


Krita to rozbudowany i wielofunkcyjny program do obróbki grafiki rastrowej na komputerze, przeznaczony przede wszystkim do malowania z użyciem tabletu graficznego, a dzięki interfejsowi Sketch także ekranu dotykowegoKrita jest wolnym oprogramowaniem i rozprowadzanym na licencji GNU General Public License. Aplikacja została zaprojektowana nie tylko jako narzędzie do malowania, ale również do modyfikowania zdjęć cyfrowych. Krita dysponuje ogromną kolekcją różnych narzędzi i funkcji, a także oferuje wygodny i czytelny interfejs użytkownika. W ten sposób możemy stanowić godną konkurencję nawet dla najpopularniejszych edytorów grafiki rastrowej, choć głównym celem jej twórców jest konkurowanie z Corel Painterem.

Oprócz podstawowych narzędzi malarskich otrzymamy również dostęp do bardziej złożonego zestawu, umożliwiającego manipulowanie płótnem, symulowanie wysychania farby czy rysowanie za pomocą pędzla z tuszem i farbami olejnymi. Krita obsługuje najpopularniejsze formaty graficzne (BMP, JPEG, PNG, RAW, TIFF), umożliwia pracę na warstwach i tworzenie masek oraz gradientów, pozwala pracować z elementami wektorowymi, jak krzywe, a także zawiera mnóstwo przydatnych zestawów filtrów, za pomocą których rozjaśnimy lub odwrócimy obraz albo wyostrzymy i dodamy różne efekty poprawiające jakość naszego dzieła.

Krita oferuje również dostęp do zaawansowanych narzędzi skalowania i transformacji, złożonych silników pędzli oraz wyboru odpowiedniego koloru i barw. Poza tym modyfikuje metadane w plikach graficznych, wspiera tablety graficzne i umożliwia nagrywanie makr. Bardzo szybko wczytuje pliki graficzne do edytora i obsługuje najnowsze procesory wielordzeniowe.

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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013

The ninth semi-monthly bug fix release of Krita is out! Upgrade now to get the following fixes and features:
Show a message when trying to use the freehand brush tool on a vector layer
Add a ctrl-m shortcut for calling up the Color Curves filter dialog. Patch by Raghavendra Kamath. Thanks!
Improve performance by not updating the image when adding empty layers and masks.
Fix typing in the artistic text tool. A regression in 2.9.8 made it impossible to type letters that were also used as
global shortcuts. This is now fixed.
Don’t crash when opening an ODG file created in inkscape. The files are not displayed correctly, though and we need to figure out what the issue is.
Fix the gaussian blur filter: another 2.9.8 regression where applying a gaussian blur filter would cause the right and bottom edge to become semi-transparent.
Fix calculating available memory on OSX. Thanks to René J.V. Bertin for the patch!
When duplicating layers, duplicate the channel flags so the new layers are alpha locked if the original layers were alpha locked.
Fix a number of hard to find crashes in the undo system and the compositions docker.
Another exiv2-related jpeg saving fix.
Add a new dark pass-through icon.


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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Krita 2.9.10

Fix crash in artistic text tool selection (bug 354907)
Fix saving tags: use the UTF-8 codec to save the tags instead of the locale codec (bug 356306)
Do no longer allow users to save 16 bit/channel linear gamma sRGB files to PNG without a profile
Do not crash when scaling down an image if the scaling factor gets too close to 0 (bug 356156)
Add a basic storyboard template
Fix generating the .kra and .ora thumbnail (bug 355884)
Fix loading some PSD files by Photoshop after saving from Krita (bug 355110)
Add an option to disable the vectorization speed up. This is for broken AMD processors.
Add an option to log OpenGL calls for debugging purposes
Remember the last-used profile when importing an untagged 16 bit/channel PNG image
Fix a number of import/export filters that reported the wrong error code after the user pressed cancel. Patch by Nicholas LaPointe, thanks!
Fix a rare crash that could happen during slow operations (bug 352918)
Fix an even rarer crash that could happen when recalculating the image under some circumstances. (bug 353043)
Fix a crash when switching sub-windows after removing a layer (bug 355205)
Improve memory usage when saving images by now creating a big image then scaling it down for the thumbnail
Make the small color selector consistent in color layout with other color selectors (bug 353505)
Fix a crash that occasionally happened when working with multiple images (bug 354975)
Fix a crash when using painting assistants (bug 353152)
Fix a race condition that could happen during complex operations (bug 353638)
Fix a crash in the shortcut system (bug 345562)
Restore the window correctly after going to canvas-only and back (bug 352018)


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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Krita 3.0

Krita 3.0 is finally here! Releasing round version-number releases is always exciting for any kind of project. It’s like the start of a new beginning! And 3.0 presents a lot of new beginnings to us as well: First, we have now our own repository, for our code, as well as our own wiki, for the manual! So we started this release with a Spring-cleaning: Porting to Qt 5 and KDE Frameworks 5, necessary to keep Krita easy to maintain in the future. But also cleaning out the code. We removed lines of dustbunny code and reorganized all the files. We also started work on making OSX a first-class platform for Krita, but though we’ve already done lots of work, that is still a work in progress.
And of course, rewriting the core rendering system, for what you have all been waiting for. If you haven’t already, check out the Krita 3.0 Video Review from GDQuest…
You can now do proper frame-by-frame animation in Krita. Multiple layers, all sorts of playback speeds, onion skinning, on top of all of Krita’s existing paint tools:
It’s enough to make any animator’s fingers itch!
nimatable raster layers – Animated raster images with frames, and use the time-line docker to order them. Works in all color spaces and depths as well!
Onion skinning – This allows you to have an overlay of the previous and next frames, an important assistant when going from rough animation to smooth animation!
Importing image sequence – Import any set of images as an animated layer, automatically sorted by naming scheme.
Exporting image sequence – Export the whole animation as an image sequence, for further processing in other programs.
New dockers – timeline docker, animation docker, and animation workspace
CSV import and export – for layered animation, for use with TV-paint, or Blender via a plugin, courtesy of Laszlo Fazekas
Spriter scml exporter – Make the base image in Krita and then export it to this powerful cut-out animation tool for games.
Faster, Stronger, Instant:
It is easy to make a timeline docker, but it’s not easy to have fast playback, and we know that animation in Krita would just be a gimmick without real-time playback. Therefore speeding up was paramount!
Caching for Animation playback – Proper animation playback, in all sorts of frame-rates, relative speed-ups
Instant Preview for Big canvases! – Utilizing the power of OpenGL 3.0 you can now draw smoothly with 1000 pixel width brushes!
Frame dropping – For slower devices, we implemented frame-dropping, so that you can always see your animation at real-time speed!
More Layer Actions:
Simplified merging – One hotkey to rule them all!
Multi-Layer Mania – Krita 2.9 had multi-layer selection and dragging and dropping. We spent this release expanding this functionality with moving, on canvas-selecting, merging, duplicating and more!
Quick select layers – Select All/Visible/Locked layers, or select them on-canvas via Shift+R+Click
Mass editing layer properties – Instantly rename multiple layers, or change their blending mode, or opacity, or any other property.
Group multiple layers – Or create Clipping Groups or just ungrouping with hotkeys.
User Interface Improvements for Layer Management:
We spent a long time discussing the most important parts to managing layers and what needs to be seen. From this, we updated the entire layers docker. This new look comes with some additional functionality.
Clearer Layers – Condensed layers means you can see more at a time
Color Coding – Right-clicking a layer gives you the ability to color code a layer
Filter layers by color – You can choose to only see all blue layers, or green layers, or only blue and green layers with layer filtering.
Switch Shortcut Layout – If you are familiar with Photoshop or Paint Tool SAI’s shortcuts, you can switch the shortcut system. Accessed from the Settings → Configure Shortcuts.
Saving and loading shortcut schemes – Share you shortcuts with friends and collegues!
A better shortcut layout – Short cuts are now grouped!
Selection shortcuts switch – There is a new setting in the preferences that allow you to switch the Alt and Control modifiers for the selection shortcuts
Luminance based hotkeys – The Lighter and Darker actions are now color managed and use true luminance where ever possible.
Redder/Greener/Bluer/Yellower/Hue/Saturation Hotkeys – New configurable actions for modifying a color’s hue, saturation, making it redder, greener, bluer and yellower.
Grids, Guides and Snapping:
Grids and Guides docker – A Unified docker for grids and guides!
Customize the look of Grids and Guides – Toggle Grid and Guide visibility separate and edit their look!
Grids and Guides saved per document – None of this global grid nonsense, and you can now set-up templates.
Snapping – The vast majority of tools now support snapping to grids and guides.
Fast access to snap-settings! – snap-settings pop up on Shift+S.
User Interface:
Improved popup palette – for easier reading of the preset-icons
Compacter New Document Screen – The new document menu has been modified to fit on tiny laptop screens.
The color space browser heavily improved – you can now get feedback about color lookup table profiles like those of the CMYK space as well as their Tone Response/Reproduction/Transfer curve.
Loading screen – Krita now shows you what it is loading on the start-up screen!
Improved GUI – The Crop tool, Assistant editing tool and the Straight line tool got an improved user interface, and the Straight line tool’s on-canvas preview has been improved as well.
Gradient map filter – It wasn’t planned, but Spencer Brown surprised us all and added it! It is still in progress, so temporarily disabled for the filterlayers.
More Models for the HSV adjustment filter – HSV adjustment now supports HSI, HSY and YCrCb for the model
Multi-threading with G’MIC – Make use of all your processor cores for all those fancy G’MIC filters. G’MIC is also a lot more stable now.
Other changes:
Added “Greater” blending mode – change the way you paint on transparent layers (example shown to the side)! Made by Nicolas Guttenberg’s dedicated tinkering!
GBR and GIH import/export – Gimp’s brush format can now be saved and opened directly by Krita. You don’t have to rely on the make-brush menu in the predefined brush-tab.
Move Tool Improvements – Move layer content with arrow keys, and configure the increments in all important unit-sizes!
True luminance in the advanced selector – The HSY space color pickers are now linearised before their luma is crunched. The Gamma can be manually configured, making this picker possible to give true luminosity!
Smoother Color Smudge – Improved the smoothness of the color smudge strokes in dulling mode.
New pixel art presets – No need to create your own now.
New cursor options – Added a single pixel black and white. For those who REALLY need precision.
Removed the grids tool and the perspective grid tool. You can use the perspective grid assistant for the latter, and even get more features. For the grid tool we have replaced it with the grids and guides docker!
Added zoom and pan tools! – These tools revived themselves during the port, and we let them be for those preferring these tools separately
Improved Learning and Education:
New manual website! – Pressing F1 now takes you to the new learning area on Krita.org. This has more information and should be a better resource for answering your issues. It includes a type-ahead search as well as a static navigation on the left.
Technology Upgrade:
For 3.0, we had the QT5 and KF5 port, but that is not the only thing we changed:
Renewed Tablet Handling – We rewrote the entire tablet and input system, supporting a wide variety of drawing tablets using Qt5 now.
Linux AppImages – Now different Linux users can have the latest version without waiting on their distribution repository updates.
Changing Compilers for Windows – We are building and cross-compiling with MinGW instead of MSVC now. This will allow us to use VC 1.2 (a math library for speed) in the future, but more importantly, make a stable, multi-threaded version of G’MIC, and the ability to import and export PDFs with the poppler library. With this change, we aren’t able to use MSVC any longer.
Faster startup time – More resources are loaded and managed internally. This means faster start times.
Building Instructions – Improved building instructions for developers and technology enthusiasts.
Build Krita on Windows and OSX – Building Krita from the source code is easier than ever. It was significantly more difficult in Krita 2.9. The instructions are in the 3rd party folder in the source code for how to do it. We even have artists building on Windows!


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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Krita 3.0.1

Fix double dots in the file name when saving
Fix crash when loading multi layer EXR files
Fix crash with saving layer group
Fix: Switch off ‘canvas only mode’ before closing the main window. It made restarting krita get in an odd state.
Fix crash when moving a hidden layer with the arrow keys
Fix Clone tool crash when when using Ctrl + left mouse button
Fix Onion skin build up issue when changing frames
OSX: fixed some touchpad issues
OSX: fix brush freeze with Wacom after lifting stylus from canvas
OSX: Fixed 100% opacity blobs at the start of a line
Fix some part of the application not changing to the appropriate language
Fix crash when editing a macro that contains a filter layer
Fix memory issue when closing and opening new images
3_texture brush tip has been fixed to use alpha
Fix assistants so previews can be hidden and shown
When using the deform transform tool, moving now takes the rotation of the canvas into account
Fix saving templates
Fix loading images with uppercase suffix
Fix HSL/HSV adjustment filter with Colorize displaying wrong hue value
Fix to make feather selection work again (thanks Spencer Brown)
Some display issues (black screens) when using assistants on NVida GPU’s have been fixed
Fix brush preset layout after changing tags and hiding scrollbars
Fix a crash when the resource selector tries to display a deleted resource
Fix using the threshold filter as a mask and the threshold filter preview for colorspaces other than 8 bits RGBA
Fix initializing tool options when Krita starts
Change range for inner and outer glow layer styles to 1 to 100
Update the default workspace set
When saving pixels outside of the layer will be cropped
Fix incorrect offset when loading first animation frame
Fix exporting animations to the CSV format
Brush composite action has name in the toolbar config now
Uncheck the PNG profile embedding option by default.
Disable the system monitor check if colord doesn’t give us devices
Make Nearest Neighbour filtering mode work properly
Add the decoration back for the horizontal and vertical mirror tools
Don’t put 100% pressure blobs at the start of some lines
Don’t allow painters remove the automatically generated gradients: They are special!
Brush preset tags load again on Windows and OSX

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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013


super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Krita 3.1.0

Krita 3.1 is the first release that is fully supported on OSX (10.9 and later)! Krita 3.1 is the result of half a year of intense work and contains many new features, performance improvement and bug fixes. It’s now possible to use render animations (using ffmpeg) to gif or various video formats. You can use a curve editor to animate properties. Soft-proofing was added for seeing how your artwork will look in print. A new color picker that allows selecting wide-gamut colors. There is also a new brush engine that paints fast on large canvases, a stop-based gradient editor.

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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013

Krita 3.1.2, released on February 1st 2017, is the first bugfix release in the 3.1 release series. But there are a few extra new features thrown in for good measure!
Import audio files to help with syncing voices and music. In the demo on the left, Timothée Giet shows how scrubbing and playback work when working with audio.
Available audio formats are WAV, MP3, OGG, and FLAC
A checkbox was added in the Render animation dialog to include the audio while exporting
See the documentation for more information on how to set it up and use the audio import feature.
Audio is not yet available in the Linux appimages. It is an experimental feature, with no guarantee that it works correctly yet — we need your feedback!
Other Changes:
Ctrl key continue mode for Outline Selection tool: if you press ctrl while drawing an outline selection, the selection isn’t completed when you lift the stylus from the tablet. You can continue drawing the selection from an arbitrary point.
Allow deselection by clicking with a selection tool: you can now deselect with a single click with any selection tool.
Added a checkbox for enabling HiDPI to the settings dialog.
remove the export to PDF functionality. It is having too many issues right now. (BUG:372439)
Bug Fixes:
fix a number of bugs with creating and editing bundles (BUG:352151)
fix loading presets with embedded patterns (BUG:374745)
Fix to the erase mode button so it keeps track of the blending mode (BUG:348290)
Fix creating a brush from a stamp (BUG:373846)
Load 16-bit RGBA TIFF files that have no embedded ICC profile as gamma corrected sRGB (BUG:375479)
Make it possible to use the same language for translations as the desktop (BUG:374928)
Fix a possible crash in the brush engine when using older Wacom tablets on Windows 10 and a stylus that does not support rotation (BUG:375253)
Add extra precision to the gray slider in the levels filter (BUG:375201)
Fix settings for cumulative undo
Hide text for buttons with an icon in the toolbar
Restore the default favorite blending modes
Make it possible to delete system tags (BUG:347607)
Restore a step of 0.1 for the crop tool ratio spinbox (BUG:374021)
Fix saving the name of a local selection mask (BUG:374383)
Fix crash when creating a document after closing it with opacity keyframes (BUG:374381)
Icon updates for redo, mirror view, rotation, smoothing modes, merging layers, rotating canvas, split layer, color to alpha
fix crash when attempting to use a document that has a 16-bit float XYZ color space
Fixed making the fullscreen action checkable again (BUG:373906)
Don’t reset the OCIO settings when moving the window (BUG:373481)
Fix saving pass-through mode for group layers
Make user visible color space names in color models consistent
Fix a crash when using two windows (BUG:371124)
Fix a possible crash with the undo stack (BUG:374524)
Fix confusion when saving per-stylus presets between sessions (BUG:374957)
Don’t generate thumbnails without a height or width (BUG:373835)
Fix a potential crash when switching to the tool options in the toolbar (BUG:374497)
Fix exporting animation that doesn’t start with the first frame
Don’t reset the animation export range every time when exporting an animation

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Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
Krita 3.1.3
New Features:
  • implement context menu actions for default tool (cut, copy, paste, object ordering)
  • added option to allow multiple instances of krita (BUG 377199)
  • scale around pivot point added

  • Fix eraser switching back to the brush after flipping the stylus (BUG 375878)
  • Fix the OpenGL crash detection and show Intel warning earlier
  • Fix the High DPI switch
  • Improve how you select brush spacing so it is easier to slide to a value
  • Fix right-button popup menus in tools when using Tablet Stylus (BUG 344878)
  • Added layer thumbnail on the animation timeline while hovering
  • Improvements to undo and the swap operation save memory
  • Fix when sometimes layer says “group not editable” (BUG 376214)
  • Fix slow down when changing of the smoothing options (BUG 375882)
  • Fix crash when closing an image right during the transformation operation
  • Fix a crash when switching tools while running the color picker (BUG 373883)
  • Update to Spriter plugin
  • Fix resetting the paint device cache (BUG 374142)
  • Upgrade the layer to an animated one when the first frame is added (BUG 377176)
  • Warn the artist when saving a read-only file (BUG 376098)
  • All file layers to be merged (BUG376613)
  • Add user feedback when locking for drag and drop between images (BUG 376382)
  • Fix potential crash when dragging and dragging large layers between images (BUG 376382)
  • Don’t crash if there is no proofing color space (BUG 376311)
  • Fix a crash when the layer gets changed to quickly during moving animation (BUG 377614)
  • Fix loading of some animation files
  • Port animation frames to use strokes (BUG 37696)
  • Update calligraphy tool icon
  • Fix removing color labels from multiple frames (BUG 374746)
  • Add a warning dialog when a person is potentially saving a corrupted image (BUG 361883 BUG 378681)
  • Fix updates to assistants when the brush outline is disabled (BUG 377952)
  • Fix for loading the display settings
  • Fixed a potential crash when merging layers with pass-through mode
  • Fixed flattening and merging of pass-through lode layers
  • Fix crash when double clicking on a polyline object (BUG 376497)
  • Fix frame offset when dragging and dropping between layers
  • Updated default settings for liquify tool (thanks David Revoy)
  • Fix issues with saving layer styles and vector layers.
  • Fix rending a sequence of one animation frame
  • Show the on-canvas message by default since mirror view needs it (BUG 346014)
  • Fix for converting floating point channel depth to 8 bit integers with PNG format (BUG 375217)
  • Fix crash when a file layer is deleted (BUG 376993)
  • Make lens blur work when using Krita in another language than English (BUG 376262)
  • Fix memory leak in PNG converter (BUG 378134)
  • Update tooltips for play and stop in animation docker
  • Convert the pasted clip color space when the option is set (T5367)
  • Fixes for loading ORA file types
  • Fix for updating title of document when changing document title (BUG 374389)
  • Fix activating next/previous layer shortcut for layer groups which are invisible
  • New icon for transform from pivot point
  • Show layer color labels in timeline docker
  • Use the name of the filter when creating a filter mask from the filter dialog instead of “effect”
  • Don’t cover startup dialogs (for instance, for the pdf import filter) with the splash screen
  • Fix a race condition that made the a transform mask with a liquify transformation unreliable
  • Fix canvas blackouts when using the liquify tool at a high zoom level
  • Fix loading the playback cache
  • fix with dragging when shift is selected (BUG 373067)
  • Use the native color selector on OSX: Krita’s custom color selector cannot pick screen colors on OSX
  • Set the default PNG compression to 3 instead of 9: this makes saving png’s much faster and the resulting size is the same.
  • Fix a crash when pressing the V shortcut to draw straight lines
  • Fix a warning when the installation is incomplete that still mentioned Calligra
  • Make dragging the guides with a tablet work correctly
  • Pressing and releasing a modifier key now updates the cursor instantly
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Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
Krita 3.1.4
  • Fix a crash when trying to play an animation when OpenGL is disabled in Krita
  • Fix rendering animation frames if the directory you’re trying to render to doesn’t exist
  • Don’t open the tablet/screen resolution conflict dialog multiple times
  • Don’t scale down previews that are too small in the transform tool: this fixes a rare crash with the transform tool
  • Don’t crash when trying to close the last view on the last document while the document is modified.
  • Fix a crash when cycling quickly through layers that have a color tag
  • Fix loading some Gimp 2.9 files: note that Gimp 2.9’s file format is not officially supported in Krita
  • Fully remove the macro recorder plugin: in 3.1.4, only the menu entries had stayed around.
  • Make it impossible to hide the template selector in the new image dialog; hiding the template selector would also hide the cancel button in the dialog.
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Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
Krita 3.2.0
Other Features
  • There are now shortcuts for changing layer states like visibility and lock.
  • There is a new dialog from where you can copy and paste relevant information about your system for bug reports.
  • The Gaussian Blur filter now can use kernels up to 1000 pixels in diameter
  • There is a new blending mode: Hard Overlay
Bug Fixes
  • There have been many fixes to the clone brush
  • If previously you suffered from the “green brush outline” syndrome, that should be fixed now, too. Though we cannot guarantee the fix works on all OpenGL systems.
  • There have been a number of performancei mprovements as well
  • The interaction with the file dialog has been improved: it should be better at guessing which folder you want to open, which filename to suggest and which file type to use.
  • Some cleanups when handling OpenGL
  • Show a clearer error when loading the wintab32.dll file fails on Windows
  • Fix a regression where bezier tools couldn’t close the curve and couldn’t create a second curve
  • Fixes for working with multiple windows in subwindow mode where one of the documents is set to “stays on top”
  • Fix resetting the Level of Detail cache when changing the visibility of a layer: this fixes an issue where after changing the visibility of a layer, the color picker would pick from an older version of the layer.
  • Save the last used folder in the Reference Images Docker
  • Don’t create nested autosave documents.
  • Add recognizing uc-logic tablets on Linux
  • Improve the stabilizer
  • Fix loading a custom brush preset that uses the text brush
  • Fixes to saving jpg or png images without a transparency channel
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Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
Krita 3.2.1
Krita 3.2.1 is a bug fix release. The following issues were fixed:

  • Crash on startup if only OpenGL 2.1 is found: if you had to disable opengl for 3.2.0, you can try to enable it again
  • A crash when changing layer types in the gmic-qt plugin
  • A bug where gmic-qt could crash on odd-sized images
  • A regression where using the text tool would break the brush tool
  • The option to use the native platform’s file dialogs was restored
  • A bug where selecting the line tool would disable the flow slider
  • Some issues with the LUT docker were fixed
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Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
Krita 3.3.0
Less than a month after Krita 3.2.1, we’re releasing Krita 3.3.0. We’re bumping the version because there are some important changes, especially for Windows users in this version!

Alvin Wong has implemented support for the Windows 8 event API, which means that Krita now supports the n-trig pen in the Surface line of laptops (and similar laptops from Dell, HP and Acer) natively. This is still very new, so you have to enable this in the tablet settings:

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And he also refactored Krita’s hardware-accelerated display functionality to optionally use Angle on Windows instead of native OpenGL. That means that many problems with Intel display chips and broken driver versions are worked around because Krita now can use Direct3D indirectly.

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There are more changes in this release, of course:

  • Some visual glitches when using hi-dpi screens are fixed (remember: on Windows and Linux, you need to enable this in the settings dialog).
  • If you create a new image from clipboard, the image will have a title
  • Favorite blending modes and favorite brush presets are now loaded correctly on startup
  • GMIC
    • the plugin has been updated to the latest version for Windows and Linux.
    • the configuration for setting the path to the plugin has been removed. Krita looks for the plugin in the folder where the krita executable is, and optionally inside a folder with a name that starts with ‘gmic’ next to the krita executable.
    • there are several fixes for handling layers and communication between Krita and the plugin
  • Some websites save jpeg images with a .png extension: that used to confuse Krita, but Krita now first looks inside the file to see what kind of file it really is.
  • PNG:
    • 16 and 32 bit floating point images are now converted to 16 bit integer when saving the images as PNG.
    • It’s now possible to save the alpha channel to PNG images even if there are no (semi-) transparent pixels in the image
  • When hardware accelerated display is disabled, the color picker mode of the brush tool showed a broken cursor; this has been fixed.
  • The Reference Images docker now only starts loading images when it is visible, instead on Krita startup. Note: the reference images docker uses Qt’s imageio plugins to load images. If you are running on Linux, remove all Deepin desktop components. Deepin comes with severely broken qimageio plugins that will crash any Qt application that tries to display images.
  • File layers now correctly reload on change again
  • Add several new commandline options:
    • –nosplash to start Krita without showing the splash screen
    • –canvasonly to start Krita in canvas-only mode
    • –fullscreen to start Krita full-screen
    • –workspace Workspace to start Krita with the given workspace
  • Selections
    • The Select All action now first clears the selection before selecting the entire image
    • It is now possible to extend selections outside the canvas boundary
  • Performance improvements: in several places superfluous reads from the settings were eliminated, which makes generating a layer thumbnail faster and improves painting if display acceleration is turned off.
  • The smart number input boxes now use the current locale to follow desktop settings for numbers
  • The system information dialog for bug reports is improved
  • macOS/OSX specific changes:
    • Bernhard Liebl has improved the tablet/stylus accuracy. The problem with circles having straight line segments is much improved, though it’s not perfect yet.
    • On macOS/OSX systems with and AMD gpu, support for hardware accelerated display is disabled because saving to PNG and JPG hangs Krita otherwise.


super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
Krita 3.3.2
  • This release fixes two important regressions:
  • Krita 3.3.2 would read brush presets with textures incorrectly. This is now fixed.
  • Windows 1709 broke wintab and Windows Ink tablet handling in various ways; we worked around that and it works again in this version of Krita.
  • Additionally, there are the following fixes and improvements:
  • Animation: make it possible to export empty frames after the end of the animation.
  • Animation: make it possible to render up to a 10,000 frames
  • Add a command-line option to start Krita with a new, empty image: krita --new-image RGBA,8,5000,3000
  • Performance: improved caching for effect and selection masks
  • Performance: Fix a leak in the smudge brush
  • Performance: Improve performance when using the hardware-accelerated canvas
  • Performance, Windows: improve the performance when loading icons
  • MacOS: render the frames-per-second overlay widget correctly
  • Filters: it’s now possible to edit the filter’s settings directly in the xml that is used to save filter definitions to .krita files.
  • Filters: a new ASC_CDL color balance filter was added, with Slope, Offset and Power options.
  • Crashes: fix a crash that happened when closing a second document with infinite canvas active
  • Layers: Make it possible to copy group layers
  • UI: make it possible to use the scroll-wheel to scroll through patterns when the patterns palette is very narrow.
  • UI: Improve drag and drop feedback in the layer panel
  • UI: Hide the lock and collapse titlebar icons when a panel is floating
  • G’Mic: the included G’Mic is updated to the latest release.
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