
Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
dnGrep to wyszukiwarka plików, która obsługuje wiele rodzajów zapytań oraz wyświetla wyniki w przystępnej dla użytkownika formie. Pozwala przeszukiwać nie tylko nazwy plików, ale również ich treść, wliczając w to pliki PDF czy dokumenty Worda. Program daje użytkownikowi możliwość wykorzystania wyrażeń regularnych, jak również dodatkowych parametrów wyszukiwania, do których należy między innymi czułość na wielkie i małe litery oraz możliwość znalezienia tylko takich dokumentów, w których znajduje się całe wpisane wyrażenie.

Program jest przy tym bardzo prosty w obsłudze i w porównaniu z rozwiązaniem systemowym, działa bardzo szybko. Pierwsze wyniki pojawiają się już po kilku sekundach i są na bieżąco wyświetlane w okienku wyszukanych dokumentów. Kliknięcie na dowolny wyszukany plik skutkuje otwarciem dodatkowego okienka aplikacji, w której mamy szansę podglądnąć treść pliku z wyszczególnieniem fragmentu, w którym znalezione zostało wyszukiwane przez nas wyrażenie. Prócz opcji samego znalezienia danego słowa czy zdania, program pozwala również na automatyczną jego zamianę na nowy wprowadzony tekst. To bardzo wygodne rozwiązanie w wielu dziedzinach życia, na przykład w korespondencji seryjnej, kiedy chcemy zmienić kluczowe słowa listu wysyłanego do kilku osób.

Wygodnym rozwiązaniem zastosowanym przez producentów jest również automatyczna instalacja odpowiedniego rozszerzenia systemu, dzięki czemu skrót do programu znajdziemy także w menu kontekstowym dowolnego pliku. Pozwoli to automatycznie pobrać ścieżkę dostępu do tego dokumentu, by jeszcze łatwiej przystąpić do przeszukiwania jego treści i ewentualnej podmiany słów.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
dnGrep 2.9.378
Two big enhancements and six smaller changes in this release:
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Restore from maximized: added another change to set the preview panel size when restoring.
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Simple Translate Option: added the capability to translate dnGrep into different languages by moving all the text into resource assemblies, and dynamically switch languages with a selection on the Options dialog. This release only contains an English language resource, but more will be added when translations are completed. This is where you can help: if you want to see dnGrep in your language, please help with a translation. See
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. With this release you can create a translation by editing an XML file, and loading it into the running application to see the results.
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Check for valid source folder: moved the check for valid source paths to when the Search button is clicked. Previously the Search button would be disabled if the source folder is invalid.
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Add hot keys for Search and Replace fields. Alt+f and Alt+p will change the input focus to these fields. Also added F6 and Shift+F6 to expand all and collapse all search results.
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Word document disable macros: In the old style Word document (*.doc) search plugin, dnGrep disables running any macros when searching the documents.
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Detect file encoding: fixed a bug when detecting the file encoding when search for files rather than searching within files. If the file is not found, the error is now captured and reported the same way as when searching within files.
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Search for Hex string: added a new feature to search files in binary mode. The source files may be either text or binary. The search string is one or more hexadecimal numbers representing byte values (00 to ff inclusive). The hex numbers are space delimited: 68 65 78 20. A wildcard, either ? or ??, will match one byte of any value. The search string is converted to a byte array and the file is searched in 4kb blocks for matching sequences of bytes. Search results will not overlap. For example, if you search for 2 null values (00 00) a sequence of three consecutive null values in the file will match once on the first two nulls, and not a second time on the second two nulls. A sequence of four null values will match twice, not three times. The search results are shown as hex values: formatted with 16 bytes per line. The line number field on the left is the offset from the start of the file to the first byte on the line. To the right of the 16 byte values is a text representation of the bytes on that line, if they are printable values. To convert the bytes to text, the file encoding is used if dnGrep is in auto-encoding mode, or the user set encoding. If the file is binary, the system default encoding is used if the user has not selected a specific encoding.
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Pass date fields to Everything search: if the Everything search service is installed and dnGrep is set to use Everything, then dnGrep will append the date and file size filters to the Everything search string so that filtering will be done by Everything and not dnGrep. There was a bug in dnGrep that prevented using those filters with Everything searches.
Checksum information
Name: dnGREP.2.9.378.x64.msi
Size: 6210683 bytes (6065 KiB)
SHA256: E1BF344BA90F4B0100839BCEE0F62E81D5463E246914613639A2DE24B6E8C0A8
Name: dnGREP.2.9.378.x86.msi
Size: 6202489 bytes (6057 KiB)
SHA256: E882AE81A16A91ECF76A0FCC209CADC210A79A02A6A3FF2503CAD2D3DD6512F6


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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
dnGrep 3.2.242

Changes in this release:


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Portable version:
After many years, this release now includes a portable, zip file version of dnGrep. Just unzip to a directory or drive of your choice. User settings and log files will be written to the application directory, if it is writable; otherwise, the application data directory will be used. The portable version should work on either 32-bit or 64-bit systems, but I don't have a 32-bit OS to test it. The binary files in the portable version are files from 64-bit MSI build but are not signed (which is a separate post-build step for the MSI releases).

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First time search:
Fixed bug for null search string.

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File extension options:
In the Options dialog, changed the list of file extensions for archives and plug-ins to allow editing the file extension list directly.

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Syntax colors:
Added syntax colors to the Preview pane/window for many more languages. The new highlighting files are sourced from
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Select syntax highlighting:
Added code to load syntax highlight files from the local disk to extend or replace the highlighting definitions included in dnGrep. The application will search for *.xshd files in appData\Roaming\dnGREP and subdirectories (or in the application directory/subdirectories in portable mode). File extension associations can be modified by updating the extensions attribute in the SyntaxDefinition.

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Syntax highlight colors are not editable:
You can now override any part of the Syntax highlighting files (*.xshd) by editing an existing file or supplying a new file in the application data directory (appData\Roaming\dnGREP). For reference, link to the
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. Files and file associations from the external data directory will be used in preference to the embedded files.

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Goto next match:
The existing F3, F4, Shift+F3, Shift+F4 function keys move the selection in the Results tree which in turn scrolls the Preview pane so that line is visible. Fixed a bug where the function keys did not work if the Preview window is un-docked from the main window.

Updated some third-party libraries.

If you missed the previous release, Scripting was added in that release. Scripts can be used to automate all of the properties and functions on the dnGrep main window. Create and save scripts, run them from the Scripts menu, or call them from a command line argument. Scripts can search, replace, sort, create reports, copy results, move, copy, or delete files, use bookmarks, and call external commands. See the
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for more information.


Added Korean translation. Thank-you for all the translation updates.

Many of the translations need help to complete them. You are welcome and encouraged to complete or improve any of the existing translations, see
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for more information. Do as much or as little as you like: there are some translations missing just a few phrases, and some new languages that need to be more complete before being included in a dnGrep release.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
dnGrep 3.2.330
Changes in this release:

XPath/xml read error
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Fixed a bug where the search results from an XPath query failed to read the xml file do to the error: "For security reasons DTD is prohibited in this XML document".

Updated Translations The Chinese (Traditional) and Korean translations were updated - thanks to the translators!

Many of the translations still need help to complete them. You are welcome and encouraged to complete or improve any of the existing translations, see
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for more information. Do as much or as little as you like. If you do not want to use Weblate for translations, I will take input in any format and merge the changes. Send me a note in the issues or discussions page.

Checksum information
Name: dnGREP.3.2.330.x64.msi
SHA256: 46c7359cd48f15d77487812bdac224253e52934a08fb7efdaa85f43696b58214

Name: dnGREP.3.2.330.x86.msi
SHA256: fc8fe1ffde4d6f4a6dcd9985efb8b153593d036bc45e6551ee295dfc05df41be

SHA256: becce0bb1ac3bb67bea66d094be8ba040cc92c6e5a3ff260d50f205e73d200dd
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010


Changes in this release:

This is the first release for dnGrep running on .NET 7

You should see significantly faster searches. The features and functionality should match release 3.2.330, with the addition of the issues fixed below. This release is supported only on Windows 10 and Windows 11.

Both the msi and zip packages are self-contained, which means they include the .NET runtime with the application. The portable (zip) builds need to be self-contained, so nothing needs to be installed on the system. Making the msi packages also self-contained means there doesn't need to separate builds for msi and zip, and the user doesn't need to install the .NET runtime separately. dnGrep will be updated when Microsoft issues security patches for .NET. This release contains the .NET v7.0.7 runtime.

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Hide Bookmarks Window: fixed error when Bookmarks window is closed using the titlebar 'X' or alt+F4.

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Update version check: changed the version check to ignore prereleases.

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Finding file names in archives: fixed a bug in the code matching file names in archives.

One additional performance enhancement has been added since 4.0.8-rc1 for text searches. Thank-you to
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for finding it.

The \Plugins\PDFSearch directory has been reorganized to put the XPDF files and pdftotext.exe in a subdirectory. This will make it easier for users to add additional language packs for processing PDF files.

Updated Translations The Serbian and Italian translations were updated - thanks to the translators:
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Many of the translations still need help to complete them. You are welcome and encouraged to complete or improve any of the existing translations, see
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for more information. Do as much or as little as you like. If you do not want to use Weblate for translations, I will take input in any format and merge the changes. Send me a note in the issues or discussions page.

Checksum information​

Name: dnGREP.4.0.26.x64.msi
SHA256: a1ffe5007ce57b5f229e78c60b104b42d45070c31b7ff906dbee0e9360b05e26

Name: dnGREP.4.0.26.x86.msi
SHA256: 470ce76372d999f4b4189c57663a0832f1b0ecd4501bdbe5fededb64e1c25806

SHA256: d4adb24531db170ef67e45b6aca0db3c4ef2ceb69116576c7d8019f83274f6e8

SHA256: 27349f1ffe85d8876cc63d5e5156b5ee74b0c6f6940040cf9ffbc067c0472730
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

dnGREP 4.0.45​

July 12, 2023
  • #881 Note! Launching URLs (eg. About/Help, Check for Updates/Download, etc.) is broken in v4.0.26. Because of default property change, dnGrep 4.0.26 is not able to open URLs in the user's browser. Most significant, the dnGrep update notification cannot open the link to this new release. The URLs have been fixed in this release. If you received this release notification via email, please use the link at the top of this notice to get the new release.
  • #882 dnGrep Not opening PDF's and other files with the system configured application. This was also caused by the default property change noted in #881 and has been fixed in this release.
  • #876 Copy, Move and Delete. Added new context menu items to the results tree context menu. These new items will act on the current selected file or files. The existing Copy, Move and Delete actions on the "More" button remain, and from there they act on all of the files in the results tree.
  • #879 Function to exclude the file folder. The "Patterns to exclude" input can be used to exclude folders from the search using a pattern such as bin* to exclude the "bin" folder and its subfolders. This feature did not work for folders inside of archives, and that is now fixed.
  • #886 Options dialog. Added the F8 function key to open the Options dialog box. Changed the Options "Save" button to save and now close the dialog. Added a new custom editor command line parameter for page, which is only populated for PDF files.
  • #887 Error on start. Fixed a bug reading configuration files settings written by older versions. If an old setting value cannot be read, it will revert to the default value of the setting.
  • Updated Translations for several languages. Many of the translations still need help to complete them. You are welcome and encouraged to complete or improve any of the existing translations, see Translate dnGrep for more information. Do as much or as little as you like. If you do not want to use Weblate for translations, I will take input in any format and merge the changes. Send me a note in the issues or discussions page.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010


Changes in this release:

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Pause/Resume: Search, Replace, and Script operations may be paused and resumed, or canceled while running or paused. The new pause/resume button is to the left of the existing cancel button.

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Sheet name, Slide number and Page numbers in report: Added details to the report format: the sheet name for Excel workbooks, Slide number for PowerPoint documents, and Page numbers for PDF documents. This is the Report under the More -> Save results -> Report menu item.

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Change selection on right click: On the search results tree, the right click action has been modified to change the selection before opening the context menu, except when right clicking on an already selected item. The shift and ctrl modifiers work the same as for left clicking to extend the existing selection. Also added new shortcuts for opening files:

  • Double click on a file node expands the node (existing functionality)
  • Double click on a child line opens in the custom editor if configured, otherwise the associated application (existing functionality).
  • Alt+double click on either a file node or child line opens in the associated application (new).
  • Middle mouse button click on either a file node or a child line opens in the custom editor if configured and the associated application otherwise (new).

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Copy and Move Options: Add new options to modify the destination folder for copy and move operations. See the Options dialog, under Copy files and Move files, 'Preserve source folder layout'. Checked is the existing dnGrep behavior where the folder structure will be maintained, if possible, on copy or move. Unchecking this option will copy or moves all the source files into a single destination folder.

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Error on start: Fixed a bug reading configuration files settings written by older versions. If an old setting value cannot be read, it will revert to the default value of the setting.

Updated Translations for several languages. Many of the translations still need help to complete them. You are welcome and encouraged to complete or improve any of the existing translations, see
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for more information. Do as much or as little as you like. If you do not want to use Weblate for translations, I will take input in any format and merge the changes. Send me a note in the issues or discussions page.

This release contains third-party updates including:

  • .NET v7.0.10

Checksum information​

Name: dnGREP.4.0.69.x64.msi
SHA-256: 50cf3c53456571acf40af81adcf9470f5617188a6a4db7528cba4394fd5cec6c

Name: dnGREP.4.0.69.x86.msi
SHA-256: 22f150c57753235c42957f4b8efcae8112b6bb099db3e22945adbafb7a866952

SHA256: 771210708ac3b69444ce11929c65f6dc8a4d1ffdb0cf575b9675bf5da5a733bf

SHA256: 10a2df617dd793d5e69d026ec3e9d84076990bdc4deaf13b333f145fd3f219e1

This program uses free code signing provided by
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, and a certificate by the
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010


Changes in this release:

Confirmation dialogs Added three new confirmation dialogs for exiting dnGrep; two are optional, and one is not. The intention of these confirmations to prevent the 'oh no' moment when you've done something you want undo but cannot.

The first confirmation is when the replace in files is running and you exit from dnGrep. This dialog will block the exit because this would leave the replace partially done, probably corrupting files, and with no way to undo the changes. You should either let the replace run to completion or cancel the replace before exiting. Note you can undo the replace before you exit, but not after restarting dnGrep.

The second confirmation is when a Script is running, and you exit from dnGrep. This too, can leave files in an unknown state. The default for this confirmation is off, and you can enable/disable it in the Options dialog.

The third confirmation is when a Search has been running for a long time, or the latest Search took a long time to complete, and you exit from dnGrep. This is intended to prevent losing results that will take a long time to re-run if you accidentally exit before you are finished with them. The default duration for a long search is 10 minutes, but you can adjust that up or down. The default for this confirmation is also off.

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Filter files: dnGrep currently provides two ways to exclude or ignore files in the search: the 'Patterns to exclude' and the 'Use .gitignore' (if the search is within a git repository). This enhancement adds two more ways to specify files to exclude in addition to those two:

  1. Add a file named 'dnGrep.ignore' to the starting folder of your search. The filters in this file will be applied to that folder and its subfolders.
  2. Create one or more filter files with the .ignore extension and put them in dnGrep "Filters" folder: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\dnGREP\Filters for the installed version, or the Filters subfolder under the dnGrep application folder for the portable zip version. Select a filter file to apply to the search with a new drop-down selector on the dnGrep main window. The filters in this file will be applied to all folders in the search and will be saved in the dnGrep settings and bookmarks. It will be reused on all searches until it is unselected.

When multiple filters are used, all of the filters all will be combined.

The filter file may contain regular expressions, or wildcard expressions, or both. The filter expressions are the same as you would put in the 'Patterns to exclude' box: regular expressions or wildcard expressions that match files or folders to exclude.

The syntax of the filter files:

  • The # symbol identifies a comment. It may be used at the start of the line or after a filter expression.
  • A line starting with [regex] or [regular expression] identifies that the following lines are regular expressions.
  • A line starting with [wildcard] or [asterisk] identifies that the following lines are wildcard expressions. This is the default if the expression type is not specified.
  • Put one expression on each line of the file.
  • You may switch expression types as many times as you want.

For example, this filter file will exclude the 'obj' and 'bin' folders and their subfolders:

# filter obj and bin folders

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Settings errors: In some countries the settings saved in the dnGrep.Settings.dat file are written in the wrong format and cannot be restored. PreviewDockedWidth and PreviewDockedHeight should have been written out to the settings file using InvariantCulture so decimal separator in the settings does not change with the local culture. The comma decimal separator is being misinterpreted when reading the file. Also fixed some numeric input fields in the Options dialog to use the local culture for the decimal separator.

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Settings errors: Fixed two more errors reading and writing the StartDate and EndDate values in the dnGrep.Settings.dat file.

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Remove empty space: The layout of the dnGrep main window has been modified to remove some whitespace top panels. Removing this space makes room for about 3 more lines of text in the results tree.

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Preview context menu: The 'Copy' command has been added to the top of the context menu to copy the selected text to the clipboard.

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XPath search error: Fixed a bug in XPath search for a particular xml/html syntax.

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Single application instance: Added an option to run a single instance of dnGrep, rather than opening multiple main windows. When this option is enabled, starting a second dnGrep will bring the first instance to the front. Also added a second option to forward the search folder from the second instance to the existing window - if you start the second instance from the Windows Explorer context menu, the first instance of dnGrep will change to the selected folder. In addition, as requested in
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, if you select multiple folders in Windows Explorer and start dnGrep, the multiple folders will be concatenated to the search path.

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Regular expression timeout: Fixed a bug applying the timeout value to the search regular expressions. You can set a regular expression match timeout in the Options, but the modified setting was not being used.

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Raise PDF errors: If PDF files are secured or encrypted, they will fail to open. These errors are logged to the dnGrep log file, but not shown in the results. This has been changed so the file open errors are shown in the results tree.

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Drag & drop file or folder: dnGrep allows you change the search path by drop the file or folder from Windows Explorer anywhere on the main window. Hold the Ctrl key to append to the existing folder. That was anywhere except the 'Folder' text box. The Folder text box has it's own drag and drop settings that did not include dropping files or folders. Modified the code so you can now also drop directly on the Folder text box to perform the same action.

Discord server? There is a
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asking if anyone is interested in having a dnGrep Discord Server. If you are interested, please comment in the discussion.

Updated Translations for several languages. Many of the translations still need help to complete them. You are welcome and encouraged to complete or improve any of the existing translations, see
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for more information. Do as much or as little as you like. If you do not want to use Weblate for translations, I will take input in any format and merge the changes. Send me a note in the issues or discussions page.

This release contains third-party updates including:

  • .NET v7.0.11

Checksum information​

Name: dnGREP.4.0.115.x64.msi
SHA-256: 9c7137f799165e21f7727fed25adbbb3c4dd3de6c1b25415e0854c59f8a15d31

Name: dnGREP.4.0.115.x86.msi
SHA-256: 774bc04eab13d2003ead81554df95df017986a4eb0a556040d895ecf17a10c05

SHA256: 5fb5bdbf221b8dc774fc8ec74bf1ecffa613e406dde7000f4c7e32ac11df0fbf

SHA256: 9ec30bc2bd9e584cc0b08d0210f321fc6fe014cca833a41012f10ad2475d1d71
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010


Changes in this release:​

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Open the full .epub document: Added a new option in the archive section of Options dialog to list archive file extensions that you want to open the whole archive and not a file in the archive when doing an Open or Open with custom editor. This allows opening an epub archive as an ebook in the associated ebook reader. There may be other archive types where this is useful, but there are no preset defaults to this setting.

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String not found in Excel with cells in Scientific format: Fixed a bug when searching Excel files that contain a cell with the value zero formatted in scientific/exponential notation.

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Shell context menu error: Fixed a bug in when adding dnGrep to the Windows Explorer context menu from the Options dialog. The wrong file extension was being added (dnGrep.dll instead of dnGrep.exe).

Missing from the v.4.0.115 release note: Fixed a bug in the ordering of the pinned history list - thanks to
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for the pull request.

Updated Translations for several languages. Many of the translations still need help to complete them. You are welcome and encouraged to complete or improve any of the existing translations, see
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for more information. Do as much or as little as you like. If you do not want to use Weblate for translations, I will take input in any format and merge the changes. Send me a note in the issues or discussions page.

This release contains an update to .NET runtime:

  • .NET v7.0.12

Checksum information​

Name: dnGREP.4.0.129.x64.msi
SHA-256: 2a738ba063d6605de3648a656095db824a330701dd69c878b97512039cefa8dd

Name: dnGREP.4.0.129.x86.msi
SHA-256: db2397fc71b2f1c1f47ae7d29b322deecd2366ba45905f591070e760ca3c3ed7

SHA256: 2e13ed0afbeb1e6a669167bf0bbbe64e9b2143772893f8beb2a7ec4663c88dea

SHA256: c10a227ff43b250015099d814725914d5bfd001301b37fae4456d459f8a49ba5
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010


Changes in this release:​

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Document read errors. Release 4.0.115 added this change:

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Raise PDF errors: If PDF files are secured or encrypted, they will fail to open. These errors are logged to the dnGrep log file, but not shown in the results. This has been changed so the file open errors are shown in the results tree.

Some users thought that dnGrep had been changed to show errors for files that they previously had been able to search - but this is not the case, it is now showing errors where previously the files were silently skipped.

This release adds a new option to again hide the individual file errors. A new ! indicator has been added to the status bar when file read errors occur in the search, and the tooltip on the indicator shows the number of files. The status bar indicator is shown with or without the option to hide individual file errors in the results list.

Hiding or showing the individual file read errors can be controlled with a new option in the Options dialog in the Search results section: Show files with search errors in the results panel.

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PDF files with no text. Also in this release, a new PDF read error has been added: if the PDF document contains no text and just images (such as a scanned document), it will also be shown as a document read error the same as secured or encrypted files.

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Search in DOCX footnotes. The release adds new options for extracting text from Word (docx) documents. These
options are off by default and can be enabled/disabled in the dnGrep Options dialog.

  • Extract footnotes - this option will enable extracting footnotes and endnotes. Footnotes and endnotes are placed at the end of the document text (not by page since the text version of the document is not paginated). The footnote/endnote reference number or symbol may also be added inline in the document text in different formats. Note that including the footnote/endnote reference may affect searching across multiple words.
    • Not shown
    • Superscript - this option uses Unicode superscript characters which may not be supported in all fonts.
    • Full size character - this option will show the reference number/character as a full-size character, which may be not obvious or confusing in line with the document text.
    • Full size character with parenthesis - adding parenthesis around the reference makes them stand out more.

This release supports the six numbering formats for footnotes and endnotes found in the US English version of Word: numbers, upper- and lower-case letters, upper- and lower-case Roman numerals and Chicago style.

If you would like to see other formats, please create an issue. You will need to identify full sequence of characters and the repeat pattern when the number of footnotes exceeds the length of the sequence.

  • Extract comments - this option will enable extracting comments. The comments are also placed at the end of the document text. Comment reference numbers may also be added inline in the document text, but they are always numbers, starting at zero. The numbers may be shown in these formats:
    • Not shown
    • Subscript - this option uses Unicode subscript characters which may not be supported in all fonts.
    • Full size character with parenthesis
  • Extract headers - this option will extract the header text, once for each header format.
  • Extract footers - this o will extract the footer text, once for each footer format.
  • Extracted header and footer position - header and footer text may be extracted at the start of each document section where the header or footer changes, or all headers and footers at the end of the document.

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Script menu. This release fixes two bugs on the Scripts menu. The first bug is if the script file name contains an underscore, the underscore was dropped in the menu. The second bug fixed is for multiple levels of script folders - the lower levels folders were not shown as submenus on the Scripts menu.

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Bookmarks. The change in this release is to save and restore the Bookmarks column order, column size and Bookmarks window size. This allows you to arrange the bookmarks dialog to better fit your needs.

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Copy command. A new command has been added to the Script commands, with command name "copy". This command has a bit different format than the other scripting commands as it has four optional arguments:

copy -match [pattern] -rename [pattern] -overwrite [True/False] -out [destination]

The intent of the copy command is to create file backups before modification, but can be used to copy files anywhere, optionally renaming them. The command operates on all files in the current result set.
The -match and -rename arguments are regular expressions. The match pattern should contain a capture group which is referenced in the rename pattern. Using regular expressions with capture groups provides many options for renaming files.
The default for -overwrite is false,
The default for the -out output directory is the same directory as the source file. The path to the destination directory may be a relative path or fully qualified path.
If the copy command cannot copy all files successfully, it will stop the script execution.

Here is an example in a script:

set pathtomatch *.txt
set searchfor ""
copy -match (.*)\.txt -rename $1.txt.bak -overwrite True

This script will find all the text files in the search path and create a backup of each file in the same directory as the original file. Overwrite is set to true to always copy the file, even if the backup file already exists. This pair of regular expressions shown in the -match and -replace will take the original filename and add a .bak extension.

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Natural sort order of matches. The existing file sort options use character-by-character sorting which works well for many file names. But if the file names contain multiple numeric digits, the sort order is not what most users expect - for example, file 10 will sort before file 2.

A new option on the Sort drop-down enables natural sorting for the four file name sort options. Natural sorting is enabled by default. With natural sorting enabled, you will get this:

file 1
file 2
file 3
file 10
file 11
file 20

Without natural sorting:

file 1
file 10
file 11
file 2
file 20
file 3

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Escape quotes in custom editor options. When configuring arguments to pass to the custom editor, the %match option will be filled with the first matching text on the line. If the matching text contains quotes, the quotes will usually need to be escaped with a backslash like this \" for the custom editor to read the argument. This new option is enabled by default but can be disabled in the Options dialog if it is a problem for your custom editor.

This release contains an update to .NET runtime:

  • .NET v7.0.14

Checksum information​

Name: dnGREP.4.0.151.x64.msi
SHA-256: 2688c4cd37a7ccc12a0fe420919c8d4934bc6e1e13c287bfe99fee7b140cf770

Name: dnGREP.4.0.151.x86.msi
SHA-256: ebbc48fcfe6eac59bfd218e77f0d9a298360cc1f6cc7c8300449dded8db8f617

SHA256: 0f4cdbb9743e441a408676aee03efb665b94f3600795f9e54c271c06372dde8c

SHA256: 399e4bd9b979040fd646b869a10c1b54eb33594cff225f6218fc764bdd52282f

This program uses free code signing provided by
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, and a certificate by the
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010


Changes in this release:

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Document read errors. Release 4.0.115 added this change:

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Raise PDF errors: If PDF files are secured or encrypted, they will fail to open. These errors are logged to the dnGrep log file, but not shown in the results. This has been changed so the file open errors are shown in the results tree.

Some users thought that dnGrep had been changed to show errors for files that they previously had been able to search - but this is not the case, it is now showing errors where previously the files were silently skipped.

This release adds a new option to again hide the individual file errors. A new ! indicator has been added to the status bar when file read errors occur in the search, and the tooltip on the indicator shows the number of files. The status bar indicator is shown with or without the option to hide individual file errors in the results list.

Hiding or showing the individual file read errors can be controlled with a new option in the Options dialog in the Search results section: Show files with search errors in the results panel.

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PDF files with no text. Also in this release, a new PDF read error has been added: if the PDF document contains no text and just images (such as a scanned document), it will also be shown as a document read error the same as secured or encrypted files.

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Search in DOCX footnotes. The release adds new options for extracting text from Word (docx) documents. These
options are off by default and can be enabled/disabled in the dnGrep Options dialog.

  • Extract footnotes - this option will enable extracting footnotes and endnotes. Footnotes and endnotes are placed at the end of the document text (not by page since the text version of the document is not paginated). The footnote/endnote reference number or symbol may also be added inline in the document text in different formats. Note that including the footnote/endnote reference may affect searching across multiple words.
    • Not shown
    • Superscript - this option uses Unicode superscript characters which may not be supported in all fonts.
    • Full size character - this option will show the reference number/character as a full-size character, which may be not obvious or confusing in line with the document text.
    • Full size character with parenthesis - adding parenthesis around the reference makes them stand out more.

This release supports the six numbering formats for footnotes and endnotes found in the US English version of Word: numbers, upper- and lower-case letters, upper- and lower-case Roman numerals and Chicago style.

If you would like to see other formats, please create an issue. You will need to identify full sequence of characters and the repeat pattern when the number of footnotes exceeds the length of the sequence.

  • Extract comments - this option will enable extracting comments. The comments are also placed at the end of the document text. Comment reference numbers may also be added inline in the document text, but they are always numbers, starting at zero. The numbers may be shown in these formats:
    • Not shown
    • Subscript - this option uses Unicode subscript characters which may not be supported in all fonts.
    • Full size character with parenthesis
  • Extract headers - this option will extract the header text, once for each header format.
  • Extract footers - this o will extract the footer text, once for each footer format.
  • Extracted header and footer position - header and footer text may be extracted at the start of each document section where the header or footer changes, or all headers and footers at the end of the document.

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Script menu. This release fixes two bugs on the Scripts menu. The first bug is if the script file name contains an underscore, the underscore was dropped in the menu. The second bug fixed is for multiple levels of script folders - the lower levels folders were not shown as submenus on the Scripts menu.

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Bookmarks. The change in this release is to save and restore the Bookmarks column order, column size and Bookmarks window size. This allows you to arrange the bookmarks dialog to better fit your needs.

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Copy command. A new command has been added to the Script commands, with command name "copy". This command has a bit different format than the other scripting commands as it has four optional arguments:

copy -match [pattern] -rename [pattern] -overwrite [True/False] -out [destination]

The intent of the copy command is to create file backups before modification, but can be used to copy files anywhere, optionally renaming them. The command operates on all files in the current result set.
The -match and -rename arguments are regular expressions. The match pattern should contain a capture group which is referenced in the rename pattern. Using regular expressions with capture groups provides many options for renaming files.
The default for -overwrite is false,
The default for the -out output directory is the same directory as the source file. The path to the destination directory may be a relative path or fully qualified path.
If the copy command cannot copy all files successfully, it will stop the script execution.

Here is an example in a script:

set pathtomatch *.txt
set searchfor ""
copy -match (.*)\.txt -rename $1.txt.bak -overwrite True

This script will find all the text files in the search path and create a backup of each file in the same directory as the original file. Overwrite is set to true to always copy the file, even if the backup file already exists. This pair of regular expressions shown in the -match and -replace will take the original filename and add a .bak extension.

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Natural sort order of matches. The existing file sort options use character-by-character sorting which works well for many file names. But if the file names contain multiple numeric digits, the sort order is not what most users expect - for example, file 10 will sort before file 2.

A new option on the Sort drop-down enables natural sorting for the four file name sort options. Natural sorting is enabled by default. With natural sorting enabled, you will get this:

file 1
file 2
file 3
file 10
file 11
file 20

Without natural sorting:

file 1
file 10
file 11
file 2
file 20
file 3

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Escape quotes in custom editor options. When configuring arguments to pass to the custom editor, the %match option will be filled with the first matching text on the line. If the matching text contains quotes, the quotes will usually need to be escaped with a backslash like this \" for the custom editor to read the argument. This new option is enabled by default but can be disabled in the Options dialog if it is a problem for your custom editor.

This release contains an update to .NET runtime:

  • .NET v7.0.14

Checksum information​

Name: dnGREP.4.0.151.x64.msi
SHA-256: 2688c4cd37a7ccc12a0fe420919c8d4934bc6e1e13c287bfe99fee7b140cf770

Name: dnGREP.4.0.151.x86.msi
SHA-256: ebbc48fcfe6eac59bfd218e77f0d9a298360cc1f6cc7c8300449dded8db8f617

SHA256: 0f4cdbb9743e441a408676aee03efb665b94f3600795f9e54c271c06372dde8c

SHA256: 399e4bd9b979040fd646b869a10c1b54eb33594cff225f6218fc764bdd52282f

This program uses free code signing provided by
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, and a certificate by the
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010


Changes in this release:​

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Custom Editors/External Viewers You can now configure multiple custom editors or external viewers to open files from the search results. As before, the setup and configuration is in the Options dialog. You can use these two ways: 1) all the configured editors will be shown on the results tree context menu to open the selected file; or 2) you can optionally associate each custom editor with a set file extensions and these will be used to determine which custom editor to use to open a file when you double click on a result line, or middle mouse click on a file or result line.

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Preview window large file warning You can now configure the large file warning in the preview window. The new option is in the Search results section of the Options dialog. Set the limit of file size in KB that will trigger asking if you want to open the file. Default is 4MB.

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Fix local date-time display Fixed a bug in the results tree tooltip and the date range filters that was not using the current region settings in Windows.

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Search/replace with regular expression and whole word set About a year ago a change was made to how dnGrep determines what is a whole word in a regular expression search. The same change wasn't applied to the replace operation causing the replace to fail. That is now fixed.

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PDF wrap text When the text in PDF files wraps to a new line, dnGrep is not able to easily match a search pattern that spans the two lines (it is possible using the multiline option with regular expressions). What was text wrapped to a new line in the original source document is actually separate lines of text when extracted from a PDF. This release adds a new option "Multiline search" in the PDF to text section of the Options dialog (this is separate and different from the multiline option on the main window). When checked, the lines of extracted text from the PDF file will be merged into a single line for searching, but then displayed in the original format in the results (because of this, the reported number of lines with matches will be incorrect). This option will only work on simple PDF files exported as a single column of text.

tl;dr: In PDF files you will have the best chance of success if you search for a single word or shortest possible pattern. PDF files are by far the hardest to search accurately and reliably because they do not contain text. PDF files were designed to be visually the same when printed with any printer or viewed on any operating system. A PDF file contains a set of pages, and each page has a set of characters. Each character has a character id, font, size, color, orientation, and location to print the character. There are no words or sentences, and the letters are not written to the file in reading order. To extract text from the document, each letter is associated with its nearest neighbors, and words are formed by using the distance between characters (character and word spacing is not fixed and uniform). There is some degree of error in this process. Given a set of words, the software attempts to join them in lines or blocks of text to either mimic the layout or try to determine the reading order. There are endless different document layouts: single column, multicolumn, brochures, user guides, academic/scientific/engineering journals. A lot of research and development has been spent on solving this problem. There are commercial and open-source tools and libraries, but none that I've found available to dnGrep that does a better job than the existing PDFtoText. You can find something that works well for one document, but not for all. PDFtoText has six different options for extracting text - see the documentation under the XPDF folder in the Plugins\PDFSearch directory. If you want to experiment, you can select a different option by modifying the PDFtoText command line in the dnGrep Options dialog.

This release contains an update to:

  • .NET v8.0.1

Updated Translations for several languages. There are now 20 translations, but most of the languages need help to complete them. You are welcome and encouraged to complete or improve any of the existing translations, see
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for more information. Do as much or as little as you like. If you do not want to use Weblate for translations, I will take input in any format and merge the changes. Send me a note in the issues or discussions page.
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