1 Luty - Dniem zmiany hasła :)


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Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2010
Zapewne wszyscy wiedzą że 1 Luty jest Dniem zmiany hasła, a więc zmieniajcie wasze hasła (na bezpieczne oczywiście) w tym wyjątkowym dniu :francuz

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It’s almost that day of the year again… it’s National Change Your Password Day! Never heard of it before? National Change Your Password Day was created by Gizmodo and Lifehacker back in 2012. They wanted to recognize February 1st as a day that is completely devoted to changing passwords, and creating new secure passwords, to keep online data safe.

We, here at RoboForm, want to show our support and so we are challenging you – RoboForm users. We want all of our users to change the password to their 5 most sensitive accounts; in other words, the accounts that give you access to your more personal information (e.g. bank accounts, credit card accounts, emails, etc.). After you have done that, let us know! Post on our Facebook page or tweet us to let us know how many you have changed. To go a step further, let us know what techniques you use to create unique and secure passwords.
Having trouble thinking of new creative passwords… let RoboForm help!

For those who do not yet have RoboForm or are still new to the software, RoboForm has a password generator tool to help you create new and secure passwords for any account (so you don’t have to come up with them on your own). If you’re using RoboForm, you will also be able to store your new passwords right in the password manager (so you don’t have to worry about remembering them).
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