
Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
TeamTalk (Classic) to narzędzie, które umożliwia współpracę i wymianę informacji między użytkownikami. Każdy członek grupy może komunikować się z innymi użytkownikami w czasie rzeczywistym, przy użyciu zarówno audio i wideo. Wszystko, co jest potrzebne, do wykorzystania tego programu, to mikrofon i kamera internetowa.

Cechy programu TeamTalk:
– audio i wideo rozmowy w czasie rzeczywistym
– screencasting, czyli udostępnianie filmu będącego zapisem zdarzeń prezentowanych na ekranie komputera
– publiczne i prywatne komunikaty tekstowe
– udostępnianie plików pomiędzy członkami grupy
– wysoka jakość dźwięku (odpowiednie kodeki zarówno mono i stereo)
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i aktywacja głosowa mikrofonu
– nagrywanie rozmów na dysk
– tworzenie prywatnych kanałów dla każdej grupy
– tworzone kanały mogą być zabezpieczane hasłem
– dostępność i wsparcie dla niedowidzących
– duży zestaw skrótów klawiszowych
– i inne.
Dzięki programowi TeamTalk możemy robić internetowe prezentacje, spotkania z użytkownikami, czy przeprowadzać codziennie pogawędki z przyjaciółmi i znajomymi, czy są one obok, czy na innym krańcu świata.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

TeamTalk 5.8.3 Build 5071

What’s New in TeamTalk 5.8.3:

Accessible Windows Client

  • Fixed bug where lowering user-timeout in Server Properties would cause a disconnect

Default Qt Client

  • Dark mode enabled on Windows if selected Personalisation Colour is Dark
  • Menu item to enable/disable all sound events
  • “Enable Text-To-Speech events” has moved to a new submenu named “Notifications” in “Me” menu
  • Text-to-speech event when a remote user is typing in private chat
  • Status message is triggered if unable to transmit
  • Navigating with arrow keys in channels tree now includes entire item text in Text-To-Speech message on macOS
  • Alert when characters limit exceeded for channel and private chat
  • Client-menu now has “Sound Configuration”-submenu to quickly change sound devices
  • Setup keyboard shortcut in Preferences dialog to reinitialize sound devices
  • Russian translation updated
  • More specific error messages are displayed when issuing server commands
  • Server name used in file name when recording root channel conversation to disk
  • Using close button or Alt+F4 shortcut to close main window will now close all windows on Linux and Windows
  • Default values for channel and private messages sent applied when switching sounds pack in preferences
  • Fixed issue where user account’s initial channel was not joined if channel was hidden
  • Fixed “Cancel” button not working in “New Client Instance” dialog
  • Fixed AltGr being treated as Ctrl+Alt on Windows
  • Fixed Cmd+Q not working in non-English translations on macOS
  • Fixed “Disconnected from server” TTS event emitted repeatedly when connection to server is lost
  • Fixed nickname change for servers using BearWare account
  • Fixed bug when client asked for apply settings even if .tt file doesn’t contain settings
  • Fixed bug where lowering user-timeout in Server Properties would cause a disconnect

Android Client

  • Accessible hint for gender
  • Notification on text limit exceeded
  • Ability to kick and ban from channel when operator
  • Fixed media buttons for voice transmission on Android 12
  • Fixed bug where lowering user-timeout in Server Properties would cause a disconnect

iOS Client

  • Sound shared with other apps so iTeamTalk can run in background
  • Ability to select stereo inputs in Preferences
  • Notification on text limit exceeded
  • Fixed overlapped TX button on some devices
  • Fixed overlapped send message fields on some devices
  • Fixed bug where lowering user-timeout in Server Properties would cause a disconnect


  • Fixed issue where text messages exceeding limit would become blank
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
TeamTalk 5.12

Version 5.12, 2022/12/21

Default Qt Client:

- Option to change status message when idle
- Option in "Change status" dialog to display file name as status message when streaming
- Sound events can be configured to play one by one in "Preferences" dialog
- Sound event when intercepted
- Text-To-Speech events when voice activation and Push-To-Talk enabled/disabled
- See sort order in "Sort by" context menu on files list, user accounts and server list
- Text message window is not automatically focused anymore
- Ability to clear text message history
- Use F6 to switch bitween history and new message field in "Text Message" dialog
- Press a printable character on history field on "Text Message" dialog or main window now switches to new message field
- Fixed user text message sent and channel message sent sound not reset when changing sounds pack
- Fixed missing label for "Media files RX/TX" on "Server statistics" dialog
- Fixed "Channel silent" sound event played out of channel
- Fixed systematic disconnect if server list configured to show at startup and starting from TT:// URL or TT file
- macOS updated to Qt 6.4.1
- Windows updated to Qt 6.5.0-dev

Android Client:

- Bluetooth headset working again on Android 11 and lower

iOS Client:

- Force playback using Bluetooth Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP)
- Support for Indonesian language
- Headset TX toggle moved to General section in Preferences
- Toggle TX on/off using AirPods when using A2DP
- Fixed crash issue when loading server list


- Fixed crash issue when user banned from non-existing channel

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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
TeamTalk 5.13

Version 5.13, 2023/05/08

Default Qt Client

- Reinitialize sound devices if active sound device is removed using WASAPI sound system
- Moved "Refresh Sound Devices" from "Input Devices" submenu to "Sound Configuration" menu
- Accessible description on more dialogs to avoid potential screenreader freeze
- Add missing labels on "Font color" and "Background color" buttons on "Video settings" dialog
- Sound event when interception stopped
- Ban offline users from "Online Users" dialog
- Confirmation before auto kick and kick and ban
- Filter servers by name or number of users in "Server List Dialog"
- Text-to-Speech event on video transmission and desktop sharing toggled
- Text-to-Speech event when disconnect from server now includes server name
- Text-to-Speech event for voice transmission toggled also emited when using global hotkey
- Option to choose if Text-to-Speech events should be sent using Speech, Braille, or both Speech and Braille (only on Windows with Tolk)
- File size is now converted to KBytes/MBytes/GBytes (Qt 5.10 and later)
- Ability to show password in server list dialog
- Separate count on users in channel and subchannel on channel tree
- CTRL+G on a channel now also returns user count
- "Show MOTD variables" checked by default in server properties dialog
- Import .tt File button moved to "Store Server Information" group box in "Server List Dialog"
- Fixed microphone vu meter update not disabled correctly at first startup when enabled default accessibility options
- Fixed keyboard navigation on "File transfer" dialog
- Fixed Upload/download button and menu item not display for admin outside channel
- Fixed bug when removing operator status in temporary channel
- Qt updated to 6.5.0 on macOS and Windows 10/11
- Minimum supported macOS is now 11.0 (Big Sur)
- OPUS updated to v1.4

Accessible Windows Client
- OPUS updated to v1.4

Android Client
- Added Vietnamese language
- OPUS updated to v1.4

iOS Client
- OPUS updated to v1.4

- Added argument -cleanfiles to remove unknown files from file storage

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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

TeamTalk 5.14

Version 5.14, 2023/08/16
Default Qt Client
- Support for verifying authenticity of encrypted TeamTalk servers using certificates
- Setup server verification in "Connect to a Server" dialog
- Generate .tt files with Certificate Authority (CA) certificate, client certificate and private key
- Official and unofficial servers can automatically provide certificates in .tt files and published servers
- Initial support for inclusive writing in some status and events
- Selected communication sound device is now default in Windows
- Removed public servers from server list
- Ability to specify max duration of voice and media file streams (time out timer) in "Channel" dialog
- State of "Hear myself" restored at startup
- Vietnamese translation
- Changed to Qt 6.6 beta2 on macOS and Windows
Accessible Windows Client
- Classic client is no longer available in Windows installer
Android Client
- Support for verifying authenticity of encrypted TeamTalk servers using certificates
- Fixed crashes when clicking a link in channel and private messages
- Fixed a bug of not sending notifications about private chats and ongoing notification
- Fixed a bug of not showing contents of other tabs rather than current when going to another activity or locking/unlocking screen
- It is now possible to use accessibility stream to play text-to-speech messages
- Removed public servers from server list
iOS Client
- Support for verifying authenticity of encrypted TeamTalk servers using certificates
- Removed public servers from server list
- Vietnamese translation
- TeamTalk Pro server supports verifying client certificate
- Support for time out timer on voice/media file streams
- Fixed bug where it was possible to move a user, who was not logged in, into a channel
- Fixed crash issue when banned user has invalid time
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
TeamTalk 5.16
Version 5.16, 2024/04/08
Default Qt Client
- Dates and times are now formatted in user locale on "User accounts" dialog and main window's files tab
- Option to show server's message of the day in a welcome dialog box
- Option to announce server name on some server related TTS events
- Option to show channel topic in channel list
- Don't display server name when disconnected from server where not authentified
- Ask for accessibility settings on Linux at first startup
- Fixed "Gender" property not being saved in .tt files
- Fixed sort by size on file list
- OPUS codec updated to v1.5.1
- Windows and macOS updated to Qt 6.7.0
Android Client
- Admins can upload files to channels they have not joined
- It is now possible to move users to root channel
- Navigating back returns to Channels-tab prior to disconnecting
- Navigating back also displays root channel
- User menu action to grant/revoke channel operator
- Subscriptions for intercepting users
- OPUS codec updated to v1.5.1
- Fixed crash issue when entering Text-To-Speech settings
- Fixed crash issue when updating text messages
iOS Client
- OPUS codec updated to v1.5.1
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