
Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
FastCopy 3.31


FastCopy to w pełni darmowe, niewielkie, a zarazem bardzo przydatne narzędzie przeznaczone do szybkiego kopiowania danych na dysku twardym naszego komputera. Aplikacja umożliwia także usuwanie wybranych plików.

Dodatkowo program daje możliwość przyspieszenie procesu kopiowania, poprzez wykluczenie konkretnych plików, czy też możliwości włączenia funkcji NonStop (kopiowanie będzie kontynuowane mimo napotkanych błędów). Ponadto FastCopy daje możliwość określenie prędkości kopiowania i wielkości bufora.
Źródło: instalki.pl

v3.31 Increase initial main buffer size(x64:128MB -> 256MB, x86:64MB -> 128MB).
Increase maximum attributes buffer size (x64:1GB -> 8GB).
Increase path buffer size for verify/move (x64:8MB -> 128MB) and it can be changed in fastcopy2.ini (max_movesize/max_digestsize).
Change Grace period of compare timestamp(ms) to 64bit (max 23days -> unlimit)
Use NOBUFFERING flag evenif it is a network file when the file is big.
Allow BOM in the specified files by /srcfile= or /srcfile_w= options.
Improve buffer separation policy.
Take a measure for DLL preload attack.
v3.30 Add xxHash option for verify.
Add file creation mode (experimental).
Fix a Start-path filter problem that only deepest filter was used in multiple depth Start-path filters.
Fix same/diff network drive detection.
Misc refine.
v3.27 Add recording detail logs when initlizing error occurs in No UI mode. (scheduler or etc).
Misc refine.
v3.26 Show FastCopy icon in shell extension.
Fix job order in job manager.
Improve copy speed with ACL/Stream option.
Add Windows Server 2016 in Supported environments.
Improve installer.
v3.25 Support hash mode(MD5/SHA-1/SHA-256) for verifying in settings dialog.
(32bit version only)Fix to stop copying verifying.
v3.24 Fix an exception at terminating in rare environment.
v3.23 Expand limitaion of I/O buffer settings as 4095MB (x64).
Misc refine.
v3.22 Improve performance for 512e HDD.
Fix not to ignore minus-relative-date(-1D or etc) in extend filter.
Fix not to save "Min Sector size is regareded as 4096" settings.
v3.21 Fix not to recognize cmd=(sync|move) option.
v3.20 Support UserMode(not Admin) Shell Extension.
Add "Prevent auto-sleep during copying" option.
Improve speed for listing directory entries. (using FIND_FIRST_EX_LARGE_FETCH for high-latency environment or huge number of directory entries)
Add "Min Sector size is regareded as 4096" settings. (for using a Junction and that points big sector HDD in DestDir drive)
Disable estimate if NoUI mode is enabled. (to prevent this behavior, /estimate=TRUE)
Add SHA-256 hash mode for verify. (fastcopy2.ini [main] hash_mode=2)
Add /balloon option. (to prevent, /balloon=FALSE)
Expand /force_start option. (/force_start=2-N ... specify number of max parallel process)
Expand /from_date(to_date) option for hours/minutes/seconds. (/from_date="YYYYMMDD[hhmmss]" or "YYYY/MM/DD [hh:mm:ss]")
v3.13-v3.14 Fix an exception at starting in few environment.
v3.12 Show progress in taskbar during normal(not iconic) window with estimate mode.
Fix "UTF-8 logging" option (always enabled)
Add Official support forum link
v3.11 Support balloon notification at the finish.
Add the shortcut button of "Windows Task Scheduler" in Job Settings.
In the verify mode, if the hash values are different, target files are renamed to (fname).fc_verify_err.
v3.10 Add changing main information font.
Fix an exception(or ACL copy failure) when using many ACL entry with deep path.
v3.09 Fix an exception when using tasktray in Win10(x64) update version.
v3.08 Fix an exception when using tasktray in Win10(x86) update version.
v3.07 Fix memory leak problem when file-logging enabled. (about 1MB per 10,000 file)
v3.06 Fix reparse type indicator(->) in listing mode.
Prevent to show confirm dialog in NoUI mode.
Fix an exception when using ACL/AltStream + Network DestDir.
v3.05 Improve text label in large text OS environment.
Fix stopping Wipe/Delete mode with 4GB over files.
Misc refine.
v3.04 Fix /linkdest error.
Fix ignoring a filter string that has escape character in character class.
v3.03 Support old CPU(athlonXP or etc) in 32bit version.
Modify not to finish moving a reparse file with verify.
Change initial "Move" parameter.("Move one bye one")
Modify english UI font.
Modify english UI/help sentence(thinks: Brinda, Silver).
v3.02 Modify to always support DeDuplication reparsed files (Windows Server 2008 or later), even if /reparse mode is enabled or not.
v3.01 Fix a aborting problem with memory allocation error when many files(over 65,536 files(64bit) 131,072 files(32bit)) just under one directory.
v3.00 Improve I/O speed(especially network drive) by Overlapped I/O
Add Relative include/exclude filter.
Optimize multiple running FastCopys. (Enable parallel running if every FastCopys use the HDDs that another FastCopys are not used. if not, the FastCopy that is waiting for terminating another FastCopy. And if a FastCopy has standby/shutdown post-process option, it will execute it after all FastCopy tasks terminating.
Add /no_ui option. (for task scheduler or batch job)
MainBuffer can be specified 4096MB or over. (only 64bit FastCopy)
Add the option that can record timestamp/filesize information in filelog.
Add tolerance at the timestamp comparison option
Improve Physical drive group decision
Improve helpfile.
Easy to see the display (font, comma-delimited, point precision adjustment).
Main settings filename is changed FastCopy.ini -> FastCopy2.ini.
Change license BSD to GPLv3
Misc refine.
v2.11 Fix to ignore command line and shell extension in English GUI mode
v2.10 Prevent hazy display on 120DPI mode of Vista/7. Fix to sometimes fail update copy with ACL/Stream. Enable to select updating span for information (250/500/1000ms). Show Job name to main window title. Add taskbar minimzie mode instead of tasktray. Add Post-process command condition. Misc refine.
v2.08 Append selected directory to source field, if it is pushed OK button in Source directory Select Dialog with pushing CTRL. Fix save path history problem(v2.07 only)
v2.07 Prevent autocomplete of combobox at resizing main window. misc refine.
v2.06 Fix exception at verify mode(v2.05 only).
v2.05 Fix not to save settins in Win98. Enable to select writing ACL/AltStream errors to the log.
v2.04 Enable drag & drop in admin mode on UAC. settings dialog and misc refine.
v2.03 Fix "Elevate" menu item did not work in English UI.
v2.02 Release x64 native version. Store FastCopy.ini and logfiles in \Users\(USER)\AppData\roaming\FastCopy, if installed in \Progmram Files in Vista or Win7(UAC on/off is unrelated). Misc refine/fix.
v2.01 Fix not to finish "move" in same HDD rarely. Restore not to require absolute path.
v2.00 Add simple compare function("listing" with CTRL). Store FastCopy.ini and logfiles in \Users\(USER)\AppData\roaming\FastCopy, if UAC is enabled and installed in \Progmram Files. Enable manual settings of Physical Drive group. Enable 32bit shell extension in 64bitOS. Fix exception when deleting Job.
v1.99r4 Adjust destination filename to source filename when both upper/lower case are different (except "overwrite all" mode). Fix showing no detail error.
v1.99r3 Fix automatically decision of HDD mode problem.(v1.99r2 only) Improve to estimate complete time.
v1.99r2 Add detail filelog option(/filelog). Enable filter in move mode. Speed up starting (Replace API's inifile access by original routine.) Affect filter for the files those are specified direct in Source EditBox. Modify /srcfile option when using MBCS in srcfile contents. Additionally, refinement
v1.98 Add Extended (filesize/timestamp) filter. ("Option" -> "show extended filter")
v1.97 Correct that sometimes it failed to play sound in post-process action. Additionally, refinement
v1.96 If /linkdest option is enabled, change updating behavior "overwrite the target" to "delete and recreate the target". Add option(/recreate) that change updating behavior "overwrite the target" to "delete and recreate the target", regardless of specifying /linkdest option.
v1.95 Add reproduce hardlink option(/linkdest). Change showing Post-Process notice dialog as foreground. Correct wrong freeing memory at termination.(v1.93-v1.94) Correct that sometimes ACL/Stream copying failed.
v1.94 Correct that helpfile can not be opened.(v1.93 only)
v1.93 Add Post-Process(shutdown or etc) menu. Add "open log" menu. Add /srcfile option.(specify source files by textfile). Correct that JobMng saved "Delete" mode as "move" mode(v1.80-v1.92 only). Correct that installation option(creating shortcut) did not work at Non-English OS.(v1.92 only)
v1.92 Correct English document. Add "run in task tray" option in shell extension. Correct that sometimes incomplete file remained when error occurred.
v1.91 Correct that sometimes "wipe and delete" failed. Correct that "move with verification" was not finished rarely. Correct that network drive in directory select dialog did not show.
v1.90 Speed up verification. (I/O and verification are processed by parallel.) Switching SHA-1 to MD5 for verification as default.(If you want to use SHA-1, write [main] Using_MD5=0 in FastCopy.ini). Add to fix window position/size in menu. Add Source/DestDir swapping in menu.
v1.84 Correct wildcard filter problem. (when many wildcard strings were registered, unregistered string was occured rarely. To be exact, when sum of registered characters are just 62*n, boundary string was not registered)
v1.83 Using OS cache at reading option is ON, although it is disabled OS cache for verify reading.
v1.82 Add using OS cache at reading option.(OS Cached file reading will be faster. But not OS cached file reading require new OS cache area, and it will has bad effect for virtual memory area(swap or etc). this option is not recommended for normal use.)
v1.81 Correct move with verify mode.(if verify error occurs, sometimes process does not finish.)
v1.80 Add verify option by SHA-1. Add "paste" menuitem in shell extension. Add move(Size/date) mode. Add move as one by one option. Auto reduce MaxIO size(if ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCES is occured). Add suppressing confirm dialog at stopping error(/no_confirm_stop).
v1.71 Correct registering shell extension problem (Win2000/Me/98 only)
v1.70 Interpret Junction/Symlink (by default, it is copied Junction/Symlink itself (not target childs). In remove mode, it is always removed only Junction/Symlink itself). Elevate Admin(for Vista UAC). Add shell extension for 64bitOS. Add logging as UTF-8 option. Add logging filename option(/logfile=). Expand error log area.
v1.63 Change size limit of filter strings(62->2048chars)
v1.62 Correct CreateFile error that is caused by generating illegal dest path.(1.60/61 only)
v1.61 If string length is over 8192 chars in src field, it is truncated 8192 chars at executing. (v1.60 only)
v1.60 NTFS Access Control List(ACL), Alternate Stream support. Add Wipe & Delete option (normal and NSA method) for delete mode. Change Process Priority Class at using Auto Slow function.Changing "Auto Slow" checkbox to slider control.
v1.55 Modify PopupDialog Position at tasktray mode
v1.54 Modify for NT4.0
v1.53 When executing in tasktray by command line, it do not get focus. In the multi monitor, the window shows in the monitor that has mouse pointer. Modify to enable /error_stop option.
v1.52 Addition of Auto Slow function. It is corrected that too strictly time stamp judgment in some UDF filesystems. It is corrected that control specification (=FALSE) of the command line option did not work effectively.
v1.51 When two or more different directories are specified for src and using estimating option, it terminated abnormally sometimes occasionally.
v1.50 Enable to the filter specification in the synchronous mode.
v1.40 Addition of job management function. Addition of preview listing function. Addition of multiple FastCopy process control option. When the filter is specified, the option not to make an empty directory is added. Addition of automatic operation/same/another HDD mode specification. The resize of the main window is possible. Informative label of API error. Additionally, refinement
v1.32 It is corrected that the Include/Exclude filter was invalid at the command line. Additionally, refinement
v1.31 It is corrected to have fallen immediately after execution when a lot of specification is done with the Include/Exclude filter occasionally.
v1.30 Include/Exclude filter function addition. When drag & is dropped in the same directory, the reproduction is made possible. It adds it by the Source selection the file selection dialog. In addition, some speed-up. Do not end excluding the deletion mode automatically when start by way of the shell + canceling. Other refinement.
v1.21 A part of phenomenon of not coming out the shell enhancing menu in the environment (It is v1.20's enbug) is corrected.
v1.20 Forecast function addition of copy completion time. It is corrected not to have functioned occasionally though it two or more file selection + opens by enhancing the shell. Other refinement
v1.12 Option of making to submenu addition of shell enhancing. It is corrected to have hardened when a large amount of file is selected by way of the shell occasionally (Only v1.10-1.11). The behavior of the shell enhancing with Nettowarcpras is changed. Other refinement
v1.11 In the environment, a part of problem that execution cannot begin is corrected.
v1.10 Making of the main window (Correspond to the drag & drop etc. of the UNICODE file name) UNICODE. To enclose the path name with ""when drag & is dropped, the file of the path name including the semicolon is changed. Mode addition that does not put out confirmation dialog when shell start is executed. It is corrected that the shell enhancing and the directory under the control of the start menu did not open it when it is effective occasionally. Other refinement.
v1.00 1.00 release (2005/03/10)
v0.50 1st alpha release (2004/09/27)

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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
FastCopy 3.40
Add Update Check (Menu -> Help -> Check Update).
Support multi-line input in Source Edit Control.
Improve estimating precision. (Investigate not only source but also destination)
Change default action of Source button. (It shows FileSelection Dialog as default. It can be changed in Settings -> Misc)
Support to enable/disable Large Fetch option. (Settings -> I/O Settings)
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
FastCopy 3.41
Modify I/O parameters and improve performance for network drive
Add update check at startup. (It can be changed in Settings -> Misc)
Fix not to show copy mode option when delete mode is selected.
Reduce to ocurr "Not empty" error when directories are deleted. (OS is the cause)
Fixe incorrect determination of same / different drive judgment of volume using two or more physical HDDs.
Misc refine.
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Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
FastCopy 3.50

In the Source selection dialog, it can be selected files and dirs simultaneously.
Improved network drive performance by adaptively changing the I/O size and async I/O issue number.
(With a high latency network drive, it is twice or more faster than Explorer and older version)
When minimizing, if the icon is hidden in the task notification area, display it on the task bar.
Fixed the exit code did not become -1 on error.
Improve settings (add actions at minimized, shell extensions, etc.)
Change to 1 file installer and add "Expland" button to installer.
Output a dump at exception.
To be uninstallable via "application and function".
Represent the completion status in the color at the top of the icon.(Green: complete, red: error)
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Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
FastCopy 3.51
Version v3.51

- Add verify error behavior option (deleting error-file instead renaming to .fc_verify_err).
- Fix include/exclude filter problem. (if same dir and file names was specified in the filter, only last same name entry was enabled).
- Misc refine.
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Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
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