Inviska Rename


Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2010

Inviska Rename to mały i bezpłatny program przeznaczony do hurtowej zmiany nazw grupom plików.

Kluczowe funkcje:

Wstawianie, usuwanie i zastępowanie tekstu w nazwie pliku lub rozszerzeniu.
Zmiana nazwy przy użyciu informacji zawartych w znacznikach muzycznych, takich jak znaczniki mp3 ID3v2, znaczniki FLAC i inne znaczniki audio.
Zmiana nazwy przy użyciu informacji Exif z fotografii cyfrowych.
Możliwość dostosowania filtra, nazwa może zostać zmieniona w oparciu o rozszerzenie itp.
Możliwość cofnięcia poprzedniej operacji zmiany nazwy aby przywrócić pierwotne nazwy plików.
Wyświetlanie/ukrywanie ukrytych plików w celu włączenia/wyłączenia ich z operacji zmiany nazwy.
Lista podglądu aby zlokalizować pliki których nazwę chcesz zmienić.

Program działa na systemach Windows 7 i nowszych, MacOS 10.12 i nowszych oraz Linux.

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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Inviska Rename 11.0
Version 11.0 31/08/2019 00:30
  • Added sorting by type and date - If you right click anywhere in the Current Name table, you will now be given the option to sort by Name, Type and Date Modified. Sort order is retained when you change directories, but defaults back to Name when the application is restarted. If you wish your sort order to be retained between sessions, check the "Save sort order between sessions" option under Preferences -> File List.
  • Added final result conflict detection - Before performing a rename, the software now checks if the operation will result in duplicate filenames. If conflicts are detected, the rename operation will not proceed and instead a list of conflicting filenames will be displayed.
  • Added intermediate conflict detection - Even if the final result does not produce conflicting filenames, there can be conflicts during the rename process, typically when renumbering files. Inviska Rename now simulates the rename process and checks for conflicts after each file rename. If no conflict is detected, the rename operation will continue normally, but if conflicts are detected the rename operation will be simulated again in reverse order. If the operation is valid in reverse order, it will perform the rename in reverse. This process is transparent to the user, and is practically instantaneous, even with 10K files, so it does not cause any degradation in performance.
  • Added intermediate renaming - If a rename operation is found to cause conflicts when performed both forwards and backwards, Inviska Rename now uses intermediate renaming to avoid conflicts. Files are first renamed to an intermediate name, before being renamed to their final name. This intermediate renaming does cause a performance hit, since it doubles the number of file renames. However, intermediate renaming is only activated when necessary, and this is only under extremely rare circumstances, so it's unlikely you'll ever notice.
  • Fixed bug that caused tags not to load - A bug was introduced in version 9.0 that caused meta data not to load if you typed the tag manually, or if the tag was in a disabled box that was subsequently enabled. This bug is now fixed, so tag data will now load correctly.
  • Filename now left unchanged when no meta present - If you perform a rename operation using music or Exif meta data, and there is no meta data present in a file, the filename will now be left unchanged. This avoids filenames being left blank when no meta is present.
  • Works slightly better with Nemo - Nemo has a feature to launch your batch rename program when you select multiple files and click rename. Since Inviska Rename works with directories, rather than lists of files, it doesn't work well with this feature. However, it now works a bit better, so if you select a list of files in Nemo and click rename, Inviska Rename will at least open in the directory of the files.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Inviska Rename 12.0
Version 12.0
  • Added Portuguese Brazilian translation - Translation by Claudio Mantovani Vieira.
  • Fixed extension bug - If the user included a dot when specifying the extension, it would result in strange behaviour where multiple dots would be inserted, with more dots being added each time the extension was regenerated. This has now been fixed.
  • Fixed bug with filenames ending in dot - Qt appears to automatically strip off dots from the end of filenames, which caused issues with Inviska Rename. Dots are still stripped off from the end of filenames, but Inviska Rename now handles this correctly.
  • Added layout to Numbering tab - The Numbering tab now uses a layout, so it looks slightly different. It was previously using fixed layout, which looked a bit better, but this is no longer viable now that translations have been added as the layout needs to resize for the text.
  • Modified text to make translation easier - Many of the translation strings have been reformatted to remove percentage operators and HTML. Quite a lot was changes, so if anyone notices any mistakes in the text let me know.
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