
MediBang Paint Pro
Latest Ver.7.2 ( 2016/3/3 )


MediBang Paint Pro to bezpłatny program graficzny do rysowania komiksów na komputerach osobistych z systemem operacyjnym Windows oraz Mac OS.
Korzystanie z samego narzędzia nie powinno sprawić problemów. MediBang Paint Pro umożliwia łatwe tworzenie ramek komiksowych i rysowanie w nich dowolnych postaci czy obiektów za pomocą dostępnych komponentów (pędzli, gumek, edytora gradientów, narzędzi wypełniania, etc.). Program zawiera ponad 700 rozmaitych dodatków do wykorzystania w trakcie pracy nad swoim dziełem.

Na samym początku MediBang Paint Pro onieśmiela liczbą dostępnych opcji, lecz nowoczesny interfejs użytkownika, mimo faktu, że produkt należy do mocno rozbudowanych, jest wyjątkowo przejrzysty i łatwy w obsłudze. Pod kilkoma względami budzi skojarzenia z najpopularniejszym komercyjnym edytorem graficznym, czyli Adobe Photoshop.

MediBang Paint Pro pozwala na edycję kilku plików jednocześnie i pracę na warstwach; umożliwia także na pracę kilku grafikom nad jednym projektem w tym samym czasie. Jeżeli dysponujemy już gotowymi fragmentami, które chcielibyśmy w nim umieścić, możemy je zaimportować z MangaName.

Bez obaw - autorzy MediBang Paint Pro zadbali również o bezpieczeństwo użytkownika. Narzędzie korzysta z "chmury", dzięki czemu bardzo szybko można utworzyć kopię zapasową swoich plików graficznych.

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Bardzo aktywny
23 Wrzesień 2016
MediBang Paint Pro 12.1
Version 12.1 (2017/9/28)
Upgraded UI.
Improved performance.
Minor bugs fixed.

Version 12.0 (2017/9/14)
*New Features
Added new blending features: Soft Light, Hard Light, Hue, Saturation, Color and Brightness.
Can now import TIFF format files.
Maximum value for Correction increased to 20.
Minor bugs fixed.

Version 11.2 (2017/8/31)
Fixed a bug where some files would not open on the Windows 64-bit version.
Fixed a bug where it would move without intentionally doing so when using the operation tool after rotating the canvas.
Fixed an issue where the Inverse Filter was not operating correctly.
Minor bugs fixed.

Version 11.1 (2017/8/24)
Increased maximum value for correction to 40.
Improved performance for correction; lines are now smoother
You can now round corners when expanding or contracting a selection
Enhanced speed when expanding or contracting a selection
Improved performance for the Princeton tablet
Enhanced speed for the smudge tool
Enhanced speed for the color filter
You can open the properties for a layer or brush by clicking on the gear icon
Improved performance on the text tool
Layers use less memory which improves stability
Improved the way in which layers are switched
When reading or writing a PSD file, it now preserves the guide
When reloading the Submission List, it now keeps your team selection
Improved other minor aspects
Fixed a bug where the cursor would not change into the hourglass (Windows)
Fixed a bug where the art quality in the navigator would drop
Fixed a problem that occured when using brush scripts
Fixed an issue where a dot would appear when using the Force Fade In/Out on a Windows-based tablet
Fixed a bug that occured when using snap rulers with the gradation tool
Fixed a bug when using Mesh Transform
Fixed a bug where the app would crash when pressing a key on the color selection panel (Mac)
Fixed a bug where the screen would close when pressing Enter at the search screen for Cloud Brushes. (Windows)
Fixed a bug where it would fail to sync settings to the Cloud
Fixed a bug where it would not let you add text when selecting a locked layer
Fixed other minor bugs

Version 11.0 (2017/4/18)
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*New Features
Multi Brushes have been added.
We have added Mesh Transform to the menu.
We have added Export File to the menu.
You can now open each page on medibangpaint.com (from the Help tab).
You can now choose Storie templates when you create a new canvas.
You can now clear your canvas size history at the Create New Canvas screen.
You can now hide file paths at the canvas tab.
We have added a setting to avoid the glitch where you end up selecting everything in a layer without meaning to do so.
Minor bugs fixed.

Version 10.2 (2016/11/17)
Brush bug fixed where blurring seems stronger with some script brush.

Version 10.1 (2016/10/13)
Login with Social Networks improved.

Version 10.0 (2016/9/20)
*New Features
A brush that allows shapes to be drawn has been added.
Spreads can now be made with Yonkoma manga templates.
An issue where a message stating the canvas size and manga guide size had a discrepency would be incorrectly displayed has been fixed.
An issue where users could not correctly zoom in and out of the canvas after placing materials has been fixed.
An issue that caused tones to become displaced after moving a halftone layer has been fixed.
An issue where after moving a clipping layer undo would not work correctly has been fixed.
An issue where the Bucket Tool could not be used if there was a 1 px gap on the right side of the canvas has been fixed.

Version 9.0 (2016/8/26)
*New Features
Halftone layers added (This can be set from the 8bit Layer’s properties).
Locally saved mpd files can now be cloud saved as new versions of existing cloud saved files.
New folder “Reverse Colors” added.
Material items can now be reversed.
Windows tablet gestures adjusted.
Comic guide sizes can now be picked from templates.
The bucket tool and magic wand tool’s can now expand pixels up to 32px.
The last foreground and background colors used will be saved when MediBang Paint is restarted.
The behavior of layers created or moved inbetween clipping layers has been adjusted.
A problem that occured when specific characters were input using the text tool have been fixed.
A problem that prevented keyboard support from being used after starting the app has been fixed.
A problem that caused crashing when using the undo feature has been fixed.
A problem that caused item materials to dissappear when moved by the move tool has been fixed.
An issue where using specific folders when rotating the screen caused the preview to be incorrectly displayed has been adjusted.
An issue that occurred on Windows devices with flick input has been fixed.
An issue where the transformation confirmation window appeared after cancelling a transformation has been fixed.
An issue that caused crashing on the Mac version of MediBang Paint when specific Safari plugins were installed has been fixed.
A problem that caused issues when the version list was viewed has been fixed.

Version 8.1 (2016/6/30)
Widget display adjusted.
Right clicking the material window lets users use the Eyedropper tool.
Cloud brushes will now be ordered from new to old by default.
The Bucket and Shape tools can now use transparent color.
Minor Improvements.

Version 8.0 (2016/6/2)
*New Features
Watercolor edge feature added.(This can be adjusted in the layer settings)
Brush types can be changed into pattern brushes.
Text can now be rotated and outlines can be added.
Social media account login is now supported.
UI icon size can now be adjusted. (Windows only)
Adjustments have been made for Windows tablet users where the display was too small.
Dragging and dropping into the Reference window is now supported.
The amount of time it takes to access cloud services after reconnecting to the internet has been reduced.
The manga project page list display size has been increased from 240px to 300px.
Minor bugs fixed.

Version 7.5 (2016/4/21)
*New Features
Material window added.
The layer limit has been increased from 256 to 1024.
Cloud Brushes can now be searched.
Adjustments have been made to the way diagonal panels are transformed.
A button for displaying the canvas size at 100% has been added to the navigator window.
Vietnamese, Polish, Indonesian, and Malaysian language support has been added.

Version 7.4 (2016/4/7)
Thai language support added.
In the brush preview the brush size is now displayed in millimeters.
Improvements to the auto recovery feature have been made.
The file save process stability has increased.
Minor bug fixes.

Version 7.3 (2016/3/17)
A feature has been added to act as though the Shift or Ctrl keys are pressed down for tablets without keyboards.
A bug that caused a dialogue window to remain open after cloud save errors has been fixed.
Minor bug fixes.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
MediBang Paint Pro 13.0
Version 13.0 (2017/12/14)
*New Features
Added the Close Gaps feature to the Bucket and MagicWand tools.
Added the Export All feature to Comic Projects.
Added the Tone Curves filter.
Added Divide to Blended Layers.
Added Mask and Stencil Layers.
Improved the edges to typed text, making them smoother.
Improved it so that a tip will pop when the canvas won’t open.
Improved the canvas’ export feature to enable choosing the clipboard.
Improved the Transform tool to allow you to flip your selection.
Improved the Select tool to enable switching on and off the inverted highlight.
Improved the File Menu to enable opening an image as a layer.
Improved dialog windows in high resolution displays.
Minor bugs fixed.
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Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
MediBang Paint Pro 14.0
Version 14.0 (2018/03/29)
New Features
Added a function for selecting multiple layers.
– Select all layers at once by clicking on a layer while pressing the Shift key.
– Select layers individually by clicking on each layer while pressing the Control key.

Added a function where selected layers can be moved into a folder.
– Right-click on the layer list to select this option from the menu that appears.

Added a chromatic aberration filter.

Improved it so MDP files use less memory when saving.
Improvements made to logging in during system maintenance.

Fixed minor bugs with the Hue Filter.
Other minor bug fixes.
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Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
MediBang Paint Pro 14.1
Version 14.1 (2018/04/12)
Fixed a bug where layer switches would cause it to freeze when selecting multiple layers.
Fixed a bug where multiple layer selection could not be done if the layer window was not fixed to the sidebar.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
MediBang Paint Pro 15.0
Version 15.0 (2018/05/24)

New Features
  • Added the Color Management feature.
– You can now simulate the output for CMYK.
– Color profiles can now be embedded in MDP files.
– Reading and writing of ICC profiles for PSD files is now supported.
– Reading and writing of ICC profiles for JPEG/PNG files is now supported.
  • Brush sizes can now be selected from a list.
  • You can now make a copy of works on the Cloud.
  • Improved it so that the drawing information of the outside area remains when the canvas is cropped.
  • Fixed a bug where the brush’s drawing was off when the canvas was turned.
  • Fixed a bug where clipping would not occur properly under certain conditions.
  • Fixed a bug where some of the keyboard support could not be used in Windows.
  • Other minor bug fixes.
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Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2010
MediBang Paint Pro 17.0
Version 17.0 (2018/07/19)
New Features
Added new filters (Focus Lines, Flow Lines, Flash).
You can now preview the font when you use Cloud Text.
Improved the network panel and made it more convenient.
Changed the maximum value of the font size in the text dialogue box.
Fixed minor bugs.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2010
@krisluck60 , nie musisz wstawiać linków w CODE , wklejaj je normalnie :ok


Bardzo aktywny
23 Luty 2016
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