
Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

AnyDesk 8.0.9

New Features:
- Redesigned System Information window

Fixed bugs:
- Improved performance (especially for hi-resolution screens)
- Fixed crash which led to session restart
- Fixed File Manager bug which led to access denied error when copying files to Windows host
- Fixed the behavior of Wake-on-LAN clients list (Intel-based macs only)
- Fixed the behavior of Keyboard Layout switcher
- Minuor UI glitches fixed
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
AnyDesk 8.0.10​
24.04.2024 - 8.0.10 (Windows)
Fixed Bugs:
- Fixed direct connections between clients in the same LAN
- Fixed crash when Outgoing Session is being closed
- Fixed Main Window visibility after closing Outgoing Session in Custom Clients with Preset Password
- Fixed visibility of Remove button in settings for Access Control (ACL) and Wake-on-LAN when using Light UI theme
- Fixed keyboard interaction with ACL list in Access Settings
- Fixed behavior of Block Remote Input permission
- Fixed restriction of Update parameters for unlicensed clients

Other Changes:
- Allow hiding the Retry button in Session Ended dialogues
- Allow to show Session title when using plain-with-toolbar mode
- Allow to hide the Client ID in incoming-only Custom Clients
- Disallow Privacy Mode for Incoming connections from unlicensed legacy clients.
- Improve usability of the User selection dialog when connecting to Windows Terminal Server
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

AnyDesk 8.1.0

18.09.2024 - 8.1.0 (Windows)
New Features:
- Added URL based License Registration mechanism that allows registering a license via link
- The name of Address Book Entries is now shown in the tab header when connecting to them
- Update panel now shows both the installed and to-be-installed versions of AnyDesk

Fixed Bugs:
- Fixed bug that caused some messages to not show up after license registration
- Fixed bug that prevented some Custom Client settings to work
- Fixed some textual bugs in settings
- Fixed some DPI related visual bugs
- Fixed bug that prevented some users from enabling Two Factor Authentication
- Fixed bug that sometimes treated microphones as speakers
- Fixed bug that caused Displays to stay on even after an outgoing session already ended
- Fixed signing of Remote Printing Driver
- Fixed signing issues of MSI installer
- Fixed bug that sometimes caused the wrong Permission Profile to be selected after Elevation Requests
- Fixed bug that would silently fail Session Recordings when missing write permissions
- Fixed Drag&Drop behavior of Address Tiles
- Fixed behavior of Status Bar that shows Connection and License issues
- Fixed TCP Tunnel permission not working
- Fixed crash when clicking File Manager Button during while connecting
- Fixed missing close button in outgoing File Manager Session during while connecting
- Fixed Command Line Interface to open Settings to fit the restructured Settings pages
- Fixed missing "About AnyDesk" option in Incoming Only Custom Clients
- Fixed synchronization of some permission states so that options become available immediately when permission is granted
- Fixed handling of SAS permission
- Fixed crash when hitting Enter key in dialog to add Address to Address Book
- Fixed bug that allowed registering a license via CLI while logged in with an Account
- Fixed bug that showed Permission Profiles in Outgoing Only Custom Clients
- Fixed visual bug that caused the File Manager toolbar button to be highlighted when showing a screen
- Fixed bug that allowed connection without password after cancelling Remote Restart Attempt
- Fixed visual bug that caused email address to be cut off in Account Login Popup
- Fixed visual bug that caused About Panel to not update properly when adding On-Premise license
- Fixed bug that prevented Preset Password Banner from showing up when setting password via Dynamic Config in my.anydesk
- Fixed crash when cancelling UAC dialog (Elevation Request)
- Fixed bug that caused uninstaller to not remove everything
- Fixed rare crash in Permission Profile Settings
- Fixed crash in Command Line Interface when sending connection requests
- Fixed bug that caused Reset Password button to not show up correctly
- Fixed bug that caused visual indicator for active display to not work in full screen mode
- Fixed bug that prevented Alt-Tab to work in non-connection tabs during when there was an active session
- Fixed bug that allowed incoming connections in Forced Login Clients
- Fixed visual bug that affected + and - buttons in Wake-On-LAN settings
- Fixed subtle bug in Windows version detection logic
- Fixed bug that prevented removal of passwords from Permission Profiles
- Fixed bug that caused delayed update of Permission Profiles settings
- Fixed bug that prevented the Personal Address Book to open after login
- Fixed bug that caused clicking the user icon in File Manager to navigate to the wrong settings page
- Fixed bug that sometimes restricted permissions of legacy clients more than it should
- Fixed bug that did not restore Session Recording settings correctly when removing a license
- Fixed bug that prevented some buttons in the Session Limit Reached dialog from working
- Fixed crash when adding Permission Profiles via Command Line Interface
- Fixed crash when trying to open Chat Log from Recent Session list
- Fixed crash when trying to open Session Recordings from Recent Session list
- Fixed bug that caused + and - buttons for Access Control List to be invisible
- Fixed bug that would stop audio transmission when minimizing the window
- Fixed scaling of resize border on big resolution screens
- Fixed bugs that caused synchronization of some settings between multiple settings windows to not happen correctly
- Fixed bug that caused previous window size to not be remembered correctly in some cases
- Fixed many more minor User Interface issues

Other Changes:
- Improved localization
- Improved user experience when connecting to iOS clients
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

AnyDesk 9.0.2

Jan 17, 2025
  • New Features:
  • AnyDesk now detects the text caret location to position IME Input Text Fields more accurately
  • Fixed Bugs:
  • Fixed bug that could cause unnecessary entries in the Windows Event Log
  • Fixed a rare crash on incoming connection
  • Fixed multiple UI inconsistencies that allowed changing values without effect
  • Fixed bug that caused connect-URLs to not always work as expected
  • Fixed bug that prevented changes to Proxy Credentials to save in some Custom Client setups
  • Fixed bug that caused Global Settings to show up in incorrect Color Theme
  • Fixed bug that showed grey screen when closing a Session right after it started
  • Fixed bug that caused AnyDesk to display that a new version is currently being downloaded when that is not the case
  • Fixed bug that caused text to be cut off in Toolbar Edit
  • Fixed bug that caused text to not be selectable or copyable in Toolbar Edit
  • Other Changes:
  • Improved localization
  • Improved fidelity of UI in Light and Dark Themes
  • Improved error messages when registering License via Command Line Interface
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Ostatnia edycja:


Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

AnyDesk 9.0.3

12.02.2025 - 9.0.3 (Windows)
Fixed Bugs:
- Fixed crash when retrieving data for the News section
- Fixed crash when switching to File Manager while establishing a Session
- Fixed crash when updating
- Fixed crash in Custom Client caused by misconfiguration
- Fixed crash on start of incoming Session
- Fixed Korean IME support
- Fixed mouse interaction of main search edit
- Fixed bug where CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+DEL did not respect the SAS permission
- Fixed bug that prevented some settings from being synchronized between windows
- Fixed bug that could cause an incorrect name to be shown when deleting empty folders
- Fixed bug that required restarting when disabling Forced Logins dynamically
- Fixed bug that could cause UI glitches while establishing a Session
- Fixed bug that could cause an empty Banner to appear after Installation
- Fixed bug that prevented Windows 11 Snap Layouts from working
- Fixed bug that could prevent the Main Menu from closing when losing focus
- Fixed bug that could cause multiple settings categories to be highlighted
- Fixed bug that prevented corrected removal of some files when uninstalling
- Fixed bug that caused the Session Comment input field to have inconsistent size when a Session was ended due to Auto-Disconnect
- Fixed bug that caused window position and size to not be saved
- Fixed bug that would show sections and tiles for some features when disabled
- Fixed bug that caused incorrect transfer of mouse clicks when using Gaming-Mode
- Fixed bug that would not copy all the information when multiple Addresses are selected
- Fixed bug that would cause the search edit to be moved when scrolling in File Manager
- Fixed bug that would allow the Whiteboard Menu to be placed offscreen
- Fixed bug that prevented E-Mail clients to open correctly when inviting via E-Mail
- Fixed some missing tooltips

Other Changes:
- Improved localization for all supported languages by adding a lot of missing texts
- Improved consistency of Light and Dark Themes
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

AnyDesk 9.0.4

14.02.2025 - 9.0.4 (Windows)
Fixed Bugs:
- Fixed crash in Set Password Dialog
- Fixed crash when updating license details after logout
- Fixed crash in Encoder
- Fixed crash when quitting Service process
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