
GIMP 2.8.10:

Overview of Changes from GIMP 2.8.8 to GIMP 2.8.10

- Set manifest as Windows 8 compatible

- Indicate if a file was exported in the Quit dialog
- Add shortcuts and hint labels to the close and quit dialogs
that make closing and quitting easier and more consistent
- Rename the File->Export menu labels to match Save/Save as
- Fix keyboard shortcuts on OSX Mavericks
- Don't open lots of progress popups when opening many files
- Correctly restore the hidden state of docks in single window mode

- Fix exporting an image consisting of a single layer group
- Don't attempt to pick transparent colors

- Fix crash in LCMS plugin if RGB profile was missing

- Fix compile on NetBSD (missing -lexecinfo)
- Bug fixes
- Translation updates

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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
GIMP 2.8.16

Gimp to program służący do obróbki fotografii cyfrowych oraz tworzenia grafiki rastrowej. Aplikacja jest darmową alternatywą dla Adobe Photoshop lub Corel PaintShop Pro i pozwala na skorzystanie z obszernego zestawu narzędzi, ustawień, filtrów oraz wtyczek, pomocnych w edycji oraz kreowaniu obrazów rastrowych. W programie możliwe jest rysowanie, retuszowanie zdjęć, przemieszczanie, usuwanie, kopiowanie, duplikowanie i przekształcanie fragmentów obrazów bądź ich całości, zarządzanie tłem, wprowadzanie tekstu do grafiki, dostosowywanie barw i innych właściwości obrazów, zastosowanie warstw oraz masek.
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Overview of Changes from GIMP 2.8.14 to GIMP 2.8.16


- Seek much less when writing XCF
- Don't seek past the end of the file when writing XCF
- Windows: call SetDLLDirectory() for less DLL hell
- Fix velocity parameter on .GIH brushes
- Fix brokenness while transforming certain sets of linked layers


- Always show image tabs in single window mode
- Fix switching of dock tabs by DND hovering
- Don't make the scroll area for tags too small
- Fixed a crash in the save dialog
- Fix issue where ruler updates made things very slow on Windows


- Fix several issues in the BMP plug-in
- Make Gfig work with the new brush size behavior again
- Fix font export in the PDF plug-in
- Support layer groups in OpenRaster files
- Fix loading of PSD files with layer groups


- OSX build system fixes
- Bug fixes
- Translation updates

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super saiyajin...
4 Czerwiec 2013
GIMP 2.8.18

We are releasing GIMP 2.8.18 to fix a vulnerability in the XCF loading code (CVE-2016-4994). With special XCF files, GIMP can be caused to crash, and possibly be made to execute arbitrary code provided by the attacker.
This release includes additional bug fixes since 2.8.16. An important change has happened to the initial startup experience on Microsoft Windows and OS X platforms - any “GIMP is not responding” errors encountered there should be gone.

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Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
X-Gimp 2.8.22 [Rev24]

jest to przenośna wersja programu GIMP co oznacza, że aby korzystać z tego programu, nie jest konieczny proces instalacji. Można więc umieścić ten program w dowolnym miejscu na dysku lub jakimś zewnętrznym urządzeniu przenośnym, np. pendrive i w ten sposób mieć go zawsze przy sobie.
Versione/Version: Software [2.8.22] - X-Launcher [1.5.4] - INI [rev24]
Licenza Software/Software License: GNU General Public License
Licenza Launcher/Launcher License:
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Codice Sorgente/Source Code:
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Modifiche/Changes :
[rev2] eliminazione della cartella gtk-2.0 da %AppData%
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[rev3] eliminazione delle lingue supplementari avviando il programma con l'INI principale
[rev4] a partire dalla versione 2.4.0, le librerie GTK sono integrate nel programma, pertanto in questa versione non sono incluse all'interno della directory \Lib\GTK poichè non necessarie.
[rev5] errore nel caricamento di alcuni componenti del programma
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[rev6] diversa disposizione delle localizzazioni (in \Bin\Gimp\share\locale) e relativa modifica del file .ini
[rev7] le miniature vengono salvate in una cartella temporanea (%TEMP%\.thumbnails) e di conseguenza non vengono visualizzati i file aperti di recente al successivo riavvio del programma; rimangono tracce in %USERPROFILE% (file .recently-used.xbel) e in %APPDATA% (cartella gtk-2.0)
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[rev8] aggiunto supporto ai file recenti (nota: i file devono essere salvati in \Bin\Gimp, \User\Gimp o Documents\Gimp), eliminazione delle lingue supplementari dell'Help (se installato) utilizzando l'.ini principale italiano
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[rev9] corretto bug file recenti
[rev10] modifiche effettuate in base alla nuova release di The Gimp
[rev11] modificata gestione backup della cartella gtk-2.0 (%AppData%), disabilitata cancellazione lingue supplementari (da attivare in X-Gimp.ini), eliminato x-launcher_en.ini
[rev12] impostata directory %DOC_DIR%, modificato backup gtk-2.0 in %AppData%, corretti percorsi in .gtk-bookmarks, abilitate istanze multiple, aggiunta rimozione lingue tranne %LANG% (da attivare), aggiunto supporto ai file recenti salvati in \Documents
[rev13] aggiunto supporto Ghostscript
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[rev14] bug fix .gtk-bookmarks, velocizzazione avvio (
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[rev15] impostazione predefinita help on-line, impostazione predefinita layout, fix copia splash screen personalizzato, cambiato splash screen, bug fix .gtk-bookmarks
[rev16] bug fix cartella "gegl-0.0" in Documenti, cambiato splash screen
[rev17] rimossa eliminazione lingue supplementari, eliminata copia dei file di configurazione preimpostati (x-default_pluginrc, x-default_sessionrc, x-default_themerc), modificata gestione splash screen, modificato splash screen
[rev18] impostazione percorso binari in file configurazione
[rev19] rimosso splash screen, aggiunto traytip, aggiornato launcher 1.5.0 beta, rimossa gestione gtk-2.0 e .gtk-bookmarks non più necessaria, modificata gestione gegl-0.2, modificata normalizzazione file recenti, modificata variabile per thumbnails directory
[rev20] bugfix riconoscimento font di sistema
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, ripristino precedente variabile per thumbnails directory (da USERPROFILE a HOME), modificata gestione recently-used.xbel e gegl-0.2, aggiunta gestione cartella fontconfig, disabilitate istanze multiple, aggiunta RE per normalizzazione PATH in default.env, eliminata variabile LANG
[rev21] bugfix errori plugin in caso di upgrade
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[rev22] bugfix Python-Fu (thank you MirkoM
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), aggiornato launcher 1.5.0 stable
[rev23] percorsi in .gtk-bookmarks
[rev24] bug fix cartella gtk-2.0 in $LocalAppData$
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Wczoraj pojawiła się nowa wersja GIMP 2.10 (2018-04-27). Użytkownicy Linuxa mogą już go zainstalować poprzez Flatpaka (repozytoria są dopiero aktualizowane):
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Na wersję Windows trzeba poczekać, ale można upgradować wersję 2.8.22 do 2.9.6:
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Można również wypróbować wersję RC z 19.04.2018:
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The Changes in short
  • Image processing nearly fully ported to
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    , allowing high bit depth processing, multi-threaded and hardware accelerated pixel processing, and more.
  • Color management is a core feature now, most widgets and preview areas are color-managed.
  • Many improved tools, and several new and exciting tools, such as the Warp transform, the Unified transform and the Handle transform tools.
  • On-canvas preview for all filters ported to GEGL.
  • Improved digital painting with canvas rotation and flipping, symmetry painting,
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    brush support…
  • Support for several new image formats added (OpenEXR, RGBE, WebP, HGT), as well as improved support for many existing formats (in particular more robust PSD importing).
  • Metadata viewing and editing for Exif, XMP, IPTC, and DICOM.
  • Basic HiDPI support: automatic or user-selected icon size.
  • New themes for GIMP (Light, Gray, Dark, and System) and new symbolic icons meant to somewhat dim the environment and shift the focus towards content (former theme and color icons are still available in Preferences).
  • And more, better, more, and even more awesome!
The Full GIMP 2.10 Release Notes:
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Gimp 2.10.2
Overview of Changes from GIMP 2.10.0 to GIMP 2.10.2


- Discard fonts which fail to load and popup an info dialog to allow
people debug their fonts.
- New API to suppress updates in UI until plug-ins are done
introducing changes.
- New API to calculate histograms in separate threads, with possible further
extension to handle similar cases elsewhere in GIMP.
- Tool options are now properly saved and reloaded per-device at


- New plug-in for importing and exporting HEIF images.
- Enable visibility of rasterized vector layer from PSD.
- Single-window screenshots in Windows fixed to correctly snap a
window even when it is partly off-screen or covered by another
window or when display scaling is not set to 100%.


- New Spherize filter to wrap an image around a spherical cap
- New Recursive Transform filter to create Droste effect.


- Warn users, when alpha-only painting has no effect. E.g. when target
drawable doesn't have an alpha channel, or the alpha channel is locked.
- Make the splash texts dynamic, so they are larger on larger splashes.
- Mention pressing Enter to complete Foreground selection in the status bar.
- Make sure that clicking outside any selection prevents Rectangle Select
and Ellipse Select tools from creating empty selections.
- Improve mouse wheel zooming behavior to keep the same point
centered under the pointer even if the image is completely visible
in the canvas.
- Add "View -> Center Image in Window" (Shift+J) as a quick way to
center the image at any zoom level.


- Updated translations: Catalan, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Greek,
Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Latvian, Polish, Russian, Spanish,
Swedish, Ukrainian.
- New translation of Windows installer: Chinese (Taiwan)


- Add a --with-bug-report-url configure option allowing packagers to
set the address of their own bug tracker. This address will be the
one opened by the debug dialog for reporting bugs.
- Add a flatpak manifest for the gtk3-port branch.
- Remove the possibility to disable script-fu.
- Add a --with-icc-directory configure option to customize the color
profile directory. By default, it is set to the common path


- Updating the description of the XCF format "devel-docs/xcf.txt", for
third-party readers wishing to support GIMP 2.10 XCF files.
- Add documentation skeletons for all enums in libgimpbase/, there is
much room for improvement.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
GIMP 2.10.10
GIMP 2.10.10 highlights include:
  • Line art detection in the Bucket Fill tool for comic artists
  • Various usability improvements in transformation tools
  • Sample Merged option added to the Heal tool and fixed in the Clone tool
  • Parametric brushes now have 32-bit per channel precision
  • Easier brush and pattern creation workflow
  • On-canvas layer selection
  • Faster saving/exporting and layer groups rendering
  • Initial DDS support
  • Many improvements in
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    , the image processing engine
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Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
GIMP 2.10.12
Release Notes:
  • Improved Curves tool
  • Layers support for TIFF exporting
  • Support for user-installed fonts on Windows
  • Faster painting
  • Improved symmetry painting support
  • Incremental mode in the Dodge/Burn tool
  • Free Select tool now creates a preliminary selection
  • New Offset tool
  • More:
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Podobnie jak w przypadku innych wydań GIMPa,
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opublikowanie łączy pobierania nowej wersji na stronie głównej GIMP zajmuje trochę czasu. Nowa wersja nie jest jeszcze dostępna do pobrania i trzeba sprawdzać dostępność :)
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