
Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Waterfox G:6.0.1

Changes in G6.0.1​

  • Update privacy preferences.
    • Fixes issues with logging into websites that use a referrer.
    • Use standard tracking protection for now, to prevent issues with logging in.
    • Modify samesite rules so they’re strict on non-http websites.
    • Remove Firefox view tour prompt.
  • Fixed an issue with language packs not working correctly.
  • Added support for
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    . Thanks to
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  • Prevent new searches and opening bookmarks from opening in a new tab by default.

New Features​

  • Waterfox uses DNS over Oblivious HTTP
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    , a privacy preserving method for DNS queries.
  • You can now move and remove the extension button from the navigation bar.
    • Access this via Menu > More tools > Customize toolbar…
  • Waterfox is now built with new optimisation techniques
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    , giving you a faster browsing experience.
  • Linux, alongside Windows, now supports DRM. That means you can watch your favourite shows on the streaming platform of your choice.


  • Waterfox’s preferences have been gone through with a fine tooth comb, with a lot of assistance from
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    , who maintains Betterfox.js.

Upcoming Changes​

  • Waterfox for Android’s feature set has been finalised, but requires updating to the latest components. This is in progress and is due for release. iOS is now in the pipeline as well.
  • Privacy enhancements to some of the most popular search engines (wink wink, nudge nudge) are also in the pipeline, with more to be revealed soon.


  1. With regular DNS, your DNS queries are sent in plain text, allowing your internet provider to easily see every website you request.
    DNS over HTTPS encrypts your DNS queries with HTTPS, so your internet provider cannot read the contents. However, they can still see that you are making requests to a DNS server, and potentially correlate timing information to identify sites.
    Oblivious DNS goes further by routing encrypted queries through proxy servers in a way that obscures the true intended domain. Your internet provider cannot associate queries with specific sites you visit.
    So both Oblivious DNS and DNS over HTTPS prevent spying on the specific domains you lookup. But Oblivious DNS better hides the fact that you are making any query for a given site at all. It adds an extra layer of indirection and privacy protection.
    The main advantage of Oblivious DNS over DNS over HTTPS is that it better prevents network-level tracking of your web browsing habits by your ISP or others running the network infrastructure. It hides the act of looking up a site in the first place.
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  2. When you use a web browser, it has to perform a lot of repetitive tasks - like rendering web pages, running JavaScript code, and parsing CSS. These tasks follow certain patterns each time you use the browser.
    PGO allows the compiler to detect these patterns and optimize the browser code.
    The result is a web browser optimized for real-world use, not just theoretical usage. Web pages will render faster, scripts will run faster, and the browser will feel much more snappy and responsive.
    As previously mentioned, when you use a web browser, it has to repeat similar tasks over and over - like rendering webpage elements, running JavaScript code, scrolling the page, and displaying videos.
    These tasks involve loops, where the browser does the same kind of work over and over. Polyhedral optimisation makes the browser’s loops run faster by reorganizing them. It finds the best way to access data repeatedly in the most efficient order.
    For example, when scrolling a page with lots of images, polyhedral optimisation could optimise the loops that decode and display the image data. It finds the fastest way to reuse image data in the CPU cache.
    This means scrolling feels much smoother. The images decode quicker as you scroll up and down. The browser feels snappier.
    So in simple terms, polyhedral optimisation tunes the browser’s inner loops to make maximum use of the CPU and memory. This speeds up repetitive tasks like rendering, scrolling, and video playback that rely on loops. The end result is a faster, smoother browsing experience for the user.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Firefox 118.0.1
Firefox Release

September 28, 2023

Version 118.0.1, first offered to Release channel users on September 28, 2023

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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Waterfox G6.0.3​

October 1, 2023
  • New Features:
  • If you are closing more than 1 tab, you will now receive a prompt asking the below:.
  • Confirmation you want to be notified of closing multiple tabs.
  • Confirmation you want your session to be restored.
  • Changes:
  • Hovering over inactive tabs will once again show the close button.
  • Waterfox will be less strict with its public key pinning, which should resolve issues some users had connecting to certain websites.
  • The extension button should no longer be missing! For the time being, moving it around has been disabled.
  • When you click on the address bar, your top sites will now show.
  • Waterfox is now less aggressive with its optimisations, which should result in less performance oddities in rare cases.
  • Upcoming Changes:
  • Waterfox for Android’s feature set has been finalised, but requires updating to the latest components. This is in progress and is due for release. iOS is now in the pipeline as well.
  • Privacy enhancements to some of the most popular search engines (wink wink, nudge nudge) are also in the pipeline, with more to be revealed soon.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Pale Moon 32.4.1​

Changes in Pale Moon 32.4.1 (2023-10-03):

  • Fixed an issue in BigInt typedArray costructors.
  • Added some safety checks for Performance Observers.
  • Fixed JSON BigInt regressions.
  • Fixed missing BigInt increment/decrement operations.
  • Added WASM sign extension opcodes.
  • Fixed an issue with dead Promise wrappers in JavaScript DiD
  • Fixed an issue with Alternative Services DiD
  • Fixed an issue with libvpx (address CVE-2023-5217) DiD
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Waterfox G:6.0.4


If you like what Waterfox is doing, please consider setting Bing as your default search engine, with ad-block disabled. Alternatively you can
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  • You can now disable Oblivious DNS via the Preferences page. Go to about:preferences → Privacy & Security → DNS over HTTPS.
  • The Linux tarball now extracts into a subdirectory named waterfox, rather than into the current directory.
  • Waterfox will no longer decode URLs when copying them. This should allow easier sharing.


  • On pages that try to load mixed contant, Waterfox will attempt to upgrade non secure content.
  • When closing multiple tabs to the left or right, Waterfox will now show the correct close dialog.
  • If DNS requests take too long, Waterfox will fallback to your default DNS much quicker.

Upcoming Changes​

  • Waterfox for Android’s feature set has been finalised, but requires updating to the latest components. This is in progress and is due for release. iOS is now in the pipeline as well.
  • Privacy enhancements to some of the most popular search engines (wink wink, nudge nudge) are also in the pipeline, with more to be revealed soon.
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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2010


Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Waterfox G:6.0.5



  • Modal dialogues that display checkboxes would erroneously have two checkboxes, even if they weren’t meant to. This has now been fixed.

Upcoming Changes

  • Waterfox for Android’s feature set has been finalised, but requires updating to the latest components. This is in progress and is due for release. iOS is now in the pipeline as well.
  • Privacy enhancements to some of the most popular search engines (wink wink, nudge nudge) are also in the pipeline, with more to be revealed soon.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Pale Moon 32.5.0

v32.5.0 (2023-10-31)

This is a major development and security update. And a Happy Halloween to everyone who celebrates!


  • Added an initial implementation of the ReadableStreams API, improving web compatibility with sites that apparently use this API in utilitarian fashion.
  • Added support for transparency in WebM videos for the edge case of using <video> elements for transparent animated images. Major caveat: this will massively impact performance of video playback if an alpha channel is present in the video.
  • Added support for crypto.randomUUID to allow website scripting to generate random UUIDs (universally unique identifiers) through the WebCrypto interface.
  • By user request, added a preference browser.bookmarks.openInTabClosesMenu (default true) to allow users to configure if they want to keep the bookmarks menu open if they open bookmarks from it in a new tab (by middle-clicking or Ctrl-clicking). The default behavior is to close the bookmarks menu like any other menu when an option in it is clicked.
  • Removed the user-agent override for Netflix, since they have stopped supporting the Silverlight browser plugin. Pale Moon no longer has a way to provide Netflix DRM-controlled playback with them dropping it, so there is no longer a reason to try and force compatibility.
  • Updated the user-agent override for Spotify. While it is possible to use the website with this, it suffers from the same DRM issue and not all media will be playable (only non-encumbered media can be played in Pale Moon like podcasts). Your mileage may vary.
  • Implemented timer nesting and clamping for workers, preventing timer hangs on bad website code.
  • Improved handling of drawing SVG images on canvases without explicit width or height attributes. We now follow the css-sizing-3 Intrinsic Sizes spec.
  • Improved performance of our memory allocator.
  • Updated libvpx to 1.6.1.
  • Cleaned up and updated some media playback code.
  • Removed the inclusion of GMP (Gecko Media Plugin) support from Pale Moon, as it was only in use for EME/DRM and WebRTC, neither of which we support.
  • Removed the last vestiges of EME/DRM code from UXP, since this will never be supported in any application building on it due to the media industry's draconic policies around FOSS.
  • Removed simd.js, moving actually used SIMD handling to C++.
  • Removed the use of libav in our source, replacing its supply of FFT with the equivalent from FFMpeg.
  • Fixed potential type confusion in IonMonkey due to 3-byte opcodes.
  • Fixed an issue with tooltips persisting even if the browser window would have lost focus.
  • Fixed PerformanceObserver navigation and resource timing (default disabled for privacy); our implementation now fully passes conformance tests.
  • Fixed an issue where top-level SVG images would not be correctly clipped by positioned elements, giving the impression of wrong z-ordering as the SVG would overlap other elements.
  • Dev: Updated setInterval to fall back to 0 if no duration is supplied.
  • Dev: Updated ResizeObserver to a recent spec change, now returning an array of results for borderBoxSize and contentBoxSize instead of an object.
  • Dev: Updated Intl.NumberFormat and DefaultNumberOption() to follow spec updates. Most importantly for web compatibility, we now allow the "maximumFractionDigits" option in Intl.NumberFormat to be less than the default minimum fraction digits for the chosen locale, following the general consensus in TC39 around this issue.
  • Increased leniency (removed upper limit) of GLSL versions as they tend to be fully backwards compatible.
  • Fixed various crashes.
  • Added a safeguard to the sec-gpc header (Global Privacy Control) so it cannot be inadvertently overwritten.
  • Security fixes: addressed CVE-2023-5722, CVE-2023-5723, CVE-2023-5724, CVE-2023-5727 and several other issues without a CVE number assigned to them.
  • UXP Mozilla security patch summary: 6 fixed, 2 DiD, 19 not applicable.
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