
Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016


HelpNDoc to rozbudowane narzędzie do tworzenia plików pomocy, dokumentów, podręczników oraz instrukcji obsługi.

Program oferuje wygodny w obsłudze interfejs użytkownika, wyglądem zbliżonym do komercyjnego pakietu Microsoft Office. Na szczególną uwagę zasługuje również ogromna ilość dostępnych funkcji i narzędzi wspomagających tworzenie projektów i różnych plików pomocy (z możliwością ich publikacji w Internecie).

W programie znajdziemy niezbędne narzędzia do tworzenia zaawansowanych i profesjonalnych dokumentacji, podręczników czy nawet instrukcji obsługi. Wśród nich warto wymienić funkcję do tworzenia spisu treści, edytor WYSIWYG, a także wbudowane moduły do sprawdzania pisowni (również dostępne w języku polskim) i edytowania słów kluczowych.

HelpNDoc tworzy pliki pomocy w formacie CHM, dokumenty PDF i DOC, książki oraz podręczniki w ePub lub Kindle, a także inne dokumentacje w formacie HTML. Do tworzonego projektu możemy wstawiać różne tabele, kod HTML, symbole, obrazki, a nawet pliki wideo. Poza tym nie mogło w nim zabraknąć rozbudowanego edytora tekstowego, za pomocą którego możemy szybko i wygodnie pisać dokumentację, podręczniki lub bardziej złożone instrukcje obsługi.

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Źródło: dobreprogramy.pl

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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Version – Release date: Sep 16, 2022 –
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  • HelpNDoc could display an error about missing DLLs in some languages
  • Floating license key checks could return an invalid key error when it was in fact valid
Version – Release date: Sep 13, 2022 –
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  • New post-build actions: run specific actions after the build process. First actions included: Show message and Run script
  • It is now possible to select a snippet as the default content of a newly created topic in the project's automated settings
  • New option to display smaller library items. When activated, non resizable items such as documents, snippets and HTML code are drawn smaller in the topic editor
  • Use the CTRL keyboard shortcut while applying style to reset any overrides applied to the selected content
  • Last edited template is now stored for each projects so that it is the default one selected next time the template editor is opened
  • Topic editor's right click popup menu now includes "Paste as text" and "Paste special" sub-menu for quicker access to those actions
  • Topic modification date and time is now correctly updated when the topic content changes
  • Greatly improved code editor which is now faster to draw content and scroll, and includes multiple bug fixes and enhancements
  • An exception could be raised when decrypting content with an invalid password
  • Exporting a library item to an existing file now displays a confirmation message to avoid data loss
  • Improved script execution engine for faster and more reliable execution, and additional pascal-based language support
  • Unneeded files removed from the installer to make it slightly smaller
  • Improved some syntax highlighters to improve the supported language elements
  • Script editor popup now display user scripts before system scripts as they are more likely to be used more often
  • Improved HND project file handling: faster comparison for binary data, performance improvements, bug and security fixes
  • User interface refinements, fixes and improvements for Windows 11 and high DPI screens
  • Debug engine has been improved and strengthened for easier and faster bug spotting and resolution
Version – Release date: Jul 19, 2022 –
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  • New Ultimate Edition of HelpNDoc: includes all features available
  • HelpNDoc is now a 64-bit software: It has access to more system memory, is more resilient and faster to operate
  • Added the ability to override any style for each specific build
  • Generated Word documents can be encrypted with a custom password and strong encryption algorithms
  • Generated Word and PDF documents can be signed using an invisible digital signature to insure their integrity
  • New strong encryption algorithms for PDF documents: RC4 40 bits, RC4 128 bits, AES 128 bits, AES 256 bits and AES 256 bits with hardened key generation
  • Added support for SVG images in both the editor, and supported documentation formats
  • Secrets such as passwords are now securely stored in HND project files using a strong encryption algorithm
  • New API methods to store any number of secrets securely in HND project files
  • When pasting content with library items into a snippet, problematic content will be converted and removed and the user warned about it
  • New TStringList.WriteBOM property to control if BOM is written when saved to file
  • Documentation generation dialog can now be maximized
  • Faster, more reliable, more memory efficient and more secure HND project file handling library
  • Script editor dialog now has keyboard shortcuts for its main actions
  • Improved application startup time
  • Improved overall application responsiveness
  • Project analyzer incorrectly reported some library items as being used by a ghost topic after they have been pasted into snippets
  • Windows positioning is more reliable and precise across sessions and different screen resolutions
  • Recent versions of Qt assistant didn't always show the vertical scroll bar when showing topics content which didn't fit the visible area
  • Some versions of Qt assistant displayed a black header for each topic instead of the defined base color
  • Images are now responsive in the Qt help documentation format: they will resize to fit the visible screen area
  • Improved table borders drawing in PDF documents
  • Dropping a topic over the root project topic could cause an error message
  • Default HTML template now correctly uses the template's defined default extension, making it easier to generate extensions such as HTM, PHP...
  • Default HTML template will now use the correct file extension for the specified logo file instead of forcing the PNG file extension
  • HTML search engine now correctly uses the template's defined default extension to avoid generating broken links
  • Better HTML export of paragraphs with borders and hanging first
  • Various improvements in RTF importer for East Asian texts
  • Faster and more reliable script and template execution
  • Importing some WinHelp HLP file could produce corrupted topics: editing those topics resulted in an error message
  • Find and replace operations for the whole project have been optimized and are now faster
  • Table of contents string was hard-coded in the default Markdown template: it can now be translated
  • Using HndGeneratorInfo.TemplateInfo in templates caused an error
  • Improved panels docking behavior on screens with different DPI settings
  • Transform text popup menu could stay visible even when another control was focused
  • HelpNDoc is not tested on Windows 7 anymore: Microsoft dropped extended support for Windows 7 on January, 2020
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
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–Release date: Mar 19, 2024–
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  • New Dynamic Content library item: HTML code and scripts inserted within topics are interpreted at generation time to produce dynamic content
  • Added ability to duplicate pre- and post-build actions from one build to another one
  • It is now possible to delete recent projects or recent places from the lists in the welcome page or file menu by right-clicking an item
  • Table background colors could sometimes be incorrectly exported to HTML-based documentation formats
  • It wasn't possible to paste or drop formatted HTML content within the topic editor, snippet editor or any other rich-text editors anymore
  • When opening an existing project, it could incorrectly be marked as modified when it wasn't
  • Navigating to the project options panel could set the project as modified when it wasn't
  • The insert library item popup menus have been redesigned to allow faster navigation and insertion from libraries with a large number of items
  • Duplicating a build didn't duplicate its pre-build and post-build actions
  • Duplicating a build didn't duplicate its list of overridden library items
  • The quick access toolbar's position above or below the ribbon wasn't correctly restored between sessions
  • Editing some image maps could lead to an empty image being displayed in some rare cases
  • Some rare very old projects which have been migrated to version 9 could be partially generated when they contained snippets
  • In the library item editor, the equation preview could be incorrectly placed at the bottom of the window when it should fit within the available space
  • Application could incorrectly notify the Windows system that projects in the "Recent projects" list were recently opened when they were not
  • HelpNDoc application's startup is now faster
  • Simplified dictionaries related API by removing unneeded methods
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–Release date: Feb 6, 2024–
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  • New build actions: upload generated files to FTP(S) and SFTP servers
  • Ability to override any library item types (pictures, documents, equations, variables, snippets...) in any build independently
  • Documentation generation process can now be canceled at any stage
  • Improved HTML importer which is now faster, more reliable and includes additional support for modern HTML and CSS features
  • The HTML library item's editor can now load and save its content from disk and includes a toolbar and popup menu
  • Project styles can now be imported from a DocX document or HTML web page in addition to HelpNDoc's own formats, and RTF files
  • Rewritten the script editor's log console: new hierarchical tree structure, includes icons, supports multiple lines, clearer and faster
  • Double-click an info, warning or error line in the script editor's log console to navigate to the problematic source code location
  • Use the CTRL-C keyboard shortcut to copy the selected line in the script editor's log console to the clipboard
  • Overridden build styles can now be copied from one build to another
  • The focused nodes of the table of contents, keywords and library trees are now saved within the HND project file and restored next time it is opened
  • New API methods to copy all build styles from one build to another, and to delete all build styles for a specific build
  • PDF generator produces smaller PDF files when font embedding is set to none or subset
  • PDF generator now better handles font embedding, including particularly for symbol fonts
  • Improved HTML/CSS generation: better code generation with additional modern style support
  • Improved Markdown import / export, which now supports loading and saving starting values of numbered lists
  • Some topics created with an older version of HelpNDoc could be blank when opened with latest versions
  • Importing CHM help files when a project is opened or recently closed could lead to the generation of sub-optimal or duplicate Help Ids and Help Context numbers
  • Strengthened documentation generation process to avoid crashes and correctly clean up in case of a problem
  • Cleaner HTML code generation for ePub and Kindle eBooks leading to less validation errors and warnings
  • Legacy framed HTML template did generate invalid breadcrumbs topic titles
  • Copying bullet lists from the topic editor to a text application now correctly pastes bullets
  • It wasn't always possible to clear the style format of select content within table cells
  • Improved drawing accuracy of various items when exported to PDF documents
  • Bullets with font symbols were not correctly exported to HTML based documentation formats
  • Better import of bookmarks in CHM and HTML imported files
  • Generation log could sometimes display bogus numbers for warnings and errors
  • Word and PDF generators could produce images which are larger than the page's width when images were included in library items such as documents or snippets
  • Improved and strengthened dictionaries import methods and fixed Luxembourgish dictionary import
  • Improved import of email hyperlinks from HTML documents
  • Automatic unique keywords and library items caption generation is now more reliable and generates better captions
  • New project templates were not always correctly loaded and displayed, resulting in an empty list
  • Faster and more reliable checksum calculation for topics, library items, and library items' sources
  • Improvements and refinements in user interface's skin engine
  • Fixed rare stack overflow exceptions related to the ribbon bars and buttons
  • Removed variable override command line option: use command line scripts to use the new library override feature instead
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–Release date: Sep 5, 2023–
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  • New project starter kits to help bootstrap a new documentation project's hierarchical structure based on best practices. Includes the following starter kits: API documentation, Cooking recipes, Mobile app, Software documentation
  • It is now possible to filter topics in the table of contents by status (e.g. complete, in progress...) and visibility (e.g. visible, hidden, hidden from table of contents)
  • Table of contents panel now has an optional toolbar to conveniently access some common table of contents related actions
  • Redesigned new project dialog for faster and easier creating of the initial table of contents thanks to a toolbar showing available actions
  • New YAML automatic syntax highlighter
  • Script editor now optionally indents / decreases indents for all selected lines when the TAB or SHIFT-TAB keyboard shortcuts are pressed
  • Script editor now optionally highlights matching brackets
  • Panels such as as the table of contents, library and keywords now update their caption to mention if they are currently filtered
  • Library item analyzer's "Select similar items" action didn't always select all similar items
  • Improved grid sorting application-wide: all grid columns now use case insensitive sorting
  • Script editor didn't respect any updated options until the application was restarted
  • Optimized speed for loading and operating main form and table of contents panel
  • Speed up the opening of the topics status popup menu
  • The "Delete" button was flickering in the status management window under certain conditions
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–Release date: Jul 11, 2023
  • The image editor now includes a stamps panel with dozens of pre-made shapes and numbering options
  • Select any number of layers in the image editor to convert them to a reusable stamp
  • Snippet editor now uses a modern ribbon user interface for improved consistency and usability
  • Snippet editor now displays the most recently used fonts first and includes shortcuts to control the paragraphs' line spacing, background color and text flow
  • It is now possible to add, edit and delete anchors in the snippets editor
  • The library can now be filtered to display only some library item types
  • Script editor window now displays the currently edited file name in its caption
  • Library panel now has an optional toolbar to conveniently access some common library actions
  • The default HTML template now optionally supports Google Tag Manager
  • A preview of the currently hovered library item is now displayed in the project analyzer
  • Image maps can now also be edited using the built-in image editor
  • Trying to edit a broken library item (e.g. item is not included in the library anymore) displayed an exception error message
  • When editing a single hyperlink from the project analyzer, the edit window now uses its current settings by default
  • System variable library items silently failed to edit: an error message is now displayed to indicate that this is not possible
  • It was possible to open multiple instances of the script editor, leading to confusion and potential bugs
  • In the image editor, it was possible to close panels without a way to re-open them
  • The library now displays sorted folders first to be consistent with the Windows Explorer
  • HelpNDoc's scripting API help file was displayed behind the script editor window
  • Optimized loading of application's main window
  • Fixed typos in HTML-based template settings
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–Release date: May 25, 2023
  • Importing folders and sub-folders can now optionally recreate the folder hierarchy in the project's table of contents
  • Revised the folder import user interface to make it clearer and easier to use
  • Improved LaTeX expression support in the mathematical equation editor
  • HTML based Templates can now specify the topic files extension to customize how topic files are generated
  • It is now possible to override hook scripts, link formats to topics and anchors, as well as topic file extensions for all HTML based templates from the template settings tab without the need to create a new custom template
  • Use the CTRL keyboard shortcut and the mouse wheel to control the zoom level of the topic editor
  • Template hook scripts do not need to start with "<%" and end with "%>" anymore
  • Greatly improved mathematical equation's virtual keyboard: improved layout, support for alternative keys display using the SHIFT shortcut, faster overall performances
  • Multiple bug fixes in mathematical equation editor: fixed and improved expression drawing, better handling of arrow navigation keys...
  • Better conversion of topic content to library items as some items were not converted, and the number of converted/deleted items wasn't disclosed
  • The anchor editor dialog wasn't always able to locate and delete anchors
  • Faster and more reliable file and folder import process
  • The CTRL+0 keyboard shortcut didn't reset the topic editor's zoom level
  • ePub generator didn't correctly handle empty topics
  • Fixed memory leaks in snippet editor
  • Improved scripting API definitions and documentation
  • Anchor editor now gives focus to anchor name input field when shown
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–Release date: Apr 18, 2023
  • New built-in image editor which can be used to produce multi-layered images from within HelpNDoc while maintaining the ability to edit layers at any time (Beta)
  • New script to update topic's description throughout the project by replacing an old textual content with a new one
  • Fixed security vulnerability issue with the default HTML template
  • Library item's project analyzer incorrectly reported equations as broken throughout the project
  • Hooks were not working anymore in HTML based templates
  • When using the default HTML template, hyperlinks to Internet addresses were always opened in a new tab / window
  • Application could crash at startup when the custom template folder included sub-folders with unknown template kinds
  • Using the anchor editor, it was not always possible to navigate to an anchor, or delete it when it was placed within a table
  • Fixed HndUI.GetCurrentLibraryItemId which wasn't available from scripts
  • Script property TStringList.Objects didn't work as expected
  • Clarified confusing license related messages to make them more helpful
  • Faster operations when software and scripts are dealing with the equation library item
  • Bug fixes and reliability improvements in script engine
  • Improved memory usage of TStringList script API
  • Improved speed and reliability of generation documentation process
  • Performance and reliability improvements in the HND project file format handler
  • Improved documentation for the built-in script and template engine
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–Release date: Feb 28, 2023
  • New equation library item: define mathematical expressions and reuse them throughout the project
  • New project analyzer: list individual characters throughout the project with their number of occurrences to quickly spot invalid characters
  • Project analyzer now reports the number of characters including spaces, and excluding spaces
  • Build actions panel now saves and restores the position of the size of the action properties group and the width of its columns
  • Project analyzer's character counter is now more reliable: multi-byte characters are now correctly counted as one character when appropriate
  • Improved keyword generation for CHM, HTML and Qt help documentation formats: keywords are now correctly associated to topics hidden from the table of contents and their children
  • It wasn't possible to resize the "Action Properties" group in the "Build actions" panel: splitter bar didn't work
  • Possible error exceptions when using keyboard shortcuts on the ribbon bar
  • Improved scripting engine with performance improvements, improved parser and better array support, including ForEach method for arrays
  • Grids lines, headers and borders are now more subtle for a more modern and discreet UI
  • Some icons were not scalable and are now replace by SVG icons so that they can scale seamlessly to any screen size and resolution
  • The browse file button in the build action properties now correctly defaults to the field's directory
  • Fixed some German translation errors
  • HelpNDoc is not tested on Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 anymore: Microsoft dropped support for Windows 8 / 8.1 and strongly recommend to update to a newer version of Windows
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