



Źródło:, własne

PhotoFiltre jest darmowym programem (do użytku domowego) przeznaczonym głównie do obróbki fotografii. Aplikację cechuję szybkość działania i prostota w obsłudze. Oprócz podstawowych operacji na obrazach takich jak zmiana rozmiaru, przycinanie, odbicia lustrzane itp. program oferuje bardzo bogatą kolekcję filtrów. Na liście filtrów znajdziemy podstawowe modyfikacje, jak zmiana jasności, kontrastu, nasycenia, barwienie zdjęć, zmiana gammy, oraz nieco bardziej fantazyjne efekty, na przykład akwarela, tusz, puzzle, szkic lub pointylizm. W sumie do dyspozycji mamy ponad 100 filtrów i efektów, ale to jeszcze nie wszystko. Filtry można nakładać na wybrane obszary. Zaznaczanie może odbywać się z użyciem dostarczonych kształtów (prostokąt, romb, elipsa, trójkąt...) lub odręcznie. Z wykorzystaniem narzędzia PhotoMasque mamy możliwość tworzenia ciekawych winiet i przezroczystości na zdjęciach.

Ponadto dostępne są również podstawowe narzędzia do rysowania takich jak pipeta, wiadro (malowanie tła), pędzle, szczotka, kropla wody (efekt blur), rozmazywanie czy magiczna różdżka. Za pomocą tych narzędzi dokonamy profesjonalnego retuszu zdjęcia oraz dodamy rozmaite efekty artystyczne i wizualne (wyostrzenie obiektu, szum, tekstura). Dużą zaletą jest obsługa wszystkich najpopularniejszych formatów graficznych, w tym TIFF, PSD (format Adobe Photoshop) i PSP (format Paint Shop Pro). Na uwagę zasługują możliwości eksportu obrazów w formacie GIF jako ikon o 16, 256 lub 16 milionach kolorów.

PhotoFiltre oferuje też wykonywanie powtarzających się operacji w trybie wsadowym, co pozwala obrobić w krótkim czasie dużą liczbę grafik. W programie znajdziemy również prostą przeglądarkę zdjęć, narzędzia tekstowe z możliwością dodania efektów, oraz moduł obsługujący urządzenia (aparaty, skanery) kompatybilne z TWAIN. Główną wadą programu jest natomiast brak obsługi warstw. Możliwości programu mogą zostać zwiększone dzięki dodatkowym wtyczkom, które umożliwiają na przykład usunięcie efektu czerwonych oczu, zmianę balansu bieli, korektę geometrii zdjęć, a nawet cięcie grafik na potrzeby stron internetowych.

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Link do pobrania - PhotoFiltre 7.2.1:

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Link do wersji portable - PhotoFiltre 7.2.1:

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Spolszczenie do programu:

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Instalacja języka polskiego:
01. Rozpakować plik zawierający spolszczenie - StudioPL.plg
02. Usuwamy z katalogu głównego programu plik z językiem angielskim - StudioEN.plg
C:\Program Files (x86)\PhotoFiltre 7\StudioEN.plg
03. W jego miejsce wstawiamy plik z językiem polskim
04. Uruchamiamy program


Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
PhotoFiltre Studio 11.1.0
Version 11.1.0 (april 2021)

- Bug fixes in the Automate/Batch module
. the sequence does not increment when opening a file generate an error
. the export format other than JPEG was wrong
- Possibility to select a link/shortcut (.lnk) for the functions "Acquire with" and "Open layer with"
(allows to use apps from the store or apps requiring parameters)
- Change of default format: PNG instead of JPEG when the extension is not recognized
- The "Set as wallpaper" tool saves the image in the user's Documents folder
(the Windows folder, too protected, often generates errors)
- Integrated 32-bit Twain scan module (does not support batch scanning)

Version 11.0.0 (march 2021)

- First 64-bit version developed with the core PhotoFiltre Studio 10

Version 10.14.1 (july 2020)

- Bug fixed in font size under XP/DPI > 96
- Bug fixed in manual settings of the selection (selection hidden)
- Bug fixed in tool Line (line with)
- Bug fixed in Text module (rotate parameter)
- Add 1 Gb of memory under 64-bits system (patch 4Gb of ntcore)

Version 10.14.0 (jun 2019)

- Replace the tab "Vista +" with "Stylize" (in Preferences)
- Addition of a scaling factor for high resolution screen (High-DPI support)
- The interface display uses skin (XP, Vista, Shadows...)
- the icons are resized according to the size of the buttons

Version 10.13.1 (december 2018)

- Bug fixed in the filter Custom
- Bug fixed in the function Manual settings (selection)
- Bug fixed after validate a layer transformation without change
- Bug fixed in the Outer shadow (link betwwen radius and margin width)

Version 10.13.0 (jun 2018)

- Grid size up to 300 per unit
- Reverse zoom with mouse wheel for Windows 10 compatibility (zoom with fingers)
- The precise mode of the clone stamp use a square shape
- Improvement of the filter Outer drop Shadow (Blur radius option)
- Display bug fixed (scrolling when have layer with shadow)

Version 10.12.1 (mai 2017)

- Bug fixed with "Windows Classic" theme

Version 10.12.0 (marsh 2017)

- Simplified skin for Windows 10 (tablet mode) and buttons size setting
(menu Tools > Preferences > Vista +)
- Bugs fixed

Version 10.11.0 (september 2016)

- Increasing the max size of brushes and lines
. Basic Brushes (radius up to 800)
. Retouching tools (radius up to 200)
. Line tool (width up to 200)
- Increasing the size of the status bar pannels for high resolution screen
- Added Alpha channel contraction mode for filters "More blur" and "Gaussian blur" (RGBA)
- Bug fixed with PNG XML comments (ignored because too long)

Version 10.10.1 (november 2015)

- Bugs fixed in some stylize filters

Version 10.10.0 (october 2015)

- New merge modes
- New selection ratio (auto screen ratio)
- New sharpen filter Micro contrast
- New filter High Pass
- Improvement of the filter More relief (direction)
- Improvement of the filter Radial mask (mode maximum)
- New option Apply to Alpha channel for the filters Gaussian blur and Blur more
- Top filter toolbar size is linked with screen size
- Improvement of progressive contours, gaussian blur (faster) and shadows

Version 10.9.2 (february 2015)

- Bug fixing when expand/contract a bitmap selection

Version 10.9.1 (january 2015)

- Bug fixing in the border effect Progressive contour
- Bug fixing in the filter Gaussian blur
- Improvement of the display with the non antialiased mode
- Accept more errors without closing in the batch module (1000)
- Bug fixing in the popup menu of the layer tool

Version 10.9.0 (november 2014)

- Improvement of the module White Balance
- Improvement of the vectorial path (line style + 3D)
- The menu 'Resize layer' is moved outside the menu Transformation (for Text layer)
- New option 'All images' by defaut in opening preferences
- Uses the screen DPI as defaut DPI for new images
- New 3D style for the Line tool
- New button Reset in the free transform layer function
- New button Reset in the free Transform of the vectorial Path
- Bugs fixing

Version 10.8.1 (january 2014)

- Display the name of the curves in the title (Curves modules)
- Show the true size cursor with the tool line
- Improvement of the module PhotoMask : Bichrom option is enabled in RGBA
- The scroll bar is auto in the tool palette (when resizing window)
- The filter Fog works in RGBA mode (Alpha chanel too)
- New command line parameter "-hklm" for network install
- Improvment of the print copy number (Print module)
- CTRL+V is activated in the number edit zone

Version 10.8.0 (july 2013)

- New adjust module Shadows / Highlights
- The antialias mode of the selection is not stored in the ini file
- Bug fixed in the menu Selection > Set shape
- Bug fixed in the module Curve deformation
- Bug fixed in the module PhotoMask (full black and white)
- Improvement of the speed of some filters :
. Gaussian blur
. More blur
. Minimum
. Maximum
. Some artistic filters related

Version 10.7.3 (december 2012)

- 2 bugs fixed on the filters Saturation and Contrast (RGB balance)
- Bug fixed on the filter White Balance

Version 10.7.2 (november 2012)

- New buttons on the toolbar (Save as, Vectorial path)
- The display of the image browser is saved in the ini file
- New option Automatic in the image browser tool
(to explore automatically when opening an image)
- New option Diffuse in the Clone Stamp tool
- New option Radius for the drop shadow (layer and text)
- Grouping the adjust filters Hue and Saturation (better for use)

Version 10.7.1 (october 2012)

- Restoration of the old mode for distortion filters (with background color)
- The filters Blur, Blur more and Gaussian blur change Alpha channel only if the option
'Draw on Alpha transparency' is enabled in preferences

Version 10.7.0 (september 2012)

- New adjustment filter Curves (with vectorial path)
- New adjustment filter White Balance
- New deformation function Curve (with vectorial path)
- New Greyscal filter (several proposed modes)
- Some deformation filters are duplicated to the menu Image and Layer
- Deformation filters in the Filter menu run in transparency mode
- Improvement of the adjustment filter Levels (midtones)
- Improvement of the filter Histogram (real time)
- New Data folder for curves
- Fixed bugs in the vectorial path
- Some adjustment filters are moved to the menu Filter
(Hue variation, Invert RGB, Posterize, Dithering)
- New sub menu Options in the menu Selection (to simplify)
- The menu Layer > Resize layer is moved to the sub menu Transformation

Version 10.6.2 (july 2012)

- 2 bugs fixing on the module Text

Version 10.6.1 (jun 2012)

- Bug fixing on the module Text (right to left reading)
- The Cut / Paste function preserve the position when pasting

Version 10.6.0 (jun 2012)

- New line style option on the tool Line
- Possibility to redim layer Text with the mouse (font size ajusted)
- Antialiasing for OpenType fonts on the module Text
- Export / Import of icon 256 x 256 in 32 bit
- New filter Adjsut > Custom for fast adusting
- New antialaising mode in the menu Layer > Border effect > Optimized (for gif conversion)
- Transform and redim functions works in full RGBA mode (artefact fixing)
- The filters Blur, Blur more and Gaussian blur works in RGBA mode
- Improvement of the filter Brightness (manage separately the RGB channels)
- Improvement of the filter Histogram (manage separately the RGB channels)
- Improvement of the filter Contrast (manage separately the RGB channels)
- Improvement of the filter Saturation (manage separately the RGB channels)
- Improvement of the filter Hue (manage separately the RGB channels)
- Improvement of the filter Gamma correct (manage separately the RGB channels)
- The function Special paste > Paste In works in RGBA mode
- Possibility to rotate and redim image with layer Text
- Bugs fixing on the tool Line
- Bug fixing on the filter Gaussian Blur (radius not doubled)
- Bug fixing on the top toolbar button size
- Bugs fixing

Version 10.5.0 (april 2012)

- Improvement of the Brush tool (more brushes and adding Step option)
- Improvement of the Selection Tool in the tools pallet (new buttons)
- Improvement of the Fill tool (new buttons for the pattern)
- Improvement of the Stamp tool (new buttons for the pattern)
- 1 pixel min radius for the tools Blur, Smudge and Retouch
- New selection mode Inflate (selection centred from the origin point)
- Adding the mode Pause/Scrolling with the Space key when selecting
- The Auto Zoom does not modify the position of image window
- The position and the size of the windows are locked after an arange tile vertical or horizontal
- The selection antialiasing mode are saved in the Ini file
- The buttons Selection/Ratio in the tools pallet create a new selection if needed
- The function Selection/Copy Shape memorizes the position
- The Image explorer module memorizes the last image path
- Bug fixing on the function Indexed color (direct preview)
- Bug fixing on the function Perspective correction (image size preserved)
- Bug fixing on the Layer manager

Version 10.4.1 (september 2011)

- Bug fixing on the filter Deform > Trapezoid
- Possibility to copy/past in numeric edit box (with popup menu only)

Version 10.4.0 (jun 2011)

- Save and restore the position and parameters of all dialog boxes
- The key "Caps Lock" force speed mode for displacement (selection and layer)
- Possibility to choose the color in the funcion Insert new background
- Possibility to choose the color in the funcion New blanck layer
- New button Reset for all adjustement filters with dialog box

Version 10.3.3 (marsh 2011)

- The vectorial path is preserved during the session
- New large radius 300 and 400 for the drawing tools (slow)
- Update of the library RAW
- The key SPACE force the displacement mode (in drawing mode only)
- Bug correction when cancelling the save dialog box

Version 10.3.2 (august 2010)

- New option Pattern when drawing contour (menu Edit > Stroke and Fill)
- Improvement of the Twain module
- New option Precise for the clone stamp tool (remove progressive contour)

Version 10.3.1 (may 2010)

- Bug fixing on the Fill tool
- Bug fixing on the Line tool

Version 10.3.0 (april 2010)

- New tool Vectorial Path
- New format *.pfv (PhotoFiltre Vectorial) for the paths
- The filter Gradient works on Alpha channel too (RGBA)
- Possibility to change the round corner value off the Round rect selection (menu Selection)
- The deform tool preserves the aspect ratio by default (Shift key to cancel)
- New option Preserve aspect ratio for the Selection tool
- The selection polygon is closed by right click and not by double-click
- Bug fixing on the artistic filter Black pencil (with selection)
- The drawing with a visible selection is faster (antialias after drawing only)
- Improvement of the antialiasing (polygons and contours)
- New color for the transparency background pattern (better visibility)
- Update of the library RAW to include the last cameras
- Bugs fixing

Version 10.2.1 (january 2010)

- Bug fixing on the Fill tool
- Possibility to disable the skin Vista and Windows 7 in preferences (to use old XP style)
- The antialiasing for display is disabled by default (too slow)
- Alpha blend supported for open and save dialog boxes
- Big icon 256x256 for Vista and Windows 7

Version 10.2.0 (October 2009)

- Possibility to scroll the image with the arrow keys (if no active selection)
- New option Noise in the filter Gradient
- Adding vertical scroll bar on the tools palette for low screen resolution (e-PC)
- Several menus "Filter 8BF" when the number of plugins is too important
- Toolbar buttons are correctely grayed when using classic windows mode
- Bug fixing on the Pipette tool (accept CTRL+C/V/X)
- Bug fixing on the Fill tool (use selection shape)
- Bug fixing on the Line tool (use selection shape)

Version 10.1.0 (Septembre 2009)

- Possibility to change skin colors under Vista and Windows 7
- Possibility to force XP open and save dialog box under Vista and Windows 7
- Improvement of the Eraser tool (can use advanced brushes)
- Improvement of the Retouch tool (new function sharpen + and -)
- Improvement of the Smudge tool (use the RGBA mode)
- Improvement of the Optimized clipping (dynamic window size)
- Improvement of the Text tool (new options Spacing and Interline)
- Improvement of the layer border effect Progressif contour (use a dialog box)
- Max image size increase to 60 000 pixels
- Can open some corrupted PFI files (try to load first layers)
- New filters in the batch module (Sepia, Automatic contrast and levels)
- PhotoPNG include in the batch module
- New global option "Extend layer for drawing"
- New tool "Shell extension" to display PFI and PFS files in Windows explorer
- New function Layer > Transparency > Opacity
- Bugs fixing

Version X / 10.0.0 (Avril 2009)

- Better compatibility with Vista
- Adding precision to 1/100 for the Gamma Correction function
- New function Save in > PngData
- Adding precision to 1/1000 for the selection ratio
- Improvement of the function Transparent gradient / layer menu (8 directions)
- New button in the layer navigator to select a layer
- Better compatibility when opening PNG images
- Adding the option Animate selection (menu Selection)
- New menu group to setting layer order (menu layer)
- Improvement of the functions Perspective correction and Horizon correction
- Bug fixing on internal clipboard
- Adding the option Hue for the layer adjustement type
- Possibility to modify the background opacity in RGBA mode
- By default the images are opened in 16M (GIF with transparency are forced in RGBA)
- Icons in 16M and big size for Vista (48x48)

Version 9.2.2 (October 2008)

- New module PhotoPNG : Advanced PhotoMasque
- Clone stamp tool : The right click makes it possible to test the position
- Free transform : Adding precision to 1/100° for the rotation function
- Display bug fixing

Version 9.2.1 (May 2008)

- New option Auto select layer (menu Preferences)
- New option Display layer number (menu Preferences)

Version 9.2.0 (Avril 2008)

- Improvement of the function Insert new background (Blank or Transparent/RGBA)
- The function Copy merged can use the RGBA mode (transparent background)
- The background layer can be hiden (RGBA mode)
- The function Fill with pattern works with transparent area
- The Fill tool can works with transparent area
- The border effect Blur (menu Layer) can be faded
- The border effect Progressive contour (menu Layer) can be faded
- Improvement of the artistic filter Comics strep (Black pencil option)
- All settings dialog box are closed before running the filter
- Progress bar when running slow filters
- Progress bar when opening/saving PFI, RAW and JPEG image
- The menu Repeat is moved to the menu Edit (more filters memorised)
- Improvement of the function Optimised clipping
- Bug fixing on the function Fade
- Bug fixing on the Text module (filling with transparent patterns)
- Bug fixing on the opening dialog box
- Bug fixing on when saving JPEG (grayscale)

Version 9.1.0 (January 2008)

- Open dialog and save dialog boxes are resizable with Vista
- More easy to move layer text (ignore transparent area)
- Improvement of the filter Sharpen edges (more progressivef)
- Improvement of the artistic filter Rough pastels (adding Reinforce option)
- The border effect Progressive contour (menu Layer) can be faded
- Improvement of the function Optimised clipping
- The function Paste as new image create RGBA images if Alpha channel available
- Improvement of the function Rotate free (precision to 1/100°)
- Bug fixing on the extend cursor
- Bug fixing when antialias selection with the options Invert and Progressive contour
- Bug fixing on the Erase tool
- Bug fixing on the function Offset (menu Image)

Version 9.0.0 (May 2007)

- Show EXIF base information for the format Raw (menu File > Image properties)
- Improvement of the filter Gradient (more directions)
- Improvement of the Copyright module (vertical center display)
- New deformation Ellipse
- All transformations (rotation, distort, ...) use a bicubic interpolation
- Improvement of the Deformation brush tool (more precise)
- Deformation tools have a real time preview
- The functions Offset, Replace color, Replace color range, Indexed colors,
Stroke and fill and Custom filter have a direct preview option
- The Transparent color button is active for layers (contextuel)
- Supports DNG format
- Drawin tools can use true size cursors
- Improvement of the filter Emboss (dialog box)
- Improvement of the Clone stamp tool (clone from other image or layer)
- The texture module can load external texture files
- New Perspective correction module
- New Horizon correction module
- Improvement of the filter Radial blur
- Improvement of the filter Motion blur (dialog box)
- Improvement of the filter Radial masque (dialog box)
- New filter Circular blur
- The drawing tools can draw on transparent area of a layer
- Improvement of the Erase tool (Invert mode for Alpha channel)
- Show active layer bounds
- The functions Progressive contour and Contour 3D auto select the layer
- Possibility to add layers in RGBA mode (transparent background)
- Improvement of the image explorer (scan textures and multiline display)
- Some source code improvment and bugs fixing
- New logo

Version 8.1.1 (March 2007)

- Full review of the filters Stylize, Other and Frame (dialog box and direct preview)
- New raw interface. Supports more raw formats and cameras
- The option View > Antialias is saved in the ini file
- The Custom filter use a 5x5 matrix with offset
- Improvement of the filters Puzzle et Contour 3D

Version 8.1.0 (February 2007)

- Improvement of the the filters Dust & Scratches, Sharp more and Reinforce (dialog box)
- Full review of the artistic filters (with parameters dialog box)
- Improvement of the tool Artistic brush (more filters)
- Better precision in ellipses and rounded rect drawing
- Possibility to chang the background color in the diaporama
- The Texte module load all Windows fonts
- New function [Display > Antialias] to disable smoothing (2-8 x faster without antialias)

Version 8.0.2 (November 2006)

- Bug fixing when saving image as TIFF without compression
- Bug fixing in the buttons (+) (-) of the tool bar (don't undo if selection changed)
- Bug fixing in the advanced paint brush tool

Version 8.0.1 (October 2006)

- Preview for functions Rotate and Skew
- Export as icon 16x16
- Repetitive click in the layers bar (maintain button down for layers scrolling)
- Management of command line parameters :
"-ini:path+ini file name


Version 8.0.0 (September 2006)

- Histogram (menu Adjust)
- Deform tool
- Artistic paintbrush tool
- Magic eraser function in the tool Retouch
- Full access to the histories list (menu Edit)
- Using compression LZ77 in the format PFI
- Some shortcuts changed ("0" ==> "*", "1" ==> "=")
- Changes in the menu Layer
- The values of the new image function are saved in the ini file
- Bugs fixing

Version 7.4.0 (May 2006)

- Improvement of the Paintbrush tool (3D effect)
- Improvement of the function Image size
(possibility to link the resolution with the size when the resampling option is disabled)
- Possibility to save TIFF image files with compression (LZW, RLE, FAX, JPEG)
- Load the resolution in the EXIF data for TIFF image files (if available)
- Automatic image rotation based on EXIF orientation (Preferences)
- Possibility to force image in 16 million colors when opening (to activate filters)
- Bug fixing on the option [Preserve date file]

Version 7.3.2 (April 2006)

- Possibility to disable SplashScreen at startup
- New function Diaporama in full screen mode
- Possibility to scan in black and white (Twain)
- Best precision in the module Print
- Possibility to save in JPEG grayscale 8 bits
- Better compatibility when opening tiff files (Revision 6)
- The format EPS is temporarily removed (too many bugs)
- The format PFI includes a layer preview for compatibility with the other applications
- The number of histories per image is doubled
- Bugs fixing

Version 7.3.1 (March 2006)

- Functions Transform free and Distort available in popup menus
- Possibility to choose unit in the grid (pixels, cm, inch)
- Filter "Common images" in open dialog box
- Bugs fixing

Version 7.3.0 (January 2006)

- 12 modes for layer blending (available in the tool Layer manager)
- Improvement of the tools Paintbrush and Spray (more options)
- Improvement of the tool Advanced paintbrush (possibility to load brushes)
- Compression option when saving as Targa
- Possibility to show and edit comments for PFI, JPEG, PNG and GIF images
- The tool Clone stamp with Pattern/Fixed options use the real pattern size
- Read and write resolution value in Exif/Jpeg data
- Bugs fixing

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