
Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016


Wygląd można zmienić poprzez dostępne w programie motywy a jest ich w chwili obecnej szesnaście.

MaxLauncher jest niezawodnym narzędziem, które pozwala otwierać często używane foldery lub pliki za pomocą jednego przycisku. Umożliwia zebranie wszystkich skrótów w jednym miejscu, pozostawiając pulpit i pasek zadań czysty. Ma to na celu poprawę szybkości pracy na komputerze.

Program MaxLauncher, to przebudowany program MadAppLauncher (nie jest już rozwijany). Dodano kilka kluczowych funkcji, takich jak możliwość usunięcia karty, obsługa motywów i możliwość przenośnego (portable) używania programu.

Aplikacja posiada intuicyjny interfejs zawierający dziesięć przycisków, umożliwiających przypisanie skrótów do każdego z nich. Możesz edytować skrót za pomocą opcji w menu prawym przyciskiem myszy, ale o wiele łatwiejszym sposobem jest przeciąganie i upuszczanie pliku na przycisk.
Jest w stanie tworzyć wiele plików danych, z których każdy może mieć maksymalnie 10 kart. Każda karta i przycisk są przypisane do klawisza (np. F1-F10, 0-9, AZ, itd.).

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Źródło: portable.info.pl (9-24-2017)
Feature(s) added:
42 - Add multi-line support for tab names
43 - Added Polish translation
44 - Display a Start Dialog to Create or Open a File if no data file is loaded.(Remove message box informing users to create or open a file if no data file is loaded.) (8-14-2017)
Bug(s) fixed:
57 - Same EXE name + differents icon = same icon.
58 - When iconcache.mldb is deleted. Only the first mld file's icons are cached unless other mld files are modified.

Feature(s) added:
41 - Add a [Clear] option to the tab context menu to clear all of its buttons.

Other change(s):
1 - Modified loading of icon buttons to be faster. (7-22-2017)
Bug(s) fixed:
32 - Custom Themes Chrome, Dark, Earth, Forest and SeaShells are unusable. (7-8-2017)
Bug(s) fixed:
49 - button tooltip displays a small tooltip when moving the mouse after the actual tooltip is displayed.
50 - In the Edit button dialog box, changing from Maximized to Normal activates the Window tab even though the Window title is blank/empty.
52 - Loading errors are not displayed in selected language other than English.
52 - Changed the behavior of ENTER, UP/DOWN arrow keys when a special combobox has keyboard focus. Affects Select… and Target's Browse… buttons in the Edit Button Dialog box.
52 - app.cfg:, favorites.cfg: and iconcache.mldb: are not referenced in language theme files.
52 - PageDown shows up as Next
53 - Data file is not saved immediately after adding a tab.
54 - Data files sort error when having two or more identical entries.
55 - A small empty tooltip shows up when a button's Tooltip is displayed and the mouse is moved.

Feature(s) added:
34 - Multi-line support for button text.
34 - Missing entries in other language files:MainMenu_View_HideTabButtonsRow: MainMenu_View_HideTabButtonsRow1, MainMenu_View_HideTabButtonsRow2, MainMenu_View_HideTabButtonsRow3
36 - Changed interface for renaming of menu names. It should now be edited inside the list box.
37 - Close Theme Dialog and custom Theme Dialog when [ESC] is pressed.
38 - Change/create GUI to view list of grouped buttons to launch.

Other change(s):
* - Centered text in controls vertically.
* - Edit dialog box - moved [Run:] and [Window title:] to [Window] tab. Also make [Window] tab always active. Changed how window moving/sizing settings are presented.
* - Edit dialog box - renamed [Group ID:] label to [Group launch ID:].
* - Edit dialog box and Language files - Added EditButtonDialog_Label_LocationSizePresetsComment= Requires Run=Normal and Window Title="a title".
* - Organize Data Files dialog box and Language files - Removed [DataFilesDialog_Label_MenuName] from language files.
* - Check boxes focus rectangle changed to a solid rectangle for dark themes.
* - Language files: Removed String_ButtonList.
* - Language files: Added MainMenu_Tools_ViewGroupLaunchList.
* - Language files: Added GroupLaunchDialog_Title.
* - Language files: AddedGroupLaunchDialog_Label_List.
* - Language files: Added GroupLaunchDialog_ListView_Header_GroupLaunchID.
* - Language files: Added GroupLaunchDialog_ListView_Header_TabNumber.
* - Language files: Added GroupLaunchDialog_ListView_Header_TabName.
* - Language files: Added GroupLaunchDialog_ListView_Header_ButtonKey.
* - Language files: Added GroupLaunchDialog_ListView_Header_ButtonName.
* - Language files: Added GroupLaunchDialog_ListView_Header_Target.
* - Language files: Added GroupLaunchDialog_ListView_Header_Arguments. (5-29-2017)
Bug(s) fixed:
46 - Last file used is not saved when TabControlDataRO = true in portable.cfg.
47 - When TabControlDataRO = true and FavoritesConfigFileRO=false in portable.cfg, CTRL + DnD doesn't work on Favorites buttons.
48 - When TabControlDataRO = true in portable.cfg Tab control context menu still appears when right-clicking when the tab count is less than 10.

Feature(s) added:
32 - Added ability to hide tab button rows.
33 - Added LanguageDirectory location option in portable.cfg for Portable mode package. (4-22-2017)
Bug(s) fixed:
45 Windows set to Normal are moved to the upper-left corner of the screen.

Feature(s) added:

* Added more Documentation->KnowledgeBase items.
* Added more themes (3-23-2017)
Bug(s) fixed:
43 After clicking a button that shows an error, the main window no longer show.

Feature(s) added:
30 Option to open in screen with mouse cursor.

* Updated Simplified Chinese translation. (1-23-2017)
Bug(s) fixed:
37 Fixed themes that do not work with .Net 3.5
38 Button does not get focus when its corresponding key is pressed.
39 Icon files paths are being converted to relative path even if not in portable mode.
40 Data menu item paths are being converted to relative path even if not in portable mode.
41 Image as button icon is not displayed in Edit Button Dialog box when editing the second time.
42 When a customizable theme is reset, the default values(except color) are not reloaded unless the program is restarted.

Feature(s) added:
26 Add Data Files sorting when Organizing Data Files
27 Press key twice to launch
28 Add Single-click/Double-click button option
29 In reference to Data\Add Current Data File, filename extension is removed from display (12-17-2016)
Bug(s) fixed:
33 - Importing some *.mal files fail.
34 - Disable File/Save As menu item when there is no file is loaded.
35 - Error loading the icon when loading the current custom icon in EditButtonDialog box.
36 - Icon file path not being converted to relative path when the source is in the same drive as the executable.
Show a message to create/open file when no file is loaded.

Feature(s) added:
23 - Show a message to create/open file when no file is loaded.
24 - Add tab buttons sorting
25 - Only save icon cache when changed (8-11-2016)
Bug(s) fixed:
31 - When the Show in taskbar option is unchecked, MaxLauncher still shows up in Win/Alt + Tab list. (6-30-2016)
Feature(s) added:
Added Simplified Chinese translation.

Bug(s) fixed:
32 - Cut or Delete of a button while "Hide Empty Tab Buttons" option is selected does not hide the button after cutting or deleting. (11-11-2015)
Feature(s) added:
Added German translation.

Bug(s) fixed:
29 - Program sometimes crashes when pasting and "Drag and Drop" of invalid shortcuts.
30 - Duplicate IDs in Group IDs drop down box of the Edit Button's dialog box are shown. Beta (8-31-2015)
Bug(s) fixed:
- Installation - Set Display full path in title bar of File Explorer.
- Explorer windows should only do full title matches and not partial matches.
- Fixed <text> and <file> clipboard replacement feature. Beta (8-4-2015)
Feature(s) added:
17 - Add single-instance option (for each maxlauncher.exe location)
19 - Added Tools menu (Open Start Menu in explorer)
20 - Add language(internationalization) support.

Bug(s) fixed:
23 - Window style gets restored to Normal when maximizing within several seconds of launching.
24 - Preset tab selection is not activated when using the hotkey.
25 - Error occurs when adding a data file for the first time right after a fresh installation.
26 - Does not save file immediately after creation.
27 - When all windows are minimized using Show Desktop while a file dialog is open, the window cannot be restored unless the tray icon is clicked. Beta (6-17-2015)
Bug(s) fixed:
22 - Installer does not create MaxLauncher icon Beta (6-16-2015)
Feature(s) added:
9 - Madapplauncher's theme.
10 - Files and configuration information are now saved when changed.
11 - Added a command line option -DefaultTheme that starts the program using the default theme.
12 - Removed File/Save menu option.
13 - Improved application's responsiveness.
14 - Added IconCacheRO setting in portable.cfg.
15 - Added support for customizable themes.
16 - Added auto-hide menu option.
Bug(s) fixed:
15 - Some windows fail to resize.
16 - Does not save when closing using the [X] or from the system menu.
17 - Launching a program with a window is not being moved/resized when using custom size/location. This occurs only when Window Title is not specified.
18 - Button text is not recognized when using voice recognition software.
19 - Error when quitting immediately before the application is fully loaded. Happens when shutting down Windows before the application has fully loaded.
20 - Buttons' key text(i.e. qwerty...) when switching languages and then switching tabs.
21 - Error when double-clicking on an mld file Beta (3-7-2015)
Feature(s) added:
7 - Reduce memory usage when opening multiple files
8 - Add option to organize frequently used data files
Bug(s) fixed:
8 - When a button with an invalid Target is ran and AutoHide is set, the tab set in Hotkey/Activate Tab is activated
9 - Hotkey/Activate tab: sometimes does not display the previously assigned tab no
10 - When deleting the rightmost tab and if there are no other changes, the file is not saved.
11 - When editing a button which target contains an environment variable, the icon in the Edit Dialog Box is not updated correctly.
12 - Errors when saving files due to missing destination directories. Solution: Directories are created, if they do not exist, upon startup.
13 - Memory leak when loading or creating files. Solution: Remove old tab control from layout before adding a new tab control.
14 - Error on logoff or shutdown when and while running for the first time. Beta (2-14-2015)
Feature(s) added:
6 - Add option to add/delete themes
Bug(s) fixed:
5 - MaxLauncher fails to run on XP and Windows 7 with only .Net 3.5 installed
6 - No selection cue for list box item when list box has no focus
7 - View List Button in Edit Button Dialog displays all buttons when the Group ID is blank Beta (1-31-2015)
Bug(s) fixed:
3 - Unhandled Exception is thrown when an empty button's key is pressed.
4 - TabControl's buttons may display incorrect label when language is changed. Beta (1-24-2015)
Feature(s) added:
4 - Ability to launch a group of buttons
5 - Move-only window feature instead of move and resize Beta (11-26-2014)
Feature(s) added:
1 - Set default hotkey to CTRL + ~ (tilde)
2 - Change Drag and Drop sensitivity
3 - Add Program Information that displays configuration locations
Bug(s) fixed:
2 - Memory leak when changing Themes. User and GDI+ Objects grows every time the Theme is changed Beta (11-19-2014)
Feature(s) added:
I145: Changed target from C:\Windows\explorer.exe to %windir%\explorer.exe when adding a folder for portable compatibility
I139: Added a button property called "Window process name". Use to move/size windows by title more specifically by specifying the process name Beta (11-7-2014)
Feature(s) added:
I94: Added support for custom application icon
I117: Activates the window then the mouse hovers a tab or button during a drag and drop operation
Bug(s) fixed:
I117: Fixed drag and drop copying of buttons where both source and destination would share the same data Beta (10-23-2014)
Feature(s) added:
Added custom window sizing feature
Bug(s) fixed:
Fixed incorrect application window sizing that happens sometimes Beta (9-2-2014)
Feature(s) added:
Support for read-only configuration files using portable.cfg
Bug(s) fixed:
Fixed tab control border problem on Windows 8
Other minor bug fixes and improvements Beta (8-1-2014)
Initial beta release

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Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
MaxLauncher (10-7-2017)
Feature(s) added:
47 - Added a feature to set the Theme per data file. Ref. Feature request #32 by Mostafa Latrache

Bug(s) fixed:
59 - "Center on Screen" option is not functioning correctly when larger DPI is selected (e.g. 125%)
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Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
MaxLauncher (10-9-2017)
Bug(s) fixed:
60 - French language translation has a duplicate entry that causes a loading error.
Other change(s):
2 - Modified all languages encoding to UTF-8 and made the formatting more consistent.
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Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
MaxLauncher (10-29-2017)
Bug(s) fixed:
61 - At first activation, window is not centered on screen when start minimize is checked.

Feature(s) added:
50 - Ability to add shortcuts(*.lnk) of Windows Apps, Control Panel items, and advertised shortcuts.
51 - Added "Tools - Open Control Panel"
52 - Added "Tools - Open AppsFolder"

Other change(s):
3 - Added Czech translation
4 - Updated French translation with corrections.
5 - Updated Simplified Chinese translation.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
MaxLauncher 1.15 .0 (12-29-2017)
Bug(s) fixed:
62 - Alt + Tab bug is back. Ref. Bug# 31 - When the Show in taskbar option is unchecked, MaxLauncher still shows up in Win/Alt + Tab list.
63 - A data file cannot be opened when its local theme is deleted. Revert back to default theme if local theme does not exist.
Feature(s) added:
49 - font size?. Changed Dark and Light theme sets to be customizable.

Other change(s):
6 - Updated active tab on startup feature.
7 - Loading speed improvement.
8 - Updated French translation.
9 - Modify splitter bar theme so it can be seen easily.
10 - Change website URL to
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11 - Remove old themes Dark, Earth, Forest, Seashells and Simple@.
12 - Sorted Theme list.
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  • Lubię to
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
MaxLauncher 1.16 .0
version (7-10-2018)

Bug(s) fixed:
67 - Clicking edit on button throws exception. An exception occurs when drop down boxes are populated with window titles and process names. Since this is a non-critical error and it is only for the user's convenience, the exception will now be suppressed.
64 - Funky Keyboard Navigation. Added a [Setting] - [Options], [Use arrow keys to select tabs]. Default: Yes. If unchecked left and right arrow keys behave normally.

Feature(s) added:
55 - Version history (changelog). Detailed changes are listed in the [Release Notes] section.
58 - Change standard tab control background to transparent. This does not apply to the main tab. It is only for standard tab controls like the one used when editing a button.
59 - Updated Chinese (Simplified) translation.
60 - Added 2 themes with customizable background color (Solid Color - Dark and Solid Color - Light). "Solid Color - Dark" and "Solid Color - Light" themes are similar and can be modified. Other parts can also be modified. A Dark and Light version was created as a convenience only for those who just want to change the background color.
61 - Added Italian translation.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
MaxLauncher 1.17 .0
version (7-14-2018)

Bug(s) fixed:
- Update fails after website was converted to https. Fix: Switched the website back to http and added a message notice if the update check fails.
- Themes do not work on systems with only .Net 3.5 installed. Fix: Removed unused namespaces in XAML files.

Feature(s) added:
- Updated all language files.
- Added Norwegian translation.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
MaxLauncher 1.20
Release Notes
Bug(s) fixed:
76 - Buttons are not displayed correctly after clearing or sorting buttons. When "Hide Empty Tab Buttons" is on, button(s) may or may not be displayed. Fix: Buttons are refreshed after clearing a tab or sorting buttons.
75 - Portable mode relative paths are not converted to full paths before launching. Fix: In Portable mode, relative paths of folders being used by explorer are not converted to full paths before launching.
74 - App.cfg crash bug. Fix: Simplified closing and saving of configuration files. Cancelled Application Session Ending Event and close app explicitly.

Feature(s) added:
85 - Prevent activating a different tab when showing window. With auto select tab on and the mouse pointer is on a tab other than the active tab, it should not activate that tab.
84 - Add option to use folder path as Target.
83 - Added Brazilian(Portugese) language.
81 - Updated Chinese(Simplified) language.
80 - Added customizable FontWeight of text in standard themes.
79 - Updated Norwegian translation.
75 - Option to have no Icon. (1-26-2019)
Bug(s) fixed:
70 - Multiple arguments with quotes do not work. Fix: Removed the function that strips leading and trailing quotes (").

Feature(s) added:
75 - Option to have no Icon.
70 - Added Japanese translation.
69 - Added a manual update under the Help menu.
68 - Updated French, Norwegian, Chinese (Simplified) languages. (8-5-2018)
Bug(s) fixed:

Feature(s) added:
66 - Include [Hide Empty Tab Buttons] in DnD mode. In [Drag and Drop Mode], the [Hide Empty Tab Buttons] will be disabled and buttons will be displayed until [Drag and Drop Mode] is turned off. 65 - Updated language files.
54 - Lock Layout. Added a [Lock GUI] option under the [VIew] main menu item. This option prevents moving tabs, buttons, splitter bar and resizing of the window.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
MaxLauncher 1.21.0 (7-11-2020)
Feature(s) added:
104 - Create a translator program.

Bug(s) fixed:
86 - Moving/Resizing with 2 screens with different resolutions/scale. Windows does not resize properly when moving from one screen to another screen with a different
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
December 23, 2020
  • Bug(s) fixed:
  • 87 - When changing language, Search Box's default text does not change.
  • Feature(s) added:
  • 111 - Updated French language.
  • 101 - Tooltips. Show tooltips when mouse hovers over entire button instead of just the text.
  • 109 - Option for ICON Only. Added option to hide button text.
  • 110 - Select Alternate Application Icon. Option to select a different icon from the application's file.

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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Version (1-21-2021)

Bug(s) fixed:

  • 88 - Bug when assigning the first image (index 0?) from a .ICO icon/icon library. Same thing with *.exe & *.dll, icon collections.
Feature(s) added:
  • 115 - Updated French, Japanese and Norwegian translations.
  • 116 - Added Romanian translation.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
  • Bug(s) fixed:
  • 96 - Ongoing issues with Max Launcher. favorites.cfg and *.mld files are saved upon exit when changes are made. They are supposed to be saved instantly when changes are made and prevent saving when exiting. This is a similar bug with the corruption of app.cfg when saving during a restart or shutdown.

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