
Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
IP Messenger 4.61


Bardzo czytelne objaśnienie niektórych funkcji programu. :zaciesz Program jest też w j. angielskim.

IP Messenger to komunikator internetowy oparty na protokole TCP/IP. Pozwala na komfortowe wysyłanie wiadomości tekstowych, wymianę plików pomiędzy użytkownikami z tej samej sieci LAN.

Program przez cały czas działa w postaci zminimalizowanej do zasobnika systemowego. Za każdym razem, gdy nadejdzie wiadomość, wyświetli się stosowny komunikat. Z poziomu menu kontekstowego, które pojawia się po kliknięciu na ikonę komunikatora, wyświetla się m.in. lista statusów, które można zmieniać np. podczas naszej nieobecności przy komputerze.

W celu zwiększenia bezpieczeństwa wysyłane wiadomości mogą być szyfrowane, a nawet zabezpieczone hasłem. Nie zabrakło również archiwum czy możliwości zarządzania priorytetami transferu plików.

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Źródło: instalki.pl

v4.61 Take a measure for DLL preload attack.
Improve screen saver interlocking rename. (misc/firewall -> experimental)

v4.60 Add "Narrowing file attached message" button in logviewer.
Improve loviewer.
- Fold tail quoted lines. (as default)
- Always show a message (that shown only a part of lines) header.
- Support unicode IVS show/search
Prevent dbl-quoted lines in head/tail at repying. (as default)
Change cursor pos to top at repying. (as default)
Improve Installer/Uninstaller. Fix to restore unopend messages that was stored by under v4.50.

v4.50 Add Member Master function
Add special command(ipcmd.exe). (It can Set/Get absence mode/Receive Messages/Send Messages with files/or etc)
Support SHA-256 signing.
Enable to open attached files in log viewer. (Distributed Link Tracking)
Speed up file transfer.
Enable to be shown A header of message in Opened/UnOpened Dialog.
Obsolete old weak encryption mode (RSA512bit/RC2-40bit)
Support wine environment.
Support new Protocol.

v4.01 - v4.11 Fix not to reflect a opened information to a logviewer.
Fix installer failure when logon name includes multi-byte charactor.
Narrow userlist(original addresees only) at replying as default. (Click "+" button, show all)
Fix not to freeze at receiving in Win10 anniv. (ToastAPI problem. Avoid by multi thread)
Improve logviewer. (Add unopend filter button. Enable to reply in message blank area.)
Change a number of unopen receive window is 100 -> 300. (it can be changed HKCU\Software\HSTools\IPMsg\RecvMax)

v4.00 Support Powerful LogViewer
Support multiple-addressees reply.
Support to confirm that reply-addressees are changed.
Support to add to firewall exception list for receive.
Misc refine/fix.

v3.50 - v3.64 Change bakgroud color to non-transparent for text-marker in image capture.
Support auto download option for attached files.
Support reproduce message for unopened/hidden message at restarting.
Support to encryption/sign(AES-CTR256bit) for file/folder transfer
Support IPv6 multicast
Change image processing library (libpng -> GDI+)
Add new marker function(arrow with text/rectangle).
Support to re-edit image.
Support to paste image by file.
Add new commandline message mode(/MSGEX), "\n" in message is replaced to new line code.
Suport remote reboot/shutdown.

v3.00 - v3.42 (v3.42 is the final version that supports Windows2000.)
Support Marker function for captured display image.
Support display (area specified) capture.
Support detail settings of balloon notifications.
Release 64bit version.
Support select users by user(sended) history.
Support icremental search for userlist (Ctrl-[F]).

Support embedded image in message.
Support multi language communication.
Support unopened message monitor.
Support to choose Directed/Limited broadcast for local segment.
Support RSA2048/AES256bit encryption.
Support RSA2048/SHA-1 digital sign/verify.
Support userid extension(public-key fingerprint).

v2.10 Balloon notification, UTF-8 logging, unify ipmsg.exe for Japanese/English

v2.00 File/Folder Transfer function support, Encrypted communication path support.

v1.31 English version support(97/09/01)

v1.00 Official public version (1996/08/19)

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Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
IP Messenger 4.70
Add Slack transfer experiment during lock screen.
Fix the master PC didn't delete the member that stopped without exit notification, from member list. (v4.61 only)
Fix some problem of ipcmd.exe.
Fix starting problem in WinXP/Server2003. (Server2003 doesn't support MemberMaster function, because it can't use SHA256)
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Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
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