[e-book] Fotografia


Bardzo aktywny
1 Lipiec 2010
Free HDR Photography Guide
"HDRI Photography: An Essential Skills and Workflow Primer" – This guide outlines concepts involved in HDR photography followed by a logical progression of steps in the production of high dynamic range images

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Trzy poradniki dla fotografów korzystających z programów CS Photoshop.

„Creative Studio (Cafe). CS4 Superguide” - (język angielski, s. 67, pdf).


PhotoshopCAFE napisał:
This was a very ambitious project to cover all the new CS4 products. While we didn’t manage to cover every application, we got really close. There have been many sleepless nights and favor-calling to make this a reality. I have managed to assemble a very elite group of people, some of the smartest minds in the business. Each contributer is an expert (In many cases the top expert) in their chosen application. What you’re holding in your hands (or reading on screen) is historic. I don’t think an independant source has ever assembled such a complete guide to the realese of an Adobe Creative Suite. (Definetly not released at the same time as the Adobe announcement!) I really hope you enjoy the fruits of our sleepless nights and coffee injections. A lot of the content here has also been compiled into a CS4 microsite at PhotoshopCAFE.com, there are also some videos and other goodies there. Ok, here’s the biggie! This is not only a CS4 guide, it is the inaugural issue of a brand-new magazine! Welcome to Creative Studio (CAFE)! Ok, I know it’s a bit long, but I wanted to keep the word CAFE for now, so you know it’s the same people who have brought you PhotoshopCAFE.com for almost a decade. Why a new magazine? There are tons of great magazines out there today. What I always find difficult to find is a magazine that inspires as well as educates. Creative Studio (CAFE) will be different in that aspect. We will be featuring talented people from the Visual Arts industry. This will cover design (print and new-media), photography, video, 3D and illustration. We will feature ground-breaking artists and share their techniques. You will learn how to work in the real world, discover real workflows as well as see inspiring work and lots of tips and tutorials on your favorite
programs. This will be a quarterly publication, you’ll download it, it’s community minded and best of all... It’s free!

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„Creative Studio. CS5 Superguide” - (język angielski, s. 66, pdf).


PhotoshopCAFE napisał:
Following the huge success of the free CS4 Superguide, we have just released the free 66-page CS5 Superguide eZine. The new features of most of the CS5 Products are covered in depth, with articles from industry leaders such as Jane Conner-Ziser, Jack Davis, Colin Smith, David Blatner, Weston Maggio and more. Signup to receive your free CS5 superguide.

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„Creative Studio. CS6 Superguide” - (język angielski, s. 77, pdf).


PhotoshopCAFE napisał:
Following the huge success of the free CS4 and CS5 Superguide, we have just released the free 77-page CS6 Superguide eZine. The new features of most of the CS6 Products are covered in depth, with articles from industry leaders such as Jack Davis, Colin Smith, David Blatner, Janine Warner, Stephen Burns, Chana Messer, Weston Maggio and more. Welcome to the Creative Studio CS6 Superguide. Here you will find a wealth of information on Adobe’s latest release. Expect a Superguide from us each time Adobe has a major release of a new Creative Suite. Count this as part of your exploration process.

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Bardzo aktywny
1 Lipiec 2010
Craft & Vision give time to the EBook "TEN" by David Duchemin. As a professional photographer he gives 10 tips to shoot better photos. The book has 19 pages and is in English.
Ten Ways To Improve Your Craft. None of Them Involves Buying Gear.


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Siedem różnych przewodników fotograficznych:

01. „Using your Digital SLR” – (język angielski, PDF, s.22).


A digital SLR is the hottest thing around right now. But if you’ve just taken the plunge (or are about to), it can seem scary. There’s new technology to master and words that read like a foreign language. At least at the heart of it all is a desire to shoot great pictures and I know many people who have had their passion rekindled by digital capture. There is a danger that the freedom offered by digital leads to a gung-ho approach – shoot as much as you can as fast as possible, in the hope that one or two images will be perfect. Don’t let this happen. Enjoy the freedom and benefi ts that owning a D-SLR brings. You can be more creative certainly, but a thoughtful approach to every picture you take is still the best way forward. I hope you fi nd this guide useful. We’ve tried to touch on many of the issues you will encounter on your journey.

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02. „Using your Lenses” – (język angielski, PDF, s. 21).


If I had A £1 for every time someone asked me a question about lenses I’d have saved up enough cash to buy that expensive 300mm f/2.8 telephoto I’ve always hankered after. But this isn’t a buying guide, just a simple,down-to-earth explanation of what lenses are, what they do and how you can get the best out of them. There’s no question that lens choice and know-how is one of the most confusing subjects, especially when you’re just starting out in creative SLR photography. Wide-angle, macro, zoom, telephoto, fast, slow... just what does it all mean and how does having a better understanding of it all make you a better photographer? You’re about to fi nd out...
„This isn’t a buying guide, just a simple, down-to-earth explanation of what lenses are, what they do & how you can get the best out of them.”

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03. „Take better Travel Photos” – (język angielski, PDF, s. 22).


Wherever you go this year for a break from the rat race, make sure you carry a camera with you. Travel and photography were made to complement each other and I, for one, can’t imagine travelling anywhere without shooting hundreds of pictures to remember the experience by. Even on holidays when I’ve promised others I won’t overdo the photography, I’ve ended up busily snapping away with whatever lightweight kit I’ve carried! That’s how I came to shoot the Cypriot sunset above. I was crying out for a longer telephoto lens to pull the setting sun closer in the frame but had to make do with my standard lens. Now I’m rather pleased that I couldn’t go for the obvious and went for a wider view. This travel fi eld guide will whet your appetite for the many amazing places you can travel to and provide lots of tips and inspiration to help you shoot great pictures when you get there. The subject of travel is broad and covers every aspect of photography from landscapes to portraits – you should just aim to capture the spirit of each place you visit in your own unique way. Have a great trip.

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04. „Get more from your Digital SLR” – (język angielski, PDF, s. 22).


Has a digital SLR improved your photography? After a very unscientific straw poll I’ve concluded that most D-SLR users have found that owning one has enabled them to become better photographers. It’s the chance to experiment without incurring extra costs that does it. Therefore, D-SLR users try things that they’d never considered in the fi lm days. Of course, that also means that D-SLR users also take a lot of rubbish shots but if they learn from them, so what? Today’s D-SLRs are complex but it’s a shame if you don’t use some of the functions and features that the designers have seen fi t to squeeze inside the camera body. This fi eld guide is designed to highlight many of the handy things that your camera will do. Some you will have come across, some may still be hidden within the mind-boggling manual that was supplied with your camera. We’ve mainly used the Canon EOS 350D and Nikon D70s – two of the most popular enthusiast cameras – as our default models here. You may find slight differences in operation if you own different cameras, so refer to your manual if in doubt. I hope you fi nd this guide useful.

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05. „Shooting RAW on your D-SLR” – (język angielski, PDF, s. 22).


Owning a digital SLR and never shooting RAW fi les is, I believe, a bit like never taking the camera off auto. You’re simply allowing an inanimate object to control your creativity. I’m not suggesting that you should only ever shoot RAW, but I do believe that when a new technology comes along it’s up to us to make the most of it. In the days when it was all fi lm, unless you had the facility to develop and print your own pictures, you handed control of that process over to a third party. But now the opportunity to control the whole image-making process, from capture to print, is easily available to all. When you start shooting RAW you do add in an extra layer of work. Instead of allowing the camera to make many of those processing decisions for you and presenting you with a JPEG, you can take the RAW fi le and enhance it to your heart’s content. Why wouldn’t you want to? If anyone feels that changing white balance, enhancing contrast or boosting colours is cheating, then in evidence I submit filters, darkroom techniques, and even the choice of fi lms like Fuji Velvia. Anyway, enjoy this booklet and have fun with your photography.

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06. „Shooting Black & White on your D-SLR” – (język angielski, PDF, s. 22).


Nothing quite grabs the attention like a black & white image. It can be classic, timeless, and direct. I love it. In this booklet – the sixth in our hugely popular practical series about using your D-SLR – we examine many of the aspects you’ll need to master in order to become a successful black & white photographer. That includes both the skills in recognising the potential in a scene, as well as the imaging techniques required to develop that potential. Where the film photographer once relied on the almost mystical know-how of the darkroom, these days the D-SLR owner puts his faith in software like Photoshop to bring his images to life. It’s important to point out that not every colour image you take with your D-SLR will successfully convert into a powerful and engaging black & white. I’d suggest that if you choose to explore the joys of mono then you go out in search of them specifi cally, rather than shoot in the hope that one or two might, by chance, have the right ingredients. My shot of a canal (above) is a case in point. It was a drab, dull scene in colour but in tones of black & white it’s a far more graphic and moody photo.

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07. „Creative Lens Techniques” – (język angielski, PDF, s. 21).


Once you become An SLR user you inevitably start to suffer from lens envy, craving other optics for the different options they offer. This booklet is here to help you get more from whatever lenses you own and perhaps suggest a few you might choose to invest in later on. With the right lens for the job, an understanding of its capabilities, and some simple camera skills, you can start to photograph anything imaginatively. For my picture above, I simply used an object from my garden – a rusting watering can – and worked out how, with use of selective focusing, to record it so that it has some artistic merit. The lens – an 85mm f/1.8 – does all the work. A wide aperture pushes all the attention onto the rose, allowing the background of my creosoted garden fence to blur beautifully and act as the perfect dark foil for the can. Even better, the wide aperture correspondingly gives a very fast shutter speed, meaning it’s easy to capture a few droplets of water falling from the rose. So now it’s your turn... read the advice in this booklet and fi nd out how you can use your lenses to greater creative effect.

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Tomasz Jakusz – „Food Styling & Photography” – (język polski, PDF, s. 42).


Poradnik poświęcony stylizacji i fotografowaniu jedzenia. Robienie zdjęć potrawom, to dość powszechne „zajęcie”. Sam podróżując robię zdjęcia różnym smakołykom, które trafiają na mój talerz. Jednak jeśli chcesz się do tego przyłożyć i samodzielnie przygotować apetycznie wyglądające
jedzenie to ten poradnik ci w tym pomoże. Poznasz triki stosowane przy tego typu zdjęciach. Jest więc to pozycja dla osób, które nie tylko lubią fotografować, ale i przyrządzać smakowite kąski.

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„Digital Food czyli jedzenie do oglądania” – (artykuł, język polski, PDF, s. 4)

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George Bailey - „Beginner’s Guide to Landscape Photography” - (język angielski, pdf, s. 20).


Nature can not leave a man indifferent. When you are on a hike high in the mountains, watching clouds float beneath you, or simply rolling along the highway just before sunrise, breathing fresh air and watching how dark and silky skies are slowly taken over by golden rays of rising sun, you just can’t feel down. Whatever problems you have, this sense of purity and freshness simply makes everything else unimportant. And that is the true power of nature.

And what’s even better, people have tendency to reproduce greatness - through music, literature, painting, photography and other means. In this book we shall learn how to reproduce greatness of nature by means of a photo camera. In other words - we’ll learn how to take cool pics of trees and stuff.

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Joe Barrett - „Lightroom Tips and Tricks - Volume 1” - (język angielski, pdf, s. 34).


Over thirty of the Image-Space Lightroom Tips and Tricks in one easy to read or print ebook format.
Includes the Library Module, Develop Module and the general use of Lightroom.
Example Tip Topics:
- Simple and easy folder structure
- Show filmstrip ratings and picks
- Visual keyword usage indicator
- Display exposure bias on thumbnails
- Fix missing metadata dates
- Thumbnail icon tricks

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Joe Barrett - „Lightroom Tips and Tricks - Volume 2” - (język angielski, pdf, s. 41)


A second volume of Lightroom Tips from the Image-Space.
Includes twenty five Lightroom 2 tips plus a bonus section on Lightroom Techniques.

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vonz napisał:
The Essential Guide to Digital Photography is for readers wanting to learn digital photography for the first time or build upon existing skills.
This 59 page guide is for readers who want to take photography beyond the simple point-and-shoot experience to more advanced skills and techniques.

Its an introduction to some essential things you need to know to get started and outlines further resources that you can use to grow as a photographer.

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Nadal za darmo Bakari Chavanu - „The Essential Guide to Digital Photography”.


You may think that picking up a digital camera, turning it on, and taking the photo is all that you need to know about digital photography. Think again, as there is a whole heap more to learn that you might not even realize.
MakeUseOf proudly presents this free 59 page guide. It’s jammed packed full of useful information for all type of photographers – from beginners to advance photographers.
Inside, you will find everything from what digital camera is right for you to features and settings that you should know about your camera.
There are also 5 beginner exercises for you to complete to help you become a professional photographer, and helpful instructions and information about editing your photo’s to make them even more magical.

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James Sherar - „HDRI Photography: An Essential Skills And Workflow Primer” - język angielski, s. 27, pdf, epub.


This guide outlines concepts involved in HDR photography followed by a logical progression of steps in the production of high dynamic range images. It is directed toward anyone that has any interest in creative photography from beginner to professional. While some concepts will be more familiar to more experienced photographers, this guide presumes that you have a pre-existing understanding of mere fundamental photographic concepts. Some of the more advanced concepts will be explained in context as they are met. For some of the more advanced topics that reside outside the scope of this guide and warrant a more in-depth discussion, readers will be directed to some helpful documentation for additional information. Those, along with other useful resources can be found at the end of the guide under “Further reading”.

Źródło: makeuseof.com
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Living the Photo Artistic Life,


Embark on an Inspiring Journey through digital Eye Candy Land...



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10 Maj 2017
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