
Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
PDF24 Creator 10.6.0
October 11, 2021
  • More language files updated
  • Toolbox: Favorites in tool selection:
  • In the tool overview in the toolbox, it is now possible to mark a tool as a favorite. This has the advantage that you can find individual tools more quickly, because sometimes you can't see the forest for the trees. A filter for the favorites is also available.
  • Problem with language selection fixed:
  • A problem has crept in with the language selection. Some languages were no longer displayed when selecting the language. Language variants such as Portuguese (Brazil) were affected. The cause of this problem has now been resolved.

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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
PDF24 Creator 10.6.1
Version 10.6.1
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10.6.1 brings a security update that fixes a vulnerability, making it possible for an attacker to execute programs with elevated privileges. The issue was recently brought to our attention. We have investigated this issue and have made three changes to the program that solve the problem, making the software more secure. Companies are recommended to upgrade to PDF24 Creator 10.6.1.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
PDF24 Creator 10.6.2

Version 10.6.2

PDF24 Creator 10.6.2 is another security update. A vulnerability was fixed in Ghostscript 9.55, which made it possible for an attacker to execute programs with elevated privileges. It is recommended to upgrade to the new version.

Using Ghostscript 9.55

Ghostscript 9.55 fixes a security issue, making it possible for an attacker to execute programs with elevated privileges. This is not desirable, especially in a corporate context. Therefore, we now use this version so that this problem is eliminated.
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Ostatnia edycja:


Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
PDF24 Creator 10.6.3
Version 10.6.3
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10.6.3 is another security update which closes the last known vulnerability in the
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Vulnerability in PDF printer interface closed
The vulnerability could be exploited by a user to run a program on a machine with his user privileges where he was not logged in.
Language files updated
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

PDF24 Creator 10.7.0​

November 15, 2021
  • OCR: Problem with tesseract.exe fixed:
  • The tesseract.exe we used did not work correctly on some systems. Tesseract is responsible for recognizing the text in an image. We have now rebuilt tesseract.exe and used a new build flag which solves the problem. The new version should now run on the systems where it did not run before.
  • Image2Pdf: All EXIF orientations are supported:
  • EXIF can be used to control the orientation of an image file. In one of the last versions we added support for some of these options. We have now extended this further and all EXIF orientations are now supported. This means that images will be embedded in a PDF in correct orientation.
  • Toolbox: Some overlay icons were not displayed:
  • The tools "Extract Pages", "Remove Pages", "Rotate Pages", "Merge PDF" have icons over the page to make it clear to the user that he can interact with the page. These icons were not visible because the styles used were incorrect. The problem is solved.
  • Toolbox: Changed the layout of the file preview:
  • The layout of the file preview in the file selection box has been changed. In the new version, the file tools, the preview image, the file name and the metadata such as file size and number of pages are displayed better.
  • Toolbox: Preview images for PDFs are now generated:
  • In the toolbox, there is a file selection for most tools. In this file selection, the selected files are displayed. In this representation there is a preview image. Until now, preview images were only displayed for image files such as JPGs or PNGs. We have extended this and now a preview image is also generated for PDF files.
  • Toolbox: Enlarged overlay file preview added:
  • The thumbnails in the file selection box are quite small and not always easy to see. The user did not always have an easy time seeing if he had selected the right file and if it was aligned correctly. This is now better with the help of the new enlarged file preview. The enlarged file preview can be opened via the magnifying glass icon.
  • Toolbox: Do not convert files twice:
  • The toolbox automatically converts files to PDF format when the PDF format is needed for viewing. If the user subsequently creates the final PDF, then conversion is also required. Here we have improved so that now the previous conversion result is used. This way there is no need to convert twice.
  • Toolbox: New page mode icons in PDF Merge Tool:
  • The old PNG icons have been replaced and the icon font is used here so that the icons are displayed equally well on different screens.
  • Toolbox: Images in the "Images in PDF" tool can be rotated
  • The "Images to PDF" tool now offers the possibility to rotate images. For this purpose, there are two icons above the preview with which the alignment can be set. In the created PDF, the alignment is then set correctly.
  • Toolbox: EXIF orientation support built into the UI:
  • The user interface of the toolbox is HTML-based. For the display, the IE11 of Windows is currently still used. IE11 does not support EXIF by default. We have improved this and added EXIF support. This is especially important for the "Images in PDF" tool, so that the user can also see the correct orientation of the image and so that the user can rotate the image if the orientation is not correct.
  • Language files updated
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

PDF24 Creator 10.7.1

Version 10.7.1


Toolbox: More Modern Save As Dialog

The PDF24 Toolbox now uses a more modern Save As dialog which simplifies saving files. Finding a destination folder is much easier with this dialog.

Reader: Registry option OpenInExistingInstance integrated

The registry option OpenInExistingInstance (DWORD [0|1]) can be used to control whether PDF24 Reader opens files in an already open PDF24 Reader instance as a tab or whether the file should be opened in its own instance. This option can be used in the registry section HKCU\SOFTWARE\PDF24\PDF24 Reader.

OCR: Deskew pages option causes problems with certain PDFs

The deskew pages option in the OCR tool causes problems with certain PDFs. We have seen a scanned
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that has more than one image in the page. Usually there is exactly one image that is incorporated into the page of a PDF after scanning. But there can be more than one, as we have seen. However, the deskew pages function can currently only be used if there is exactly one image in the page. Therefore, we have implemented a detection here so that pages are only deskewed if, among some other conditions, the condition with this one image in the page is now also met.

Fixed issues with custom ICC problem when creating PDF/A and PDF/X files

Due to a bug, custom ICC profiles cannot be used in the older
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version. An empty PDF is created. PDF24 Creator 10.7.1 fixes this problem so that custom ICC profiles can be used again.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

PDF24 Creator 10.7.2​

February 8, 2022
  • Reader: Overwriting opened files:
  • In this version of PDF24 Reader, a problem with overwriting files that are already open in Reader has been fixed. Since overwriting open files leads to undefined state, overwriting of open files has been prevented so that the user has to save under a different file name.
  • QPDF: Update to version 10.5.0:
  • QPDF is now used by default for merging PDFs.
  • With this change, merging PDFs in Creator is now a bit faster and certain issues are fixed. Furthermore, the merging code has been optimized so that a large number of files can now be merged.
  • DocTool: Automatically rotate pages integrated as shell command:
  • How to use the new -autoRotatePages instruction is described in the PDF24 Creator manual.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

PDF24 Creator 10.8.0​

February 14, 2022
  • FileTools: Improvements in the processing of files
  • In FileTools, we now no longer pre-process PDF files before passing the PDFs to the actual handler. This often results in better PDF files, especially when merging.
  • Creator: Improved placement of the preview window
  • One user request was that the preview window should reappear where it was closed the next time a file or page is opened. We have implemented this point. The position of the preview window is saved in the Windows registry when it is closed. At the next opening this data will be read out again and the display of the window will be restored.
  • Compress + OCR: Bold font in file list header
  • The bold font makes it easier to see that this is the header of the file list.
  • At one point a temporary file is deleted too early
  • By deleting the temporary file too early, it is not available to the actual function, which then runs into the void.
  • Assistent: Page number in the file list
  • In the PDF Printer Assistant the print jobs arrive after printing on the PDF printer. For these files we now show the number of pages. We have added a new column to the file list for this purpose, in which the number of pages is displayed.
  • PDFLib: Blank names are now allowed
  • We have examined a PDF that contains empty names, which we have not seen before. We have not been able to process such a PDF so far. Here we have improved so that we can also use such PDFs in PDF24.
  • DocTool: Improved sink handlers
  • In DocTool there were still inconsistencies with certain commands when processing files. We have taken a closer look at the points and implemented improvements.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

PDF24 Creator 11.0.0

Version 11.0.0


Toolbox: Webview2 is now used instead of IE for the UI​

IE as rendering engine has been replaced by Webview2. Webview2 is Chrome based, more modern and brings many advantages. With this change, we now have many new opportunities in improving the UI and can use current standards. With the introduction of Webview2 the installer of
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became a bit bigger, but it is worth it.

Toolbox: Import signature via camera​

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signing tool now also offers the possibility to import a signature via camera. This option has been available in the PDF24 Online Tools for a long time, but could not be implemented in the PDF24 Creator because the old IE based UI did not support it. With the new Webview2 based UI this is now possible.

Toolbox: A dark theme is now available​

The online tools already had the dark theme in the UI, but the PDF24 Creator did not yet. With the introduction of Webview2 we could now enable and improve the dark theme. The theme can be toggled by the palette icon in the UI.

Toolbox: Several small improvements in the UI​

As part of the transition to Webview2, we have incorporated some improvements in the UI that enhance the experience of working with the program. More improvements will follow in subsequent versions.

Toolbox: Using a newer PDFJS version​

PDFJS is used in many places in the Toolbox UI to render and display PDF pages. With the older version, some PDFs could not be rendered correctly. With the introduction of Webview2 we could now use a current version of PDFJS.

Toolbox: Limitation on file size increased for the file drop box​

The file drop boxes component in the UI had a default file size limit of 256 MB. This is too little for some files and a larger file could not be loaded into the file box. We have now increased this limit to 1000 MB.

PDFLib: Improvement in loading of certain PDFs implemented​

We were sent a test file that could not be read by PDF24 Creator because it is not correctly structured. However, such a file comes from a scanner program, which is widely used. For such a
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we have now made an extension, so that the PDF24 Creator can still read such a PDF.

Components updated​

  • QPDF has been updated to version 10.6.3
  • JRE has been updated to version 17.0.2
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

PDF24 Creator 11.0.1

March 25, 2022
  • Shell File Tools Bug fixed:
  • The PDF24 file tools can be called from the context menu of files. This is possible for both PDFs and other files. The file tools then offer functions that you can execute on the selected files. Merging files is one function here, for example. In one of the previous versions, a bug crept in that prevented some functions from being applied to files that are not PDFs. The file tools usually convert files that are not PDFs to PDF format, and then process the PDF further. Here there was a problem. The conversion did not happen and the subsequent processes could not be executed correctly. We have fixed this problem. You can now e.g. select two or more Word files again, open PDF24 via the context menu and merge the selected Word files.
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

PDF24 Creator 11.1.0​

May 4, 2022
  • Many components updated:
  • Update JRE to verison 18.0.1
  • Update Webview2 to version 100.0.1185.50
  • Update to current version of WebView2Loader and WindowsImplementationLibrary
  • Pdfium update to version chromium/5030
  • Ghostscript update to version 9.56.1
  • Toolbox: Extract images from PDFs:
  • The current implementation now produces the same results as the corresponding online tool from PDF24. With this state, images that could not be exported before are now exported as well.
  • Toolbox: Some UIs improved:
  • Some tools now also use the Sticky Toolbar, which we also use for the Online Tools. This makes the UI a bit better. This concerns the tools Split PDF, Merge PDF, Extract Pages, Remove Pages, Rotate Pages, Sort Pages.
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