
Open Broadcaster Software to rozbudowane środowisko do strumieniowego wysyłania dźwięku i obrazu z naszego komputera. Aplikacja pozwala również na zapisywanie danych multimedialnych do plików MP4/FLV, dzięki czemu znakomicie nadaje się do tworzenia prezentacji wideo i instruktaży. Program charakteryzuje się przyjaznym interfejsem oraz sporą liczbą funkcji konfiguracyjnych.

Główne cechy Open Broadcaster Software:
- tryb podglądu (możliwość sprawdzenia ustawień przed rozpoczęciem transmisji),
- wygodna regulacja głośności dla mikrofonu i innych źródeł dźwięku,
- wyświetlanie podstawowych informacji o strumieniu (czas trwania, liczba klatek na sekundę, zgubione klatki, transfer),
- możliwość zdefiniowania nieograniczonej liczby scen i źródeł obrazu,
- współpraca z najpopularniejszymi usługami streamingowymi (Twitch/Justin.tv, Vaughn Live, iNSTAGIB.tv, GoodGame.ru, DialyMotion, Hashd.tv),
- transmitowanie pojedynczych zdjęć oraz pokazów slajdów,
- przechwytywanie programowe (obraz ze wskazanego monitora, obraz z wybranego okna, region ekranu),
- obsługa zewnętrznych urządzeń, takich jak kamery internetowe czy aparaty cyfrowe,
- wyświetlanie i strumieniowe wysyłanie tekstu o określonych parametrach (krój, rozmiar, styl, kolor, poziom przezroczystości, tło, obramowanie),
- przechwytywanie obrazu z gier komputerowych,
- możliwość dostosowania ustawień kodowania audio-wideo do własnych potrzeb (bitrate, rozmiar bufora, kodek),
- usuwanie kolorów w trakcie transmisji,
- przechwytywanie myszy i okien warstwowych,
- skróty klawiaturowe, pozwalające na błyskawiczne rozpoczęcie i zakończenie transmisji,
- ponowne łączenie w przypadku problemów z serwerem,
- tryb niskiego opóźnienia,
- możliwość pracy w oparciu o profile użytkowników - każdy z nich może posiadać inną konfigurację,
- ustawienia związane z jakością obrazu i dźwięku (zmniejszanie rozdzielczości, automatyczne wyłączanie Aero przy starcie, wzmocnienie i opóźnienie dźwięku, optymalizacje wielowątkowe, obsługa CFR i CBR, wymuszanie synchronizacji),
- możliwość zwiększania funkcjonalności aplikacji za pomocą wtyczek.

Open Broadcaster Software jest rozwijany na zasadach Open Source (licencja GNU GPL). Projekt oprócz bardzo dobrej dokumentacji, posiada również szerokie wsparcie społeczności użytkowników.

Po zakończeniu instalacji, w Menu Start znajdziemy skróty odpowiedzialne za uruchamianie 32-bitowej i 64-bitowej wersji aplikacji - należy wybrać opcję zgodną z posiadaną edycją systemu operacyjnego.

Spolszczenie interfejsu jest ustawiane automatycznie na podstawie preferencji językowych systemu operacyjnego. Polską wersję można również zastosować ręcznie, z poziomu okna ustawień.
Producent: Jim
Licencja: GNU GPL (darmowa)
System Operacyjny: Windows Vista/7/8

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Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
OBS Studio (Open Broadcaster Software), to rozbudowany i darmowy program, umożliwiający strumieniowe przesyłanie dźwięku jak również obrazu z naszego komputera do Internetu. Wykorzystuje protokół RTMP stworzony przez Adobe Systems dla streamingu audio, wideo i danych, pomiędzy playerem Flash a serwerem.
Aplikacja pracujące w systemach operacyjnych Windows, OS X i Linux, obsługuje również wtyczki pozwalające rozbudować jego możliwości o nowe funkcje. Dla zwiększenia wydajności wspiera najnowocześniejsze zdobycze technologiczne wykorzystując moc obliczeniową karty graficznej.
Można go wykorzystać do przechwytywania obrazu z gier, tworzenia filmów instruktażowych czy prezentacji wideo. Przechwycony obraz z pulpitu możemy zapisać do plików w formacie FLV lub MP4 i wysłać go bezpośrednio z aplikacji do takich serwisów jak: Twitch, Justin, Vaughn Live, DailyMotion, YouTube, GoodGame i innych. Program obsługuje wiele rodzajów kamer internetowych i aparatów cyfrowych.

Podstawowe funkcje programu OBS Studio:
-przechwytywanie audio/wideo z nielimitowanej liczby źródeł
-przechwytywanie z wybranego obszaru jak okno, cały ekran czy dana aplikacja
-kodowanie wideo przy użyciu H.264 (x264) i AAC
-wsparcie dla technologii Intel Quick Sync Video (QSV) i NVENC
-tryb podglądu streamingowanych danych
-informacje o strumieniu (np. czas, liczba klatek na sekundę, transfer)
-usuwanie kolorów podczas strumieniowania
-tworzenie różnych scen i przełączanie się między nimi
-bezpośrednie, w czasie rzeczywistym, wysyłanie do różnych serwisów
-wznawianie połączenia w razie problemów z serwerem
-ustawienia parametrów kodeków audio/wideo, streamingu obrazu, skrótów klawiaturowych
-i inne.
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Program do działania wymaga zainstalowanego na komputerze pakietu redystrybucyjnego DirectX i .NET Framework 4x

Wersja instalacyjna posiada skróty odpowiedzialne za uruchamianie 32 lub 64-bitowej wersji programu.


Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
OBS Studio 22.0.1
22.0.1 Hotfix
  • Fixed a bug where the browser source wouldn't read local files properly
22.0 General Changes
  • Major improvements to the browser source:
    • Added hardware acceleration to the browser source on Windows for greatly improved performance, reduced resources, and allowing advanced rendering functionality such as WebGL. This reduces CPU usage, reduces RAM usage, and even reduces GPU usage. This option is enabled by default; it can be disabled in the advanced section of settings if needed if there are any unexpected issues.
    • Updated to Chromium version 68
    • Refactored the entire plugin and pruned approximately 13,000 lines of code (very satisfying for me in particular)
    • The browser source now has accurate frame synchronization on Windows
    • Fixed all memory leaks of the browser source
    • Added the ability to use web browsers as widgets (which isn't currently exposed much, but will allow a lot more custom functionality later)
  • Added source grouping, allowing the ability to group multiple sources together as a single transformable group:
    • To add a group, you can either select a few sources and then right-click and choose "Group Selected Items", or you can create an empty group in the Add menu
    • You can seamlessly drag and drop items in and out of groups
    • You can ungroup a group without affecting the group in other scenes by right-clicking the group and choosing "Ungroup"
    • Groups show their list of sources as a sub-list within the main scene list, which can be collapsed and hidden if desired
    • Groups can be referenced (shared) between multiple scenes like any other source
    • Groups can have their own effect filters applied to them
  • Added the ability to set a custom background color to items within the source list to color-code them for improved organization:
    • To set the item's background color, right-click the source item within the source list, and go to "Set Color"
    • You can use a preset selection of colors within the menu, you can choose a custom color, or you can reset it to default
  • Added a "Vertical Layout" option to the mixer's right-click context menu to make the mixer display vertically rather than horizontally (
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  • The multiview can now be configured to show up to 24 scenes at once in general settings if desired (
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  • Added an option to audio settings to allow the user to change the audio meter type: "Sample Peak" and "True Peak" (
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  • Added secure streaming (RTMPS) support for services that support it, such as Facebook (
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  • It is now possible to use more than one Intel QSV encoder at once (
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  • It is now possible to use alt-cropping even on sources that are set to a bounding box transform. This fixes the issue where, for example, alt-cropping would not work after you pressed Ctrl-F on a source. Note that in that case, the rectangle's size will not change, but the contents will realign to the rectangle. (
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  • Windowed projectors are now saved and loaded on shutdown/startup (
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  • Audio sources within the mixer now always displayed alphabetically (
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  • Significantly reduced GPU usage when the program is idle (I.E. when the program is not streaming or recording) (
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  • Added a confirmation dialog when the user has not added video sources to any scenes, warning them that they are about to stream a blank screen. This ensures that new users do not inadvertently stream without at least first adding some sources. (
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  • The program will now default to the NVIDIA GPU when on laptops that have both NVIDIA and Intel integrated adapters. This can still be overridden in the NVIDIA control panel if desired
22.0 Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug where videos recorded with certain formats would report that they were 1000 FPS in their metadata when they actually weren't (
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  • Fixed a bug where the active monitoring device wouldn't properly change when switching between profiles (
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  • Fixed a bug where pasting filters without a destination source selected would cause a crash (
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  • Fixed a bug where projectors would close whenever "Always On Top" was toggled (
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  • Fixed a bug where the recording option "Generate file without space" was not working with the replay buffer (
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  • Fixed a bug where certain size cursors would appear the incorrect size in Game/Window/Display captures on Windows (
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  • Fixed a bug where in-program hyperlinks would show up with a bad contrast (dark blue) even in dark themes (
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  • Fixed a bug where stream output would stop if a stinger transition had a very late transition point assigned to it (an invalid floating point calculation would be put in to the audio data, which would in turn cause the audio encoder to fail and stop encoding, and thus stream output to stop) (
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  • Fixed a bug on macOS where VLC would not be found for the VLC source despite VLC being installed (
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  • Fixed a bug on macOS where audio monitoring devices would not show up correctly, and fixed a few minor issues with audio monitoring on macOS (
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  • Fixed a bug where Mixer's FTL service would cause a crash on macOS (
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  • Fixed a bug where the color property (when showing the properties of sources/filters) would not show the actual color the user had set it to (
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  • Fixed a bug where hotkey labels would not update when sources and transitions are renamed, and could cause the hotkey to not be saved correctly (
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  • Fixed a bug where creating a new profile with advanced output mode active would not enforce the service's settings (such as keyframe interval) (
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  • Fixed a bug where hotkeys for start streaming and stop streaming would disappear when going in/out of studio mode (
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  • Fixed a few minor memory leaks (
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
OBS Studio 23.2.0
New Features/Improvements
  • Made a number of major internal improvements to the macOS browser source, eliminating many mac-related crashes that it would cause when browser sources were in use on macOS. This also fixes the issue of the program having an initial startup delay where the everything appeared blank. (Author note: I managed to get browser panels functioning, but they still have some issues, so service integration is still not yet available on macOS)
  • Added the ability to preview transitions in the properties of a transition via a new Preview button
  • Added an estimate to remaining available recording time according to available disk space
  • Added luma key video effect filter
  • Added the ability to set the exact desired dB volume value of sources in the advanced audio properties, replacing the percentage value
  • Added the ability to center items vertically/horizontally in the transform menus
  • Added a hotkey to toggle the preview
  • Added the ability to output the preview rather than program to a decklink device when in studio mode
  • Added the ability to copy and paste filters to/from scenes in addition to sources
  • Added the ability to manually set the network buffer size to the Media source when used in URL mode
  • Added the top patrons list to the about dialog in the help menu
  • The sources list box in the bottom-center of the main window now displays a message when there are no sources in the current scene, making it easier for first-time users to understand that they need to add sources
Bug Fixes/Tweaks
  • Fixed an issue on Linux where the program would not be able to capture some monitors
  • Fixed a bug where the "test bandwidth" option wouldn't reset properly until the program was restarted
  • Fixed a bug where the program would freeze up when an encoder error occurs in the middle of a recording or stream (it now shows an error and should now safely recover)
  • Fixed a bug where the selection lines of rotated items would incorrectly scale
  • Fixed a bug where audio would no longer work when certain types of audio devices are unplugged and plugged back in again
  • Fixed a bug where you could not press escape to cancel when renaming a scene
  • Fixed a bug where opacity on the mask/blend filter would not work under certain circumstances
  • Fixed a bug where fractional framerate recordings (59.94, 29.97) recorded with the new version of NVENC would have incorrect DTS timestamps in the recording file
  • Fixed an issue with VAAPI encoder on Linux where CBR would not always output at a constant bitrate
  • Fixed an issue where cookies would not properly be saved for browser panels (Twitch Chat/etc) when shutting down the program
  • Fixed some crashes that could happen when using QSV
  • Fixed a few rare crashes
  • Fixed a few rare/minor memory leaks
  • Recording errors should now gives more detailed errors when they occur
  • Replaced most icons with SVG icons, making icons look better and more consistent across different DPI scalings
  • Made the mouse wheel scroll the list of properties instead of scrolling individual property values in properties windows
  • Made the mouse wheel scroll the list of mixer items instead of scrolling individual mixer values
  • Moved audio monitoring device from advanced settings to audio settings
  • Improved logging when recording errors occur
  • Added a warning popup message box to Twitch authentication if account is not set up for two-factor authentication (which now required to stream on Twitch)
  • Removed the 5 item limit when dragging and dropping files in to OBS
  • Buttons in the Hotkeys list are now icons rather than text
  • Changed all opacity spin boxes in filters to sliders
  • Changed the default size of the color source to the same size as the canvas
  • Made the Dark theme a bit more consistent across operating systems
  • Scene item group details are now included in the log file
  • The stats dock no longer updates when it's not visible
  • When first renaming a source or scene, the existing text is now automatically selected
  • The Dark theme has now been renamed to "Dark (Default)", and the "Default" theme has now been renamed to the "System" theme
  • The cursor is no longer hidden in multiview projectors
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23 Luty 2016


Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
OBS Studio 24.0
Version 24.0 released this 17 hours ago:

New Features
  • Added the ability to pause recording. This can only be used when not sharing an encoder with the stream. [Jim]
  • Added an option to automatically adjust bitrate when congestion occurs to advanced settings, which is an alternative to dropping frames (available in advanced settings). Note that this currently only works with RTMP, and severe congestion may cause increased delay to viewers. [Jim/pkv]
  • Added the ability to select multiple sources on the preview by box selection [Dillon]
  • Added the ability to create custom browser docks in the View -> Docks menu. This allows you to open extra dockable webpages whenever OBS opens [Jim]
  • Browser sources can now have their volume adjusted via the audio mixer, or have filters applied to them. Additionally, you can now change whether the browser source outputs to speakers or to stream only via the audio monitoring settings in advanced audio properties. [Osiris/pkv/Jim]
  • Added a script to pause recording when a specific scene is active [cg2121]
  • Added a "Hotkey Focus Behavior" option to advanced settings, which allows you to set whether hotkeys are disabled depending on whether you have the main window in focus or not [jb-alvarado/Jim]
  • Added an option to general settings to allow users to confirm when clicking the "Stop Recording" button [glikely]
  • Added channels widget for restream.io service integration [SoftwareArchitector]
  • Added the "Area" shader as a downscale shader in video settings [jpark37]
  • Added an "Enable Preview" button to the main window when the preview is disabled [cg2121]
  • Added (or rather fixed) hardware acceleration support for decoding media files when using the media source where applicable [Jim]
  • Updated all dependencies on Windows (such as FFmpeg, x264, CEF) to their latest versions. Due to x264 being updated, there are various performance improvements for those using x264 for video encoding [Jim]
  • Made a number of optimizations and performance improvements [jpark37]
  • Made a number of performance improvements to QSV [brittneysclark]
  • Changed default recording format to mkv instead of flv [WizardCM]
  • Recording now automatically stop if there is less than 50 megabytes left of disk space available [cg2121]
  • Fixed a number of issues with Linux window capture [kkartaltepe]
  • Fixed the tray icon showing up on startup even when it was turned off [Jim]
  • Fixed a bug where encoders could lock up when an encode call fails [Jim]
  • Fixed an issue where projectors would have a gray background rather than a black background [Jim]
  • Fixed a bug where secondary Twitch/Mixer browser panels would stop appearing [Jim]
  • Fixed a freeze that could happen under rare circumstances when shutting down [Jim]
  • If no tracks are selected when recording in advanced output mode, it will now default to the same track being used for streaming [cg2121]
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
OBS Studio 24.0.1
Version 24.0.1 Hotfix released this 5 hours ago
  • Browser sources will now have their pre-24.0 audio behavior by default; to use OBS to control the browser source audio, users must now use the "Control Audio via OBS" option in the browser source properties. This change was made as a safety precaution because it changed user configurations compared with how the browser audio used to function, which confused some users.
  • Fixed an issue where certain cameras (particularly C920 cameras) would output with a lot of delay depending on the drivers installed
  • Fixed a crash on startup
  • Fixed a crash that would happen when closing the Mixer chat window
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
OBS Studio 24.0.2
Version 24.0.2 released 6 hours ago

  • Hardware accelerated decoding on the media source is now disabled by default rather than enabled by default. Some users use a ridiculous number of media sources, and turning on hardware accelerated decoding for every single one of them could cause some stability issues.
  • When running OBS as administrator, games will now be much less likely to cause lag to the video of OBS (we will eventually get this improvement working without requiring administrator, currently this does not work unless OBS is running as administrator)
  • Fixed an issue where media keys on your keyboard could trigger video/audio to stop/start playing in browser sources
  • Fixed an issue where part of the OBS output would be green when using OBS from a VM
  • Fixed an issue where stingers could sometimes cut off prematurely before they were finished
  • Fixed a freeze that could happen when using NVENC and changing the bitrate while in use while lookahead was enabled
  • Fixed a bug where OBS could sometimes stop recording due to lack of disk space despite having plenty of disk space
  • Improved the playback accuracy of media sources and stingers (this was the same issue that caused stingers to sometimes play back a bit erratically)
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
OBS Studio 25.0
Version 25.0 released 6 hours ago:

New Features:

  • Added the ability to capture Vulkan-based games with game capture. Big thanks to Ubisoft Montreal for submitting this feature! [Littlematth/jpark37/Jim]
  • Added a new capture method to window capture which allows capturing browsers, browser-based windows, and Microsoft Store (UWP) programs [jpark37]
    • By default, it will use "Automatic", which will use the normal method on most windows, and the new method on browsers, browser-based windows, and Microsoft Store (UWP) programs
    • The downside of the new method is that it can cause a bit of cursor lag, as well as a highlighted border around the captured window. The border itself does not get captured, however.
    • You can choose which capture method to use in window capture properties
  • Added advanced scene collection importing (on the menu bar, Scene Collection -> Import) which allows you to import from other common streaming programs [Dillon]
  • Added Media source hotkeys to allow control of playback (stop/pause/play/restart) [cg2121]
    • For now, these are just hotkeys. User interface for this is also planned for future updates
  • Added the ability to drag and drop URLs to create browser sources (after displaying a confirmation prompt to ensure it was by intention) [WizardCM]
    • Developers can add an embed to their web pages that let them pre-specify parameters that automatically get set in the source when it's dragged into OBS. See this link for more details:
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  • Added T-bar to studio mode [cg2121]
    • Note that this will not work while using a Stinger transition or the "Cut" transition
  • Added support for the SRT protocol (
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    ) [boxerab]
    • This is available by choosing "Custom" under Stream settings > Service, then entering your srt://path into the Server box.
  • Added a button grid mode to the scenes list, which can be toggled via right-clicking on the scenes list [Dillon]
  • Added ability to lock volume values of audio sources via their right-click context menu in the mixer [cg2121]
  • Added source icons to the source list that give a more visible indication of their function (can be disabled in the View menu) [cg2121]
  • Added support for cube LUT files in the LUT filter [jpark37]
  • Added an option to show all audio sources to advanced audio settings [exeldro]
  • Added an option to use percent rather than dB in advanced audio properties via right-clicking items in the window [cg2121]
  • Added a button to save replay buffer next to the replay buffer button (similar to the pause button on the recording button) [cg2121]
  • Added support for certain devices that can automatically rotate their camera output such as the Logitech StreamCam [Jim]
  • Added the ability to change the projector type to the projector's right-click context menu [cg2121]
  • Added the ability to copy/paste multiple selected sources [torresam]
  • Added an option to enable/disable BTTV and/or FFZ chat extensions when connecting your Twitch account in the stream section of settings [Rodney]
  • Added a system tray icon to show when the recording is paused [Programatic]
  • Added a "Custom Quantization Matrix" option to QSV encoder (available on Ice Lake or newer) [brittneysclark]
  • Added an option to toggle looping to the scroll filter [Dillon]
  • Added a "Fade to Black" option for quick transitions in studio mode [cg2121]
  • Added string specifiers to the Filename Formatting option in advanced settings which allows you to specify certain settings such as resolution and FPS to recording filenames [exeldro]
  • Added a hotkey to reset the stats window/panel [cg2121]
  • Added help icons when an property has a tooltip associated with it [WizardCM]
  • Added monitor names in monitor selection context menus [WizardCM]
  • Video settings now shows aspect ratio of canvas and output resolutions [cg2121]
  • Increased default size of color source to the size of the canvas [cg2121]
  • Increased default size of text in text sources [cg2121]
  • Increased the number of files you can open with the image slideshow at once [Jim]
  • Added various minor performance improvements [jpark37]
  • The mask filter will now reload the mask automatically if the mask file has been modified [omkelderman]
  • The browser source now uses a monospace font for the custom CSS property [WizardCM]
  • Redesigned Decklink output UI by combining the start and stop buttons and highlighting them when the output is active. [cg2121]
  • Removed the older deprecated NVENC encoder in advanced output mode to prevent confusion. You will now only see "NVENC (new)" (which we will eventually rename back to just "NVENC"). Rescaling is now supported on it (automatically falls back to the older implementation internally)
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed an issue where window capture could select an unintended window when opening its properties [Jim/Dillon]
  • Fixed browser source not loading files with a hash character in the path [Dillon]
  • Fixed a bug where importing profiles didn't work correctly in portable mode [WizardCM]
  • Fixed a bug where resizing docks wouldn't work when hotkeys were disabled while OBS is focused [WizardCM]
  • Fixed a bug where preview wasn't fully disabled when minimized [R1CH]
  • Fixed a bug where the program could crash on startup if the system had flash installed on it [R1CH/Jim]
  • Fixed a bug where the media source could sometimes lock up on a frame [Jim]
  • Fixed a bug where Twitch browser panels would not use dark theme the first time they run [Jim]
  • Fixed a bug where the recording audio bitrate would be too low when using a custom recording quality in simple output mode [Fenrir]
  • Fixed a bug where a reconnected stream would drop to 0 kbps and disconnect if using audio track 2 [R1CH]
  • Fixed a bug when using multiple game captures where the wrong game would sometimes be captured [Dillon]
  • Fixed a crash when entering large resolutions in video settings [cg2121]
  • Fixed a crash with PulseAudio on Linux [cg2121]
  • Fixed a crash on shutdown that could occur after using the auto configuration wizard [R1CH]
  • Fixed a crash with the VLC and slideshow sources when adding directories containing files with many unicode characters [R1CH]
  • Fixed a crash on startup if a plugin saved whitespace to its config file (this primarily affected the Tuna plugin) [R1CH]
  • Fixed a crash when no Decklink outputs are available, such as when the input is active at the same time [cg2121]
  • Fixed a crash when when no Decklink output device is selected when the output is started [cg2121]
  • Fixed a crash when using custom RTMP authentication [R1CH]
  • Fixed an issue where devices could lock up when using the browser source [Jim]
  • Fixed a few minor memory leaks [jpark37]
  • Fixed an issue where the program would not let you know that the recording path was invalid [Lqlsoftware]
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Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
OBS Studio 25.0.1
Hotfix Changes released 2 hours ago:
  • Fixed some FLV files not playing back properly with the media source
  • Fixed two crashes with the browser source
  • Fixed the names of monitors not showing up when using projectors
  • Fixed a crash with window capture
  • Fixed an issue where the preview would be stuck as disabled when starting the program minimized to tray
  • Fixed an issue where NVENC wasn't showing up for users on Linux (sorry about that, that was my fault -Jim)
  • Fixed a bug where certain games (particularly "Don't Starve Together") wouldn't capture with game capture anymore
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Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
OBS Studio 26.1.1
Version 26.1.1 released 15 hours ago:

Important: If OBS doesn't launch after updating, please ensure all third party plugins such as obs-websocket or StreamFX are up to date.
And as usual, if you would like to support our project, please check us out on
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Hotfix Changes:
  • Fixed macOS 10.13 crash on startup [PatTheMav]
  • Fixed decklink devices not working correctly [DDRBoxman]
  • Fixed browser source crashing on certain versions of macOS [eric]
  • Fixed buttons not displaying text correctly on context bar when using Acri theme [Warchamp7]
  • Fixed a bug with slideshow source where if you use randomize and have "restart when visible" active, it would not transition on activate [cg2121]
  • Fixed a bug where duplicated scene items would not have their lock states duplicated [cg2121]
  • Fixed a bug where the default canvas resolution would be scaled incorrectly if fractional scaling was enabled [RytoEX]
  • Fixed jack on Linux deadlocking on close [marcan]
  • Fixed jack on Linux going out of sync sometimes [marcan]
  • Added webp to image formats that you can browse when using the image source [f3ndot]
New Features and Additions:
  • Added Virtual Camera output on macOS [johnboiles/PatTheMav]
  • Added Virtual Camera output on Linux (requires v4l2loopback-dkms) [catxfish/cg2121]
  • Added the ability to use a separate audio track for the VOD when using Twitch [Jim]
    • If using Simple output mode, enable "Enable Advanced Encoder Settings", and enable "Twitch VOD Track (Uses Track 2)". Twitch VOD output will then be on audio track 2
    • If using Advanced output mode in the Streaming tab, enable "Twitch VOD Track" and select the track you'd like to use for it
    • Special thanks to Twitch for assisting during the development of this feature
  • Added OpenBSD support [grayed]
  • Added the ability to ingest captions coming from Decklink devices via "Decklink Captions" from the Tools menu [DDRBoxman]
  • Added hardware decoding options for stinger transitions [WizardCM]
  • Added an option to duplicate filters in the right-click context menu of filters [exeldro]
  • Added ability to copy and paste a single filter between sources [cg2121]
  • Added HLS support and ingests for YouTube [ushadow]
  • Added a Replay buffer save event to the frontend API [hgonomeg]
  • Updated dependencies on Windows and macOS (such as x264 and Qt) to their latest versions for the latest performance improvements [Jim]
  • On Linux, the program will now detect other instances that are currently running and warn the user about running more than one copies at a time [clockley]
  • When creating a new profile, you will be now be given the option to run the auto-configuration wizard [JohannMG]
  • Changed the “Enforce Streaming Service Bitrate” to “Ignore streaming service setting recommendations”, moved it to the Streaming section of the Settings window, and made it so it now affects both Simple and Advanced output modes. [Jim]
  • Maximum limitations for streaming services are now shown in the Streaming section of the Settings window [Jim]
  • Streaming services may now apply resolution and framerate limits on streams to their services [Jim]
Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed a bug where the "Save Replay" button would stay highlighted after being clicked [offthegrid-mike]
  • Fixed a bug where the Media source would have unusual lag playing back certain media files (particularly WMV files) [Jim]
  • Fixed an issue where Facebook streaming would allow you to select resolutions/framerates that aren't supported [Jim]
  • Fixed certain connection issues with SRT/mpegts [pkviet]
  • Fixed a bug where you could disable the Replay Buffer even if it was currently active [Scrxtchy]
  • Fixed a bug where renaming a source would not return keyboard/mouse focus back to the list [jberenhaus]
  • Fixed an issue where ‘Paste Filters’ on sources didn't work in all situations [WizardCM]
  • Fixed an issue where Virtual Camera & Source Toolbar hotkeys would be duplicated when switching profiles [WizardCM]
  • Fixed an issue with removing signal handlers in Lua [Scrxtchy]
  • Fixed a potential hang when repeatedly selecting and deselecting display capture sources on Windows [exeldro]
  • Fixed an issue where the replay buffer could use settings from CQP mode in CBR mode [R1CH]
  • Fixed an issue where certain recordings could not be remuxed (typically from the QSV encoder) [R1CH]
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Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
OBS Studio 29.0

Version 29.0 released 19 hours ago:


  • Added support for the AMD AV1 Encoder for the RX7000 series GPUs on Windows [AMD/Jim]
  • Added support for the Intel AV1 Encoder for Arc GPUs on Windows [Intel/Jim]
    • Note: CQP is available but not fully supported
  • Added support for the Intel HEVC Encoder on Windows [yuriy-chumak/rcdrone/Jim]
  • Added an upward compressor filter [pkv]
  • Added a 3-band equalizer filter [Jim]
  • Added support for native HEVC and ProRes encoders on macOS, including P010 and HDR [Developer-Ecosystem-Engineering/PatTheMav/gxalpha]
  • Added support for macOS Desk View [Developer-Ecosystem-Engineering]
  • Added update channels for opting into receiving beta/release-candidate builds to Windows [Rodney]
    • Work is still underway to get everything ready on the server side, updating via the built-in updater may not be available until later in the OBS 30.0 beta-testing period
  • Websockets updated to 5.1.0, which has a number of bug fixes, UI improvements, and new stream reconnect events. [tt2468]

Tweaks and Improvements

  • The Replay Buffer's memory limit is now set to 75% of installed system RAM rather than fixed to 8GB [Rodney]
  • Added media key support in Linux [kkartaltepe]
  • Various improvements to NVIDIA Video and Audio filters, including a Mask Refresh slider and support for temporal processing, which provides better quality masking [pkv]
  • Improved Display Capture screen naming & saving on Windows; indexes should now match regardless of Mode, and reconnected displays should show the correct monitor [jpark37]
    • Note: This does mean existing Display Capture sources will be blank until manually configured, to avoid showing the wrong display
  • Added support for encryption and authentication for SRT and RIST outputs [pkv]
  • Disabled ScreenCaptureKit Display & App capture on macOS 12 due to various issues; users should either update to macOS 13 or use the existing Screen Capture source [PatTheMav]
  • Removed the automatic numbering on Multiview labels [Warchamp7]
  • Added the ability to mute individual browser docks [WizardCM]
  • Added the ability to right click and 'Inspect' individual browser docks [WizardCM]
  • Changed the default Simple Output NVENC preset to P5 for better compatibility & performance [RytoEX]
  • Added support for higher refresh rates in the Video Capture Device source on Windows [WizardCM/EposVox]
  • Added the Apple VT Hardware encoder to the Auto Configuration Wizard [gxalpha]
  • Improved FFmpeg VA-API enablement by directly using Libva to check device capabilities [tytan652]
  • Various minor UX/accessibility tweaks in the UI [Warchamp7/cg2121]
  • Raised the speed at which dynamic bitrate recovers after a drop [Jim]
  • Audio should now be automatically captured for most capture card brands using the Video Capture Device source on Windows [WizardCM/EposVox]
  • Added a slide counter to the Source Toolbar when an Image Slide Show is selected [cg2121]

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues with async filters (such as Delay) not rendering correctly [jpark37]
  • Various performance improvements to Decklink preview output [jpark37]
  • Fixed an issue where source Projector windows wouldn't close when a source was deleted [cg2121]
  • Fixed an issue where cursors would disappear or display incorrectly on screen captures on Windows [caesay]
  • Fixed issues with CQP rate control for SVT and AOM AV1 encoders [flaeri]
  • Fixed an issue with CQP rate control for AMD HEVC and H264 [flaeri]
  • Fixed Virtual Camera not working with Webex and GoToMeeting [Jim]
  • Fixed capturing UHD/4K YUV on the AJA Kona HDMI [paulh-aja]
  • Fixed a bug where slideshow sources wouldn't remove cleared files when removing missing files [gxalpha]
  • Fixed slideshow counter on the source context toolbar showing "1/0" when empty, now shows "-/-" instead [cg2121]
  • Fixed chroma location for VAAPI [jpark37]
  • Fixed a case where macOS' VideoToolBox HEVC encoder would be parsed as AVC [jpark37]
  • Allow SRT streams to disconnect after timeout [pkv]
  • Fixed color space being incorrect for some video devices running in MJPEG video format on Windows [jpark37]
  • Fixed monitor names in the Fullscreen Projector & Multiview menus on Windows [WizardCM]

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