
Bardzo aktywny
19 Wrzesień 2018
On a Bike!
Calibre 5.10.0
Release: 5.10 [22 Jan, 2021]
New features
  • Bulk metadata edit: Add a new control to compress the cover image files for all selected books
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  • Add support for the CB7 comic file file format
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  • E-book viewer: Allow adding a button to the selection bar that copies thecurrently selected text along with a calibre:// URL to show the text in the book
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  • Conversion: Insert metadata: Allow showing identifiers such as ISBN in the jacket page template
  • Conversion: Insert metadata: Allow hiding entries in the jacket template when they are not present in the metadata
  • calibre-server --manage-users: Add a scriptable interface: calibre-server --manage-users -- help
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  • E-book viewer: Add keyboard shortcuts to copy the current location to the clipboard
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  • E-book viewer: Highlight all currently visible Table of Contents entries, not just the first
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  • Add a new tweak under Preferences->Tweaks->Author sort name algorithm to optionally recognizecommon surname prefixes such as von, van, de, etc. when generating sort names.
Bug fixes
  • E-book viewer: Move read aloud pop-up bar to the bottom of the screen in flow mode
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  • E-book viewer: Fix scrolling with two fingers on touch pad on macOS not smooth
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  • PDF Output: When converting fixed layout input documents fix anchors inserted for navigation sometimes being rendered as blue boxes
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  • Edit book: Remove unused CSS: Fix selectors that don't match from CSS rules containing multiple selectors not being removed
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  • Bulk metadata download: Fix series number not being changes if the series is the same as the existing series
  • E-book viewer: Fix a regression that caused non-HTML descriptions to not be displayed in the metadata page
  • E-book viewer: Fix clock being displayed in 24 hr format on some systems even though system locale is set to use 12 hr format.
  • Bulk metadata edit: Fix regression that inverted the meaning of the case sensitivity setting in the Search & replace tab
  • calibredb list: Fix incorrect output when redirecting to file
Improved news sources
  • Jacobin
  • Japan Times
  • The Wall Street Journal
  • Mediapart
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Bardzo aktywny
19 Wrzesień 2018
On a Bike!
Calibre 5.10.1
Release: 5.10.1 [22 Jan, 2021]
New features
  • Bulk metadata edit: Add a new control to compress the cover image files for all selected books
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  • Add support for the CB7 comic file file format
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  • E-book viewer: Allow adding a button to the selection bar that copies the currently selected text along with a calibre:// URL to show the text in the book
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  • Conversion: Insert metadata: Allow showing identifiers such as ISBN in the jacket page template
  • Conversion: Insert metadata: Allow hiding entries in the jacket template when they are not present in the metadata
  • calibre-server --manage-users: Add a scriptable interface: calibre-server --manage-users -- help
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  • E-book viewer: Add keyboard shortcuts to copy the current location to the clipboard
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  • E-book viewer: Highlight all currently visible Table of Contents entries, not just the first
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  • Add a new tweak under Preferences->Tweaks->Author sort name algorithm to optionally recognize common surname prefixes such as von, van, de, etc. when generating sort names.
Bug fixes
  • E-book viewer: Move read aloud pop-up bar to the bottom of the screen in flow mode
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  • E-book viewer: Fix scrolling with two fingers on touch pad on macOS not smooth
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  • PDF Output: When converting fixed layout input documents fix anchors inserted for navigation sometimes being rendered as blue boxes
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  • Edit book: Remove unused CSS: Fix selectors that don't match from CSS rules containing multiple selectors not being removed
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  • Bulk metadata download: Fix series number not being changes if the series is the same as the existing series
  • E-book viewer: Fix a regression that caused non-HTML descriptions to not be displayed in the metadata page
  • E-book viewer: Fix clock being displayed in 24 hr format on some systems even though system locale is set to use 12 hr format.
  • Bulk metadata edit: Fix regression that inverted the meaning of the case sensitivity setting in the Search & replace tab
  • calibredb list: Fix incorrect output when redirecting to file
  • 5.10.1 fixes a regression in 5.10.0 that broke conversion when including metadata as a jacket page and using long text custom columns
Improved news sources
  • Jacobin
  • Japan Times
  • The Wall Street Journal
  • Mediapart
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
calibre 5.11.0
February 12, 2021
  • New features:
  • Edit book: Add a tool to split the tag at the current cursor position, creating a new tag with the same style and class attributes. To add the tool go to the Toolbars section in the editor preferences
  • E-book viewer: Show the URL when hovering over external links
  • E-book viewer: Redesign the reference mode to also work on touch screens without a mouse. Now in reference mode paragraph numbers are displayed for all paragraphs
  • Edit book: Allow Ctrl-clicking on class names to jump to the first style rule that matches the tag and class
  • Content server: When browsing highlights for a book allow selecting multiple highlights to delete or export quickly
  • Allow creating keyboard shortcuts to copy show and view URLs for selected books to clipboard
  • calibredb: Add a timeout option to control the timeout when connecting to the calibre server
  • Bug fixes:
  • Content server: Fix dragging selection handles not working in Safari
  • E-book viewer: Fix links with a href of "#" not working
  • E-book viewer: Hide the controls when clicking the back or forward buttons
  • E-book viewer: When jumping to a highlight using the highlights panel, the back button should return to position before jump
  • E-book viewer: Fix incorrect tooltip when hovering over a section title in the search results list
  • HTMLZ Output: Fix a regression in calibre 5 that broke creating HTMLZ documents when using the option to place CSS inline
  • Improved news sources:
  • Endgadget

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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
calibre 5.12.0
February 26, 2021
  • New features:
  • E-book viewer: When searching start the search from the current position, jumping to the first match at or after the current page
  • E-book viewer: Have the Table of Contents view automatically scroll to keep the chapter being read currently visible
  • Various improvements to the calibre template language, see
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  • Edit book: File browser: Show total size of items in category when hovering over category with mouse
  • Kobo driver: Add support for latest firmware and also an option to choose the color used for cover letterboxing
  • Bug fixes:
  • E-book viewer: Fix selection popup bar sometimes going off screen when dragging up to the top line of text
  • Get books: Update the Biblio and Chitanka stores for website changes
  • Edit book: Fix editing of JavaScript files not working
  • Improved news sources:
  • Slate
  • Harper's Magazine

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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
calibre 5.13.0
March 10, 2021
  • New features:
  • E-book Viewer: Allow editing the current book by pressing Ctrl+d or adding a button for it to the viewer tool bar
  • Edit book: Add a command line flag to allow selecting the specified text when opening a book
  • Edit metadata dialog: When trimming covers, show the size of the current trim region
  • Bug fixes:
  • Fix a regression in the previous release that broke sending of emails with text longer than 900 characters
  • E-book viewer: Fix using keyboard to extend selection not turning pages
  • Fix searching for items from the Manage dialog not working correctly
  • PDF input: Replace paragraph separator characters with spaces
  • Improved news sources:
  • The Conversation
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Bardzo aktywny
19 Wrzesień 2018
On a Bike!
Calibre 5.14.0
Release: 5.14 [26 Mar, 2021]
New features
  • Edit book: When right clicking on a class in a HTML file, add an option to rename the class throughout the book
  • Adding from ISBN: Add an option to check if there are existing books with the specified ISBNs already in the library
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  • Template tester: Instead of next/last, the template tester now shows the template values for selected books
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  • Content server: Allow swiping left and right to show next/previous book on the book details page
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  • E-book viewer: Make the commonly used shift+arrow key shortcuts for modifying selections using the keyboard work. Also add shorcuts for selecting by character, line and paragraph.
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Bug fixes
  • MOBI Output: Fix latest kindle firmware not displaying select publisher font option for calibre produced azw3 files
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  • E-book viewer: Fix errors when viewing books with mathematics that are split over multiple internal files
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  • Content server viewer: Fix highlights not sorted correctly in the highlights panel
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  • Get books: Fix smashwords plugin not working because of website changes
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  • Improve the performance of QuickView especially when using composite columns
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  • Improve performance of the virtual_libraries() template function
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  • Browser viewer: Fix Go to Location not working for positions
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  • E-book viewer: Fix searching in the Table of Contents not working
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  • E-book viewer: In paged mode, fix scrolling not working correctly when margins are set to zero
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  • E-book viewer: Fix incorrect ToC navigation in books that link the entries to inline tags that wrap block tags that span multiple pages
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  • Category editor: Searching in library shouldn't automatically opens Quickview
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  • Conversion: Fix a hang caused by long sequences of non-word characters when heuristics are enabled, either explicitly or for some input formats such as TXT
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  • Fix a regression in calibre 5 that broke --explode-book and --implode-book actions for calibre-debug.exe
  • Fix a regression in calibre 5 that broke setting metadata in RTF files
New news sources
  • by Dirk Gomez
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Bardzo aktywny
19 Wrzesień 2018
On a Bike!
Calibre 5.15.0
Release: 5.15 [16 Apr, 2021]
New features
  • Allow auto scrolling through the list of books by pressing the X key or right clicking on the cover browser
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    Useful to have a "slideshow" of book covers. The speed of scrolling can be controlled in Preferences->Look & feel->Cover browser
  • E-book viewer: Speed up first time open for EPUB files with lots of styling
  • E-book viewer preferences: Allow searching for keyboard shortcuts
  • Edit book: Allow editing WEBP images
  • Various improvements to the template language, see
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  • E-book viewer: Show the current progress percentage in the bottom bar of the viewer controls. This can be customized in the viewer preferences under Headers and footers
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  • E-book viewer: Add an option under Preferences->Miscellaneous to not restore open panels such as Search, Table of Contents etc on restart
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  • When exporting highlights as text or markdown also output top level chapter titles
  • Allow downloading metadata from
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  • Preferences->Tweaks: Allow specifying that calibre should open the book details window when double clicking on a book
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  • MOBI Output: Convert WebP images to PNG so they work with Amazon's software
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  • DOCX Input: When converting embedded fonts, replace spaces in the filename with underscores to keep the execrable epubcheck happy
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  • E-book viewer: Selection bar: Add keyboard shortcuts for all buttons. Hover over a button in the bar to see the shortcut
Bug fixes
  • FB2 Output: Fix a regression in calibre 5 that caused paragraphs containing only non-breaking spaces to be removed
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  • Metadata comments editor: Fix setting block alignment destroying other block level properties
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  • E-book viewer: Fix margins not being adjusted immediately when preferences are changed
  • Edit book: Upgrade book internals: Fix skipping the NCX removal dialog not remembering the chosen option
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  • Conversion: When specifying a line-height do not apply it to the <html> tag, as it is pointless and causes the execrable epubcheck to complain
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  • E-book viewer: Improve scrolling behavior when extending the selection using keyboard shortcuts
  • E-book viewer: Fix read percent for HTML files that are rendered in a single screen being 0% rather than 100%
  • E-book viewer: Highlights panel: Do not expand all sections when adding/deleting/modifying highlights
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  • CHM Input: Fix a regression in calibre 5.0 that broke opening of some files that dont specify a character encoding
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  • EPUB2 metadata: Read ISBNs in identifier elements without schemes if they are valid ISBNs and no properly identified isbns are present
  • Update Amazon metadata plugin for changes to amazon websites
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  • Edit book: Fix detection of class names containing hyphens/underscores
New news sources
  • Los Danieles – Columnas sin techo by CAVALENCIA
Improved news sources
  • New Scientist
  • Irish Times
  • 1843
  • The Straits Times
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
calibre 5.16.0
April 17, 2021
  • Bug fixes:
  • CHM Input: Fix handling of some CHM files that use non-ASCII internal filenames and dont specify a character encoding in their metadata
  • Fix a regression in the previous release that prevented calibre from starting if there was a failure in a third party plugin
  • Content server viewer: Fix a regression in the previous that broke handling of URLs in stylesheets
  • Fix a regression in the previous release that broke changing sections in the convert single book dialog after changing the input or output formats
  • Fix using 'is set' rules not working for column rules with rating values
  • New news sources:
  • The Saturday paper by Alistair Francis

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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
calibre 5.16.1
April 19, 2021
  • Bug fixes:
  • CHM Input: Fix handling of some CHM files that use non-ASCII internal filenames and dont specify a character encoding in their metadata
  • Fix a regression in the previous release that prevented calibre from starting if there was a failure in a third party plugin
  • Content server viewer: Fix a regression in the previous that broke handling of URLs in stylesheets
  • Fix a regression in the previous release that broke changing sections in the convert single book dialog after changing the input or output formats
  • Fix using 'is set' rules not working for column rules with rating values
  • E-book viewer: Fix a regression in 5.15 that causes the viewer to ignore page-break CSS properties (in 5.16.1)
  • Fix a regression that broke using stored templates (in 5.16.1)
  • Fix auto scroll books shortcut not working in standalone cover browser window (in 5.16.1)
  • E-book viewer: Fix jumping to previous section sometimes not working in flow mode (in 5.16.1)
  • E-book viewer: Fix a regression in 5.15 that broke changing keyboard shortcuts in the viewer preferences (in 5.16.1)
  • E-book viewer: Fix a regression in 5.15 that broke using the delete key to delete highlights (in 5.16.1)
  • New news sources:
  • The Saturday paper by Alistair Francis
  • Crikey by Alistair Francis
  • Improved news sources:
  • Granta
  • New Scientist

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Bardzo aktywny
19 Wrzesień 2018
On a Bike!
Calibre 5.17

Release: 5.17 [30 Apr, 2021]
New features
  • E-book viewer: Image popup: Allow dragging with the mouse to pan the image
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  • Sort button: Allow selecting which columns are in the popup sort menu
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  • E-book viewer: When suggesting a default bookmark title, use the name of the current chapter
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  • E-book viewer: When searching the Table of Contents allow holding the Shift key to search backwards
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  • E-book viewer: Add a shortcut Ctrl+0 to restore default font size
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Bug fixes
  • Windows MTP driver: Rewrite parts of the driver in the hope of fixing some rare and hard to reproduce crashes
  • Windows MTP driver: Set modified and created times when putting files/folders on device. Also read modified time correctly.
  • Windows: E-book viewer: Fix switching away from viewer while in full screen and switching back causing some corruption until the page is scrolled
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  • Fix a regression in the previous release that caused errors when editing empty date values
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  • Get books: Update Gutenberg plugin for website changes
  • E-book viewer: The quick highlight button should replace the style of an existing highlight, when one is selected
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  • Elide long items in the middle when showing the completion popup for tags, to make it easier to use with hierarchical tags
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  • E-book viewer: Read aloud: Fix soft hyphens causing read aloud words to be broken up
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  • E-book viewer: Right clicking when text is selected should extend the selection instead of doing nothing
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  • Fix settings in the ToC Editor tool being forgotten when calibre is closed
  • DOCX Output: Fix conversion failing if the input document has missing images
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  • Content server viewer: Fix mouse wheel scrolling not working on the box used to edit notes for highlights
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  • E-book viewer: Fix read aloud word tracking in flow mode not very reliable
  • E-book viewer: Fix navigation shortcuts not working in Read aloud mode
Improved news sources
  • Barrons
  • Krebs On Security
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Bardzo aktywny
19 Wrzesień 2018
On a Bike!
Calibre 5.18.0
Release: 5.18 [21 May, 2021]
New features
  • Content server viewer: Improved search functionality Searching can now be done for whole words and regular expressions. And all search results are listed at once with some context for easy navigation.
  • E-book viewer: Allow fullscreening the image popup
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  • E-book viewer: Allow expanding/collapsing all items in the Table of Contents at a particular level by right clicking on one item of that level and choosing the option to expand/collapse
  • E-book viewer: Add shortcuts shift+home and shift+end to extend current selection to start/end of line
  • Book details: When creating rules to convert identifiers to URLs allow using {id_unquoted} to avoid quoting the identifier value
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  • Review downloaded metadata: Allow double clicking on a cover to see it at a larger size
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  • Annotations browser: Add a Refresh button
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Bug fixes
  • Edit book: Fix ctrl-clicking on a class name jumping to the wrong CSS rule if the stylesheet contains top level comments
  • Fix search and replace on identifiers not working if the replaced value has colons
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  • Annotations browser: Sort the entries in order of position in book
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  • ToC editor: Dark mode: Fix colors in location selection panel not dark
  • E-book viewer: Fix right or shift-clicking to extend selection not shrinking selection when the click is inside the selection
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  • Avoid spurious errors on multiple simultaneous calibre launches
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  • E-book viewer: Ignore mouse scroll events that would turn pages when editing notes
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  • E-book viewer: Fix sorting bookmarks by title not working
  • Windows WPD driver: Fix an error reading the filesystem on some MTP based devices
Improved news sources
  • IEEE Spectrum

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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Calibre 5.19
Release: 5.19 [28 May, 2021]
New features

  • E-book viewer: Add a preference under Scrolling behavior to reverse the tap zones used to turn pages. So tapping on the left goes forward and the right backward
Bug fixes
  • E-book viewer: Fix regression in 5.15 that caused incorrect display of font sizes that contain a period and use absolute units
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  • PDF Output: Fix font kerning issues with some TrueType fonts
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  • Edit book: Fix a regression in 5.18 that broke editing/creating saved searches
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  • Windows: Fix for standalone ToC Editor not working on systems where Qt WebEngine causes a crash at exit
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  • Windows MTP driver: When scanning an MTP device such as an Android phone ignore folders that Windows fails to enumerate instead of failing with an error
  • ToC Editor: Fix a regression that broke choosing split points in some XHTML files
  • PDB Input: Fix a regression in calibre 5 that broke processing some plucker format PDB files
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  • Edit book: Fix sorting in spell check dialog on language broken for books that have unknown languages
  • Annotations browser: Fix a typo that broke sorting for highlights
  • Annotations browser: When showing a highlight preserve paragraph boundaries for multi-paragraph highlights
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  • Viewer highlights panel: Fix the "Edit notes" link not saving the changes
  • E-book viewer: When using a right click/shift-click to adjust the selection, move the section boundary that is closer to the click point
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Calibre 5.20.0
Release: 5.20 [04 Jun, 2021]
New features

  • E-book viewer: Highlights: Make URLs in the notes for highlights clickable
  • Book details: Ctrl-clicking on tags now adds them to the existing search instead of replacing it
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  • E-book viewer: Allow using the back button to return from jumping to a search result
Bug fixes
  • Get books: Fix the Kobo store plugin for changes to the website
  • Edit book: Fix non breaking spaces in snippets being converted to normal spaces
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  • ToC Editor: Fix a regression that caused changes to not be saved on machines where running a worker process takes more than ten seconds
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  • Fix error when changing the "Search the net" URLs for the Content server
Improved news sources
  • Jerusalem Post
  • Popular Science
  • Ambito Financiero
  • Infobae
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