
Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Data Crow jest potężnym narzędziem do katalogowania i organizowania mediów na naszym komputerze. Pozwala na skatalogowanie wszystkich kolekcji mediów, bez względu na to, jak duża jest nasza kolekcja. Korzystając z doskonałych usług online można od razu pobrać informacje na temat swoich książek, oprogramowania, gier, muzyki i filmów, pozwala także tworzyć własne kategorie. Łączy się z usługami internetowymi, takimi jak Amazon, IMDB, Softpedia i MusicBrainz, aby uniknąć ręcznego wprowadzania informacji.

Program może tworzyć ogromną bazę danych zawierającą wszystkie zebrane media. Zawiera opcjonalny wewnętrzny serwer WWW i interfejs WWW, informacje o pliku importu (MP3, DivX, XviD, itd.) oraz raportowania (HTML i PDF).
Najtrudniejszym elementem jest dodanie wszystkich elementów do katalogu, ale wbudowany kreator może ułatwić to zadanie, prowadząc nas przez wszystkie niezbędne kroki.
Wszystkie opcje i funkcje Data Crow mogą być przytłaczające dla niedoświadczonych użytkowników, ale tryb o nazwie „Początkujący” jest również dostępny i wyświetla jedynie podstawowe funkcje.

Z programem Data Crow (wersja serwer) można nawet uruchomić własny serwer i umożliwić rodzinie i znajomym przeglądanie naszych zbiorów.
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Do prawidłowego działania programu wymagana jest obecność w systemie oprogramowania Java SE Runtime Environment​


Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Data Crow 4.9

  • Data Crow synchronization service for external (to Data Crow) devices. This service allows both module and data to be synchronized. At the current stage, it's a one way synchronization going from Data Crow to the external device. This is the build up for something great(er) in the near future.
  • New module: comic books.
  • New online search for comics: Comic Vine.
  • New online search for comic book characters: Comic Vine.
  • NPE exception during the set up of the user folder due to the logger not having been initialized yet. This issue will hide the real underlying issue.
  • Fixed an error on startup for MacOS (from the terminal).
  • Fixed an error on startup for OpenJDK.
  • Items not described correctly for none standard modules.
  • Icon not showing for the shortcut created on Linux.
  • Uniqueness check not working correctly if one of the fields is a key field but not a required field.
  • The online search breaks the uniqueness check, causing duplicate items to be added.
  • Clear on online search form did not clear the quick view panel.
  • References field, selection dialog, did not adhere to "descriptive" setting of the module.
  • Now if you supply credentials when creating a new Data Crow instance, Data Crow will create a user with these credentials. This is true for both the client and the server edition if the parameter -credentials has been supplied (see:
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  • Mass update for board games was not working.
  • Mass update incorrectly causing warnings on item uniqueness.
  • Mass update for books did not correctly check on the ISBN field.
  • Internal structural changes have been made to allow the Data Crow core library to be incorporated in other applications. Most importantly the logging mechanism is now completely decoupled from the code as such that any other logging mechanism can be be used, suitable for the targeted platform. Other major changes have been made to significantly reduce the references to the AWT and Swing libraries (GUI) from the Data Crow core library. The exception to the latter are the image classes.
  • The module wizard now allows you to create references to the same module multiple times.
  • Removed setting: "delete picture file after adding it to an item"
  • Report dialog now remembers selected target file per module and additionally also remembers the selected report and report format.

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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Data Crow 4.9.1

A new version has been released containing, for the most part, bug fixes.

  • Issue with self referencing items; right-click menu not showing in view for referenced item.
  • Fixed an issue where quick search is not working when the item holds a reference to an item of module with having the first numeric field set as descriptive.
  • Settings not saved on exit when Data Crow asks for a restart.
  • When an item has a self referencing field it caused the item form to always say there are unsaved changes regardless of having made changes.
  • Values present in self referencing fields were exported to XML with their ID only.
  • Item was able to referencing itself. This causes all kinds of issues; now, when trying to save an item that references itself, the system will prevent you from doing so. Note that it was not possible to filter them from the various fields, this would trigger a rewrite of the way fields are generated. Maybe something for later. The upgrade will remove self referencing values if present (silently).
  • Custom property modules can now be deleted, also when they have not yet been assigned to a reference(s) field.
  • Reference drop-down not sorted per the user settings.
  • Collation issues in the tree view in case the first descriptive field is a numeric field.
  • Tree view did not always adhere to the descriptive settings.
  • Apply button will now remain disabled when a merge has been completed.
  • Server error response was not correctly send to connected clients.
  • Editing an item in the table view could result in loss of multi-reference values.
  • JasperReports dependencies were missing causing in functions to fail when generating the report.
  • Stop button for report generation did not work. It now stops the exporting process. Known issue is that the report generation process of Jasper Reports can not be stopped.
  • Stop button is for report generation is only active when a process is running.
  • Update All dialog could be opened multiple times. Now it blocks access to the view and therefore also blocks the selection of items as made on opening this tool.
  • Added UI scaling option to the Look and Feel settings (25% to 300%)
  • Introduction of cascade delete; when you delete properties / referenced items Data Crow will ask you to delete the references to this item as well.
  • A status bar has been added to the view(s).
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