
Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Quick Clipboard Editor (QCE) to darmowy edytor tekstu Windows podłączony bezpośrednio do schowka, umożliwiający:
  • dokonać szybkiej edycji tekstu w schowku
  • pobierać klipy z historii schowka
  • znajdź i zamień
  • wstaw nową treść w każdym wierszu
  • przyciąć niechciane fragmenty linii
  • zachować lub usunąć wiersze lub znaki na podstawie różnych kryteriów
  • sortować według wszelkiego rodzaju kryteriów
  • zmienić wielkość liter tekstu lub fragmentu tekstu
  • konwertować tekst dla różnych potrzeb związanych z kodowaniem (HTML, XML, PHP, AHK itp.)
  • odzyskać zapisane polecenia dla częstych zadań
  • i zapisz zmiany bezpośrednio w Schowku.

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Bardzo aktywny
Członek Załogi
26 Maj 2015
Quick Clipboard Editor 1.0.2

Version: 1.0.2 (2023-05-16)

- fix bug saving "Hotkeys", "History" and "Saved commands" options
- in "Options", rename the section "Saved commands" to "Various"
- fix bug, now allowing to select mouse hotkeys for commands "Paste from Quick Clipboard Editor" and "Copy text and open Quick Clipboard Editor"

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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010

Quick Clipboard Editor 1.1.0

Version: 1.1 (2023-05-28)

History menu global hotkey
- add the configurable hotkey Ctrl+Win+H to open History menu (including the "Search Clipboard History" command)
- the hotkey can be change in "Options, Hotkeys"
- if the Editor is the active window, the selected history clip is loaded to the Editor
- when another window is active window, the selected history clip is pasted to the active window
- when using the "Search Clipboard History" command, the selected clip can be loaded or pasted using context menu or the "Edit" and "Paste" buttons

Copy to Append
- under "Options" menu, add a toggle menu option "Copy to Append to the editor" with default value configurable in "Options, Editor"
- in "Options, Various", configure the text inserted before text appended with command "Copy to Append to the editor", with default separator "`n--`n"

Copy to Clipboard with HTML, RTF and Files formats support
- under the "File" menu, add the submenu "Copy Editor to Clipboard As..." to copy the text or source code in the Editor to the Clipboard in various formats:
- "Copy to Clipboard As HTML" to load the HTML source in the Editor to the Clipboard as HTML (allowing to paste it in an editor supporting HTML like MS Word)
- "Copy to Clipboard As RTF" to load the RTF source in the Editor to the Clipboard as Rich Text Format (allowing to paste it in an editor supporting RTF like MS Word)
- "Copy to Clipboard As Files" to load a list of files in the Editor to the Clipboard as Files (as when using the "Copy" command in Explorer) allowing to "Paste" them in Explorer or other file managers
- "Cut to Clipboard As Files" to load a list of files in the Editor to the Clipboard (as when using the "Cut" command in Explorer) allowing to move them in Explorer or other file managers using the "Paste" command
- for the two "As Files" commands, files must exist in order to be copied or cut

Retrieve Clipboard HTML, RTF and Files formats
- under the "File" menu, add the submenu "Get Clipboard Format..." with commands to load in the Editor the Clipboard content in various formats with commands:
- "Get Clipboard HTML" to load in the Editor the HTML source code from the Clipboard
- "Get Clipboard RTF" to load in the Editor the Rich Text Format source code from the Clipboard (and good luck editing it ;-) )
- "Get Clipboard Files" to load in the Editor the list of files copied to the Clipboard (this is automatically done when copying files)
- "Get Clipboard Text" to load in the Editor the text copied to the Clipboard (this is automatically done when copying text)

Inspect Clipboard
- under the "File" menu, add the "Inspect Clipboard" command opening a dialog box listing all formats availaible in the Clipboard
- for each format, indicate the format number (in decimal and hexadecimal), the format name (for example "CF_UNICODETEXT"), the size of the content and, when possible, the first characters of the content
- for formats allowing it, double-clicking on a line, right-clicking on a line or hitting the "Load" button loads the selected format content to the Editor
- add button to "Refresh" the Clipboard contents
- add links to get "Clipboard formats help" and "CF LOCALE Help" from Microsoft website

Various improvements
- under the "Change case" menu, add "SaRcAsM case (alterning caps)" with hotkey Ctrl+Alt+A; add this new hotkey to "Hotkeys help" (F1)
- in "Filter Lines", increase the size of the RegEx text box
- display a confirmation prompt if the "Options" dialog box is cancelled with unsaved changes
- fix SQLite database error when retrieving Saved commands for command under "Edit" or "Find/Replace" menu
- stop updating the editor when activating the QCE window if it is already visible
- fix links of the buttons in "Check for update" dialog box
- allow to minimize Editor window to task bar
- fix application icon transparency
- use JLicons.dll v1.6.6
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Bardzo aktywny
8 Wrzesień 2010
Quick Clipboard Editor 2.1​
Version: 2.1 (2024-05-09)

Exclude applications from Clipboard History
- under "Options, History", add a configurable list of applications to exclude from Clipboard History
- this list can also be used to "Include only" given applications in the history
- add a "Get window info" button to help indentify a running application to add to the list

Commands scripting
- under the "Command" menu, add command type "Script" where you can list a group of commands to be executed in sequence
- commands in scripts can be "Saved commands", "Change Case" and "Convert" commands
- add script command "Pause" if a delay is required between two commands in a script
- for help:
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Saved commands
- add a "Rename" button in "Saved commands, Manage Saved commands" dialog box
- add a specific dialog box to delete commands under "Saved commands, Delete Saved commands"
- remove the "Delete" button and checkboxes used to delete commands in the previous "Manage Saved commands" dialog box

Editor window
- under "Options, Various", add an option to position command windows (Insert string, Filter lines, etc.) on left side, center (default) or right side of the Editor window
- if necessary, move the Editor window just enough to make room to position the command dialog box to its left or right side

Portable usage (ZIP file)
- complete the implementation of QCEmessenger commands for portable users
- messages sent by QCEmessenger are sent to the first executable responding to a message: 1) QuickClipboardEditor-Receiver.exe (when QCE is installed with the Setup file), 2) QuickClipboardEditor-64-bit-Receiver.exe (when running QCE portable) or 3) QuickClipboardEditor-32-bit-Receiver.exe (also when running QCE portable)
- for help:
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- fix bug centering dialog boxes on top of the Editor window
- fix bug looping Find command when find is launched from a Saved command
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