
Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
CoolTweak 3.3.0


CoolTweak to program który sprawia, że zmiana rozmiaru, dodawanie znaków wodnych i udostępnianie zdjęć jest tak łatwe, jak to jest tylko możliwe. Dzięki CoolTweak można przetwarzać cały zestaw zdjęć jednocześnie, włączając w to zmianę rozmiaru obrazu, dodanie znaku wodnego i udostępnianie za pośrednictwem Facebooka, Picasy, Twittera i innych.

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CoolTweak 3.3
The new version of CoolTweak is available today and continues to improve tools to extend its possibilities.

Since version 3.2,
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have been created to allow developpers to run one or several scripts during processing.

New version 3.3 brings new options and fixes stability issues on custom commands.

Here are the changes:

  • Script content can now be embedded directly inside CoolTweak
    In some cases, it can be really convenient to edit the content of your script (DOS/Powershell/VBscript) immediately inside CoolTweak rather than having to store in in an external file on your local drive.

  • Log file path can now be relative and contain variables
    If absolute path was mandatory in version 3.2, you can now set log file path to relatively to the processed file and use variables inside.
    In cas of a relative file path, un log file will be created for each processed file and will definitely be easy to parse than a global one.

  • It is possible to set a predefined path for reloading processed file and it can contain variables
    After your custom command is executed, you can choose if CoolTweak must reload the processed file or not.
    A new option allows you to set a predefined path to reload the file, it ccan contain variable and thus brings more control.

  • It is possible to ignore the content sent to standard error output
    In 3.2 version, any content sent to standard error output was considered as a failing command. Nevertheless some libraries (like popular FFmpeg) write casual log messages to this output even if everything is fine.
    A new option has been added to allow ignoring this output and then carry on the processing normally.
Furthermore, several issues have been fixed in custom commands and in the processing engine

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