Mar 4, 2025
- New: JPEG XL (*.jxl) images are now supported by way of bundling @null54's JpegXLFileType plugin
- Fixed the Levels adjustment not honoring the active selection.
- Fixed some more mouse cursor issues when completing certain actions with certain tools.
- Fixed some keyboard shortcuts in the Adjustments menu not working reliably.
- Fixed most cases of tooltips blinking on/off when drawn near the bottom of the screen (thanks @toe_head2001!).
- Fixed some new high-DPI scaling issues in toolbar dropdowns.
- Improved quantization quality for Effects->Color-Quantize and when saving an image at 8-bit depth and below. This was done by merging octree node colors in linear gamma space.
- Fixed some incorrect background text color rendering in the status bar.
- Updated the bundled AvifFileType plugin to v3.12.0, which improves conversion from HDR images utilizing the Rec. 2020 PQ color space (thanks @null54!).
- Updated the bundled WebpFileType plugin to v1.5.0 (thanks @null54!).
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