoding doesn't work.
089 ==> 405174 - Right-click advice menu. Open with another program.
090 ==> 399285 - Would it be possible to drop kio for a better 'open with' functionality across all platforms?
091 ==> 383079 - Open the photo in GIMP under windows.
092 ==> 374356 - "Show item in file explorer" as well as "open with".
093 ==> 208201 - Icons appears and disappears.
094 ==> 202955 - thumbnails in album view are flickering with high frequency.
095 ==> 208201 - Icons appears and disappears.
096 ==> 396933 - Tooltips of thumbnails and albums not readable in light designs.
097 ==> 393777 - Item Tool Tips are unreadable in Windows 10 (white on yellow).
098 ==> 240237 - Not possible to rotate the image.
099 ==> 366446 - Creating new albums fails due to invalid path name.
100 ==> 369235 - Menu bar is not translated.
101 ==> 403132 - Lazy Update not working (or: Stop when I say so).
102 ==> 404797 - digikam-6.0.0-x86-64.appimage: stack trace shortly after startup.
103 ==> 405789 - Sidebar widths revert to their defaults after switching back from full-screen view.
104 ==> 405813 - Tab-View do not show Rating information.
105 ==> 404138 - can't connect to my account.
106 ==> 403819 - Export to Google Photos not working (bad request).
107 ==> 382367 - Unreadable light on light tooltip.
108 ==> 405825 - Feature request: "Video date" in XMP Metadata Editor.
109 ==> 405799 - Not possible to add collection.
110 ==> 389549 - "Clear all faces on this image" Does Not Remove All People Tags.
111 ==> 405904 - The saved version of the image is not linked to the original.
112 ==> 372308 - Buttons for rotate does not show very well.
113 ==> 375375 - Various bugs detecting and tagging faces in current 5.4.0 Digikam appimage.
114 ==> 405700 - Lensfun supported Camera is missing.
115 ==> 400140 - Digikam crash when exporting on google photos.
116 ==> 397744 - Face recognition not working.
117 ==> 398000 - Multi/batch rename fails almost every time.
118 ==> 396496 - QSQLITE -> MYSQL loses grouping information.
119 ==> 382311 - Photos in collapsed groups are incorrectly excluded if first photo in group does not match filter.
120 ==> 400981 - Appimage not working anymore: /lib64/ undefined symbol: FT_Done_MM_Var.
121 ==> 406054 - Export to google photo a picture with a "title" => no "title" in google photo.
122 ==> 254932 - New tool to export images as desktop wallpaper folder.
123 ==> 192020 - Tool to export as plasma backgrounds.
124 ==> 406171 - digiKam crashed on exit.
125 ==> 406276 - Error during Migration: "Error creating database schema".
126 ==> 406227 - Picture without any tag are not listed with button "No Tags".
127 ==> 401377 - Export to (Onedrive, Dropbox ...) crashes digikam (Segmentation Fault).
128 ==> 406309 - Tags reappear after being merged when several merge processes overlap(?).
129 ==> 387487 - Browsing through thumbnails quickly with right arrow key causes crash.
130 ==> 385726 - Add Support For Apple Live Photos.
131 ==> 360806 - digiKam doesn't show Gimp 2.9 xcf images [patch].
132 ==> 393408 - Support for extra image formats as HEIC, FITS, JPEG-XR [patch].
133 ==> 406356 - Crop to Selection not visible in Sidebar and Menubar.
134 ==> 406418 - Tag icon don't show after using and show a clock icon for used tag.
135 ==> 406440 - "Operation in all group items" even when only one item is selected.
136 ==> 406445 - Reread Metadata From File failure.
137 ==> 406441 - Saved Timeline searches do not include newer items.
138 ==> 406306 - If copying files fails, tags in the database will be lost.

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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
digiKam 6.4.0
digiKam 6.4.0 - Release date: 2019-11-02


General : new RawImport plugin interface to delegate Raw decoding function to extra engine with ImageEditor.
General : new DImg plugin interface to externalize image loaders from core implementation.
General : new HEIC image loader compatible with media generated by Apple devices.
Import : add new option to convert on the fly to HEIC lossless format while downloading.
ImageEditor: add new setting from setup dialog to select right Raw Import plugin.
ImageEditor: add new clone tool to fix artifacts on image.
ImageEditor: add new tool to import RAW image using UFRaw.
ImageEditor: add new tool to import RAW image using RawTherapee.
ImageEditor: add new tool to import RAW image using DarkTable.
BQM : add new tool to convert to HEIC format.


001 ==> 411587 - [digiKam] Crash when reopening Google Photos import wizard.
002 ==> 411578 - White Balance changes global luminosity.
003 ==> 411696 - Cannot launch digikam-6.3.0-x86-64.appimage in Kubuntu 14.04.
004 ==> 406503 - Histogram initializes greyer than white.
005 ==> 411714 - Correction of ticket 408881 (Restore default tools settings) is not enforced.
006 ==> 411702 - Video/picture Filter.
007 ==> 411726 - Geolocation not working.
008 ==> 387768 - File system corruption after renaming folder.
009 ==> 411808 - digiKam quit unexpectedly.
010 ==> 411880 - Existing file is count but not displayed.
011 ==> 411882 - I don't get image stack or panorama.
012 ==> 403269 - Stacked image and Panorama tools cannot find required binaries.
013 ==> 411651 - New tool to export photos to Canon Irista.
014 ==> 411927 - Crash during initial scan.
015 ==> 389652 - Interface freezes during initial scan.
016 ==> 389949 - Very slow startup [patch].
017 ==> 316865 - SCAN : Add new option to don't scan file bigger than n Mb or stop scan if longer than n seconds.
018 ==> 370019 - Sidecar metadata not loading sporadically.
019 ==> 329353 - Make slow processing better.
020 ==> 392090 - While scanning collection the progess bar shows 0%.
021 ==> 411929 - Can not move or delete videos that were not played till the end.
022 ==> 392727 - Images are missing (Windows).
023 ==> 396559 - "digikam.dbengine: Database is locked." when scanning for new items.
024 ==> 411946 - Crash when saving captions to picture.
025 ==> 411902 - Interface icons become very large and unusable.
026 ==> 330168 - MYSQL : allow read only database.
027 ==> 351658 - Prevent to fill whole memory when all CPU cores are used to process Maintenance tools.
028 ==> 110920 - Support for removing complex objects from photos.
029 ==> 103332 - Blurring brushes for image correction.
030 ==> 150161 - UFRaw as tool for RAW.
032 ==> 411214 - digiKam git beta 6.4 eats huge memory.
033 ==> 181941 - Add an option to image editor to remember or not tools settings between sessions.
034 ==> 221571 - Integrate RawTherapee into digikam
035 ==> 341186 - Integrate with darktable.
036 ==> 412083 - Image previews scaled incorrectly on hidpi.
037 ==> 411612 - When using Tags Manager and then closing crashes digiKam.
038 ==> 412291 - Mac: Opening Preferences zooms the main window to unusable state.
039 ==> 412372 - Image editor view is expanded to 100% and shows only partial amount of picture.
040 ==> 412293 - Image editor Tools sidebar width not restored.
041 ==> 412425 - UI "breaks" / scales after opening any dialog.
042 ==> 412437 - Opening Preferences on MacOS 10.14.6 breaks resolution of main screen.
043 ==> 412442 - Website points to obsolete versions.
044 ==> 411027 - image files *.heic from iphones do not show up in digikam thumbnails although ther are find in MS file browser.
045 ==> 412574 - New images are not recognized when externally added to a DK folder.
046 ==> 195583 - FILEIO : read header metadata from JPEG2000 files with Exiv2.
047 ==> 116225 - JPEG compression quality should be shown in Properties.
048 ==> 405232 - digiKam crashes in Slideshow and Presentation.
049 ==> 412730 - Main window double resolution on retina after dialog is open.
050 ==> 412728 - MacOS: Image editor tools for colour adjustment incorrectly apply crop automatically and cut out most of the image.
051 ==> 412777 - DigiKam+MySQL: Failed to create database tables.
052 ==> 412854 - Digikam Impossible to select "write metadata in Raw files" in configuration menu.
053 ==> 411480 - Problems with database migration on remote host.
054 ==> 412880 - Since version 6.2.0 video thumbnails are generated from the very first scene of the movie files.
055 ==> 412921 - BatchQueueManager: change file format.
056 ==> 412922 - Xmp:Label not created/changed if color label is none/orange/grey/black/white.
057 ==> 412899 - Export tool to flickr doesn't submit privacy settings.
058 ==> 412944 - Wrong Piwigo version parsing (2.10.x < 2.4).
059 ==> 412948 - Deleting a versioned file leaves original hidden in thumbnail view.
060 ==> 412704 - Stops working when selecting a catalogue.
061 ==> 412909 - Slideshow skips photos.
062 ==> 413017 - Lens id is unknown within automatic lens correction.
063 ==> 413072 - German user interface?
064 ==> 413197 - Export to Onedrive > Create New Album: improvement when adding album.
065 ==> 413189 - Status bar text not correct in Trash view
066 ==> 413147 - Pictures missing from thumbnail view of album.
067 ==> 400433 - After visiting 'Trash' folder, it is difficult to select 'Preview' mode (remains in 'Thumbnails' mode).
068 ==> 400786 - Auto/ask -actions of groups seems to not do anything.
069 ==> 400933 - DigiKam MySql Database User does not have ALTER rights.
070 ==> 403455 - In Settings there is no option Plugins.
071 ==> 397697 - Let user select units to resize for screen/print.
072 ==> 405472 - Import Color Label from XMP sidecar generated by Capture One 12 and FastRaw Viewer.
073 ==> 406019 - Corrupted image thumbnail on some pictures.
074 ==> 413488 - Albums/Database inconsistencies digiKam.
075 ==> 413422 - No access of photo collection via digiKam.
digiKam 6.3.0 - Release date: 2019-09-08


General : Internal Libraw updated to last stable 0.19.5.
General : First version of exported DPlugin API for future external contributions.
ImageEditor: new external plugin based on GMicQt included in all bundles (
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001 ==> 410501 - Dark Themes show white frames with light grey text in menu etc. - not readible.
002 ==> 382646 - XMP sidecar file doesn't contain GPS tags.
003 ==> 393635 - Segfault when saving TIFF after modifying RAW.
004 ==> 410634 - The xmp tag data is not handled correctly for raw images with sidecar files.
005 ==> 379503 - When detecting a new jpg with xmp sidecarfile in album: tags are not read/lost.
006 ==> 410661 - Aspect ratio crop of 1024 x 500 always results in portret mode.
007 ==> 410657 - digiKam 6.2 bad sorting.
008 ==> 410692 - Export to google photo: bad request.
009 ==> 409034 - Unable to memorize any album and any preference.
010 ==> 129523 - Editing images in other programs (e.g.: gimp).
011 ==> 265861 - digiKam is missing session management.
012 ==> 275002 - Import or synchronize contact lists.
013 ==> 284745 - digiKam crashed while running ufraw, started from digikam menu.
014 ==> 305839 - Opening terminal from Album List opens Terminal in background.
015 ==> 331866 - Wish: "Open with" more prominently in the Menu/Image/ or as Toolbar item.
016 ==> 380329 - Wishlist: Item - Open (locate) in file manager.
017 ==> 195538 - Use more than one thread for batch conversion of RAW images.
018 ==> 251656 - digiKam batch queue manager crashed on raw conversion to jpeg with rezising.
019 ==> 276093 - Settings missing for raw demosaicing.
020 ==> 285874 - digiKam crashed when loading an image via raw tool.
021 ==> 294620 - Bad quality using batch raw converter.
022 ==> 364122 - Crash due socket connect failed.
023 ==> 303066 - Icon marking geotagged images.
024 ==> 330974 - digiKam crashed when regenerating thumbnails in album.
025 ==> 092375 - Rezisable thumbnail in Comments and Tag editor.
026 ==> 116187 - No thumbnails in the album view.
027 ==> 126111 - Prevent reloading thumbnails while renaming images.
028 ==> 140616 - Continues creating of thumbnail in open album.
029 ==> 169459 - digiKam view photo not work.
030 ==> 173986 - Can view thumbnails, but not individual images.
031 ==> 177500 - Thumbnails not shown when overwriting pictures.
032 ==> 188029 - Aggressive preloading of thumbnail previews.
033 ==> 207006 - Browsing, rating, mouse, stars.
034 ==> 228056 - digiKam doesn't autorotate images anymore.
035 ==> 259880 - When creating new pic-versions in different formats, a _different_(!!) preview apears and seems to be stored.
036 ==> 297546 - digiKam scan thumbnails with duplicate filenames in different directories.
037 ==> 307940 - Crash of digiKam.
038 ==> 327033 - Memory leak when re-creating all thumbnails.
039 ==> 407183 - Feature Request : "Open In File Manager" Applicable To Images.
040 ==> 405519 - Google Maps not shown (blank map window).
041 ==> 388898 - Convert Tiff to PNG fails.
042 ==> 410796 - Convert to PNG - Fail to Process Item/Create File.
043 ==> 410537 - Digikam 6.2-git win64 does not show some images in the folder.
044 ==> 145295 - Support PDF as image format.
045 ==> 320436 - Update mime data settings to remove mpo extension.
046 ==> 333792 - Crash when renaming category.
047 ==> 298717 - Unreadable Tooltips - dark grey on black.
048 ==> 245472 - digiKam crashed after clicking on the "Configure digiKam" option in the Settings menu.
049 ==> 245920 - digiKam crash when open in suse 11.3.
050 ==> 246666 - digiKam crashes at launch.
051 ==> 251403 - Crash after trying to check the setup.
052 ==> 253200 - digiKam Crashes As Soon As I Hit the Icon to Load.
053 ==> 256391 - Aplication crashes on startup.
054 ==> 260864 - digiKam fails to start.
055 ==> 267742 - digiKam crashes during startup.
056 ==> 410862 - Crash when starting appimage build 6.3.0-git-20190812T053738-x86-64.
057 ==> 088932 - Add service menus functionality.
058 ==> 144647 - Ctrl-F10 doesn't bring context menu.
059 ==> 146571 - Incorrect french translation in digikam servicemenus (correct translation provided).
060 ==> 157013 - Program menu of digikam is hidden.
061 ==> 161360 - Menu and tool bar have disappeared and I can't get them back.
062 ==> 164943 - Image editor menu and toolbar gone.
063 ==> 262562 - Tags should be assigned in a textbox, not with a menu.
064 ==> 310573 - Crashed while saving in Image Editor.
065 ==> 346062 - Menu »Configuration» > «theme» > «Configuration» does nothing.
066 ==> 362213 - Right menu show only one icon.
067 ==> 225029 - Browse images in view mode with mouse wheel.
068 ==> 165927 - Translation bug: Missing german translation.
069 ==> 281235 - "Manage your photographs like a professional" == You are not a professional.
070 ==> 192424 - "Autohide" toolbar in full-screen view.
071 ==> 278346 - Status bar is not preserved in full screen mode.
072 ==> 288487 - Exiting Full Screen mode doesn't display Windows taskbar or digiKam titlebar.
073 ==> 301535 - Fullscreen of pics moving on second monitor.
074 ==> 361689 - Provide a real (and simple) full screen mode.
075 ==> 305288 - Crash in digiKam when editing shortcuts.
076 ==> 301536 - Wish: configurable shortcuts for opening pics in other applications like gimp, rawtherapee, email.
077 ==> 245765 - It would be fine to have a shortcut to start GIMP.
078 ==> 226505 - Sidepanel hiding with shortcuts.
079 ==> 219523 - Keyboard shortcuts are registered globally.
080 ==> 196920 - Cannot exit full-screen mode without previously learning keyboard shortcut.
081 ==> 195177 - Usability: difficulty of captioning albums.
082 ==> 185277 - Cannot use keyboard to advance image while adding caption.
083 ==> 150471 - Keyboard shortcut for "Open With" default app.
084 ==> 145086 - F8 isn't used to resize panels.
085 ==> 145085 - F6 isn't used for navigation between major panels.
086 ==> 145084 - Ctrl-PgDown, Ctrl-PgUp aren't used for navigation between panels.
087 ==> 131428 - Control C does not actually copy in the albums.
088 ==> 114540 - Versioning of images in digiKam.
089 ==> 127039 - digiKam needs to integrate a revision control system.
090 ==> 145057 - Non Destructive Image Editing.
091 ==> 202814 - Automaticaly manage original and versioned edited photos.
092 ==> 218027 - Wish stacks in digiKam to organize originals and versions.
093 ==> 277183 - Renaming multiple files.
094 ==> 277585 - When using "Save as new version", the new file is added at the end of the thumbbar.
095 ==> 281724 - Crashed when saving a version file.
096 ==> 096279 - Cannot drag photos out of "My albums" into a specific album.
097 ==> 102413 - Album drag and drop multiple folders.
098 ==> 125789 - Move pictures per drag & drop in calendar view between albums.
099 ==> 134485 - Writing keywords to files doesn't work when dragging and dropping the keywords.
100 ==> 136582 - Moving pictures by Drag'n'Drop, Destination-Album still empty although files have been moved to new destination folder.
101 ==> 146761 - Improve keyword-assignment through enhanced drag and drop.
102 ==> 161467 - Light table has confusing drag-drop-click behaviour.
103 ==> 209729 - Crash while drag and drop.
104 ==> 219231 - Crash at drag n drop.
105 ==> 222717 - digiKam crashes when editing tags by drag-and-drop.
106 ==> 222731 - digiKam crashes when editing tags using drag-and-drop
107 ==> 222733 - digikam crashes when editing tags using drag-and-drop.
108 ==> 245835 - Dragging images from digikam album view to Nautilus removes the original.
109 ==> 252189 - Crash on drag & drop from digiKam to external application.
110 ==> 306635 - Drag and drop of pictures into chrome doesn't work.
111 ==> 313173 - Drag and drop DELETES files from library (MOVES).
112 ==> 333623 - Allow to drag photo over the Map to correct their coordinates.
113 ==> 333787 - Crash while dragging image to People tag.
114 ==> 358832 - Crash when drag and drop a tag under another tag.
115 ==> 328732 - Crash with lots of memory usage while rebuilding thumbnails.
116 ==> 330904 - digiKam crash during maintenance.
117 ==> 185207 - Segfault when watching pictures.
118 ==> 185369 - Crash when a photo is displayed/modified.
119 ==> 192415 - Allow the "thumb bar" to be repositioned.
120 ==> 289260 - Invalid thumbbar-state, when switching from picture preview to full-screen-preview.
121 ==> 341032 - THUMBBAR : Multiple selection on preview image (after using onscreen arrows) has wrong edge.
122 ==> 231574 - Need "set as wallpaper" option (from digiKam host application).
123 ==> 181308 - Integrate plasma with digiKam.
124 ==> 350130 - Crash while viewing / scrolling thumbnails.
125 ==> 216160 - digiKam crash when rating picture.
126 ==> 221110 - Writing Exif-Information (Tags) resulted in Segmentation Fault [mem2chunk_check, free_check, qFree].
127 ==> 224467 - Click on thumbnail crashes digiKam.
128 ==> 246369 - digiKam crashes on photo thumb hovering.
129 ==> 246899 - digiKam crashes when hovering over the thumbnail view of a photograph.
130 ==> 255256 - Crash browsing in album view clicking and rotating several thumbnails.
131 ==> 255930 - digiKam crashes on start-up after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'.
132 ==> 255953 - Crash during thumbnail creation.
133 ==> 259031 - digiKam crashes when searching for missing thumbnails.
134 ==> 259167 - digiKam crashes when searching for missing thumbnails.
135 ==> 259869 - Crash when scanning for thumbnails.
136 ==> 261664 - digiKam crashes while using gimp.
137 ==> 266632 - System crashed during copying files.
138 ==> 273133 - Crash when move files from harddisc folder to digiKam.
139 ==> 273302 - Crashes while importing pictures from SD.
140 ==> 274051 - digiKam crashed while rename multiple images.
141 ==> 280527 - digiKam crashes while importing picture.
142 ==> 281567 - Crash after importing pix, possibly rebuilding thumbnails.
143 ==> 283214 - digiKam crashed when doing "cut and paste" from SD card.
144 ==> 291070 - Rotation of thumbs/pics does not work.
145 ==> 291436 - Optimize thumbnail generation process - is painfully slow in certain usage cases.
146 ==> 324516 - digiKam crashed after switching display mode from thumbnails to table.
147 ==> 339217 - Crash on startup: SIGSEGV in Exiv2::previewManager::getPreviewImage.
148 ==> 339751 - Large tif files crash thumbnail generator (out of memory / sig11).
149 ==> 339811 - Crash occurring when browsing my images, resolved issue to thumbnailcreator.cpp trying to access non-present preview.
150 ==> 358337 - digiKam crashes while viewing thumbnails.
151 ==> 393758 - Crash during assigned tag.
152 ==> 396862 - digiKam crashed while closing.
153 ==> 397129 - Dates panel, thumb generation crash (core dump).
154 ==> 401164 - Crash on close from preview mode.
155 ==> 401546 - digiKam crashs upon quit (Files -> Quit).
156 ==> 402122 - Crashed while scrolling images.
157 ==> 410912 - Improve "Move to album" for keyboard use.
158 ==> 411011 - Digikam does not display a PNG photo.
159 ==> 411013 - Export png to google photos or google drive fails.
160 ==> 149874 - Include dcraw version 8.77.
161 ==> 137869 - ImageRotate: ImageMagick exception: ImageMagick: Delegate failed `"dcraw".
162 ==> 338416 - Crash when trying to scan faces, undefined symbol.
163 ==> 340194 - Symbol lookup error: digikam: undefined symbol.
164 ==> 343257 - digiKam still crashing on startup with OpenSUSE.
165 ==> 366740 - Remove extra dependency for KF5 framework.
166 ==> 410973 - Plugin Panorama.
167 ==> 102275 - No support for mass storage camera.
168 ==> 361033 - Build fails on Slackware Linux.
169 ==> 269900 - Geolocation no longer compiles.
170 ==> 200530 - digiKam crashes just after a fresh compile.
171 ==> 202193 - Wish for more rating options.
172 ==> 226751 - Rating hangs in view mode.
173 ==> 234516 - digiKam crash while rating.
174 ==> 238605 - Crash when moving the mouse over the album view, or list.
175 ==> 247413 - digiKam crashes randomly.
176 ==> 237104 - Very slow commit after tag change only in digiKam image editor.
177 ==> 358590 - digiKam crashes after appling color label.
178 ==> 402922 - Spell check.
179 ==> 384059 - Album > Reread metadata from images does not work correctly.
180 ==> 146934 - Too many steps for continuous commenting.
181 ==> 411146 - Git master doesn't compile moc_advancedrenameprocessdialog.cpp.
182 ==> 411271 - Digikam crashes when clicking on calendar drop down for date selection in advanced search.
183 ==> 411279 - Digikam does not save initial DB configuration.
184 ==> 411287 - Wrong link to splash screen SVGs.
185 ==> 407235 - MacOS : digiKam 6 crashes when quitting.
186 ==> 410518 - ~4 seconds after exiting with super-q, notice of crash appears.
187 ==> 408549 - Many crashes on MacOS with current git.
188 ==> 411053 - digikam-6.2.0-x86-64 appimage fails to run in Ubuntu 16.04.
189 ==> 411395 - digiKam git master doesn't build with Imagemagick 6.9.
190 ==> 411429 - Dimg test doesn't compile with latest imagemagick.
191 ==> 411289 - Wishlist: Color schemes, Icon themes and Widget style together in the same menu.
192 ==> 374091 - Theme application menu icons combine theme with icon theme.
193 ==> 409084 - Greycard theme and Editor tools icon lack of visibility.
194 ==> 411587 - [digiKam] Crash when reopening Google Photos import wizard.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
digiKam 7.1.0
digiKam 7.1.0 - Release date: 2020-09-06


QueueManager: Add new tool to fix hot pixels from images.
QueueManager: Add new tool to apply texture over images.
Metadata: Better Exif and XMP metadata support with CR3 file using libraw info parser.
Metadata: Add support of IPTC strings encoded as UTF-8 imported to the database.


001 ==> 421043 - Faces Detection crashes digiKam.
002 ==> 363599 - Media File ctime Changes Even When Only Writing To XMP Sidecar File.
003 ==> 412578 - Manual geotagging is difficult and time-consuming.
004 ==> 424365 - Bad selected folder when adding photos to export.
005 ==> 424482 - Album view crashes creating thumbnails.
006 ==> 424463 - Incorrect face thumbnail.
007 ==> 424540 - Option "regular expression" does not work.
008 ==> 424501 - Right click >> Open in File Manager does not work.
009 ==> 424553 - Authenticating to Flickr does not work.
010 ==> 422078 - Album creation date is modification date of the folder.
011 ==> 409685 - ImageEditor can only be invoked once.
012 ==> 411723 - Trying to edit the date of a video kills digiKam.
013 ==> 412022 - Editor not show images.
014 ==> 412417 - digiKam fails to start - update fails.
015 ==> 412590 - New files are not showing in album.
016 ==> 412917 - On macOS Mojave image editor opens withouth toolbars.
017 ==> 413242 - Image editor launches only once on Kubuntu 19.10.
018 ==> 413464 - Crash in Windows 10 when 'browsing' images before initial 'import' complete.
019 ==> 413508 - digiKam crasched.
020 ==> 414186 - digiKam crashes when loading pictures from pCloudDrive.
021 ==> 415103 - "Preview on mouse-over" setting is not saved.
022 ==> 415783 - Rejected face keep coming up as faces when detected faces again.
023 ==> 415873 - Database Path wrong after adaption (/ instead of \).
024 ==> 416180 - Number of "new items" not updated after face recognition.
025 ==> 416560 - Crash on adding a smb folder.
026 ==> 417330 - It is impossible to move an album to a collection or album not visible in the albums list.
027 ==> 417738 - Cannot rename album.
028 ==> 418337 - Crash after resume.
029 ==> 419316 - digiKam displays "Lens: unavailable" for all lenses used on Canon EOS M6 Mark II camera.
030 ==> 419555 - Image editor is not displayed when opened after editing an image.
031 ==> 419847 - If user/group opens digiKam without write access to databases, system will hang with high CPU and write attempts.
032 ==> 420401 - Face region bounding boxes are in wrong location if photo Orientation != Horizontal.
033 ==> 420403 - Delete does not always move all files to trash.
034 ==> 420510 - Metadata / Views settings not applied correctly?
035 ==> 420667 - Portrait SX70HS RAW files have wrong orientation.
036 ==> 420923 - Nor auto-scroll either children album expansion is possible while drag and drop photos to the album tree.
037 ==> 421674 - digiKam 7.0.0 beta 3 macOS startup very slow.
038 ==> 422112 - XMP file moves end up as inconsistent if an xmp file already exists at destination.
039 ==> 423146 - Fonts Too Large with Laptop Screen after New Install.
040 ==> 423722 - uninstallation will delete all files under installation directory.
041 ==> 190315 - service not work.
042 ==> 308243 - Inconsistent reset behaviour within curve tools.
043 ==> 380966 - Copy and paste text in comment field.
044 ==> 396382 - Editor window empty.
045 ==> 396740 - Empty image editor after closing and re-opening.
046 ==> 396913 - Crashing when changing the timestamp for exif creation in bulk.
047 ==> 399705 - cannot copy coordinates from map.
048 ==> 400926 - Reverse Geocoding gives no results.
049 ==> 400938 - Light table: Empty window when opened again.
050 ==> 400962 - Image editor doesn't display the image.
051 ==> 402754 - Light Table pops up empty second time it has been activated from digiKam.
052 ==> 403207 - Image editor shows white screen.
053 ==> 403233 - Geolocation-Editor does not work.
054 ==> 403238 - digiKam Editor Blank Screen for 2nd image opening in same session.
056 ==> 404495 - Message 'Google Maps cannot be loaded properly'.
057 ==> 406675 - Failed to update the database schema from version 9 to version 10.
058 ==> 424668 - Advanced Search finds all cameras of a similar model depending on search order.
059 ==> 424666 - Windows de-install deletes shortcuts.
060 ==> 314386 - digiKam crashes on startup with large collections.
061 ==> 382366 - Dark theme: dark icons on dark background.
062 ==> 382630 - digiKam segfaults at start.
063 ==> 384200 - digiKam segfault when changing image metadata in bulk.
064 ==> 385507 - digiKam crash at startup.
065 ==> 385844 - Showfoto crashed on close.
066 ==> 386322 - digiKam crashed on opening.
067 ==> 387515 - Crash on start-up.
068 ==> 388447 - Context menu in map is inactive.
069 ==> 389047 - Make previous/next buttons work when opening a single Photo.
070 ==> 390359 - Landscape crop size is not remembered like portrait crop size.
071 ==> 393539 - Wishlist: Option to save rotation information (pixel, EXIF-flag) to the file always, instead of sidecar.
072 ==> 393838 - Right click on map doesn't offer "copy coordinates".
073 ==> 267553 - SETUP : Starting digikam with "--database-directory" prompts for new database folder after any configuration change.
074 ==> 365098 - Crash when sorting on import window.
075 ==> 365123 - Crash on export to Facebook.
076 ==> 374397 - Wrong Map icon (32px).
077 ==> 374432 - digiKam Incorrectly Reports Free Disk Space; off by 1000x.
078 ==> 374472 - Crash on Import after going into shell.
079 ==> 374560 - Lens Model and Make are not displayed anymore.
080 ==> 374988 - digiKam-root-tag.
081 ==> 375910 - Crash when Opening Geolocation Editor.
082 ==> 377248 - Wrong space reported in tooltip during import.
083 ==> 378116 - Themes icon washout.
084 ==> 378724 - digiKam - Direct crash when rotate left is choosed.
085 ==> 379511 - Introduce additional sidecar types and fix bug in mime setup [patch].
086 ==> 380261 - digiKam crash when click on button "add a collection".
087 ==> 380395 - digiKam crask after startup.
088 ==> 351260 - Crash with sqlite backend.
089 ==> 351261 - Crashing by tagging.
090 ==> 351374 - Crashed while scanning.
091 ==> 351400 - digiKam crash when tagging.
092 ==> 352174 - Crash when choosing an icon for a new tag.
093 ==> 352313 - digiKam crashes when using page up or page down to switch between pictures every third to Fifth time.
094 ==> 353131 - HUGIN error "pto2mk" mising with digiKam 13.0 AND "component information" lacks information of HUGIN's components.
095 ==> 353236 - digiKam dies after tagging multiple files.
096 ==> 353456 - Picture taken with camera with GPS off -> appears as geolocalised.
097 ==> 353457 - Panorama tool does not work anymore after updating Hugin to Hugin 2015.
098 ==> 354725 - Panorama reports missing component with hugin 2015.
099 ==> 354874 - digiKam crashes during batch-rename.
100 ==> 355154 - Crash on while exporting.
101 ==> 355745 - Crash on Export to social network.
102 ==> 355903 - digiKam crashes when saving modified pictures.
103 ==> 355950 - Crash on changing metadata.
104 ==> 356229 - Batch manager can't import curve file.
105 ==> 356282 - digiKam stop to export photo.
106 ==> 356598 - Change folder view.
107 ==> 357078 - Tool tips unreadable due to bad contrast of font against background box.
108 ==> 357149 - digiKam crashes while writing Exif metadata.
109 ==> 357340 - digiKam crashes when modifying picture.
110 ==> 357421 - Crashes using Image Editor.
111 ==> 358356 - digiKam collapsed.
112 ==> 358488 - digiKam crashed after tag.
113 ==> 358829 - digiKam crash when clicking on thumbnail.
114 ==> 359540 - digiKam crash.
115 ==> 359674 - Showfoto - EditorWindow-Et2833.digikamtempfile.
116 ==> 359977 - The sudden closure of digiKam when browsing directories.
117 ==> 360665 - digiKam crashed.
118 ==> 361310 - digiKam crashes when using align_image_stack.
119 ==> 361523 - Nikon Coolpix P610: "Failed to detect camera with GPhoto2 from Solid information".
120 ==> 363736 - Crash when changing folders.
121 ==> 364153 - Crash during geotagging (repeatable 100%).
122 ==> 364635 - digiKam crashes on startup.
123 ==> 424688 - Ignore Directories not working (Win10 64bit).
124 ==> 424758 - Face Tags on Samsung photos are rotated 180 degrees.
125 ==> 347937 - SETUP : Collections added as "Removable Media" change as "Local Collections".
126 ==> 416266 - digiKam crashes during face detection.
127 ==> 403073 - Can't remove a removable media when digiKam run.
128 ==> 414737 - digiKam becomes unresponsive when clicking on NFS-mounted photos.
129 ==> 364231 - Support JPEG2000 using OpenJPEG to replace LibJasper.
130 ==> 397718 - String comparison type field - meaning is unclear.
131 ==> 410438 - No access to attached Storage device.
132 ==> 417140 - Map panel shows white rectangle when using Google Maps.
133 ==> 423312 - Qt 5.15.0 compilation warnings trace.
134 ==> 422495 - Can't register more than one IPTC keyword.
135 ==> 422124 - Manage manually versions.
136 ==> 412591 - New unwanted window opens with map tab.
137 ==> 405764 - Albums disappear when "sshfs - transport endpoint is not connected".
138 ==> 399148 - digiKam sometimes crashes when writing metadata (Tags or Geo coordinates).
139 ==> 378971 - Incorrect handling of DateTimeOriginal tags when editing NEF (Nikon RAW).
140 ==> 424691 - Thumbnails not showing for face tags.
141 ==> 419079 - Star rating on TIFF images destroys the image.
142 ==> 401459 - Turning and cutting in one step.
143 ==> 396995 - Colorize Captions/tags and Filter Tags from right panels to differentiate views.
144 ==> 406584 - digiKam crashes after scanning for new items.
145 ==> 400552 - Marking multiple pictures.
146 ==> 405856 - Misplaced selection.
147 ==> 382706 - Assigning tag to NEF-file results in crash + config disappearing.
148 ==> 406979 - Specific PNG crashes digiKam.
149 ==> 408592 - "Broken PNG Image" cause digiKam to crash under Windows 64 bit.
150 ==> 411763 - When I enter in "Tags" tab in "No tags" mode, the program is crashing every time.
151 ==> 372762 - List of face tags are not sorted by recently uses.
152 ==> 380403 - License of plugins interface.
153 ==> 374686 - HTML Gallery tool must support modern HTML5 tags.
154 ==> 378393 - Rename LUT3D.
155 ==> 412374 - KRA (Krita) files thumbnails not rendered.
156 ==> 374161 - Color management options not visible in simple print dialog.
157 ==> 375572 - Don't keep the splash screen always on top while launching.
158 ==> 404899 - File transfer tool error without processing items.
159 ==> 403050 - Export to remote storage does not work.
160 ==> 397856 - Export to remote storage: transfer not done.
161 ==> 413905 - Some icon / picture are not displayed in maps but picture have GPS data.
162 ==> 353458 - Some pictures have geolocalisation data, but the «geolocalised» tag is not attached.
163 ==> 372568 - Krita (.kra) thumbnails are not showed.
164 ==> 219403 - Create calendar pdf output takes hours.
165 ==> 398195 - "Ignored folders" are not saved.
166 ==> 329464 - Add automatic pic "repairs" (dust, fusels).
167 ==> 411014 - Thumbnail Support for AFPHOTO files.
168 ==> 389194 - New file types for digiKam
169 ==> 114272 - Calendar information from Akonady as source for geolocation.
170 ==> 371635 - Unable to use keyboard only to process imported photos.
171 ==> 374012 - Binary "Exif.Photo.UserComment" converted to "METADATA-START" caption at import.
172 ==> 422240 - Description caption appears as "binary comment".
173 ==> 424934 - Making an album a part of itself will fill the hard-drive with copies of itself.
174 ==> 372041 - "Add Folders" attempts to import parent directory AND target dir.
175 ==> 262403 - BQM DNG tool : Add Aptina Camera Sensors support.
176 ==> 386591 - Cannot save changes in geolocation coordinates to .RW2 RAW files from a Panasonic FZ300 camera.
177 ==> 393449 - Failure to build from source (CMake error).
178 ==> 387004 - Rename on import is inconsistent jpg to raw.
179 ==> 377739 - index.docbook:13: element link: validity error : IDREF attribute linkend references an unknownID "using-mainwindow-mapview".
180 ==> 377597 - digiKam 5.5 fails to build @ docs/sv.
181 ==> 301543 - Support for .ora and .kra file format in digiKam (at least read only).
182 ==> 388116 - Add possibility to switch with the mouse between images in preview mode.
183 ==> 217494 - Separate export to File-System with remote and local sections.
184 ==> 404613 - Docs are missing.
185 ==> 395141 - Map does not show location if picture is selected before opening map.
186 ==> 389620 - Right panel - Map - Image location isn't shown properly on the map until user switches to previous/next image.
187 ==> 319492 - Scan of new items seems to ignore or badly interpret jpeg EXIF information.
188 ==> 275571 - Export light table selection.
189 ==> 389274 - Export selected Images to a local folder.
190 ==> 378066 - Export to remote folder does not work.
191 ==> 373820 - Export to Remote Storage tool does not work on non-linux systems.
192 ==> 377249 - Moving a photo to album in different collection deletes its folder.
193 ==> 425085 - Export to flickr dialog only allows a single file to be selected.
194 ==> 397334 - digiKam crashes after deleting unused tags.
195 ==> 425100 - No photos show up when selecting a face tag in "People" panel.
196 ==> 388707 - Add Hot pixel removal in Batch Queue Manager Workflow.
197 ==> 425122 - ShowFoto can open .heic files but is not offered in Dolphin context menu.
198 ==> 224241 - Film grain effect is not realistic.
199 ==> 273754 - Unintuitive change of image resolution.
200 ==> 286276 - Use .thm file as sidecar files for video files.
201 ==> 424605 - Cannot use Image Mosaic Wall on Windows.
202 ==> 425150 - Option to filter images by orientation, resolution, ISO.
203 ==> 425138 - Unable to add local collection.
204 ==> 424786 - Scroll Bars cover up sort icons.
205 ==> 159477 - "Robust metadata support", "Exception resistance", "Versioning", "Outside Program Interference".
206 ==> 425193 - panorama tool seems to miss components to run.
207 ==> 375560 - interruptable BQM.
208 ==> 425237 - No way to show back the hidden menu bar.
209 ==> 425220 - LightTable "put into bin" function deletes pictures unrecoverable.
210 ==> 374379 - After drag-n-dropping photos the view shifts to far down.
211 ==> 425223 - Typo on Maintenance panel for processors.
212 ==> 416757 - Tags incorrectly displayed when deleted from Edit Metadata / IPTC.
213 ==> 425308 - Show always currently displayed folder in light table.
214 ==> 150584 - Calendar, Borders, and Texture not working.
215 ==> 425329 - Tags in Tags tab, and keywords in Metadata, don't match.
216 ==> 418829 - Thumbnails of moved images not visible.
217 ==> 425423 - White screen at beginning of Presentation should be avoided.
218 ==> 425424 - Allow seting max resolution for export to filesystems.
219 ==> 425448 - Cannot switch input text in different languages.
220 ==> 425432 - Year separated with dot in title over icons when month selected.
221 ==> 425425 - No shortcuts available for Slideshow entries anymore in Configure Keyboard Shortcuts.
222 ==> 388680 - Untranslatable " (auto-detected)" in camera name.
223 ==> 425644 - Various Observations Regarding Image Viewing.
224 ==> 424860 - No EXIF display on CR3 images.
225 ==> 425824 - PayPal donation links are not displayed.
226 ==> 425879 - Import: view -> sort order sorts only oldest day.
227 ==> 379050 - Umlauts and accented characters in IPTC metadata not correct.
228 ==> 379581 - Unicode support to IPTC metadata is not consistent on the UI.
229 ==> 304187 - XMP sidecar files do not write Unicode characters in the Dublin Core section.
230 ==> 132244 - Special Chars in Keywords decode wrong in IPTC.
231 ==> 155733 - Make it possible to write/read unicode (or UTF-8) in IPTC metadata.
232 ==> 199148 - Iptc ascii versus unicode problem.
233 ==> 324329 - IPTC encoding problem with non English language.
234 ==> 425877 - FAQ hopelessly outdated.
235 ==> 370558 - Please allow Unicode input to IPTC tags.
236 ==> 306822 - digiKam does not geo-information into metadata.
237 ==> 366406 - Does not write metadata to ORF.
238 ==> 319735 - HUB: add an option to save geo-location information in image metadata.
239 ==> 321624 - HUB: add a new option to store GPS data only in database.
240 ==> 425884 - GPS Processing Method: "charset=Ascii" to remove.
241 ==> 341307 - digiKam crashing on startup.
242 ==> 339325 - digiKam crashes on startup.
243 ==> 269792 - Write metadata to image doesn't save Geotags.
244 ==> 158713 - Deleted tag is not removed from IPTC keyword data.
245 ==> 145914 - Exif and Iptc metadata together.
246 ==> 234889 - Updates of Metadata on filesystem is incredible slow.
247 ==> 311137 - Preview missing in metadata editor if opened for lots of images.
248 ==> 281784 - Handle sidecar files from digikam, ufraw, darktable, etc as one file when moving/copying/renaming.
249 ==> 300446 - Reread Metadata from jpg's.
250 ==> 093468 - Show Exif creation date under thumbnail.
251 ==> 339309 - digiKam crashed when closing.
252 ==> 279403 - Saving Geotagging info fails.
253 ==> 164440 - Allow to choose between googlemaps and openstreetmap for geotagging.
254 ==> 286133 - digiKam crashed writing geo tags.
255 ==> 195508 - HUB : Syncing IPTC with UTF-8 characters from XMP after conversion to printable ASCII.
256 ==> 375980 - Core dump when adding two keywords to an image that only differ in capitalization.
257 ==> 339898 - digiKam crashes after importing images.
258 ==> 240957 - digiKam crash.
259 ==> 238623 - digiKam crash on deleting picture.
260 ==> 145497 - Crash when opening first folder.
261 ==> 420195 - No support for UTF16 characters under Windows.
262 ==> 166557 - Crash on manual insertation of new photos.
263 ==> 190045 - digiKam crashes on startup.
264 ==> 132363 - Support for BOTH "jpgComment" and "jpgUser comment" EXIF data.
265 ==> 190034 - Crash on startup (importing database).
266 ==> 207955 - digiKam crash database Exiv2
267 ==> 192024 - Smart sidecard files handling.
268 ==> 189993 - Filescanner can't handle big collections.
269 ==> 203967 - digiKam crashed when importing pictures.
270 ==> 249302 - GROUP : writing metadata to grouped photos not only first one.
271 ==> 222401 - Write only changed metadata to file using single button or on exit.
272 ==> 247100 - Crash in Exiv2.
273 ==> 286641 - digiKam crash while loading a new collection.
274 ==> 264205 - Deleting/renaming image does not delete/rename the XMP sidecar.
275 ==> 269467 - Writing metadata: strange observation.
276 ==> 141479 - IPTC Action, no identity import in new IPTC field.
277 ==> 277574 - Sidecar files are not moved with images moved using digiKam.
278 ==> 338388 - digiKam doesn't translate GPSAreaInformation metadata character codes to string.
279 ==> 339593 - Crash on opening.
280 ==> 279159 - XMP sidecar is not copied along with files.
281 ==> 281337 - XMP file is not copied when moving images.
282 ==> 288842 - Tags not deleted from XMP, using Tag-Side-View on the left.
283 ==> 202144 - Image tags written in meta-data as keyword : tag renaming is not written.
284 ==> 196515 - Synchronize images doesn't update exif time tags in database.
285 ==> 295182 - "adjust exif orientation tag" does not change the file.
286 ==> 318473 - Dont import keywords from Windows Keywords.
287 ==> 173632 - Transparent update of picture content and metadata after file update and on software start.
288 ==> 266684 - Writing metadata needs _hurting_ long times (247141 NOT resolved??).
289 ==> 420601 - write metadata to a jpg file ok, but not for a jpeg file.
290 ==> 421919 - Writing metadata not possible if path contains non-ANSI characters.
291 ==> 122697 - Allows rotating of Nikon NEF raw files, but reduces it to only an icon. Original is gone.
292 ==> 134487 - Keywords are not written to raw files even though they do embed iptc/exif.
293 ==> 168064 - Save tag on raw files.
294 ==> 224784 - Save changed exif data of raw files in extra file automatically.
295 ==> 288513 - Use .thm files as sidecar when files are present (typical case for Canon camera about CR2 and MKV files).
296 ==> 425999 - digiKam Crash while Presentation with OpenGL.
297 ==> 375809 - digiKam froze on opening Settings.
298 ==> 277512 - Add option "Disable writing metadata in exif/iptc" or "Write metadata only in xmp".
299 ==> 214708 - [wish] Optionally ignore IPTC in digiKam.
300 ==> 218730 - Metadata delay write option.
301 ==> 160229 - Option to preserve file timestamps when updating exif.
302 ==> 132806 - Inconsistency in writing IPTC data.
303 ==> 308607 - Crashes when autorotating using EXIF data on many pictures.
304 ==> 335622 - digiKam crash editing EXIF.
305 ==> 137383 - Sort pictures by creation date even for converted RAW file (from EXIF).
306 ==> 130728 - Wrong exif and properties data, and broken thumbnail when saving an image.
307 ==> 309529 - Thumbnails are rotated according to exif tag, images not.
308 ==> 130943 - Application should display the default EXIF rotation currently used.
309 ==> 133291 - Upload drops exif informations when asked to resize images.
310 ==> 289845 - digiKam does not rename .xmp files together with the image files.
311 ==> 417121 - Crash when switching to google maps in "Edit Geolocation" with v7.0.0-beta-2, beta 1 is ok.
312 ==> 424618 - When clicking on maps digiKam crash.
313 ==> 425961 - In pictures taken on certain cameras, garbage data is read into captions field.
314 ==> 426028 - GPS coordinates manually entered via geolocation are not present in jpeg file.
315 ==> 412113 - Crash at start, related to QSqlDatabase.
316 ==> 425810 - Segfault when setting up flickr.
317 ==> 426054 - Irregular display of thumbs and images in Import from CF card.
318 ==> 426118 - Tag named -Unknown- cannot be deleted.

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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
digiKam 7.2.0
April 2, 2021
  • Advanced Rename:
  • The tool to batch rename items in collections has received plenty of code review to fix older dysfunctions. This has improved stability and usability.
  • Batch processing - rename problems
  • Photo Tag’s & Comment’s are lost when ablum’s are rearranged or renamed.
  • rename image files: add the possibility of “Find and replace”
  • Rename collision dialog notifies that files aren’t on local computer
  • File rename using metadata fails when using file conversion tool in Batch queue manager
  • Crash when renaming files in batch process
  • digiKam crashed when rename files
  • digiKam custom file renaming options are ignored when importing from camera
  • Batch rename files caused crashed
  • Crash while renaming files using German Umlauts
  • Crash when renaming jpegs
  • Crash when leaving Rename dialog if several files selected
  • Crash when I renane files
  • Renaming multiple files crashes
  • digiKam crashes, related with the rename of several photographs
  • crash by multi rename
  • digiKam crashes after batch renaming more than two files
  • Bad performance of file renames (thumbnail recreation?)
  • Photos from Samsung S2 disappear after rename
  • Renaming not working as expected in digiKam 6.4
  • digiKam stopped responding and required new setup
  • Renaming with tags in subtree fails
  • Windows file rename change case only fails badly
  • Renaming mp4 files - metadata fields have no values
  • inconsistency between metadata displayed and metadata taken in account to rename
  • Albums:
  • Albums management have been improved with database fixes to support better items grouping with special use cases. Filtering engine have been fixed to speed-up user queries and with a better support of wildcard.
  • Albums management introduce also better homogeneous in views about items properties. We also improve the removable media support with this release.
  • photo stays in album when moved to another album
  • add an option where i can set the “picture create permissions”
  • Show warning message before album deletion when directories containing files which are not shown by digiKam
  • digiKam dies when “doing file -> new”
  • “New” problem
  • Wish: Support wildcards in text filter.
  • Assigning color labels from right side menu is different than over context menu
  • Some metadata (tags, captions) not applying to grouped images
  • Group of MP4 files that have disappeared from digiKam. Database problem?
  • Thumbnails sort order
  • Gone are the metadata embedded in the jpg file of some photos.
  • Lots of error messages from ItemAlbumModel
  • Wish - ‘copy to’ function with right click on thumbnail
  • Files do not disappear if cut
  • Display Thumbnails greater than 9080 missing with removable disk Off line (Ok On Line)
  • digiKam won’t work
  • Albums doesn’t show thumbnails; timeline only shows 1 folder
  • When clicking on the parent folder that has multiple subfolder with the images, nothing is shown.
  • digiKam does not remember sort direction in Date-View
  • Changing elements order takes near 5 minutes in a folder with 50 images
  • The album shows the contents of sub folders before the main folders
  • The filename extension is used for sorting the filename
  • .2.0 beta1: sorting of images in thumbnail view - german environment and UI
  • Duration Column not showing any value
  • Row height determined by number of tags even if they are not visible
  • Pressing the Supr button should display a warning message to prevent to delete photos
  • digiKam crashes after deleting a bunch of images
  • Deleting files in a folder being viewed by digiKam seemed to crash it
  • Next picture after delete
  • digiKam crashes if i click on a deleted file
  • digiKam crashed when changing selection while images are being deleted
  • digiKam crash when I delete a photograph
  • move gallery trash
  • digiKam git trash issue
  • Suggestion: Make Album TreeView more explorer like
  • Dragging a folder onto albums tree view sidebar will import with name of parent folder
  • Clarify parent when creating new album (UI shows a mismatch)
  • Batch Queue Manager:
  • Tool to batch items in queues comes with few improvements and fixes, especially when removable items are remaned while processing.
  • In Batch Queue Manager, the “Run” command, execute always the first queue.
  • Rename images without changing any properties
  • BQM stores output files one directory level above actual target
  • Batch Queue Manager does not use original album as target
  • Serious Problems while rotating multiple Images with Synch Services (QMAP, Synology, etc.)
  • BQM says there are unprocessed items even though it completed successfully and all images were processed
  • Batch deleting duplicates
  • Bundles for Linux, MacOS, and Windows:
  • Binary bundles are very important to provide a ready to use application on main supported plate-forms.
  • MacOS supports is now fully compliant with Apple rules, as bundles is completely relocatable with this release. Apple BigSur is now fully supported but not yet Apple Silicon architecture. Application work fine in Apple Rosetta 2 emulator. We plan to provide an universal package for MacOS later 7.4.0 release, as we needs new hardware to test the port to the new Apple ARM architecture.
  • All bundles introduce a new tool to check online releases, following stable or development workflows. An automatic download and installation are proposed to simplify users life. A release notes viewer is proposed to list last changes provided by new versions.
  • All bundles uses KF5 framework version 5.78 and OpenCV version 4.4. They are re-compiled automatically every days on the evening with the last changes done by developers for testing purpose. Of course this pre-release version must be installed with caution and not be used in production.
  • AppImage with QWebEngine does not start
  • Empty secondary window sometimes appear when using digiKam
  • The digiKam appimage crashes on starting
  • digiKam 7.0 crash when opening geolocation tool
  • digiKam-7.1.0-x86-64.appimage fails to start on CentOS 8
  • Appimage fails to launch
  • digiKam’s appimage failed to launch on ArchLinux
  • Poor video performance in Flatpak images
  • Color management profile path uses previous appimage mount point
  • Select other Languages is out
  • digiKam not entirely behaving as app on macos
  • Automatic upgrading
  • digiKam 7.1.0 does not start up, when using macos big sur
  • Running status of digiKam not reflected in MacOS task bar
  • hang / crash when program is loading
  • digiKam does not open
  • Error in SDL2.dll
  • digiKam does not remember last window position and size on startup
  • The file digiKam.exe contains no icons
  • Icons Not Set for digiKam and Showfoto
  • digiKam.exe & showfoto.exe: no application-specific icons shown on Windows 10 after upgrade to 7.1.0
  • Windows digiKam.exe application icon missing
  • Windows install does not have an icon for digiKam
  • digiKam 7.2.0-rc (14.01.2021) crashes while getting “Help > List of Detected Hardware”
  • Program icon not visible
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

digiKam 7.5.0​

What's new in digiKam 7.4.0

December 11, 2021
  • Some of the new features in this release of digiKam include (compared to digiKam 6.x)
  • More than 1300 user-reports closed on bugzilla.
  • New Neural Network engine based on OpenCV Deep Learning module to detect and recognize faces.
  • Update Slideshow to plugin with new shuffle mode.
  • Add new theme Html5Responsive for HtmlGallery plugin.
  • New plugin ImageMosaicWall to create an image based on a bunch of other photos.
  • add new batch queue manager tool to fix hot pixels from images.
  • add new batch queue manager tool to apply texture over images.
  • Face Scan dialog contents is now simplified and embedded into left sidebar.
  • Add support for Gimp XCF files >= 2.10.
  • Add Flatpak bundle support for Linux platforms.
  • Table-view is now able to show digiKam Tag-Paths properties.
  • Add option to write geolocation information in file metadata.
  • Add color label support for advanced metadata settings.
  • Add Exif, Iptc, and Xmp read support for HEIF images.
  • Improved support for UNC network paths under Windows.
  • Improved support for Unicode paths under Windows.
  • Apple bundle is now relocatable and compatible with macOS BigSur.
  • New online version checker and downloader to automatize upgrade under Windows and macOS.
  • Better support of astro FITS image format including metadata extraction support to populate the database.
  • Use last Exiv2 0.27.4 in all bundles with Base Media File metadata read and write support (HEIF, AVIF).
  • Find duplicates items is now process in parallel using multi-cores.
  • New tool to export items to iNaturatist web service.
  • New metadata viewer based on ExifTool.
  • Integration of Google Summer of Code project 2021 Image Quality Sorter.
  • New tool to share items on the network with a Motion JPEG stream server.
  • Showfoto has a new left sidebar hosting a folder-view to quickly explore images from local file system.
  • Update internal RAW engine to last Libraw 0.20.2 (snapshot 20210827) including Canon CR3 and Sony A7R4 support.
  • New camera supported Canon CR3, PowerShot G5 X Mark II, G7 X Mark III, SX70 HS, EOS R, EOS RP, EOS 90D, EOS 250D, EOS M6 Mark II, EOS M50, EOS M200, EOS 1DX Mark III (lossless files only) DJI Mavic Air, Air2, Osmo Action, FujiFilm Fujifilm compressed/16bit, GFX 100, X-A7, X-Pro3, X100V, X-T4, X-T200, GoPro Fusion, HERO5, HERO6, HERO7, HERO8, Hasselblad L1D-20c, X1D II 50C, Leica D-LUX7, Q-P, Q2, V-LUX5, C-Lux / CAM-DC25, SL2, M10 Monochrom, Nikon D780, Z50, P950, Olympus TG-6, E-M5 Mark III, E-PL10, E-M1 Mark III, Panasonic Panasonic 14-bit, DC-FZ1000 II, DC-G90, DC-S1, DC-S1R, DC-S1H, DC-TZ95, PhaseOne IQ4 150MP, Rapsberry Pi RAW+JPEG format, Ricoh GR III, Sony A7R IV, A9 II, ILCE-6100, ILCE-6600, RX0 II, RX100 VII, Zenit M, also multiple modern smartphones.
  • ...and much more.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

digiKam 7.6.0

Latest News

digiKam 7.6.0 is released

Sat Mar 5, 2022 // by digiKam Team
Dear digiKam fans and users, After one month of active maintenance and another huge bug triage, the digiKam team is proud to present version 7.6.0 of its open source digital photo manager. See below the list of most important features coming with this release. Bundles packaging improvements ICU support in Linux AppImage Bundle Long time ago, the AppImage packaging suffered from an important lack of International Components for Unicode (ICU) support.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
digiKam 7.8.0

digiKam 7.8.0 is released

Sat Sep 3, 2022 by digiKam Team.
Dear digiKam fans and users, After three months of active maintenance and another bug triage, the digiKam team is proud to present version 7.8.0 of its open source digital photo manager. See below the list of most important features coming with this release. Qt 5.15 LTS used in AppImage bundle As with the previous releas, we take care about upgrading the Qt framework with a LTS version. Since Qt 5.
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