
Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Cherrytree 1.1.4​
  • implemented reset of zoom with Ctrl+0 (#1835)
  • fixed syntax error in latex box wrongly detected as a failure to access latex executable (#2534)
  • copy link to node and copy anchor link to include absolute path to the cherrytree document and hierarchical path to node (#2452)
  • added auto recovery from a backup (after asking the user) in case of corrupted cherrytree single file document (.ctd, .ctz, .ctb, .ctx)
  • added warning message in case an automatic restore from backup was necessary for the new multifile data storage document
  • fixed regression with locale in some linux systems (#2529)
  • incomplete languages: fi, hi_IN, hu
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Cherrytree 1.2.0

  • dropped unmaintained and outdated libgtksourceviewmm3 for libgtksourceview4 (direct access to C API, #2562)
  • implemented quick node selection typing part of the node name, default keyboard shortcut to Ctrl+Shift+G (#2552, work of @ericguin)
  • implemented collapsible headers support when TOC is generated (#2389)
  • fixed links to nodes not working when exporting to html, single file (#2570)
  • fixed properties of fonts selected in the preferences dialog not enforced: bold, italic, stretch, variant (#2533)
  • hyperlinks: do not automatically add the prefix http:// when a URL-like prefix already exists (#2570)
  • fixed crash pressing Ctrl+Z while editing table light cell
  • changed default keyboard shortcut to open codebox properties dialog to Shift+Alt+U as the previous shortcut was causing problems to german layout keyboards (#2549)
  • fixed formatting issues with fmt 11 (#2548, #2560)
  • added support for new language Slovak (work of Michal Fusatý)
  • incomplete languages: ar, el, fa, fi, hi_IN, hr, kk_KZ, kk_LA, pt_BR, ru, zh_CN
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Cherrytree 1.3.0

  • insert image dialog, added support for cropping (#2626, work of @Uks2)
  • implemented table column cut/copy/paste (#2542)
  • fixed crash at table row move up, so called heavy version
  • fixed table export to csv with empty cells (#2028)
  • improved html parsing (rich text from clipboard / import from html) – added support for
  • fixed issue with reloading document after external edit and encrypted documeents (#2612)
  • fixed search missing first match after a codebox (#2631)
  • fixed duplication of codebox toolbar callbacks after changing codebox properties (#2635, work of @Uks2)
  • fixed issues pasting a codebox into a codebox (#2625)
  • change cursor when hovering collapsible headers to indicate that it is clickable (#2389)
  • collapsible headers use same icon of expand/collapse tree node (#2389)
  • improved action that clears the formatting to retain the links (#2389)
  • multiple files storage, added configurable option to use for the embedded files a constant name (#2354)
  • do not add ‘
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    in front of a link of type ‘mailto:’
  • preferences dialog, added buttons to reset to default to: timestamp formatting, chars to select at double click, horizontal rule
  • chars to select at double click default, added underscore (#2581)
  • restored support for building on ubuntu 18.04 where gtksourceview4 is not available, gtksourceview3 must be used instead (#2583)
  • do not use a leading dot for backups inside of the home directory if snap package (#2507)
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