AdGuard - wersje stabilne


Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Adguard Web Filter
Adguard for Windows version 6.0.226
18 April 2016

A hotfix after last weeks release. Previously there turned out to be several problems, including router page loading problem and other. These bugs are fixed with this version.

[Fixed] Indefinite loading of router page #1042
[Fixed] Rare problem when Adguard crashes after clicking on tray menu icon #1045
[Fixed] Adguard will not crash any more if you switch tabs while have active search on 'Settings' screen #1043
[Fixed] Adguard now detects HTML correctly for all websites if there is an xml declaration at the document start #1011

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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
@vbagirov vbagirov released this an hour ago

Disclaimer Adguard for Windows is not an open source project. We use github as an open bug tracker for users to see what developers are working on.
Briefly about new Adguard for Windows version: Stealth Mode got new useful options, userscripts work better now, ad blocking became more advanced and our network drivers - more stable. All the details are below.

Stealth Mode

[Added] "Self destructing cookies" option in Stealth Mode #678

Previously Stealth Mode module provided only the option to completely block third-party cookies. Now you will not only have an ability to differ first- and third-party cookies, but also the ability to set the exact time which cookies will be kept alive for. Important note: you can still block cookies alltogether, just set the keep-alive time to '0'.

[Added] Added an option to block "Browser location API" #139
[Added] Added an option to block "Browser notifications API" #1121

Normally browsers may detect your location and use this information to prioritize specific search results or make other various suggestions based on it. With browser location API blocked this will be impossible.
Blocking browser notifications API feature works somewhat similar, but rather prevents browser from showing things like news or social media frames that pop-up in the corner of your browser.


[Improved] Content injection algorithm #1099

We completely redesigned content injection algorithm. First and foremost, this should solve issues with scripts that start when the page opens, resolve some of the known conflicts (AdsBypasser, YouTube+), and also optimize usage of scripts and ad blocker styles. Overall, a technical, but very important change.

[Added] Userscripts handling #1172

We adopted a new way of handling user.js (userscript) files. Now Adguard will automatically detect when user.js file was processed. If it is a valid userscript, Adguard will open a dialog window, offering user to install it. Of course, this setting will be optional and possible to turn off through settings.


[Added] Hebrew localization, Dutch localization #1076, #1063

We continue to make Adguard more easily accessible for users all over the world. This time we add two more new localizations and fix some mistakes in already existing ones.


[Improved] Network SDK was updated #1179

In reality, this implies many various fixes that concern our network drivers. It would be hard to list them all here, and most of them are rather technical anyway. For example, the WFP driver - Windows Defender compatibility issue was addressed.

Ad Blocking

[Added] Support for extended selectors #1225

This is a technical term, but what hides behind it? With extended selectors support, we can much more easily create some rules that were very, very hard to create earlier. Notably, this concerns rules required to block such things as 'Sponsored posts' on Facebook.

[Added] :matches-css-* pseudo-class support AdguardTeam/ExtendedCss#7

This pseudo-class allows to select any element by its style. Why do we need it? Some websites use a very complicated layout to circumvent ad blocking (one of the best examples is Ad layout is completely similar to the valid elements aside of the Ad label which is added with a ::before pseudo-element. With this new pseudo-class such ad element can be selected and, therefore, blocked. Custom filtering rules enthusiasts can learn more from the comments in the task itself.


Dozens of minor fixes and improvements.

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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010

@vozersky vozersky released this an hour ago

Disclaimer Adguard for Windows is not an open source project. We use github as an open bug tracker for users to see what developers are working on.
This version is a hotfix for third-party filters update issue. If you were using a beta version of Adguard with some of third-party filters before, you have to reinstall them (delete from the list and add back again).

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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
Adguard 6.1.312.1629

Disclaimer Adguard for Windows is not an open source project. We use Github as an open bug tracker for users to see what developers are working on.
It has been quite a while since the last Adguard for Windows release. And there are other reasons for that apart from the Christmas/New Year holidays: we'd been extensively testing the new network driver before, finally, we felt ready to include it in the new release version. But what is there for me in this network driver, you might ask? Well, it fixes an old compatibility issue with several antivirus programs. For sure, there are other fixes and changes as well, and you will find the whole list below.


[Improved] WFP driver was updated to fix compatibility issues with KIS and ESET #1497

Previously, it was not unusual at all that Adguard would have compatibility issues with some antiviruses, and KIS and ESET being the most common ones. The workarounds existed but were far from ideal - you had had to sacrifice some parts of functionality on either Adguard or antivirus side. With updated WFP driver these conflicts will be no more, allowing users to run Adguard alongside with KIS and ESET.

[Improved] The way we respond to HTTP protocol violation #1452

It would take too long to explain technical nuances, but effectively this fixes the problem some users might have come across before: when you try to open a page and it is downloaded as a file instead.

[Fixed] $popup rule bug #1504
[Fixed] QUIC protocol issue when KIS is installed #1482
[Fixed] HideUserSearch option breaks the 'maximize' button graphics #1536
[Fixed] 'Disable Fast Open' setting doesn't work in latest Insider Preview builds #1487
[Fixed] Several issues in Firefox with the default value of 'Hide you user-agent' setting #1493

Ad Blocking

[Added] $network basic rules modifier to solve the issue with loading ads through WebRTC #1297
[Changed] Extra Steam executables removed from the list of filtered apps #1468
[Fixed] Invalid executable for CentBrower #1453
[Fixed] $replace rules aren't applied to .m3u8 files content #1428
[Fixed] Regular expressions with $ aren't processed properly #1475
[Improved] Cosmetic exception rules compilation speed #1533


[Added] A new advanced settings property to change the injection method - local or remote #1492
[Changed] Version history link in about section #1471
[Changed] Parental Control password protection is made separate for different Windows user accounts #1480


[Changed] HTTPS exceptions list is updated #1532
[Changed] Opera Neon browser added to the list of filtered apps #1495
[Changed] Orbitum browser added to the list of filtered apps #1467

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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
AdGuard 6.1.314.1628

Hotfix update for version 6.1.312.1629. The only change is fix for the bug #1569.

[Fixed] Adguard breaks connectivity when "Filter HTTPS connections" is disabled and Browsing security is enabled: #1569

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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
AdGuard 6.1.324.1701

[Fixed] Zgodność z KIS / ESET:
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Mieliśmy już twierdził, że to naprawić w poprzednich wydaniach, ale wszystko okazało się być bardziej skomplikowana. Zaszliśmy przez niezliczone iteracji, test buduje, i aktualizacje sterowników, a teraz jesteśmy na tyle pewnie, by powiedzieć, że tym razem problem został rozwiązany za prawdziwe. Nie więcej BSODs i inne śmieszne rzeczy po uruchomieniu AdGuard wraz z KIS lub ESET.

I znowu, nie możemy podziękować wszystkim, którzy tyle był gotów sprostać surowym teście buduje i dostarczyły bezcennych informacji zwrotnej, aby pomóc nam zrobić to dobrze. Wystarczy spojrzeć na zadania (
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) - to jest wysadzenie z komentarzami. Jesteśmy szczęśliwi, że mamy takich użytkowników, jesteś super.

[Fixed] Zgodność z Chrome 59+:
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Z wielkiej nowości, które WFP kompatybilność kierowca jest poprawka może być łatwo zaniedbać innych zmian. I to byłoby tak źle! Ta poprawka, w szczególności, jest sprawą najwyższej wagi. Zapewnia AdGuard będzie działać bez problemów na nowoczesny (V59 +) wersji Chrome. W przeciwnym razie, nie będzie kłopotów z walidacji certyfikatów AdGuard.

[Fixed] AdGuard Usługa przechowuje pobieranie danych po zamknięciu przeglądarki
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[fixed] napotkał błąd podczas dodawania przez filtr URL
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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
AdGuard 6.1.3261.705
[Fixed] Compatibility with KIS/ESET:
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We'd already claimed to have this fixed in the previous releases, but things turned out to be more complicated. We've come through countless iterations, test builds, and driver updates, and now we are confident enough to say that this time the problem is fixed for real. No more BSODs and other funny stuff when you run Adguard alongside with KIS or ESET.

And again, we can't thank enough everyone who was willing to cope with raw test builds and provided invaluable feedback in order to help us make things right. Just look at the task (
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) - it is blowing up with comments. We are happy to have such users, you are awesome.

[Fixed] Compatibility with Chrome 59+:
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With big news which WFP driver compatibility fix is it could be easy to neglect other changes. And that would be so wrong! This fix, in particular, is of utmost importance. It ensures Adguard will run without problems on modern (v59+) Chrome versions. Otherwise, there would be troubles with Adguard certificate validation.

[Fixed] Adguard Service keeps downloading data after closing the browser
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[Fixed] An error encountered when adding a filter by URL
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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
AdGuard 6.2.433.2167
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Full changelog:
Ad Blocking
[Added] "Block third-party authorization header" Stealth Mode option
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[Added] "Pure URL" functionality has been added to the Stealth Mode
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[Added] $app modifier support
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[Added] $extension modifier
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[Added] An option to hide Java and Flash support
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[Changed] $webrtc rules are being ignored now
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[Changed] Synchronous XMLHttpRequest got rid of
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[Changed] The $important modifier is now applied to rules created by enabling/disabling filtering via Assistant
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[Changed] The behavior of the ~third-party modifier
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[Changed] The range of $$ rules was increased
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[Changed] The script is not getting removed anymore if there is an $empty modifier in a rule
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[Changed] X-Requested-With is being used now to detect object-subrequest content type
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[Fixed] $replace rules are applied to HTTPS sites even when HTTPS filtering is disabled
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[Fixed] Adguard can not recognize :empty+div selector
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[Fixed] Automatic update for disabled filters
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[Fixed] Chromium is not filtered by default
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[Fixed] Content filtering exception rules behavior
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[Fixed] content-length duplicate header issue
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[Fixed] Cosmetic filters are not applied to the pages whitelisted by a $document exception anymore
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[Fixed] Duplicate filtering rules
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[Fixed] Error while parsing filtering rules of a particular type
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[Fixed] No filtering with TCP Fast Open enabled in Firefox Nightly
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[Fixed] Notification API isn't blocked properly
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[Improved] "ExtendedCss" module has been upgraded to v1.0.8
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[Improved] GM_openInTab to handle data URLs in chrome
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[Improved] Multiple filters can be automatically enabled as language-specific at once now
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[Improved] The way $network modifier works
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[Added] Brotli support
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[Changed] HasConflictWithWpf flag values have been updated
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[Changed] SHA1 deprecation process is finished
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[Changed] WoSign and StartCom Certificates have been completely deprecated
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[Changed] XMLHttpRequest in the API is now protected
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[Fixed] A page is broken in IE
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[Fixed] AdGuard 6.2.390 on Windows 10 stops browsing until user kill the process
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[Fixed] AdGuard breaks local HTTPS connections
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[Fixed] Adguard cannot filter Edge HTTPS traffic when TCP Fast Open is turned ON
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[Fixed] Adguard cannot handle huge chunks properly
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[Fixed] Disabling HTTPS filtering breaks
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[Fixed] DNS is unreachable when using AdGuard
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[Fixed] Dropbox CSP messes with Adguard scripts
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[Fixed] HTTPS filtering on does not work sometimes
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[Fixed] Impossible to set custom IP in Stealth Mode
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[Fixed] Incorrect encoding was being used for the preview purposes
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[Fixed] Invalid gzip causes connection to hang
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[Fixed] Requests blocked when HTTPS filtering is disabled aren't present in the filtering log
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[Fixed] Several userscripts do not work when installed via Adguard
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[Fixed] SHA-1 intermediate issue
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[Fixed] SHA-1 intermediate issue
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[Fixed] Stealth mode settings may break filtering completely
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[Fixed] Warnings about synchronous requests
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[Fixed] Wrong ciphers order
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[Improved] Adguard doesn't recognize userscript updates when the version string is too long
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[Improved] Custom filter updates are being validated now
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[Improved] The strong key exchange within secure connections has been enforced
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[Improved] WebRTC detection
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[Added] "Adguard service" description
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[Added] "Start time" and "Time" fields in the log records
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[Added] "Storage" and "Reinstall" buttons on “Extensions” screen
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[Added] A "Preview" feature for the blocked requests in Filtering Log
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[Added] A "Reset to defaults" button to the Extensions settings
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[Added] A loader is shown while Filter Editor is being prepared to be opened
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[Added] A switch to change the filter list display mode
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[Added] A tooltip has been added to the "Support" window
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[Added] A warning in the "Filtered apps" section when Adguard is in the proxy mode
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[Added] An option to disable all Adguard popup notifications
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[Added] An option to disable pop-up text in the Filter editor
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[Added] Filtering log export feature
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[Added] Filtering log records context menu
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[Added] Search function was added to the preview textarea
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[Changed] "Applied rules" appearance
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[Changed] All elements in Filter Editor UI are now shown as disabled until rules are fully loaded
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[Changed] Dutch localization was updated
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[Changed] Expiration date in the 'License' section has been made more distinguishable
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[Changed] Filtering log scrolling behavior
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[Changed] Graying out the disabled modules has been uniformed across the app
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[Changed] Hebrew localization was updated
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[Changed] Interface has been optimized for screen readers
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[Changed] License key symbols in the 'License' section are hidden now
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[Changed] More details have been added to the "Adguard service" description
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[Changed] Prevent closing the editor after editing a userscript
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[Changed] Program logo and "About" screen have been updated
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[Changed] Resizing the details pane was made more convenient
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[Changed] The EULA has been updated
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[Changed] The Filter Editor does not allow switching to other filters now when you're in the edit mode
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[Changed] The link to custom rules creation manual is added to the Filter editor
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[Changed] The maximum number of records in the Filtering Log was limited
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[Changed] UDP/TCP and HTTPS tunnel connections moved to the "Other" section of the filtering log
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[Changed] Update channel is now set to "Beta" if you install or update AdGuard to beta version
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[Changed] Values in the details panel are now selectable
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[Fixed] "Connection" type records issues
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[Fixed] "Support" contact form is missing
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[Fixed] A “new line” symbol is added after copying a rule in Filter editor
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[Fixed] An incorrect message is shown upon checking for the updates w/o an Internet connection
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[Fixed] Can't use 0 as a value for self-destructing cookies setting
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[Fixed] Cancel button is missing
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[Fixed] Cannot close "validation error" dialog when editing a userscript
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[Fixed] Changing Advanced settings does not lead to network filtering restart
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[Fixed] Closing the right pane for a blocked request in Filtering Log does not highlight the entry
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[Fixed] Complete exit functionality bugs
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[Fixed] Crash after exiting Adguard via the tray menu
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[Fixed] Ctrl + Z does not work in any input field
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[Fixed] Default filters could have been deleted in filter editor
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[Fixed] Disabling HTTPS filtering leads to duplicate entries in the filtering log
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[Fixed] Facebook response preview is broken as preview tool does not support Brotli
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[Fixed] Filter editor bug
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[Fixed] Filtering log and Filter editor windows have different styles
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[Fixed] Filtering log search does not show UDP requests
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[Fixed] Filters content is being written to the application log
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[Fixed] GUI can't start after changing language
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[Fixed] Log export does not work
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[Fixed] New filtering log does not display removed elements
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[Fixed] Remote address bug in Filtering log
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[Fixed] Search does not work in userscript editor
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[Fixed] Search tooltip bug
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[Fixed] Stealth Mode tooltip bugs
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[Fixed] There was a sequence of actions that could lead to the removal of User filter
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[Fixed] UI crash when disabling the service with opened Filtering Log
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[Fixed] User filter is always empty when "Filter editor" is opened for the first time
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[Fixed] User Filters search doesn't work in 'advanced editor' mode
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[Fixed] User installed disabled filters are enabled after checking for updates
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[Improved] More filter editor tweaks and fixes
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[Improved] Search criteria in the filtering log were extended
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[Improved] Speed of searching in Filter Editor and Filtering Log was increased
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[Improved] Support for the PT-PT localization has been added
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[Added] Adguard French filter
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[Changed] 'Adblock Protector' added to the list of filters available by default
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[Changed] Bandizip app has been added to the list of apps filtered by default
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[Changed] Localizations have been updated
[Changed] Several browsers and apps were added to the list of apps filtered by default
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[Changed] Spotify app has been added to the list of apps filtered by default
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[Changed] Swing browser has been added to the list of apps filtered by default
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[Changed] The list of HTTPS exclusions has been updated
[Changed] Whale browser has been added to the list of apps filtered by default
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[Fixed] "Add application" tool in “Filtered Apps” can't detect installed Viber
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[Fixed] A generic hiding rule in third-party filter is not being applied
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[Fixed] Adguard crashes when you block a request in the filtering log
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[Fixed] Assistant settings are reset with the 3.0 -> 4.0 update
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[Fixed] Problematic userscript prevents others from working
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[Fixed] Several third-party userscripts compatibility issues
[Fixed] Stealth mode blocks Bitrix24 calls
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[Fixed] Typos
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[Fixed] Userscript is not injected
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[Improved] Data is now being preprocessed before the import/export
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[Improved] Log columns were reordered
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[Improved] The log file is now being validated before importing
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[Improved] Version check algorithm for filters added by URL
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
AdGuard 6.2.437.2171
[Fixed] "Reinstall certificate" feature does not work in Firefox
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While not being the most important feature, the automatic certificate reinstall is more relevant for Firefox-based browsers than for any other ones. This fix eliminates the need to do it manually.

[Fixed] Connect to failed: ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED
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[Fixed] Can't send pictures in desktop Viber app
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[Fixed] Connect to failed: ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED
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[Fixed] Can't send pictures in desktop Viber app
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[Fixed] Fix the translation for the 'Get Premium' tile
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[Fixed] Baofeng video software compatibility issue
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[Fixed] Several userscripts compatibility issues
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[Fixed] "Reinstall certificate" feature does not work in Firefox
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[Fixed] Fix the translation for the 'Get Premium' tile
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[Fixed] Baofeng video software compatibility issue
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[Fixed] Several userscripts compatibility issues
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Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
AdGuard 6.3.1399.4073
Full changelog is here:
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Ad Blocking
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Bardzo aktywny
26 Maj 2010
AdGuard 6.4.1814.4903
# 6.4.1814.4903:
This version makes a strong accent on the Networking issues. This doesn’t mean everything else was abandoned, on the contrary, there’s been a lot of ad blocking- and UI-related fixes and improvements, just the network-related fixes happened to be the most important ones. Oh, but let’s also not forget about the improved popup blocker!

[Fixed] Unrelated TCP connections get reset when starting AdGuard service #2291

AdGuard needs to reset connections when it starts/restarts its service in order to properly filter them. What AdGuard doesn't have to do is to reset connections that it is not going to filter anyway. So from now on, it won't do it, as simple as that.

[Fixed] Avast Free prevents AdGuard from suppressing QUIC #2310

The current way of whitelisting apps from filtering for WFP driver has been extended to TDI driver. It allows to avoid compatibility issues with other software, especially with antivirus software.

[Improved] TLS version has been upgraded #2337

Up to this moment we were using a draft of TLS 1.3 technology ([#2155](
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)), as we always want to be at the cutting edge. Now, as TLS 1.3 standard was officially accepted by IETF, we are happy to say that AdGuard supports the most modern encrypting standards.

[Improved] Popup Blocker has been updated to v2.5 #2295

Popup Blocker is an extension (userscript) that is added to AdGuard by default. As it’s clear from its name, it helps block various popup windows (most of which are all kinds of ads). It’s been around forever, but the new version for the first time features its own UI accessable from “Extensions” settings tab. You can whitelist websites there or disable notifications for certain websites. The blocking capabilities have been improved too, of course.

[Changed] TLS 1.2 is used by default if Avast is detected #2368
As we’ve said earlier, TLS 1.3 is the current standard, but some antiviruses still use v1.2, notably Avast. We would like to completely switch to v1.3 but have to take this into consideration.

[Fixed] Application update resets Assistant settings and restores deleted extensions #2365
There won’t be enough fingers combined on hands of all people in our office to count the number of times users complained about this issue. One of our current priorities is to make the process of updating AdGuard as smooth as possible, and certainly preserving users’ settings is a big step in that direction.

Ad blocking

- [Fixed] Duplicate EV certificate messages #2282
- [Fixed] Twitch desktop app is not filtered #2289
- [Fixed] PopupBlocker is not updated alongside AG update #2354
- [Improved] Popup Blocker extension has been updated to v2.5.8 #2351
- [Improved] Custom filters URL parsing #2280
- [Improved] URL exclusion blocking rules are now created with `important` modifier by default #2305


- [Changed] AdGuard now asks for a reboot after TDI driver update on Windows 7 #2364
- [Fixed] Firefox 64-bit handshake issues with some domains #2347
- [Fixed] QUIC v44 is not blocked properly #2335
- [Improved] AdGuard now checks on installation if the TDI driver is not registered yet #2321


- [Changed] Clickable area for “Close” button for AdGuard notification has been increased on Windows 7 #2319
- [Changed] Highlighting color for the whitelisted requests in Filtering Log #2358
- [Fixed] AdGuard remembers the last displayed settings tab after closing #2317
- [Fixed] The Assistant icon appears in full screen mode on YouTube and Twitch #2309
- [Fixed] Move the assistant icon back to the right corner #2314
- [Fixed] "Hide your referer" checkbox state is not transmitted properly to web reporting tool #2286
- [Fixed] Duplicate "Trial is expiring" message #2287
- [Fixed] AdGuard fails to start service #2339
- [Fixed] Crash on multiple tray clicks right after the installation #2340
- [Fixed] "Service failure" tile and "Trial expired" tile appear simultaneously #2342
- [Fixed] Crash upon opening the Filtering Log #2346
- [Fixed] Update AG icon to high resolution version #2341
- [Improved] Suppress the `Alt-Svc` header #2343


- [Fixed] `AdguardSvc` process memory leak #2114
- [Fixed] Crash while closing from tray #2252
- [Fixed] Crash after auto-update on the application startup on Windows 7 #2290
- [Fixed] An error while parsing the userscript metadata #2311
- [Improved] A privacy-friendly protocol is now used for the parental control web service #2316
- [Improved] Localizations have been updated, new languages have been added (Slovenian, Czech, Belarusian) #2361
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Bardzo aktywny
13 Październik 2010
Używam od niedawna półrocznej licencji AdGuard i jestem z niego bardzo zadowolona, bo dobrze blokuje reklamy i dba o moją prywatność. Nie używam w nim filtrowania https, bo jak kiedyś to włączyłam, to miałam problemy z netem. Może obecnie to się zmieniło...


Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2010
AdGuard to znany i ceniony program przeznaczony do blokowania reklam, ochrony komputera przed złośliwym oprogramowaniem oraz dbania o prywatność podczas surfowania w sieci.

AdGuard for Windows
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Finally, we're pretty sure we are done with eliminating bugs that were preventing us from sharing with you all the awesome new stuff that awaits you in the new version of AdGuard for Windows. So, welcome: AdGuard 7.0! From the very start you'll notice the difference, as you'll be greeted by renovated UI design. And the more you use the new version, the better you'll find it, hopefully: brand new CoreLibs filtering engine will make ad blocking better and faster. There are more goodies inside, so let's get to the gist.

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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
AdGuard 7.1.2817.0 Final
Changes in
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Usually, new stable versions are preceded with a number of betas and take longer than a month to develop. But this one is a bit different, its purpose is mainly to fix some incompatibilities (such as Windscribe VPN), so it makes a lot of sense to release this version as soon as possible. It should also spark interest in Firefox users, as we addressed several certificate-related problems unique to that browser.

Ad blocking
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